i s 4 .. hoe rots Expert Optical Service Chas. Dodimead Optometrist iu Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinncnvare, Classes, Daggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c - - - Ormes Lid. Jtt Pt oncer DrtA.upi3ts The Kexall More fhciie. Ml Oprn Dallj from R a.m. till 10 p.m. Kiiiiriay and Holiday Immii 12 lit t p.m. an 7 to .ro. When You Want a Iteliablc, Comfortable. Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 ' Hour Service at Regular Kate SIX-PIECE HEDKOOM SUITE Special Moose Building, Third Avenue Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to $109.00 Vanity, Upholstered Bench, Full Size Bed, Chiffonier, Cable Spring, Inner Spring Mattress SIX-PIECE DINETTE SUITE Buffet, Extension Table, 4 Upholstered chairs. Special $69.50 Elio's Furniture Store Telephone Green 916 5:30 p.m. Buy Victory Bonds And Wear a VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Mrfc. Rupert 0. British Coluninu . It's ihturwlinj; to know when reading tho Daily News that the people of the whole district arc .doing the same. tended the recent stampede and ! celebration at Moricetown. There were visitors from Skeena Crossing, Hazelton, Kispiox, old Fort Bab- in broncho busting. Cecil. Steele, moving picture operator of Smithers, was announcer for the day. In the evening there was a picture show in the Community Hall followed by two dances one for white people, the other for natives. There were large crowds in attendance at the dances which started at 9:30 p.m. and kept going strong until broad daylight In the morning. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARD EN A EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Service Leave Prince Rupert June 7, 17 and 28--10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 THE SEAL QUALITY mw (life tin GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Snckeye IINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon tannine company with, an all the tear round payroll In I'rthcf Itupprt TH3 DA2LT KSTTS News of Northern Districts M0RICET0WN; Q.cciTY CELEBRATES A most enjoyable dance was recently hv Miller's Hall when Attend ifair which continued until the arlv hours Hour ui of the w.c morning. ,.... At Drancn oi me nea vytuso at the home of Mrs. Duncan Mc- a. . ii i 1-1 A. r fl WITT' Smithers Cadets held! Given Inspection music for dancing was supplied Dy)Ma(1(, G0O(, showing In .March Baseball dames. Stampede, Show, j several of the boys In uniform. A( Before Major Critchley OanVes Fire Hundred People large crowd attended the Jolly af-1 SMITHERS. June 17: The Sml- cany h m h gcnool Cadels both MORICETOWN, June 17:- Five midnight refreshments were served, and girls .. 'hundred people, it is estimated, at- 'at the local restaurants. boys - der CaDtain K. O. Houghton foi , 17 , ., w-i: local inspection by Major Critchley whr of the The regu ar meeting Jn Smlthm from i south especially for that purpose The cadets marched from the ;ine as weu as micwa ana uimners uon. ine Presiae,u; u. . ... H behlnd plpcr Toaa anc- land farming communities of the Turner, was chairman. Work as , ded at Alfred Park where a re. iBulkley Valley. The day was fine resumed on the gacntsJorP: i viewing stand had been erected lana sunny ana me wnoie proceed, rugees. -went "l and where Major Critchley took ings were most enjoyaDie ana in- spent, me aucniuuu the saiule. They were then in teresting to all. .undergarments. Plans for the dls- Sports commenced in the morn- piay aim iea d drllls , marching m forma ing ana mere were inree ouseoun o...... - - - UonSi maRing a very smart ap-games. In the first Old Fort Bab- hostess at the close of the after- pearance wh,ch reflected credlt or ine defeated Moricetown 18 to 12. noons ucuvmca. ,ne work done by CaDtaln Hough In the second Kispiox won over teen members present. and Ws non.comm3sloned of Skeena Crossing five to nothing ., fleers The leature game or tne aay was lluu' "v. .v ; Manv of the townsDeoDle were on . . - ... . . . .1-... H.mfln r r rnn I f u 'A I 1 1 1 1 II- between smitners ana Hazelton, me vy' - --- hand to watch the ceremony, Smithers losing eight to four, he school cnmDea up iu , Charlie Smith and Simon Muldoe above the town. The n.sce, unaer; f were pitcher and catcher resec- the leadership of Miss Agnes Math- mithprS lining" tlvplv fnr Hazelton and Warner ers. was greatly enjoyea Dy me o nnri Wntjsnn fnr Rmit.hprs voune oeonle. Miss Velma balm, Mrs. Leslie vBeSh pS;Well In Victory ners were Sam Dennis or Aionce- L iow.ov.. I ' " town and William Holland and M. hikers. An assonmeni oi wuu 0an laniDaiifll .i -..i, i flowers, hiclud nc yellow water- o oiictuiuuii ui ifiNWii, jiiai, stwuiiu . , . . and third respectively. Gabriel w irom ine iaRC- wc WUU81" Louie of Kispiox and M. Chapman down. Ul ACIIVVVCL were HCIC lllOt U11U OCVUilU I fnitAfnUlif A meeting of the central aiuny Passes Victory Ujan Objective And Intends To Double It MASSETT, June 17: Massctt has passed h.