WIFTEST UREST AFEST 1 OLS> TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT’ AND ‘“‘PRINCE GEORGE” For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 8 a.m, “PRINCE JOHN” to Port Simpson, Naas, Stewart, Granby Bay and Queen e e€ weekly rvit Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT” lar sailings for Skeena River Canneries, and all way points betwee negular sailing Prince Rupert and Vancouver 72 ee eave Prince Rupert and Vanarsdol (100 miles), Mondays, Wednes- days and Saturdays 1 p. m, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (The Double Track Route) chicago and all points East, connecting with ail roads from the Let us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer It Atlantic Steamship Lines. For all information apply to A. E. McMASTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre Street Rett Pa Agency for @ ast Good Buys in All Sections We have 900 acres at Bateman’s Land ing which we will subdivide into 5 and | 10 acre tracts to suit purchaser The | best land in the Lakelse Valley. Price | from 830 to $50 per acre, on very easy terms, 775 acres at $30 per acre, The timber on this will more than pay for the land. | Soil is all river bottom and the best fruit land in British Columbia, See Us About This SECTION 1. Lots 21-22, Block 35, $15,000.00. 1-3 cash Double corner on lane. —_ Lot 29, Block 16, $3,150. Snap. Lot 1, Block 30; good house, Biggar place; ——— SAMUEL HARRISON NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Vv. F. G. GAMBLE | 25,000, Lot 4, Block 28, 11th St., $2,625. $1,125 cash, SECTION 2. Lots 47-48, Block 1, $2,500 pair. 45 other lots in this seetion. SECTION 65. Sixth Ave., lots 41-42, double frontage A real snap. $5,000; good terms. Lot 9, Block 30, $450 $210 cash; 6 and 12 months, Lots 5-6, Block 31, 81,200. and 12 months. 1-2 cash; 6 }80 feet frontage Borden and Taylor, $5,500. Easy terms, Prince Rupert i and o Stewart Lot 2,. Block 21, 8-room house, $2,000; SECTION 6. Some snaps on 7th and 8th aves greet meer sre a ee ee ee ee ee ee ai ren thie | ee Two lots in Block 22, 6th ave., $750 ~~ +oe ~~ each, Easy terms. |A double corner on 6th ave., §2,100. | LY Te BROS erchandise ‘ i "Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. { Seed 3 TT? { l = — Gone { a i~ ~~ er meh ep he | #1,100 cash. Lot 11, Block 34, 7th ave., $650. Lot 13; new house; Block 2, Ambrose ave., $3,000; terms. A good investment. 3 fine lots in Block 6, $1,900. SECTION 8. Lots 9-10, Block 31, $850. $25 per month. Lots 40-41, Block 27, 8900. Lot 48, Block 30, $365 cash. Lot 35, Block 4, $500. 8100 cash, 825 per month. Bainter & Sloan 2ND AVE. $150 cash, 1-2 cash, | PHONE 387 SONS OF NORWAY Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical Apparatus of every description Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 | | Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 ip. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- wegians are welcome. rvs reer “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager Ihe Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excelient Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. PLAS AS ™ =e" avoy Hotel Cor.fFraser and 5th. | RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT Choice Wines and Cigars Dominion - Baths ‘The Most Modern Barber Shop of Prince Rupert | | SECOND AVE. WASHINGTON BLK. SMITH & MALLETT P. O. BOX 67 PHONE 125 Estimates given on all kinds of electrical work. Electrical Fixtures & Glassware PARKIN & WARD Electric Company Limited AGENTS FOR Regal Marine En- gine, noted for reliability. Bullt n sizes from 3 hp, to 456 hp. . Perfection Marine Motor, equipped with Perfection water proof ig- | nition. Electrical Contractors eee No Batteries No Coil -- No Timer Needed Write for catalogue and prices. Naden Block 2nd Ave. We carry a stock of Marine Engines on Sizes from 2 to 30 hip. . hand. —~~ SS ENGR ENDED DSR EEE # Every Resident of ¢ British Columbia 2° i ‘lay use our Mail Order Service ( i 3 ie ‘0 great advantage to themsel- Henry Birks & Sons THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 