wmWmm E Mfft W Sa M M Make no mistake about it . . . This is your call to duty . . . Canada's Freedom is Threatened - - You are needed now Your King and country need you! The call lo duty Canada's grQal mobi rin"in" clear and. men who love Canada and all this great; weapons of modern, mechanised warfare tanks, Dominion stands for, will need no further urging! r ';ipibured. vehicles., aiicl gijn ojt'-yry; .calibre: stands time for ACTION: for all-out effort! Our hiture, our. ' rmy to your hand. Join il NOW! Be ?t vital cog in this hpmes, , room our faith, our freedom, are al slake! Th luird h I0Ij for talkersvoj: j In the FIGIITJNG MAN, fc here! ACTIVE SERVICE bates OP PAY IN THE RANKS 11 SO oer Dav with Board. Lodeing. Clothing, Medical EXTRA: Rate varying frorn 25 to 75f per day tor (killed tradesmen while employed. DEPARTMENT Canada's niiieeds men for. Art ilfcry, Engirij (iirs, Taii)f$ :&vSupjty, Mcd$$l 0nc olljer branches s .fpriip,;s prepared to iqiich jjurfiteMVlo jiandie Canada's weaponsiofcjvar el jfi ci ni 1 1 v. r ?? you u Go td your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find onl about these liiiils; Jmw Ihey work, what they do. See just where you'll fit inV sec where any particular skill you possess can best be utilized. Then join up for ACTION! . , ' f Apply lo Nearest District Recrujtinc Office Or Any Local Armory OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA