Expert Optical Service Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR HASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinncnvare, Glasses, Haggagc and Novelties Max Heilbroner J KWHI.Hlt - DIAMOND MKRCIIANT Capt. Lionel H. Lindsay, super- day night and will be here until vising examiner of masters and Saturday. There are some ten to mates for Western Canada, is at tweve loca) candldateSi m.03t ot present in Prince Rupert conduct- tnEm belnS commercial fishermen ing examinations for local candl- dates He arrived by train Tues- nd packers. m PICTURING OF JASPER Camera Enthusiasts Take Mountain , Kcsort Ity JStorm JASPER PARK, June 19: Bringing with them sufficient colored still film to make 12,000 individual photographs as well as enough black and white film .to "shoot 10.000 pictures," more than 30 camera enthusiasts from various parts of the United States arrived at Jasper Park Lodge in the heart of the Canadian Rockies yesterday. Heading the American Camera enthusiasts was Ivan Dmitri, celebrated American photographer and master color lensman. This camera tour, first of its kind ever attempted on a large scale in North America, was organized by Dmitri, whose color pictures are known to the readers of practically all magazines in the United States, in behalf of popular Photography Magazine. I,enmep and women, too from New York. Washlnaton. New England, Chicago, Pittsburgh Cleveland, Los Angeles and St. Paul are Included in Dmitri's party which FOR CANADA'S JUT RATES OF PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. Dependent Allowances in Cash; $35 to wife, $12 each per month for not more than 2 children. A loldier with wife and 2 children collectively receive a total of $99.30 per month. EXTRA: Rates varying from 25 to 75 per day for skilled tradesmen while employed. will remain In Jasper National Park for a week. Nothing in Jasper will escape the lenses of Dmitris group if their first afternoon's activities are any indication of what is to come for, no sooner had the "watch the birdie please" fans Mt, the:con- It i 1 T I 1 1 1 . T ,. n ' nlnlnn UlH.-ill.iW i-illUHlH ill l uijjuh, railway station, than genial Tom MacDonough the "man with the , ten gallon hat" and almost a Jas-; per landmark, was shot from all directions and angles. ' Exhausting 'Tom" as a pioncci Jasper subject the fans next let loose with color film on the brilliant flowers and shrubs around the lodge and then, as two huge black bears ambled across the lawn, flowers were forgotten and the bears had a busy few minutes, i Affections were next transferred to three mule deer which were cheating on the ground's keepers, as they nibbled tender shrub's sprouts. i While In Jasper Dmitri and hi, group will make a number of camera expeditions to points of interest Including the Columbia Icefields, Mount Edith Cavell. and the Glacier of the Angels as well as the Pocohontas game trail. Try a Dallv News Wnnf-Aa si r Whifflets From The Waterfront i 1 1 ;thc Massctt boat F. M. S. was in port yesterday, those on board bring Oscar Smith, Tom Smith and Eddie Colllson. The F. M. S. arrived In the morning 'and left In the, evening on its return to the Islands. Inaugurating tne company'., summer tourist service to Alaska, C. .N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Neil McLean, arrived In port at 8:30 yesterday morning from Vnncouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 1 o'clock in the afternoon for Skagway and oiher northern points whence she will return here next Monday southbound. The vessel's passenger list consisted largely of roun dtrlp tour ists of whem there were well over one hundred. This is a war to the deathlA war between savagery and democracy If you want democracy to win, you must do your share. Invest in Victory Bonds. NEEDED ARMY Make no mistake about it . . . This is your call to duty . . B Canada's Freedom is Threatened . . . You are needed now Your King and country need you! The call to duty is ringing clear and men who love Canada and all this great Dominion stands for, w ill need no further urging! It's time for ACTION; for all-out effort! Our future, our homes, our faith, our freedom, arc at stakeJThere's no room for talkers or skulkers: YOUR hour, the hour of the FIGHTING MAN, is here! for ACTIVE 7 SERVICE Canada's great mobile army, equipped with all the finest weapons of modern, mechanized warfare tanks, armoured vehicles and guns of every calibre stands ready to your hand. Join it NOW! He a vital cog in this fast-moving, hard hitting FIGHTING machine. Join up in answer to Canada's call! Join up and smash the Hun! Cunudn's Aclhc Army need men for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Car, Tanks, Infantry, Transport & Supply, Medical, Onlmiiuo and oilier brandies of I lie perviec. Tins Army is prcpart-d til leach many trades and to train you to handle Canada's weapons of war cllieicntly. Co to your nearest District Recruiting OHicc. Find out about these units; bow they work, whut I bey do. Sec just where you'll fit hit see where any particular skill you possess. can best bo utilized. Then join up for ACTION! Apply It) Nearest District Recruiting Office Or Any Local Armory DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA ) -YEAR'S BEST LAUGH THRILLER I ww til si 1 1 i . i a. 1 1 J i n 1 1 1 1 m, FTttdt . - j HiKTl .KTJTI JK'isI 1 I dHiHiiiHiiHA ' i'lr-ilTBL, ii r TrM I H3ft.' i WTnr.WnW Lt,m 1 v.Mhwi --f via r &w SMiai i i m ii i i i i vsjs- . .i . i;,.4i iim w THI CSICKETING COMICS FROM "IADY VANISHIS" Th funnictl (torn on tht Ktttn mi up with tpiot, th Ctilopa, Isvtly laditt and. of count, cricWtl WW A Virginia Weidlcr in "Had Ijttli .Xii-r At 8.49. (. Kox News A NUht Train TONK.lli and I KIDAY I-at,t Complete Show ai r. TWO GOOD Premier Inspects i PICTURES oca' ca cl8 "Nljlit Train To Munirh" Am' 'Had Little Ansel" 'Showing At Capitol theatre "Nlglit Train t0 Munich." a f dnating thriller with delightful comcdv and lunanllc scenca. and also takes part In this picture. When you invest In Victory Bonds vnu invest in Victorywith Interest to boot. C'ariictl Out !' i i Ulsl NtH "Uad Little Angel," a poignant biUrkw fo;. lnTpn irama r chlklh j-d. ui-,- Prince Ituperl. iv i double-billed on the screen of the :ull -otMluct'-' Capitol Theatre here tonight and of u,,c ,0Cftl a ' ' Friday, making an Interesting com- wriieU oji, in ! bl nation. i wltli. ciurtmaiv IIpx Harrison, popular British ac- L,cul Gordo" ' tor, is the star of "Night Train to 'hrnnc. U. M. W of ih" frBl h '" Munich" which ccntie on tjje ac- tivltles of the Oerman Admiralty Lcae ot Oanadu which succeeds in kidnapping from Pattullo. who ma-m England a famous Czech inventor abIe rprn!rks. -... whose skill is essential to the re- cc on tlnc ' armament plans of both countries, mentioning thc im. Harrison plays thc part of the dar- training which it i lng British secret service agent who receiving. , j attempts to rescue the Inventor. Later the entire -n land hU daughter, played by Marg- cd ln th, "lnMv aret Lockwood. Suspense is entire- afc ,ne vlctorv L" ' ly derived from danger Inherent to rhlrd Avpn"( rr (a situation In which th British and then back o ,nernt fose as a Nazi major, as- ters for the rcuiii soclating with high Oerman offl- nignt clals and running constant risk of ' being exoosed In his desperate en deavour. His adventures and ultimate success make for pulsc-ipoundlnr entertainment. I "Bad Little Angel." in which Virginia Wcldler has the tlth role, is the story of a little orphanaee waif j whose faith and courage so affect! inc uvea oi mose arouna ner that -i the problems are solved. The east ndiH ti! onv K'bbee Ian Hunter, Elizabeth .Patterson, Reginald Owen and Henry Hull. The famous Iltth dog "Toto," DOUBLY DELICIOUS r. II;. it' A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A (iOOI) TLACi: TO BUY Have You Seen thc New FLEXSTEEL LIVING ROOM FUKNITl'KI'' A single compact unit. No coils to pop up, no webbing to tag 4 strings to break. It is sanitary. No space for dirt or venn" fu'cbllcpt arid! jthe opep;bottom makes cleaning easy. Sold.excuisiv vly in this city by us. PIIONK 775 When You Want a Reliable', Comfortable, Oepcndable f PHONE 24 flour Service at Regular Kates 13 uti;