Jeather Forecast. prime Uupcrt and Queen Charge Elands Light to easterly Grinds part cloudy and mild with 'cal rain. me Vol. XXX., no. in. uwwww y ...-.....r- IRISH SEA SHIP SUNK BELFAST A trans-Irish Sea steamer was sunk by Ger-mJn bombs. Twenty-two lives are believed lost. There were It pa!.mgs and 13 crew. At LUAN to '""s as a Dan oi me vu.wjr 1941 Dublicitv camoalsn. Un- I rilrnMInn T? rHlof TT T Radio Program ntrrat Service I T, ul. .t . . . . 1 I I .A llrtllltlll rr. YET SET GROWING . . i 1 1 1 1 ifi V t Y.i.i r r.. .. .. .1 Kn... IJM TSteruay as w wnen a uiawa, June u. iiri victory : general election might Loan 1941 went over the five hurt- . crr-ted in British coiumoia. dred million dollar mar yeiteraay, ... l J M.AM 1-11 i 4 1 t ..l..I.trt.. i unc Some had thougni ally announced as standing at 1 U lllll a avw o " " " r " ... .11.1.. ... . - .1. U'.. t - J t A - 1 1 - -1 t :t we rlectloh wnne nerc una viauai siwscnpnoiis naa Mjwtucu don? i British Columbia Is now over Mr Pfi!:x who will attend tne $50,000,000 towards the obecuve afrai nnminnrinff ponvennon ueir or suu.uuu.uuu. tjUD-criocis in oti- c.gni ano aiso aourc lunm- umi voiuinuia wj uan: uii; raorrow will Ipave on tomorrow okanazan is still the leading dl- Over Five lanouncfinent To Make let Hundred Million Stewart Is in Kegard To Election i Over Top -r,.:..z . rani inr nm u cis. uiu- vikioii in uriusu iuiuiuuia. l'cihc, . rv. ...I .. . t .j. .. i . it., a... t II Wwrx IV UlfWJJU AIR RAID w I - T . t n. . I ... V I Of ViVctory Ioan Publicity Campaign ' j Huv u.-Hh ti.3nn.3oo. A bombing and fire episode will and Oc. irio. n... .... t Rsimnle. 7.000. StoraKC. 11.2c and . ui iv iii-iii in," ruL limn i sli. l j Kif k 4r m uv pari oi a aemonsuiuiu" i - ;Mocal Air Raid Protection or-; uewaru . .niii ah i-i iiaA a- nun n si' 'vo aim uir raia uruiixuuii " nu. uu turning in w.w . Success, 5,000, i, When you invest In Victory Bonds 8.3c. nil 1.. i ill. I n vet li VIViliUlY WiHi Excel, 8.9c. 24,000, Booth, 10.9c and TONIGHT Wl COMING EVENTS Storage, 11c Porcher G. 3,000, Royal, 10.7c and 6:15 7:00 8:00 P.m. - A.R.P. Demonstration Grand Victory Loan Street uance .m when Quota Is Reached See roster Exhibition, City Council Chamber Afternoons and Evenings mi. Nail in Hitler's Coffin at the Dug-Out Lieut. Jack McIUe Near End of Long Trip Across Canada With "Torch of Freedom" D. C. McRae has received a telegram from his son, Lieut. Jack McRae, who is accompanying the "Torch of Freedom" across Canada as naval representative and who was at Saint John, New Brunswick, yesterday. The trip across Lieut. McRae will soon be flyin: back on his return to his post at Esquimau. In his last letter to hi3 parents, Lieut. McRae described the flight across Ontario. The whole Niagara Fenlnsula w among the country covered Including Fort Erie. Welland. Niagara Falls, St. Catherines, Grimsby and Hamilton, then on to Toronto- nrtd Montreal. In Toronto there was a seventy-five mile parade. There have been social events and various sorts of cele brations Souvenirs From will :v ( ititti I iirrf. iiw uu iiio p iiial 1.11 llu iiili lvu .loi-VA iiwia.uaiiiB v . - . . 111111 i iiil: a aw LUl v. The Stewart-Big Mlssouri-Prem- Ci fn VJaW H-r unit of Northern British Colum- Old! O U T bia-Yukoit Division Is twenty-five" per cent over Its' quota which waS Autographed souvenirs frommov-$G5,000. ing picture stars at Hollywood sent Halibut Sales American Atlantic, 35,000, Storage, 10.8c tnactcd- in Prince Rupert this "- "" here in connection witn uie victory Loan 1941 campaign are being put on view at the Victory Loan dug-out tonight. They are be-lng raffled off and the drawing will take place at the end of the campaign. CONVENTION i UNDER WAY Liberal Nominating Gathering Has Opening Formalities To Name Candidate Tonight Premier Pattullo spoke very briefly at the morning session, expressing pleasure at being ln attendance, gratification for the welcome that had been extended. Further, remarks he might have to make he reserved for this evening. VICTORIA, B r Tomorrow's Tides ONLY NAZIS AFFECTED WASHINGTON Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles stated yesterday that there was no Intention to close