-r quota in Victory Bond subscriptions and Intends to double it. Massett is proud of this especially as It is a community without any regular payroll, A first class canvasser has bcrn Noel V. Taylor. A discriminating people know what is good for them. SMITHERS Gordon Williams, mechanic at Iloskins Garage, left Smithers on Saturday to enter the Royal Canadian Air Force for training. Harry Kenney. left on Saturday for Prince Rupert where he will work during the summer holidays. Machinery continues to arrive In Smithers for the proposed new airport here but to date nothing official has been given out as to when a contract for the building of this airport will be let nor when it is likely to start. If it is delayed weather conditions may render It more expensive or cause the project to be delayed. J. . BULGER Optometrist Itojal hank Blrtf, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelH Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot it, Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 SMITHERS, Juno 17: The sal of Victory Bonds is progrcssini In this district. Sml Group of the Skidegate Inlet Credit 'thers has now subscribed mor Union was held recently at the than $25,000 toward the purchas home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roberts, of these bonds while the district After the study period other guests ; which extends from Remo to Van dropped in and bridge was played .jderhoof and Fort St. James, ha there being three tables. Refresh- reached $12,000 out of the objec-ments were served by the hostess, (tlve of $150,000. Nearly every place along th Ladles of the community spent (llne is keeping abreast of Its quotr another day nutting finishing touches to the Manse. All furniture, 10 QUARTS ONE POUND was varnished and three floors About 10 quarts of milk are re vnrnlshed and one painted, oil quired for a pound of butter. the kitchen- woodwork being en- Hitler knows one language only Prneiied. It is now ready for Its AN EYE FOR WHEAT the Janguflge of FORCE. And force nw 0(.CUnant. Si far no word of a An electric eye has been develop , will end his mad ambition to en- liew minister for the church here l'd tor determining the protein con r,ltvo hp world. Your dollars nas ijppn received tent of wheat LOANED. 1 'CIGARETTE PAPERS MASSETT OYER TOP THOUT OF SIi: j The lake trout is the hn;est o all the trouts. 3 STAR This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. CHIROPRACTOR, Similej VV. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Illock, Phone G10 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Itooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept 12,50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 7S5 DISPLAY IS HELD Parents and Friends of Hoys and Girls See Home Economics and Industrial Art Saturday afternoon at tho Booth Memorial High School the students received their parents and friends at a display of home economics by tlrls and Industrial art by boys. The industrial art display, which -as held In the Auditorium, consisted of metal work, woodwork, -traftlng and electricity. This year '.he new feature was the metal work nd building construction. Orades ight and nine displayed ait In in formal and formal balance of ie- dgns, pen and Ink, pastel, poster olors. sDlatter work and murals vhlch illustrate American Art. The victory Loan drawings are to be judged later. The home economics dlsolny olfo was in the Auditorium In the form afternoon and evetiitt: ar, of a play where the setting was oh Skinner was the comrm i ship. Grade Seven girls wore llcdlund's Lunch .Meat .LOAF--2 tins for 23c 35c Clover White No. 1 Honey 2Vs Olp Each OM.K, Apple Juice- Sun ripe 10-oz. tlir. 3 for 25c H;l JITPTi mst " ""ws "'Snuy. 7.00 i; Feature at 7:32 and 9:jj I)lwNN. DURBIN "nice"girl" With FKANCIIOT TONE WALTER Itm-NNAN Added "Heroes of tle Aua,ltic. "Hollywood Visits lile XT, COMING TIIL'K m ' Marcaret Lockoi((j (l) mini irain t0 Muiiirh- ixmumio ano selections. Yvonne R they were the galley crew. They ..... , .nn- I 111'., 'ang "Anchors Awelgh" Grade en girls, who were the passenger.. Tea was served in thi , -m, , vore woollen dresses which they onomlcs laboratory wi'i m , lad made. Grades eight and nine Hay ward, Mrs. T L d.v.i. Wl ilayed deck games In cotton sn(rt H. Nordan and Mrs M HI. t tresses and grade eleven wore silk Ing. Sheddon's Grocery 500 5th Avenue Last Phone 581 Specials for the Week Ending June 21st Pitted Dates Per lb. Burns .Meat Balls Large tin. Each Swifts Sausages 16-oz. tin. Each Libliy's Diced Beets 16-oz. tin. 2 for 15c 23c 25c Clarke's Pork ami fton 18-oz. tin 2 for Red I'luntK -Fane 16-oz. tin Each Svvansdoun Cake Flour Per ni. Strawberries VI: choice. quality. 16-oz tin En n Ited Pitted (hrmr 10-oz. tin H Grapefruit June 50 w 2 foi Cocoa Medium Ter lb. w T 25c 29c 15c 15c 43c 18c Buckerfiejd's POULTRY & DAIRY FEU Are Now Obtainable at Reasonable Prices From SUNRISE COMPANY Prince Rupert H.C., Phone 26 and 27 LTD. j Clean-Up Paint-Up Make Repairs, Build We can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions lo the old one. Call In and talk It over Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. PHONE 116 PHONE II' Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, fi p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Saturday, 4:00 p.m. and Monday at 3:00 p.m. ealllnj at Ocean Falls and Powell River For Full Information and Reservation, etc or Write C,TY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue i pi none 260 Prince Rupert. Aeents for Trans-Canada Air Llnei Las! int tha stal nh( 1kh als fill out thi ras ly to dci ni;