a Weather Forecast prince Rupert district and Queen rhariotte Islands-Moderate south-,ast to south winds, cloudy and ni with showers except lor part Sy on the Queen Cfiarlottes. it oupn aown. i cummun aue K-IU LIl-l 111C llCU 41 HIT lldU i ...lii. il oi rnFirrs seni uui 10 sion ine uriTt lowara ine urn caniiai. lain iirrmin a i viin ufr ind not let him go any farther.' LONDON Ortober 11 There CIF MiUCi 1 UilCI CL11L 1CUU1 La v a! Tn I r i ' r t n t n n xn irrpv i mm men. t lu .u.i.j cn io nn MISSING Ten R.A.F. Machines Fail to turn From Attack on German Industiial Areas. ' LONDON, Oct. 11: 0 Ten bombers are missing as a result of an attack by the Royal Air Force last nieht on thp industrial Rhnr TODAY'S STOCKS (OourKwy 8. D. Johnston Co.) l:h thtv emanated, of the pro- . . , ,a"cuu"r rs ii iprr i r u ti ri v-j nuiiwi . rn r!Krv Dmq rf t ... . .I . . ITpdlpv Macro t iti i nnrpni n t t nniitTnnr r t -jt . . . . Pioneer ft ..-7 either by destrucUon or en- "ait" - :at Moscow claimed that. ""JU sh"P Crcek .: h? huqe Nazi attacking r- I0rct Wfr hrlnir Vent In rhclr wua :b Red Star. Soviet army J; k. i iii i Hum npn t n n r t n j. OU 4. Home 2.30 Toronto tim (03 miin, r nS-ni ucauie l.uo Central Patricia 1.60 It the neare nnin ati w Mar.-.e of reinforcements, ou""s i Ik . . . - ITnrrirnok 74 ' 'to nuge mechanized forces were .1 . am n rtllf An a urWn up to meet tne ad- . dill ID 17 Na ..-.It.. JUitykiC JJVliK tua w . rtvi f i oiin iii'uviiiiii J. iiii umnnn mint.... ...ii.uuu. w..w.-w military authorities 7rAAri .1 t i i, Madscn Red Lake 60 B McKenzie Red Lake 98 B Moneta 34 .MOSCOW frnm tu. ..i.ih I new surge towards Azov In " southwestern " Russia. They I tlared T u ol,ar ue" German troops naa pressed east-L.j .. invaders were stalled . om n. u ne a' "8 a diu '""v Nazi plan to enclrolp Mar.,wa,u T.mosheSSs armfe, on III ntral front lineS and intrai ector had collapsed At tightened rings around Red armies Pnp-i ueciarea, tnc at me csea 01 asuv, uwiwion. to after .v, yyasma. battle reinforcements Into the Both offlrlal ,! ... . . .... ,u UIloI"ciai re Port Cb rf. '. . Germans' hle entrii r virtually the fronts and northwestern id T that ast fifteen, men ie?ok?, Lman "lcers and Cd ln ket bat varlous ,ntense Bflansk I around Vyazma anrt Moscow and suthwest of In Lo"clon authoritative sources ENGLISH LEAGUE WINS LONDON An English Foot- i ball League eleven came from behind today to hammer out a j 3 2 decision over a Scottish ' League team in a challenge match at Blackpool. MORE YUGOSLAVS EXECUTED BUDAPEST The Belgrade . -4 i .1 i ll.nl U1.4.f t severa; i (uerayansKi ana ivianui a.ui.h, Communists had been executed "" me noriu snuie , at cUi,rija, Serbia. k... ?u d(,clared that the gains rocket of Russian resistance ex- President Is DPInn n .. . m m MOerma? mounralns isted west of those points. . J 0 peall $OOt i in neri n tn uerman uirh 'Arm.. of 0rel- however, the Command asserted yesterday that --"j newsnanpr t? IlnlrIA f " If V ill nnefn-nj i . . i ilmu utun in . mL Preston East Dome 3.15 . aw. in spue oi me iaci . . . ooc nn. n. ... ... -1111-1 1 1 L.I. uuiumi .w m uujwuvc oi me awn five th? rDulation aDDears little Perturbed There are full houses nnrnn Pr'trn in the hpatr. oacon rnce inmeni anri amiim.nf nr Is increasca Uhrrmfrari r ,f . . K stu uie xoes on mucn as . ... .. nieiii . .... iiiiMWt.iH'L ii. 1 ii la l; 19 kU KookVd t;war7rnen,a,yn Sh ' g be an Increase of 30C per hundred rhlcb I! VMlhidiy ," Pounds on the wholesale price of Lhe oacon. wim.n. m u-.i.j.--. "vaujuciiv uuuaings. fountains of Corpses 1 l -l i 1... Ik.i Via flflFmnno L my conceded yester- had captured Melltpol, Osslenkoj n i j . . , i AWARDED LIVING BONUS VICTORIA A cost-of-living bonus for Vancouver civic employees was recommended today by an arbitration board which heard the employees' application for such an award at Vancouver recently. BURIED YESTERDAY The funeral of Veine Jack, native infant from Telegraph Creek, was held yesterday morning from the Church of the Annunciation with Rev. Father XV. F. Lantagne officiating. The child had been brought to the city on the Princess Louise Tuesday afternoon and died the next morning. WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 11: President Franklin D. Roosevelt I V r Nazi Radio Station Taken By U. S. Navy on Coast of Greenland; Ship Captured WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 11: The navy announced today that a Nazi radio, station had been discovered and "disposed of" on the Greenland coast and also that a small Norwegian steamer en-route to establish a station in 'Greenland had been taken into custody. The navy said the radio station was manned by an agent of the German Gestapo and was seized last moruh. The spokesman said the expedition was sent to Greenland to establish a station to send weather reports and other military information to the Germans. RUSSIA TO BATTLE ON and Rhlneland. More than two Even If Moscvv Falls, Soviet Will hundred British bombers roared Continue Resistance to Ger-across the channel in waves over- many, Predicts Beaverbrook. night as the Royal Air Force re rushinr into incessant battle newed the offensive acalnst Oer- rnwn rw u. n,i, f.. also. "The danger ts great and many, xne raids were me lirst iinmv urhprp ho hpariPrt thp i u up 10 us 10 slop mm now i wan a wtx uue 10 uau Brltisn mission whlchi witn a slm v n i li hi ill . ilar Alnerican mission visited the 'Soviet capital to discuss means of further aiding the Soviet in Its war against Germany, Lord Beav-j erbrook expressed the 'opinion that, even if Moscow should .fall, .16 the Russians will fight on. The 1120 morale of th& Russian people- is 2.10 high and they are confident of .46 1.70 2.30 52 .10 .90 .20 A 1.26 eventual victory, Beaverbrook Bulletins INVASION IS URGED NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 194L PRESSURE ONJAPAN Nazis Are Urging Nippon to Take Action Against Russia. TOKYO, Oct. 11: The Nazis are applying pressure on Japan to take action to coincide with a possible Russian collapse. kohama. Air raid shelters are being installed in Tokyo's public parks. WILL BOMB ROTTERDAM Dutch Government in Exile Warns People There to Move From Near Military Objectives. LONDON, Oct. 11: The Dutch! government in exile warned the inn v r-i,-i., citizens of Rotterdam yesterday that city was next on the" Against Germany From West ' list for intensive bombing by the Royal Air Force now that the great eral Influential newspapers, clam- Bremen had been put out of ac or Is growing in London for an tlon. The loyal people of Rotter Invasion of the continent in or- dam have been warned to move der to deflect Nazi pressure from away from military objectives. Russia. . War office dlselosiirp that, flrpat Britain has organized a special Weather Forecast corps of shock troops, skilled in sea landings and guerilla warfare, was taken in some quarters today disturbance is passing over the 7uW.ujU.- roast and moderate to occasional ger raids on German-occupied soil. ly heavy ralns nave occurred. Details of the extensive corps west r van.t Td in me uuy ' uie jiuuse vwu uuwu i . portunity 1 to learn to swim prompt-1 r i will speak at a Navy League din- clded that the wnole staff ot a ner on Oct. 27. His address wlllfactory. should co.0perate ln sab-be broadcasted and Is expected to naP contain statements 01 imporiance, "secret committees decided vlce' urillsri vyoiumuia uus aecn in connection with the Interna- from day to day the exact rate at.eood times and bad times. Many tlonal situation. OPENING OF LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS in Metropole Hall TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. All Liberal Workers and Supporters Please Attend. Islature at the next session; One war ended and another has begun since "T. D." swam the Tlell River and Sitka spruce is again being cut for overseas ser which output could be slowed up. 01 '"e OIU ll iln some weeks production may bei1 ot the 'ounB oys m !cut down 'by 20 percent and the.are handling big business today, 'beauty of this form of sabotage ls The old frame Court House here jthat authorities cannot trace the j is forgotten In the palatial bulld-1 reason for the fall-off." Ing that now houses all provln- 1 clal government offices under one I INDIA'S LOYALTY roof. The site of the old frame ' India recruited 1,000,000 men for building was turned over to the 'active service ln the First Great federal authorities by Mr. Pattullo 1 War. 1 and on it stands a federal bulld- ! . Ing that would be a credit to any ; HINDUS MILLIONS city while the sorry-looking hole There are three times as many in the ground, of unhappy mem-, Hindus as Christians .within the .pry, on the opposite side of the iBriusn is oac w u? umpire. sireei., cvuuug yuv I 1 Tomorrow sT ides High .. 7:05 ajn. 15.9 ft. 18:55 pjn. 16.4 ft. Low 0:24 a.m. 7.2 ft. 12:34 p.m. 105 ft. " 1 . rr fQ .- vnL wa in wi m . i aamemno Un I In lie CI DUn A k VI Y xlcu - I I I liM I It t . f niiiii a v"! "... i inn ii i HOLDS ON '4. In IN BATTLE1 I V',? UMENTS Na. i Exst.nine and rhotoeraDh Cor. its of British Diplomatic Pou?fies to U.S. at Lisbon. Of Oerman Corpses" eral Bureau of Investigation agent testified yesterday that he had NAZIS REPULSED heard a confessed Oerman spy say uncrmv October 11: tnat contents of all British diplo- Cerman attacks in the Vyazma matlc Pouches bound for the U.3. were examined and photographed overnight tctor were repulsed ( ,nd the Invaders suffered heavy fay a Nazl a8ent at Lisbon. losses, the Soviet government de- dared today but the Red Army Df DUD C acknowledged that Us situation DJYlDJijJ jwu still critical on that vital Ifront, Both sides were, appar ently, pouring men into the J. thaie ten day old struggle in hihich the Russians said the German plan of encirclement (bad been balked and the of- imrira hiinr iincpnw i firii-nr iy Credit Dominion Government Takes Tighter Hold On Purses Of People and newsmen have reached y0-lSa,cs N'ot Only of Retail Stores Arc Affected But Also Operations of All Institutions Lending Money for Buying. OTTAWA, Oct. .11: (CP) The Dominion government took a tighter hold today on the pocketbooks of the people by ordering d.r a s t i c restrictions on instalment buying and borrowing m order to divert more production and a bigger share of the national income to the war effort. Restrictions, put into effect by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, take ef ll YYY T I fect Oct. 14. Not only sales of ! retail stores are affected but also II lAf lAf . . Rl rkl I. operations of all lending instltu- tlon as far as Instalment credit transactions are concerned. Most important regulations are: 1. Down payment on any goods HULL IS ATTACKED affected by the order other than BERLIN The northeast Eng- I private automobiles must be at LONDON, Oct. ll:-Led by sev- German ports of Hamburg and iish port 0f Hull was heavily j least one-third of the total cash attacked by German bombers ;Prlce and never less than $10 at last night, according to a state- the time of delivery. The balance ment in Berlin today. Large I must be paid In full within twelve fires, it was stated, were left months with minimum monthly burning. .payments of $5 each. 2. The minimum down payment R.A.F. HITS OUT on automobiles must be fifty per- LONDON Royal Air Force cent of the cash price. The bal-bombers attacked the Ruhr and jance must be paid in full within the Rhineland last .night. There.. itwelvajnonths-on.cars-costingless' were also raids on Rotterdam, ithan $500 and within eighteen Ostend, Dunkerque and Bor- months on cars costing less than neid exercises were disclosed at rr,wot t nMan.nn draux. Jlore than two hundred the moment when sections of the .u-- -1 i .hj nt4uu kka. in I The Dry Dock waterfront. They are more convenient today, thanks to Premier Pattullo. An ore-sampling plant and a new hospital are further lmprove- to be . built to link Prince Rupert with the Alaska Highway and that highway ls assured. The premier Is thebuslest man in British Columbia. nlng the business of the province of British Columbia, and running it better than lt -has eVer been run before but he ls still the same sturdy northerner who swam the Tlell River