June 19, 1941. PAGE THRE1 ly Conn Was Winner, Then Lost prrington And jss Berner m nnis Victory ;:oji and Miss Bcat-m the mixed doubles icuted Mill Vance In vtl SIIIKEHEEVE! idian of the country's side. RE WHITE -r . CIGARETTE PAPERS 1 COMPOSITES I KEEP LEAD Are Still On Top In City Football League As Result Of Victory Over Kocky Mountain Hangers jitnernuwi Composite Services retained their , ...st night when they ieader5hlp of the Clty Football. j Borland and Mrs ". League standing Tuesday night by nsse.y tumioiiu defeaUng Rocky Mountain Rangers a score of 3-0, 6-3, by a score of two to nothing in a well contested and interesting i a game which was refereed by Walter Ferguson. I Last Saturday Dry Dock won' over Composite Services by a score sheriff" comes from of 7 to l in a postponed Itle "shlrereeve, ' which was refereed by Sid Wood W D L F A Composites 3 0 1 12 9 Dry Dock 2 1 0 13 3 Independents 1 0 2 5 11 R. M. R.'s 0 13 2 9 Reach ten uiousano people with a "want ad." In the Dally News. Fume CRYSTALS II lb. Tin 50c M oth Proof BAGS Price 50c Ormes Ltd. I l'll..'.r. XI . r Krixll M.M. O ),!, IMIh (I...M ni till IU p Mi ISJA .lll'l 'ion. 12 ll) 2 I'"' 7 to .m si :: r ijkdkoo.m sum SiO.9.00 ' l' i hoired Bench. Full Size Bed. Chiffonier. Cable Spring. Inner Spring Mattress hi.' i'n;ci: iiinkttk SUITE- Buffet. Extension r. 4 Unholstcrcd chairs. Special 869.50 Elio's Furniture Store Telephone Orcen 016 euildin". Third Avenue Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Buy Victory Bonds And Wear a victory bond This Space Donated' by. Co. Ltd. TORCH Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Krltlsb foiunmi Pittsburg Challenger S. S. N. Had Heavyweight Belt In His Grasp Had Hrown Hombcr Hcatcn and Then Gambled by Trying lo Match Punches and is Beaten Down to Canvas NEW YORK, June 19: (CP) For fleeting golden moments last nnrnt liiliv Lionn oi riusourg neiu me game heavyweight championship of the world in his grasp. Then vood- Billy gambled, trying to match punches with Joe Louis, and the big negro snapped out ot his lethargy anu KnocK- The league standing to date is as ed Conn kicking in the thirteenth follows: ECONOMY, IN A CAN lou save money every time you use Irradiated Carnation Milk instead of miik in some other form. From creaming coffee to baby's bottle, Carnation meets all milk needs. Try a few cans. from l,.M ACT Nollrp of lnltMitlon In Aiilv Id I. cusp l'orihorp In R-i ir 5, r rUV'x D :r:- Pt rt B orl ContmUd Cows hv. British rvwkcrs Mmittd 'i Vaoccuvcr. Be, oc- By divisions, the standings in H !tcnds aply BrUlsh Columbla jast n,ght m or. uv-tis dcr were Okanagan. North Van- oraw-iSi-T'mt at p-st pinwted nt couver Island. Kootenav. Vancou 8 nttveal vr' r :.' Tor 4476: ikvcs 37 rtrsrrwa 25' W. 3.!0 ft: lhi:ire n'fiv th Ora.nd Trunk Tao' M r-. ., ,v; N. 7 degrees 19' W. r!M ot way 8D2 feet to r'liK :f oowiifwemffnt. p-iratlre -h-rfr m E! rm Y. w'"t V ot I.-,- 443 iD,'n No 1H8 ird ir F -ir ." ir-'- '-. PI? TISH "OTI'MBIA PACKERS ITMtTED p- Vr-A Naih. jen;. n : -I .Tv - r li. 1941. J. Bouzek TAILOR I -M)trS and r.ENTS Wi'fi nj.itrrials, U'orUmaii.ship 've. two doors from l!rna-"calin)r Slilion THE SRAL or QUALITY 1 1 j OIUUTVP A (50LD SEAL Fancy Red Snckeyo PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon I'acked by the only salmon cannluir company with an all thr vear round payroll In TrliuT Rupert ver suburban, New Westminster 7 ri-sr-c 19' e. 672 . t: i i- and Fraser Valley, Prince Rupert 82 C Tt. 4T E. 218 U Jie and Yukon. Lower Vaneouvpr lsU and, Cariboo and Vancouver City. Simpson Girl Becomes Bride Mrs. Effic Robertson Heroines Bride Of Charles Lincoln Tuesday a prettv weddlns took place at St Andrew's Cathedral when Mrs. Effie Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White of Port SimDSon, became the bride of Charles Howard Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln of Klncolith. Bishop Rlx officiated at the ceremony. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Peter Ryan, Miss Evelyn White, Miss Cora McKay, Miss Mary Alexcee and Miss Alice Musgrave. Groomsmen were Geoffrey Benson', Robert Hill, Percy Alexander and William Lincoln. The bride's father gave the bride in marriage. The reception was held at the Commodore Cafe. V. C.'S HOME GUARD JOB LONDON, June 10: (CP) Capt. W. J. Symons, an Australian who won the Victoria Cross at dalllpoll'j in the First Great War, has been I appointed commander of a specialized unit in the United Kingdom Home Guard. Y. M. C. A. GETTING HIT LONDON, June 19: (CP) The Y. M. C. A. lost seven mobile canteens In German air raids, in Britain and two tea cars operating in the Middle East desert SPORT CHAT Baseball's No. 1 Comebacker of the year ls William Malcolm Dick ey. Many thougnt mat me wu, Ansv-fminir New York Yankee . catcher's days were numbered as, I they watched him dragging his heels last year. BUI looicea ierri ble. He built up his legs and he reported in fino onriirlnn And he has been Subscriptions For Canada Up To beitlng the ball from the getaway.' $386,700,600 British Columbia He was one of tne Hague's five top 0ver TP hitters, with a .375 average, as the campaign moved into June. OTTAWA, June 19: (CP) Total subscriptions to the Victory Loan Fnr year? exoerts have said are now $586,700,600, Yesterday that although Ruth and Gehrig and more than $17,900,000 was subscrlb- DiMJagjdo were the headline stars, cd Including $20,000,000, from the the real backbone of the Yankees Sun Life, Assurance Co. Dickev. As Ions as he went British Columbia. Saskatchewan well. the club could take slumps by and Manitoba were the first prov- the others. The Yankees have been inces yesterday to go over the top. a hot-and-cold so far this year but British Columbia and Yukon Vic- they're still within reaching dls-tory Loan quota of sixty million -tance of the leacue leaders, and, If dollars was exceeded by half mil- Bill keep1 hlttinK and the others Hon dollars last night uncording to finally come up with a soh'.tge to official announcement by Austin match his race, the Yanks mty ov-Taylor of Vancouver, chairman. Of- erhaul Cleveland and . Chicago ficials, however, stressed imperative necessity of over-subscription in Batting rivals should remember order to prove lhat Canada ls sol- that in Bill's many years vlth 'he Idly behind Britain in her magni- Yankees he finished under .300 only ficent and heroic Struggle. Victory one time before last year That Loan lists close at midnight Satur- was in 1935. when he hit .27!), and nay June 21. "Those who have not Dill came back to bang out a .362 yet invested should do so' immedi- average the following year. Other atcly. Every dollar is needed to sucessfpl comebackcrs this year provide the tools that Britain needs are Roy Cullenbine of the Browns, to stem the tide of Hitler's fury," joe Tronin of the Red Sox. Jeff said Taylor. Heath o' th Indians. Jlmmv Was-Vancouver city, dragging behind dell cf the Dodders, Lee Handley of the rest of the province In res- the Pirates and Don Padgatt of the -onss, last night had subscribed Cardinals. $10,500,000 out of a quota of $15,- : r.u; c Rupe-.. and uw),uuu. two worKingmen s areas f U 4476 and 6053 at i m jv nid were ieadm3 the coHmiiVa clty havlnj gone over the top. Baseball Scores American league Cleveland 14, Philadelphia 2. Chicago 3, New York 2. Detroit 5, Boston 2. St. Louis 3. Washington 2. National League Brooklyn 1, Chicago 5. Philadelphia 3. St. Louis 7. Boston 4, Cincinnati 2. 'New York 2, Pittsburg 2 (eleven .Innings). CHIROPRACTOR) M ,,,ir. W ('..lion, ll.C.I'h.C Wallace Block, Phone 110 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam-Baths niiilnjc Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Hoofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $3.50 HANDY MAN nOME SERVICE Phope BLACK 735 DOMINION TTn iiwnnn 111" with a nunv .247 av- In service. of Detroit. 1440 yards dash, 440 yards relay, 880 yards relay. Broad jump, hop, skip lanrf iirmn hloh lumr. sack race. n i y UCOii ,potato race' egs and 51)0011 ra" jOO pjn. Dominion Day Soccer Cup final: Composite Services vs. Complete Program For Dominion Dry jj.. Day Here Arranged j 3:30 p.m.Finals of Men's Senior Softball. Dominion Day will be a busy one , Ji00"1? Army Baf?.ba" v crf fans nf Prlnrf KU-' i"cie w 1 JL Wlt UUV W w ------ . ... ... .l - i . Av fioiH ovpnrc mr me novs taj, - SI i to a slow rreieni on uie uasw. uai.& onu viu - - V V. H " " J The afternoon will de- R.C.C.S.. and R.CJV.F. erase Just a half dozen more cide the finals for the Dominion , timely hits by Bill might have won Day Soccer Cup and also the Senior , RESCUED BY GRANNY , ion Mnnnnt for the Yanks. Men's Softball Cup. In the after-1 . .t witr phot.. June 19: (CP) 'who finished only two games back noon there will be the finals be- ms Sarah Mawson, 68. was mlnd- tween me inree army mg her jquj grand-children when teams wrucn are at picaeui, Na7i bomb hit tne house, ae ahnnt. his health. Lou Gehrig Moose Hail. I ne was in, rusnea neeme53 irom ins i .. A iw,inr u i In . . j ... . i. was was Kin mu.i s roaa rou irius h rowm-iuauc nu ; v.w...0 Conn. 174 pounds was well corner to be staggered by a left -front Lou was stricken jn his program. when the end came, having ho0k, followed by everything Louis when husky Trark danced around Louis for half the had, until the challenger crumbled Prime i" ""u JlZa. . ui .. i iir, er than any of Lou's other friends. uisiuuce. nc lieu imu ujj n lu iue cuuvas. . - - . , . with with to the : But there was nothing wrong ,,. . ches and then came on slap Brown Bomber's teeth out. I A ill ir 1 T Bill. Apparently he "fed this in the thirteenth Conn, thinking LQAN NEAR iSffi SVTL'Zl Lots' of golf and wi nrnrir - eood seasons. IlKIrl MVr hunting around his Arkansas home VJLUUV A A T U Some thought Bill had just run in the Senior Baseball League. Ihe moljsning lt. one by one she got down at 33 after 11 years with New day's events will be climaxed with the cnlldren out nobody hurt. York. Others figured he was wor- a dance in the evening at the ( ; the tentative, UNCLE SAM EArixrvs The U. S. Navy expects to be able r & P AAn 1 rlM.Jf.-J nllrvfo events 9:30-11:30 a.m. to turn out i.uuu iuu-ucu6cu 100' yards dash, 220 yards dash, a year by the end of 1941. BE SURE TO ASK FOR iJlili This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. - UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Special Afternoon Cruise Around the Kinahans and Kachcl Islands V BY S.S. "CAMOSUN" SATURDAY, JUNE 28th, 1911 - Leaves C.N.R. Dock 2:00 p.m. Returning 5:00 p.m. Afternoon tea served aboard Music enroute by the Prince Rupert Boys Band EXCURSION FARE $1.00 (Plus Tax) Children Half Fare Clean-Up Paint-Up Make Repairs, Build We can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call in and talk it over 4 Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. I'llONE 116 PIIONc. 117 Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltioneri Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Saturday, 4:00 p.m. and Monday at 3:00 p.m. calling: a Ocean Falls and Powell Itiver For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines if'