This advertisement is not published cr displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.-' LEATHER FROM BACON LONDON. Nov. 28: '0 The Budapest radio stated that because of a leather shortage the Hungarian government ordered that bacon rind be used to jo'.e shoes. AUGUST MAILS LOST LONDON, Nov. 28: 0 - Letters and papers mailed firm Canada except the Maritime provimcs. August 23 and 24. were lest enemy action, the genera announrrd. 1 S5 0Z. 40 OZ. r 12.30 $3.50 ilB8kTHE BRmsH COLUMBIA iCRltt DISTILLERY CO. LTD. I hn dcrtinmcnt It not puUiiKtd 1 diipltyH by the Liquot Cefilro) Board w by tlx CsMrwntnt ol British Glumkl Returned to Sea By King's Grace Naval Veteran of First Great Kept Ashore Till Queen Talked to Him. War LONDON, Nov. 28: Charles by Bartley, 49. of the Royal Navy. postmaster- claims he owes his return to sea with the merchant service to a I when I first tried." He was back I at sea within another few weeks. OFFICE: EXCHANGE BLOCK (THE DAILY NEWS PAGE POUR A Ration "Wide Reputation ILS. BECOMING PRO-BRITISH .MORE BUDGET !53,000 Rings Always Be Ready . . . for over Two Decades (Continued lrom Page One) TPHTTRI 17 1 For December! Mrs. Churchill PURE HR1LTBFDL imCfllMmG uous string of factories providing New York's Popular Heiress Ex- war materials for the allies. There seemed to be much less racketeering than formerly. In two picture houses he attended the picture of John L. Lewis was thrown on the screen and hissed and the pects However to ".Marty Some Nice Guy" By ADELAIDE KERR Associated Press Staff Writer NEW YORK. Nov. 28: (API picture of Lindbergh was received Little Gloria Vanderbilt, In like manner, an indication ofito $4,000,000. has budget trouble felt. As a rule picture houses were chief reason is that Gloria loves not well attended in New York., to give to others. .While the legitimate houses were) The 17-year-old daughter of so popular that tickets had to be -the late Reginald Vanderbilt is booked sometimes weeks ahead,! said by friends to have an allow- the picture houses were scarcely : ance of $750 a month from the half filled. On the whole the country was prosperous as a result of war orders. The shops indicated a very fortune left her by her father. I Looks As If Cupid Trying To Oust Old Santa This Year NEW YORK, Nov. 28: Cupid is cutting into Santa Claus' ter ritory if statisticians are correct in their predictions that this is to be a most marriageable year. What are Gloria's objectives , anyway? As far ambitions' as ti her fri0js blends .f 1o.,u Just laugh at those. are concerned. Gloria i.t Is. Just like pro-British sentiment. The stores: the reat of us," one of her girl all displayed British goods, sup-j friends said. "What she wants to ported British war charities, wore do eventually is to marry some ribbons showing the British and nice guy, settle down in some Ut-American emblems intertwined. ( tie place on Long Island or Con-There were six British warships necticut, and have children and being repaired in the docks within 1 raise dogs. But she wants to have sight of Brooklyn bridge. British some fun first " ' ;w . . TV .c But " If Canada Busy , In New York City, for instance, how the people in those countries , this year. Her friends say the .estimates indicate 90,000 wedding licenses will be issued during 1941. That beaU the big bridal year of 1917 when the total -was nearer 75,000. One diamond manufacturer reports making 53,000 rings in October for Christmas brides. "You don't know Gloria," they say. "She's different from other girls. Instead of going out with one man Monday and another Tuesday she sees a lot of one for some time. Then she turns to someone else. She thinks you can't get to know a person unless Prime minister's Wife Sure Rljht Will Conquer Mlfht J Ml -II.: . LONDON, Nov. 2& tfii-'We shall feel as though the Kingdom ol Heaven were at hand," when peace te declared, Mrs. Winston Churchill said at the opening of a Church Army sale. The Prince Minister's wife declared that "We must keep flghtlng-flt and battle-ready and one day, when the bugle sounds "cease fire," we shall' know that right has again con quered might." Gunners Want To Adopt Baby Canadian Battery Interested In Youngster Found In Bush ROULEAU. Sask.. Nov. 28: A Canadian artillery unit in Eng-j land plans to adopt a baby, said Rnr Frwl