PAQB TWO dcRM.tchr DAILY EDITION War of Surprises This advertisement Is not published' or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published. Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News,. Limited,. Third-Avenue II. F. PTJLLEN Managing-Editor All-rights ot republication of special deaoatohes therein are also reserved Thursday, June 19, 1941. It is a war of nerves. It is also a war of surprises. Today does not know what the-morrow may bring. The unforeseen is always bobbing up. Nothing seems impossible any more. We have been suspicious about Turkey for some time. However; we have been hopeful through a welter of in trigue and propaganda. About all we know about it now is. that Turkey seems to be trying to play both' sides. But that is only temporary. Turkey cannot be' friendly with both sides. If she co-operates with Germany she is no latest Nazi-Communist antics to change that view. Stalin may become Hitler's-vassal like Mussolini and the others, but never our good friend. dettoou nesc hov- extra ,dle of 6:, n malt, au- - xf,.C.n..S'", ..ti. W?n to t-: v Of Cubs ...Un P. W'""" Cubs. rfspandtr Cubs are le. some r : ras.itsbran. ay-cerrn. breakfast to :,rvetbem - vvViole iheat G0 IN ENGLAND i THESE DAYS 1 ' Letter Illustrates What They Have' To. Put Up With Now The following letter, received by ; a local lady, shows what they have: to put up with In England these days while Canadians are only asked to invest savings in threaj percent Victory Bonds: "So much time seems to be spent in shopping- and; IT you do. nut go jeach morning, you. miss whatever 'happens to1 be going, but it does 'take up. so much' time; For In stance; yesterday morning- E was ever so busy and; Just after U, my neighbor called me and told' me' the butcher had1 got a few sausages and. if I wanted any, V had better hurry along; She would; have brought them but the butcher wanted me to choose my joint This week we are allowed a' shHl MEMBER OF THE IIANAMAI PRESS i.Q ,unrtu f oonVi c T Tht Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to use Tor reputt Nation of all nw xhtt credited credited to to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the chose half a leg of mutton which ,uiu came to 3 and Id. That was put away for me for tomorrow and' I-was allowed one-half pound, of sausages which I brought home. This morning I had to go around to the dairy to see If I could get' any eggs. I managed to get three. I shall not get any more until next Friday. "We are now rationed for. Jam, marmalade and treacle 8: ounces per person per month and also for cheese, one ounce per person per week. I expect biscuits will be the Inext thing. They are very difficult to get, especially, sweet ones. Lemons and oranges and onions I haven't seen for months Dates are very scarce, raisins I haven't seen for a long time. All dried fruits tare scarce, so Is suet and golden longer our' friend; There is little use in consoling our- Syrup, condensed milk is hard to selves that it might have' been worse, n turkey concedes get, so is honey, i am not allowed only a little bit to Hitler now, she will soon be his slave, 'Jam one account of the sugar, i unwilling, or otherwise.. ,havTe'f acidity ln' mv sem . . ,. , . Iso I have to have honey and now n Kussia is still enigmatic. m, There are various stories, ' i have to go to Tottenham for that. Many of them' are pure' propaganda,, designed to divert lit is Australian. The owner of the attention, develop uncertainty, bring about unguarded-shoP buBht a quantity of this ness,. We may still be sure that Moscow, like Berlin, is let-honey' TV1 ? ln v XT jf 3 ting the world.know only, what it wants the world to know. ScJSJS put two oMhX- rossibly,. we WOUld be Wise not to take too much Stock in! away, r expect there will be a Russia. Nothing'gOOd for US can Come OUt of Russia,' we 'demand for It. NbW that Jam. arft' Still' convinced! ete-ls rationed, there is not enough A week ago or less we said' this war .would have to be of!L .,, ... won hv fW Rrifain. with rhP assist. nfl,pv W' Yes' s getting-soarce' and III "j. V n! . h ine Quality oi tne writing paper n- i tt i mi L, allies and the United States. There is nothing in these lis not so rood. We now have one-quarter pound of butter eacH weeki instead of two ounces but only one-quarter ounce of margarine, Instead' of a half r,sOj what we gained on the round-'a-bouts, we lost on the swings. Sweets are not very plentiful; especially milk chocolates and the" (are just1 double the price. Apples are 9 pen:e and: one shilling' a (pound. Haven't seen, a banana for months. Still as long: ae we beat the Germans and win this war, that Is all that matters. "A fortnight ago we' had: a. bad raid but fortunately no- bombs were dropped near these houses, I think the nearest were about ten mlnute's walk from here. Since I then we have had quiet' nights ex cept lor last night, we had' a warn-Jng during the evening but, befor? we went to bed, the "All. Clear" (soundedi We had another warning l alter we got into bed, An- enemy .plane or two came1 over, our guns ; harked for a time but soon after il o'clock the "All