3rd Ave. Phone 174 Workshop 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts ) Now OPEN PRINCE RUPERT CAFE SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH ST. | FIRST GLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES Williams & Vidak - Props New Knox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is run on the European plan, First-class service. All the Latest Modern Improvements, siete BEDS 50ce UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER! Real Estate Offerings: Lot on Second Avenue, Section 1, $2,500. Lot on Beach Place, $1,900, Modern house and lot on Fraser Block 82, $5,500. Lot on Second Avenue, Section 2, $1,500 Two lots on Sixth Avenue, Section $2,250 each, Easy terms. Two lots on Summit Avenue, $530 each, House and lot on Seventh Street, 34 $1,800, Easy terms. o} se Our illustrated catalogue —Limited— : < Double comer on Seventh Avenue, Section o . ch will be sent to you upon Jewellers and Silversmiths Lot 9, Bloc 19, Section 6, $2,700, Easy 3 'equest pepresents thoroughly Geo. E. Trorey Loe 8, B1OK: $y SOCHOn 0:8 1,806." 6716 5 OUR high grade stocks. The Managing Director rvs, tote. oP Bishsh: Avene, Section 6, ® ‘Nalch section of our catalogue Vancouver -- B.C. tote 's'and 3, Lick WO Becht, $1,800 essesceseeeeesses: ° ‘ : : 3 : particularly interesting to ‘hose who desire a watch that is . . ‘ G 'ellable and guaranted. Our > o Meld Glass news is just now i} very interesting. Write us at ge Once, ine Bg Rea eee paer m stzen pair, Easy terms, FOR . Furnished house in Section 1, $50 per month, Furnished house per month, Four-room ‘house $25 per month, on Borden Street, $60 with bath, Section 6, ACE. We are sole agents in Prince Rupert for Terrace townsite lots, Ten acre tracts adjoining easy terms. Terrace on 7ARDUEDSEHHE EDR DS SRR RESRESRERND ED PESED ERESEE HED ESSE: Find It Through a News Want Ad. McCaffery & Gibbons Third Avenue Insurance THE DAILY NEWS. TACOMA BALL CLUB MAY DIE Bad Weather and Lack of Interest in Team May Cause President to Ring Down Curtain This Week. Tacoma, May 16. Tacoma’s baseball club is broke, Totday is pay day and there is not enough money to half pay the players. The life of the club is in great danger ,and unless Tacoma fans and citizens come to the rescue today President A. EB. Rothermel says he will have to ring down the curtain. Rothermel started the on a shoe string. Bad weather produced a. deficiency in the finances which the merchants and stock holders had not made up. Today Rotherme! threw 3,000 booster tickets on the market, at $1 each, good for one grand stand admission, in a hurried ef- fort to meet the payroll, season The Rush of Grain. Stored in boats, elevators and cars at Fort William and Port Arthur, something like forty mil- lion dollars’ worth of western grain has been awaiting the open- ing of of navigation at the head of the Great Lakes. Behind it in the interior, elevators of the grain growing provinces and in farmers’ hands are at least twen- ty million bushels of wheat alone that during the next four months must come down the lakes or over the single ©, P. R. track that is at present the sole con- necting railway line between Eastern and Western Canada. The task is a colossal one. The results will be colossal also. There are not less than sixty million dollars invested in the grain at the head of the lakes and at interior points that will be released as the wheat reaches the purchaser. Much of that money this year will not be ayai!- able for general mercontile or financial purposes. Most of it will have to be returned to the west before long to finance the purchase and transportation of that is already in the The general effect, how- ever, of turning Canada’s wheat into money must be good for business all round, even if it does not increase the capital avail- able for eastern trade expansion. The great blockade of 1914-12 is broken. ts writ large. The railways must strain every nerve to put themselves in a position to ship grain from the west by rail steadily all the year round to the Atlantic seaboard, and to the Pacific also when the Panama Canal is opened. the crop ground, lesson Is Hot weather enjoyment! ice cream at Keeley’s. tf .Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 175 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor; §.S. Inlander —for— HAZELTON, TELKWA, ALDER- MERE and all interior points, For rates and information apply Rochester & Monroe <= Second Avenue Agents We Offer For Sale.. Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 6, Section 1. Price $3,000 each. One-half cash, balance 6 12 and 18 months. Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, Section 5. Price $2,100. One-half cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months Lot 4, Block 25, Section 5, with 5-room house worth $900, renting for §20 per month, Price $1,775. Terms, $1,275 cash, balance $25 per month, Lots 15 and 16, Block 5, Section 6. Price $4,200 One-half cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Section 6. Price $3,500 $1,200 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, Lot 18, Block 2, Section 7. Price $900, $450 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, Lots 33 and 84, Block 16, Section 7. Price $1,600 One-half cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7, Price $750, 400 cash, balance 4 and 8 months, Avenue for) | Lot 19, Block 23, Section 7, Price $450 Equity out Lots { and 2, Block 81, Section 7. Price 275, $575 cash, balance 6 and 12 months Continental Trust Co., Ltd. Second Avenue Real Estate Insurance Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 1 MIGHT STATE 1 have a few snaps for Sale Lot 30, bik. 5, see. 1, Beach place $2000; half cash; terms. Lots 17-18, bik. 39, sec. 5, 9th Ave.; $1500; 1-3 cash; terms. Lots 12°13, blk, 410, sec, 5, 6th Ave., $5000; % eash; terms, H. DOUGLAS _ P.O. _Box 606 SO A oo Great Chance For a Little Cash level. Double Your Mone in a Mon TEN ACRES IN TERRACE FOR - SALE - IN - LOTS If you have a little money to invest, this is your opportunity :—The pro- perty is 400 feet from the depot, and 700 feet from the hotel. are 33 feet x 100 feet, cleared, and Prices are low and easy terms will be arranged. take the Empire Day Excursion to the rising town of Terrace look into this proposition for yourself. be pleased to show you the location. The lots When you I shall FRANK R. ANGERS Agent Terrace, B.C. fell fed eye) Teele) eae) ae waeaez ee) 2] eee eel! a fe oie yee eee HOPE PPP RPE PPE PEPEPPPPPee rere rrPeeeisiee Service Must Speak ASTORE is almost human. It is full of temperament. It affects each customer with the composite personality of its man- agement and staff. There are stores and stores. There are “grouchy” stores and “smiling” stores. | here are flip- pant stores and dignified stores. And the peculiar thing about each is that the goods or the prices have little to do with the store's temperament. It is the personality of the store that colors and defines the character of the goods from the custom- er's view-point and wins or re- pels approval. The temperament or person- ality of a store is vividly ex- pressed in its face. The face of a store is its advertising. You can judge a store by its adver- tising the same as you can judge a man by his facial expression. Stores that honestly try to serve their customers best sim- ply can’t help advertising. It is the way of human nature that when we have spent the best of our brain power and physical and financial resources in build ing up something worth while, our enthusiasm bursts forth into publicity. We simply cannot restrain the desire to tell others about it. In the long run, service is what you pay = always. The oods, as goods alone, are inci- cata Service implies quality fair prices, safe treatment, an honesty in every detail of every transaction. . . 6c ° 99 The service store is the ‘‘serving’ store. It is also the honest-advertising store. By this, you may know it always—anywhere. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or through the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your pari—so write, if interested. ele! Trai ite 7 Ne) eee! TUPPER : t 7 \ # Pr ie t 3 4 i