rVunnan rf Pmilaa,. ! i beautifully and sketches too She C," , "hT CT ' Ietter to lrlends 111 uhlch he .has an amazin interest in fash-' If.1?: raws, and she's very declared how members of the unit in Canada the speaker said he' ion and design. She designs more f u w? " H'ound the abandoned child in found air force training schools than half of her clothes. If she Wu " .i u "?f ?unina ey were holding ' . touch monev. she would still hp msw.iii.u c..ui .i . working all tne time seven uays a ever wants a career, she can al-' tr,,. ," .. -ui uicm were week and-three shifts a day. Air- ways turn to that." ,L.n . T , ? y. .a"racted a Par noise in men were everywhere on the; Showers Presents VvVrv ' .c- e vereannewJy Buf it lust trains throughout the country. But about this budget business. !?"tLr : S VZTl l.Lff trapped to an old Factories were as busy as could "She had trouble living within her JS iS andeWmtr a"d a bltmket be and new ones established budget this year and a large part. SeUolT Sd Sd Ln -IZl" S ' 7 D1PK V1CTORV throughout the east. 'of it was because her friends can't .,. ,.1 LfL i TR.!C."FrIlV . - I Col. Nicholls said he was much live wUhln -!. u . 'cu'- uvn, ov. zo: aeien " V were the last dant Tt'Mhi th. ohiiitv .nrt r.Mn ng ""i" "--" " ".v.. - - - it. uiuuo luica k ivc. jne time she saw sincerity of purpose of the dollar- showers down presents. If she it a-year men, a number of whom he hears you want to make a trip met. He also talked with several and haven't the money, there will meeting with the King and Queen. 'of the cabinet ministers who be a railroad ticket in your mall. A leading seaman during the seemed very sincere in their de- She never forgets a birthday. Once First Great War aboard H-M-S.'sh-e to serve the country in the I saw her give $5 to a newsboy. Collingwood on which King George best possmie manner, from men it left $6 In her pocket. When ! sailed as midshipman, Barl ley says who had dealings wth both Otta- scolded her, she only said: 'He! he tried in vain to join the mer-jwa and Washington he was as- looked so little and ragged'." chant service when the nresent sured that there was much less1, "But now she has learnt-d the war broke out. j indication of delay as a result of hard way that what she spends Finally he Joined the Pioneer , ed tape at Ottawa than at Wash- one month has to come out of' Corps and one day was questioned ington. I next month's allowance. So she by Queen Elizabeth during a visit j While there were many cvi- keeps accounts in a bookkeeping Their Majesties paid to the corps, dences of sincerity and ability in book and she is managing very accompanied by Admiral Sir Ed-, both Canada and United States well for the last three months ward Evans. Bartley told the there was ah undercurrent of dis- she's been within her budget. I Queen of having served on H.M.S. satisfaction, especially in Canada, : Gloria has just made a whirl- Collingwood an d King George that more was not bein; done. ! wind trip to- New York from Hoi-1 Joined the conversation aiking People seemed to be afraid to turn 'lywood where she has been visit-' why Bartley had not returned to ! the country Into a military camp ing her mother, Mrs. Gloria Mor-' sea. Sir Edward listened atten-ln order, to get the best possible' gan Vanderbilt. She had a gay' tively when Bartley explained that ; results. The opinion seemed to whirl' of lunches and parties and his attempts to join the merchant be prevalent, and he agreed with danced nightly at El Morocco, service had been unsuccessful. jit, that the whole country should Everywhere she went she was the Bartley says that a f e .v weeks be disciplined both in the army centre of a group and S.he focus (later, he followed an impulse to and the factories. He had talkt d of J1,11 P'es- apply again for service at sea and . Gloria has a puzzle this I to his astonishment "everything0 nn Canadians and wms told a ! year. Because she was 17, Gotham went as well as it had gone badly "iak "1C :ui"c 01 ucuw wtlc expected her to make her debut willing and, ready to go the limit at a magnificent party in ths' to win the war. GURV1CH CONTRACTORS Houses Moved To Any Location BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATED AND ERECTED DUMP TRUCKS AND COVERED VANS For Hire By The Day Or By Contract Rock and Soil For Sals When