Consulates of Italy or any other nations such as ordered yesterday in the case of Germany. The order against Germany involves twenty-, four consular agencies and 150 staff members as well as scores of employees who will be subject to expulsion from the country. They were charged with being involved in sabotage and espionage. Much of the information which has led to this action being taken by the authorities is said to have been made available by Princess Stefanie. ntCMIEK GETS, DLUKEL OTTAWA Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie fclng left Ottawa yesterday for New York where today he will receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws at Princeton Unlvedsitj. The Canadian Premier will address a dinner gathering tonight and will return to Ottawa on ' 'OT BETRAYED VICHY Premier Henri Phil-lippe Petain said today that the people of France had neither been sold out or betrayed. He urged the people of France to give him their confidence. Conditions in France were better today than they were a year ago, the old man said. ATHLETE DIES VICTORIA II. J. (Jack) Taylor, well known sporting official and athlete, dropped dead on the street while walking along with friends. RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUTH LONDON Speaking last night. Major General A. G. L. Mc-Naughton, lommander- in- chief of Canadian forces, said a grave responsibility rested on young men today. He urged that, they accept the responsibility now by coming forward and enlisting. It was urgent and no time was to be lost. He predicted that a decisive phase of the war must soon come. I Tne uocrar nominating conven- T) f I Booth, 11.1c and. Hon for Prince Rupert got formal- DUllulIlCf lSSUC VICTORY LOAN Program ly under way 'this morning with Neptune II.. 10,000, Pacific, 1 1.1c routine proceedings inciuaing me ' ! I . .... I nt nvnntiHnlc. nnm UppUUHIIlluv Ul ncuuiwow, bum- find 8 4C ....... I .. .1 . .. .. Ik. Shows Progress mince to receive aim pu me r" credentials of the delegates. The Fort William Times-Journal Cele- -..iiihu-- -wmmmmkttt t . i nnn up u nn iirniiiT win i t L iiiiutri nrsiAa lis .rnivin z 2 wajf this evening when It ls ex-. Jlpected Premier T. D. Pattullo will. FORT WILLIAM, Ont., June 17: Jibe unanimously renominated. The (CP) Signalizing completion of (Premier was ln attendance at this new premises, Uie Dally Tlmes- THEY CATCH FLATS The halibut Is the largest of the flat fish. A Man who won't Lend Is Hit ler's Friend I 11. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1941. Can Never Be Successfully Invaded, Malcolm Macdonald Declares VANCOUVER. June 17. Great Plans to go Home OTTAWA, June 17: (CP) Netherlands women refugees In England, aided by their British friends, now are getting ready to meet post war conditions and problems toy ways a shortage of some garni and a surplus of others" she said. "It Is this surplus which is being Gathered and conserved out of all home and abroad.' The moment the European countries are released from the Nazi yoke there will be a tremendous problem of feeding and clothing, she told the Canadian Press. ""Much of this clothing has been but there Is still a great deal of work to be done to provide comforts and clothing extras to active forces, especially men of the mer chant marine iumoi High Low APPROACH SHOWDOWN collectlns -and DreDarlnE bales o! Will Russia Come Closer to Reich imtn ir ftrtllont ir rr Norton r? c rvn In Will f)nen Hostilitv 1 land the moment the country has Develop? regained its liberty from the Ger- man Invader LONDON, June 17: (CP) A re- Fresh out from Britain where she liable foreign source told the been active In volunteer war sociated Press. yesterday that Oer-J ed European was endang ering the Soviet's own ambitions fes a world power. One report ls that '- Premier Jo- mobllization of army and navy Marshal Herman Goerlng of Ger-1 many has said that the Reich needs the Ukraine and Iran and the supplies they can provide for a long war against Great Britain. Soviet forces have been with- used before, but It is clean, mend- drawn frQm ea ana soriea ana can uu an extremely useful role at that moment." The clothing is being packed into boxes and bales. It ls plainly marked on the outside, "suits for boys, aged 4," "layettes," "sweaters for 10-year-old girls" and so forth so that it can be quickly and .easily distributed. Shipments of clothing depend upon space, but even if there Is only omy a a certain certain amount amount or of space space the Turkish frontier 8:51 ajn. 15.7 ft. 21:20 pja. 18.2 It. 2:41 am 8.0 It. 14:30 pm. 82 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS. War News Uamascus battle Looms INVASION OF SCOTLAND LONDON Persistent reports reaching Norwegian circles jn London today Indicated Germany is concentrating large numbers of troops on the Norwegian west coast, possibly for an in-Tiioii of Scotland. BRITONS ADVANCE IN LIBYA CAIRO Mechanized warfare is now roaring out again on Hit North African desert as the British continue attacks against the Italo-Oerman machine which has been stalled for so long. The ItriUsh were reported last night to have penetrated into Libya as far as Fort Capuzzo which one report said they had occupied, Operations are reported to be taking on the nature of raids apparently conducted by troops operating ahead of the. main offensive force. The Middle East command reports fight-ing tast and southeast of Salum. SMALL SCALE RAIDS LONDON Nazi bombers were active on a small scale list night over points in east England and on the west and touthwest coast. There were few casualties and damage was jlisht Three enemy aircraft were brought down during the nijht. 1 FOUR NAZI i SHIPS DOWN i Catalina Flying Boat Damages Enemy Danes Sunday ! LONDON, June 17: (CP) The Air Ministry announced yesterday that a Catalina Flying Boat on patrol off Gibraltar damaged tour enemy planes Sunday and unofficial quarters said it was highly probable that they were four craft which crashed in Portugal. IS NOW IN Bulletins KETCHIKAN COMING Arrangements for an international baseball series between Ketchikan and Prince Rupert have been completed. The Ketchikan team will be here for games June 29 and 30. Prince Itupert will go to Ketchikan July 3 and 4. There is -considerable financial outlay in arranging the series. BRITAIN IS .Capital IINVINUBLLD. LI of Syria Hears' e of Guns; British Reinforcements Sent In Britain can never be successfully p invaded, declared Rt. Hon. Malcolm . MacDonaid, British High com- Meanwhile Vichy French Have Launched Strong Counter- missioner lo wnaaa, yesieruay. "The hearts of Britons can never be broken because they know their cause Is good," Mr Macdonald said. The son of the former Premier is now on a flight to Pacific Coast defences and expects to leave Wednesday on his return to Ottawa. I Mr. Macdonald is due in Frlnce Rupert Thursday.) PREPARING FOR PEACE Offensive Outskirts of City Reached at Some Points DAMASCUS, June 17: (CP) The rumble of guns was heard for several hours today and the battle between Vichy and British forces was believed to be very near. British and Free French forces have sent reinforcements into heavy fighting in southern Syria where the Vichy forces have launched strong counter-attacks, it was announced In Cairo today. Fight- lng was at Merdjayoun and Kun- rpfrrt if in eitra, each about forty miles south-, I I I I A I IS west of Damascus. outskirts of the city. At other points The Allied drive toward Beirut Dutch Women Are Already Making also continues. $317,000 Victory Loan In Prince Rupert Has Now Reached That Figure I Subscriptions to the Victory Loan 1941 campaign for yesterday totalled $17,000, bringing the total 'to date for the city of Prince Rupert to $317,000. HITS AT GMAMY work, the wife of Wlllem van Tets, man-Russian rerauons are -ap- the new secretary to the Princess proachlng the stage where they Royal Mr Force Hammers at West-Jullana of the Netherlands, sees in must elther cemented more, ern Germany Sunday Night this task a practical plan of vital closely in the Pan-European econ- importance in the future and one scheme or break Into open Jmie irollovlng Vp which might be usefully extended. h"lty- ""Ie , ls earlJ successful attacks against enemy Asked how it was that in view 1"UJ shipping, the Royal Air Force ham- of the clothing, need for air-raid victims, It Is still possible to bale