and brought back, the boat. that. public and press were demanding jtat T attacks. . " ct" troi ovef a, to know what Great Britain has variety of commodities including done or plans to do to relieve the German pressure: on Russia. NEW LEASE- LEND BILL1 $6,000,000,000 Measure Is Tassed by House of Representatives and Sent On to Senate. WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 11: The House of Representatives yesterday approved and sent on to the senate the new $6,000,000,000 DuffPattullo Has Instinct For Doing Right Thing; Has Done Much for Prince Rupert Covering the Queen Charlotte Islands in August,1 home appliances using electricity, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, refrigerators, washing machines, 'furniture, clothing, radios, jewel- ry, phonographs, bicycles, boats I and marine motors unless they I are to be used for commercial purposes or in the fishing Industry. 1916, his first campaign, T. D. Pattullo, now the Premieri CnvJ0f Will of British Columbia, with a group of friends, came to the JOVlcl if 111 Tlell River and found that the ferry boat was at the other side. While his friends were wondering what to do, "T.. D." shed his clothes in the bush, swam the river and brought the boat over. Shortly after his appointment as, lease-lend" supplementary bill. Minister of Lands in 1916 his be- ,nce in lleu of the new slte grant- The vote- was 328 to 67. Earlier I lief that all should have an op-jea Dy Mr- rauuo. Not Surrender Says Official I MOSCOW, Oct. 11: "The people of the Soviet Union Am n-111 nrtf loir ninn n ttv ct until A . jr rv 14 ma tiia UUbt 162 to 27 an , amendment which. ed him to deed the swimmine nool During tne iVil. last war a t few snips Vl , everv Na7. snidler on niir would have excluded Russia from1 across the harbor to the citizens were rePalred at the dry dock 1 js annihilated," S. A. Lozov- lease-lend" aid. Rhvthm Sabotage i . .I . ....1. i P I 101 wle MBtuJ young i unuucr jii uetting ropuiarim6 and lt ls stlu typlcal or hlm " , , , 'as Premier of British Columbia. ruL.r:... ,:. latest r ' i sitka spruce mical sabotage," of Prince Rupert. ioaay ten snips are oeing duhs. sy, official Soviet press Such prompt action In doing the! here witn more to How. Pre- spokesman, declared tonight. obviously right thing was typical mler Pattullo was in Ottawa, to1 employed by French worken , to 71. PdWt oluw uuv.. muu.UU4 tU4 u.c walt for legislative authority to man army, has swept through' : onen 8nrivatelv.heid snruce France like nre," according - - ;iotte to an official who has escaped to Islands fQr the cutUng. of alrplane . . unuiin. iunPUA immAir,tA "Sabotage has only Just begun 0rder-in-councll, hav- in France," he said In explaining the newest type of sabotage. "Separate acts were not good enough. They did little harm so lt was de Ing the order ratified by the leg aia Air. nanson in pressing rrince ttt-tttttttt RuDert's claims for the bulldlnel of these ships. Windsors Arc Present day fishermen have probably forgotten, the old condl-1 tlons on the In Baltimore CHICAGO. Oct. 11: On their way back to the Bahamas after their visit to E. P. Ranch ln Alberta, the Duke and Duchess of ITfl cry n nr firi -vi t Vi a 1 ft O 1 ments to development and to the platform of their private car here care of public health which have iast night. They were due to ar-been provided. 'rive in Baltimore at noon today. Great new developments in Yu-. kon and Alaska are afoot which) S(einhardt To will Uliug mcicaauig uujuuoo m Prince Rupert. Not so many miles of road remain 'Stay in Moscow MOSCOW, Oct. 11: United States Ambassador Lawrence A. Steinhardt has postponed a trip back to the United States which He is run- he had planned. NO PAPER MONDAY Monday, being Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday, The Dally News will, not be published. The next regular. Issue will be Tuesday afternoon. Queen's Air Raid Fund Today the sum of $20 ls being forwarded for the Queen's Canadian Air Raid Fund, this being made up of dorullona as follows: W. R. McAfee $T?.- The Book Club $5. i v