Available PHONE 32 .Vanderbilt tradition and be soulr ied about by the sons of her fam-1 lly's friend. Instead she chose Hollywood and filmdom's most dashing beaux. She dressed her: hair in a steep oomnadour and ,wore striking wordly frocks. "Found" Her Mother Gotham found a possibls reason for Gloria's decision to make no debut in the legal battle for her cu-stody which took place in 1934 between her beautiful mother and her aunt, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney. It was said that Gloria did not want a coming out party which both her mother and aunt might not want to attend. But; i her friends have another explan-; ation. ! "Gloria's just not social," they say. "She doesn't care for a debut. Nor dQes she like people Just because their families know hers. Actors are amusing and entertaining and Gloria is having a good time in Hollywood. She's crazy about California's climate. She swims, plays tennis and has nlc- !nics on the beach. I "Besides .there's another reason. It used to seem as thouch she didn't know her mother very well. But when she went out to visit her in Hollywood they 'found' ,each other and now they are very close more like sisters than mother and daughter. Big Gloria gives parties for little Gloria and little Gloria gives parties for her mother and they seem very happy." Hollywood Affairs After Gloria began her Holly wood whirl, reports of her engagement to several of Hollywood's All Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Kupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 MEETINGS First and Third Wednesday of Each Month METKOPQLE JIALL Phone Blue 113 P.O. Box 577 you and aska- abou' by the name of Dark was fined 2 $8.90) for showing a light m the blackout. DEPOSIT REDUCTION ON BOTTLES FOR "COCA-COLA" North Star Bottling Works ANNOUNCES Reduction of Deposit on bottles for "Coca-Cola "effective DECEMBER 4.i 1911 Effective on December 4th, 1941, the present Deposit charge of 3c on bottles for "Coca-Cola" will be reduced to 2c per bottle. The present Deposit of 3c per bottle will be refunded on all bottles for "Coca-Cola" returned to your local dealer on or before December 3rd, 1941. On and after December 4th, 1941, bottles for "Coca-Cola" will carry a deposit charge of 2c per bottle and refund will be made for this amount only. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Aulhorized Bottlers of "Coca-Cola" 7 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including All MeaU and Berth Accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN ' " 'I From PRINCE RUPERT t3Oi A A Plus From Port Simpson $39.75 Plus TaxOdOaUU Tax (Reduced Rates-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points). (Five years of age and under ttfelvel-Half Fare. Tickets on Sale frm November 15, 1911 to February 15, 1942. uood to return up to March 15, 1942. Steamers Leavp Prinn D.,n.rt S.S. S.S CATALA CARDENA ,,ujjii, m . Vancouver EveryTuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. , . . Tickets and Reservations from IfUCeonvenlPnANK 8KINNIS,l Thlrd Ave' Phne If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office JW tMf T!lt "Mil ot,. But ht wit 1 f ,II HERE'S A HP " j uui me most! i or your money, here's a tip . . . Buy a Good Coal . . . the kind lhat Albert & McCaffery sells. for Greater Heat Longer burning Greater Economy For be?t r- Jv ; consult v it.:, ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD Phones 116 or 11 iBTCBi-aia-i! nil TRAPPERS Ilavp lame order for c') of furs. Am v-' more than anyone t'.:.t SU, your furs. Will wire it turn. If not sst.Tirj ! ship good bark pz-ir. t prrs both ways GOLDHL00M "The Old Uelutlf irilllBil B 8 E r B I Mi sAvoyl HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P O Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Kupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprt::3r "A HOME AWAI FROM HOME' Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot& - Water Prince Rupcr BX rhone281 f U Steamers leave Pnnw B"Per for Vancouvr' CATALA EVEUV TWESUAT, 1:30 p.m. Thurs. P"1' Due Vancouver CARDENA EVEK1 FlM' 10:30 p.m. Monday Due vanrnm-er sn.orintte Islands Leaving October 81, Novem ber 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservation' from FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Asent Third Ave. - nne 5C8