Clear" sounded, I we did nob hear If as we were fast asleep. "Mrs. Weeks hadi been, very ill but is. getting- better, in. spite of being nearly 85. They had not suffered from air raids,, except once some time' ago. when. an incendiary bomb dropped down their chimney. It burnt several things." Eucharistic 'Conference Rishops From Vancouver, Nelson And Calgary To Attend Minnesota Gathering VANCOUVER, June 19: Archbishop William Duke of Vancouver, Bishop Martin -Johnson of Nel- ison and Bishop Francis- Carroll of ' rl. 1 . . uaigary are leaving ior at. Paul and, Minneapolis to attend a Eucharistic Conference of the Roman Catholic Church. ANCIENT GADGET. Many of the early Buddhist temples- ln China had revolving , bookcases. Hitler knows one language only the language of FORCE And force will end his mad ambition to enslave the world. Your dollars I LOANED. r . ... FKM nATT.T NlWfl WORTHLESS I'KAKLS ' The pearls found in the edible clams and oysters of the United States are usually worthless. WARTIMIi FREIGHT More new freight cars are on or der now In J,he United States than at any time In the past 16 years. than 50 percent since the war be gan. 4 " FOR SALfc FOR SALE-; Refrigerator, piano, radio, sewing. machine and bed: ' Phone Blue S30. f 145) FOR SALE 28-foot trolling boat, model A Ford engine. Price $300. Apply Box 107, Daily New3. '143) FOR SALE 10 cameras, lot of tools, 1 wing pump, wash basins, 1 laundry tub, beds, springs and mattresses, chesterfields, at low prices. Phone Black 324; B. C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE Household furniture. Phone Green 185' days, Red 921 evenings. 133 7th Avenue East. (148) WANTED WANTED Housekeeper Immediately. Box 108;, Dally News. (145) WANTED Bright' efficient girl. Apply Hellbroner's. (145) WANTED A girl, for general housework. Must be able to cook, No children. Apply Box 109 Daily News. (147) THE Shirley Dorcas Society would appresiate cast-off clothes and shoes for re-distrlbution to Rupert's needy. Kindly leave at Mc-Rae Bros, or write to Shirley Dorcas Society, Shirley, B. C. WANTED Housekeeper. Phone Black 85, evenings. (tf) SCHOOLS & COLLEGES IN response- to so many requests for a September class, Mrs. Hill wishes to announce that her classes in shorthand, typing and high speed typing, will commence 1 instead of July 1 as previously announced. Phone Red 923i J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Kldg. We need your co-operation to elve you, better service. Please put out-our milk' bottles daily as we1 need: them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 ppnni irT op wnr:iATED BREWERIES OF CANADA LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, MY GLASS, BAH JOVK1 The sale of mono:les In the United States has Increased more New Heraldry In War Badges Present-Day Soldiers Carry Them on Their Shoulders Instead of Shields LONDON, June 19: (CP i Modern war has its heraldry just as had the war of King Arthur's knight?, but now the heraldic blaz-tons are carried on the shoulders of ; the fighting men instead of on 'their shields. I An observer tells of attending a troop broadcast. "There were men j on leave from- all regiment.', units and countries of the British Commonwealth, gathered- Impromptu from the Y.M.C.A. and other clubs for servicemen. 1 "Every man present bore on his shoulder a different, mystical badge ' that had apparently no-relation to this regiment, such as the Royal Ar- tlllery, the Toronto Scottish, and (the like." 1 One soldier bore on either should-jer a red witch riding her broomstick across a cloudy sky. On thp shoulders of another was a sign Jwhicht in the language or the old ; heraldry, would probably have been described as a red fish on a field of aztiro, nr a red pnrnolse gallivanting nn a blue and white spa, A Man who won't Lend Is Friend! FOOTBALL tonight c: p.m. indfpkndi:nts v DItV DOCK 1 : NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" ' Rates 75c upp ' 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water i Prince Rupert, B.C. I Phone 281 P.O. Dox 19C savoy HOTEL Carl Zarellij Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box' 541' FRASER STREET Prince Rupert "Help Finish the Job" BUY VICTORY BONDS Remember the campaign closes. Saturday- the mti Deal at VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 West 3rd Ave. Phone Red 120 P.O. Box 757 MUSIC WITH NAZIS LONDCW, June 19: (CP)- "She shall have music"' even with recurrent Nazi raiding, momblng and flies, military bands are playing in London's parks Sundays and dally lunch-times. ONK WAR TO ANOTHER r LONDON, June 19' iCP Unpacking same war ma- rub here the other day. a Brit ill soldier found1 a letter to "lontly tidier' written 24 yearn ago by a Los An. geles woman. He answered tt as a "lucky shot." RUNNE and To suit every need and style front Infants' to Men's and Ladies' in i Composition or crepe soles. Cam-pacs are in a' class by themselves. Agents for Penman's Hosiery Jack & Jill Shoes Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good' Shoes SEW WW SINGER Save & Serve With a Modern SEWING MACHINE From- i - If you lose anything, advertise for it.