1 PAG2 70U3 9 '-uu DAILY UJJU3 THIS SUMMER LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be Comfortable PHONE G51 IN SMART SPORTSWEAR Sport Jackets Three-button models In fancy shades of green, grey, blue-, brown. All slees $13.00 TO $15.50 Trousers Choose frrom our large assortment of fancy gabardines, tweeds, worsteds and wool cords. New shades Latest styles $4.50 TO 8-75 W atts & Nickerson Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd, Open Until 10 pjn. Saturdays MARRIED ATATLIN Mrs. Paul Egbert And W, W-Wright, Formerly Of This City, Recently United Word has been received In the city of the recent marriage at At-lih of Mrs. Paul Eggert and W. W. Wright. An early resident of Prince Rupert and former pastor of First Baptist Church, Mr. Wright for some years has been in business at Atlin. Congratulations and. best wishes of many local friends will be ex tended. PHONE 179 ALL IN- VEGETABLES LONDON, June 19: (CP) There's nothing in bananas or oranges that cannot be obtained in vegetables if one eats enough of them, said Lord Horder, the King's physician, opening a food education week at Colwyn Bay. AUSTRALIA'S PICK SYDNEY, N.S.W., June 19: (CP) Chosen as typical of "Sydney's Flaming Youth," Doreen Roads has "long coppered, hair, brown eyes, turned-up nose, is 5 feet 4 inches, weighs 108 pounds, bust 33, waist 2T and hips, 35 inches." ' AGE OLD PROCESS ' Basically, the process for making paper is the same as developed centuries ago. PHONE 179 Thrift Cash and Carry SPECIALS WE APPRECIATE YOUR PHONE CALLS Blue Ribbon Coffee Drip or regular grind. IQo Lb. tin "U Chocolate Puffs 9Af Fresh stock. Per lb. Shoestring Potatoes nCn Nally's. 2 tins Oranges Family size. Sweet and juicy. dP 2 dozen Chili Sauce Aylmer. 3 Qo 10-oz. bottle M-Ok, Apples Yellow New- 9Cp tons, fancy. 6 lbs. Old Spuds Firm, splendid cookers. 9Cr 14 lbs Hot House Tomatoes-No. 1. 2 lbs 25c Lettuce Large firm 4 Cp heads. 2 for XOK, Fine Canadian Cheese OAp Mild. Per lb. m". Corn Flakes Sugar- -fl JTp 'Krisp. 2 pkgs. XtJl Tuna Fish Solid white meat. 7-oz. tins. QC! 2 for Canned Fruit Special 1 Tin Peaches, 18-oz. 1 Tin Pears 1 Tin Plums QQp I All for OP Canned Vegetable Special 1 Tin Corn White. 1 Tin Peas Selve 4. 1 Tin Green Beans OCJp Better Buy. All for York Sausage 14-oz..Per tin ... Bulk Macaroni Per lb 23c Dog Food Best Yet. Qp Tin Peanut Butter Mai-kin's Best. 48 -oz. tm -f 25-oz. tin SC Milk Cherub. 3 tins 25c 5c Chipso Deal 1 pkg. Chipso, regular size, 9Qs 1 glass pitcher We Carry a Good Assortment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Lowest Prices. Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from, the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 652. j I Don't forget Presbyterian Tea Concert at the Lutheran Church, Mrs. J. R: Mitchell's-tomorrow. 'June 20 at 8 o'clock. All welcome. Wnrhnnco, fni rent- RontiH Avn I Tnnlcrht.'e train Ht)J frnm thf oust close In, apply Thompson Hard- , at 11 o'clock, was reported this wiue. uui inurinng wj oe on ume. If people In the United States Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, has can help us in the- war, why not arrived In Smlthers from Ottawa you? Buy Victory Bonds now. .and is due in the city soon CITY OF PRINCE" RUPERT We pay cash for mechanics tools, All dogs In the city must have musical instruments, furniture, etc., 1941 Licence Tags; These- can be etc. Ello's, Moose Building, Third had at the- City Hall" or from the Avenue. (tf). Pound Keeper. Penalties will be ' imposed. on and after July 1, 1941.' Charles Graham, Inspector of JOHN UNWIN, .mines, left on last night's train for City Pound Keeper. Telkwa on official duties. Oliver Jones is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert on his return' to I Vancouver. H. M. D: Lambe returned to the city at the- first of the- week from a trip to Winnipeg and other western Canadian cities on Canadian Fish & Cold' Storage Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Lane and child have left for Kamloops where they will take up future residence, Mr. Lane having been transferred there in the service of the Canadian National Railways. Mrs. C. H. Hanklnson left on last night's train for Winnipeg where she will be joined by Dr. Hankln son who is leaving tomorrow. They will attend the annual convention of the Canadian Medical Associ ation. Squadron Leader W: Scandrett of . AWJUA ViUiUUtUll i'uitc ill rived on the Prince Rupert vester-1 day morning from Vancouver, be- here on recruiting duties. He was at the City Hall yesterday and is there again this afternoon and .evening. He will be remaining ini WHI UUhil WUVUl CkUU Will Uf available- Friday and Saturday at Seal Cove- air base. Preliminary training requirements for admission tb Air Force enllstement are being reduced, Squadron Leader Scandrett says. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Bralorne, 9.85. Cariboo. Quartz, 2.05. Dentonlo, .01. Fairview,. .01 A. Gold Belt, .20. Hedley Mascot, .50. Minto, .014. Noble Five. .01 A. Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille. 1.45. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, .88. Privateer, .49. Reeves MacDonald, .18 Reno, .10. Relief Arlington, .012. Sheep Creek, .80. Oils-A. P. Con.,. .06. Calmont, .15. C. & E.. 1.05. Home, 1.75. Pacalta, .02. Royal Canadian, .00. Okalta, .50A. " Mercury, .03 j Toronto , ' j Aldermac, .08. Beattie, 1.06. Central Pat., 1.66. Con. Smelters, 34.00. East Malartic, 2.32. Fernland, .01. Francoeur, .35. Gods Lake, .30. Hardrock, .69. Int. Nickel, 37.50. Kerr Addison, 4.15. Little Long Lac, 1.71. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.60. Madsen Red Lake, .58. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.00. Moneta, .32. Noranda, 51.y8. Pickle Crow, 2.55. Preston East Dome. 2.35. San Antonio. 2.26. Sherrltt Gordon, .65. Uchi, .08i2. Bouscadlllac, .02A. - V Mosher, .052. Oklend, .03 Vi. Smelters. Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 21.90. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert N. T. Carson. Vancouver: Mrs L. Pederson and Miss D. Peterson, Oceanic Cannery; F. a. Pratt, Drumheller; J. Q. Leflnski, city, Royal J Thompson. Cedarvale: n. Davis Mr and Mrs. F White, city. E. J. Atkinson was fined $20 in city police court for exchanging clothes with a soldier, i . k C. M. Drage of the Bank of Commerce staff left on last night's train for Kamloops and Vancouver on vacation. Michael Mintenko was yesterday fined $25 or 30 days Imprisonment for contributing to juvenile delinquency. He is serving the time. I DECORATION DAY: Members of the Canadian Legion will meet at I the Legion clubroom Sunday, June ,22nd at 2:45 p.m. 'to participate in 'the Decoration Day service to be held by the Queen Mary Chapter. I. O. D. E. LEST WE FORGET. ' (145) m less than 1 I 1 i average I baking I y ... CANADA TERRACE The village commissioners are making further improvements In the village. A sidewalk is being constructed on Park Avenue fac ing the ball park and an extension is being made to the water svstem which will reach the plant of the .Terrace Electric Service besides ad ditional private consumers. C. F. McLean of Smlthers was a visitor to Terrace on Friday on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Frank have returned home after enjoying a vacation in Victoria and, southern points. Mrs. George Little entertained a number of friends on Saturday In honor of Mrs. Cy Arnett before she left for the south after a visit here. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Canadian Leg. ion, June 19. Presbyterlah Tea. Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, June 20. Boy Scout Tea, Mrs. J, Clark, June 21, ' . . Anglican' Tea, Mrs. Evltt's June 26 Strawberry Tea, Lutheran Circle. June 28. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass, June 28 C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First. Dominion Day Celebration and Danc at Fort Esslngton, July 5. Rebekah Canteen Fund Tea Mrs. J. E. Boddie. July 10th, Navy Tea, October 18. Fairview Cemetery Many friends eathered at the J chapel of the B. C. Undertakers, '.yesterday afternoon in expression lot sympathy for Mr. and Mrs. George Copeland as the funeral (took place of their little daughter, Jean, who had passed away at the (first of the week. Rev. W. J. Frie- n, pastor oi me rnnce Kupert 1 Gospel Tabernacle, officiated and Mrs. H. J. Friesen presided at the, organ to accompany the hymns I wnicn were "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and "Abide With Me." With Intprmpnt hHn nlnna n Fairview Cemetery after the funer- j al service, pallbearers were John E. Davey, H. A. Breen. George Dawes and E. C. Southby. I There we're many floral offerings. FUNERAL NOTICE Members of Tyee Lodtre No. 66.' A.F. & A.M. please attend the fun-J eral of our late Worshipful Brother I jonn s. Nelson, Saturday, June 21st. , Meet at the Masonic Temple at 2:00 p.m. Service at the B.C. Under-! taking Parlors at 2:30 p.m. Bring Regalia. Members Vf Tsimnsean Lodge and all sojourning Brethcm are asked to be present. A "SPOt" COSIS VJU onTv half a dollar. Try It in the Dally News (at . ciassinea column. (tf) ' NOTICE Decoration Day Sunday. l.O. D.E. members please attend. Citizens with cars to loan be at Legion 2:45. Parade at 3 o'clock. Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 f I Ladies' Hospital l Auxiliary Meets Drawings For War Savings Certificates Last Night The last monthly mzeting for this season of the Women's Auxiliary of Prince Rupert Hospital was held in the board room Tuesday evening. There was a good attendance of members and Mrs. F. S. Walton, president was in the chair. Tickets were drawn for the raffle for war certificates. The winning tickets were: first, No. 122, M. Storseth. Second No. 267, W. Davis. Little Jeannie Copeland Buried Many Friends Attend Funeral Rites From B. C. Undertakers To 3J No wondtr Mary', mnt mach(t the summer morning-sh u tu, mg a lusciouj breakfast ol t0 Nabisco Shredded VCheat anj milk, topped ith frevh ra berries! And she n gtitin f(Xft whole u btat, with in valuable when germ, in a form thatii tat. ily digested and quiikly coo ible into energy for work or At. vnup f.w-bl .. A.ariiii wrruucu wneat THt CANADIAN SHU00ID WMlit COM ANY, ITO, Nigf Mt, cl IMiiaiarlilMWiMiflMilH.'l'.'I'lJ.n Third, No. 310, Al Berner On behalf Of the anrlllanr Walton expressed her gratihiel me support given the aualiar? last season In spite oi the rj other urgent calls on the p-J .purse. Miss Margaret Jamien I was asked to give suggestion i ! further needs for the hc-pita) i ' gave some valuable informailbal ! It was decided to wait the w ! of the Annual Tag Day b?:or tr.fl ,lng further purchases , Plans were made roi the r.t season's actlviuw and '.ne med 'adjourned until Septembf! nxJ i i If you want somrtning, adva ' tlse for It. Hundreds of people what they want that way la APRICOTS One of the popular items on hundreds of grocery lists etery week. RgVALClTY Apricots are supreme in appearance, flavor and economy. 1 Buckerfield's POULTRY & DAIRY FEEDS Arc Now Obtainable at Kcasonablc Prices From SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. Prince Rupert K.C., Phone 26 and 27 RAILWAY I I LINES Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Transatlantic Transpacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls-and Way Ports S.S. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT June 11th, 14th, 21st, 28th, July 5th, 12th, 16th, 19th To Ketchikan, Wrangell,, Juneau and Skagway June 6th, 9th 16th, 23rd, 30th, July 7th, 11, 14th Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service' Tickets and Reservations from W. E. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert,