Thursday June 19. Ifltt. This is a mechanized war. Never before has the responsibility for the outcome of a war fallen so squarely upon the shoulders of those who toil in workshop or office, factory or farm. Proudly labour has accepted the challenge. Throughout the land, night and day, rises the clang of metal and the tireless hum of industry of men and women at work. Canada's war effort calls for huge sums of money. To turn back the tide of tyranny, to protect your right to be free, more ships and planes are needed,, more tanks and guns, more food for soldiery sailor and airman. You, the worker, are asked to invest your savings, and some of your wages, in Victory Bonds. You are not asked to give,, but to lend'. All of Canada is your security for repayment. A good rate of interest and a gratified sense of loyalty are your rewards. Invest generously and cheerfully. Act now. Make sure your dollars will have a glorious share in helping to crush the barbaric power that would make slaves of free men. lOiper cent'cash and the balance in monthly instalments. ISonds ' n?aj br bought in denominations of $50, $100 and $1,000 and" "733 DXIL7 H2V3 L Their cause is yours larger. IT as a result of unforseen contingencies you are unable tn meet the' instalment payment a loan may be arranged with your bank with your Victory Bond as collateral security. Dominion' Government1 bonds have always enloyed the'higliest degree ofi marketability amll there never has been a time wlien' they could not' bo readily realized upon for cash. HOW TO BUY Telephone your local Victory Loan1 headquarters and an author ized canvasser will call upon you immediately or place your order directly with your bank or trust company. Don't1 delay, Go to the telephone! now and call your Victory Loan head quarters. !SII Hallonol Cammltttt, Victory' Uan 19411 Ottawa Canada J2uii VI PTOWV RANDS pxorxvx fV 1 ! T "it - i mm 1 1 1 -fi A 'i y