clothlne lor Dost-war needs, Mrs result In war. The source said that the situation arose from German pressure for mered at Western Germany and t French Channel points for the sixth consecutive night Sunday, oil. grain and ore from more van Tets explained that such vol- Russia extensive damage among . . . . nnri t.hp ronvirtlon nf i rertaln . . vital Industrial targets. The Ruhr dividual donations. "There ls al- ra.T ".oV i and Cologne areas were slnled out nnents "CI"iau u"u": victories B " 'T": !for the brunt of the attacks by ana "movea to ouier neias. iP,n. nii., Mad nv r.rrat nfl. The Moscow radio said there was tan 0n Defensive Devices no intention on tne part or Kussiaj to move against Germany. For Education Of War Guests Describing the work being done ln that npWSDaDer ol by the Netherlands women in Eng- a plan evoived to help meet ex-land. Mrs. van Tets said that a vol- penses ln educating British child-untary committee had been set up ren evacuated to Canada "for ths by the wife of the Minister of Hoi- Hnmtinn " Jmiornlne's session of the conven- journal issued a '-'bulldlnK edl-iland, Madame Mlchlels van Ver- The writer sueeests that contri- J tlon. Ition" describing the growth and.duynen. An affiliated group in hutions be asked for in Canada to Jjp. McCaffcry and Vice-President 'continuously published more than the Netherlands refugees have gone school established in the Dominion. J W. S. Singer. O. C. Mitchell was(50 years. Fort William was incor-ion .to the Dutch East Indies and Parents in England would contrl- voted to the chair. He welcomed Jporated as a town ln 1892 and as a some to the United States, she said, bute the equivalent amount of the delegates, patrlcularly those city in 1907. "Like two members of from out of town, Including Mrs. the same family, the city of Fort E. C. Stevens. of Skidegate, as well William and the Dally Tlmes as the Premier. Journal have grown up together, The' credentials committee was leach affecting the fortunes of the named to consist of T. W. Brown, other," says one article In ttie spe- J. J, Judge and Noel W. Taylor, the clal edition. latter of Massett money In sterling for the purchase of a Spitfire. The correspondent said the proposal would not weaken Britain's exchanee resources. It would en- Mrs, van Tets Is an American, but! able parents to pay their way -1 1 11 I T 1 , n 1 . I . 1 . 11-- H.1,nAt tialnr. sue lias uvea in ijunuun is ycaia and spent many childhood vaca tions there. Expressing her admiration for the women's voluntary services and the feminine auxiliary services ln Britain Mr. van Tets said their organization is the. latest word in ef ficiency. while Instead of the school being a burden on Canadians It would enable them, ln effect, to buy a Spitfire. So far the suggestion has not received official sanction. Never Say tory Bonds I Die Say Buy Vic- .showered high explosives and Incendiaries over the targets starting the donations' received from at tllol sp DETECTING AIR RAIDS LONDON, June 17: Scientific developments of great 'Importance in the detection of. enemy aircraft; have been made since last autumn when the aerial blitzkreig of Great Britain began, Rt. Hon. Lord Beav-erbrook stated today. Ingenious ap paratus for the detectlpn of raiders Wr; r Susgesls available, clothing especially used Nov-. NVel plan r,a'1 T T "t,P tln situation Mtuallon , T 5 proaucea. ueaverorooK clothlne clothing which which is is still still wearable-' wearable issued a special invitation to over- Ibe collected and similarly might LONDON, June 17: (CP)-A spe savea, Mrs. van reis suggested. rorreSDondent of the Sunday Tn flip nbsence of President M. ripvpinnmpnf. of t.hp newsnnnpr; Montreal collaborates. Many of rnvpr t.i.a rttn!!P. nt a British seas technical experts to help ln devising and production of such equipment. Dollars will win the war. Dollars will end it sooner. Invest in Victory Bonds. Finland Is Going Over? STOCKHOLM, June. 17.- Finland has decided to. aban 4 don Its neutrality ln favor of collaboration with Germany, It was suggested in Stockholm! today. Meantime Russian troops movements In the Bal- tic area are causing Increased anxiety ln Helsinki, the capl- tal of Finland.