lolTATING GIBRALTAR 0W'''!W wf erowiM' "iigns of an impending niBK ' 0i4 Wl Mtl7. A0C n WT " ""uation of L They . l ..f.ire here t?l'l v RKORGANi. rcvloushr reoorted as rising as a result of enemy action rui a sea voyage 1 reat Britain British!a l ist A British Columbians on thc list hern -.. : -I uuin Vancouver Island. II Acng Su Ordlnar; ry rut. man. Thevi Sub-Lleqtenant B. H. Har- J Acting Sub-Lleutcnant, E. O. Telegraphist, Gordon R. Ordinan t Bcnu"4"1 fflcer 0wcn Newt0" fgeant Frederick George Hard- Sergeant William Robert Bate- r8eant Stanley Lawrence Lock. Sfporal William Frank Buddejl. .?.rporal John L. Lnadbctter. VictoruCept the "rst two are from .he earliest possible vanish civilians who -rv f imi war. 'il) ARMY MOSCOW Addressing a v ' of military graduates yes-rdaj. Vittiiot Joseph Stalin said tnal the Red Army was being ' anurd and strengthened on the basis of modern warfare. He S" 1,0 i,,k,inc' however, of ,,ow or wlle Hie Ked Army mijbt be WAR IN AFRICA CAIKO Axis planes today resumed dire bombing of the British jarrison at Tobruk and extended their attack to Mersa Matru, 300 miles from Suez, There was n0 major lang fighting, however. The British continue heavy air attacks on enemy forts nd bases along the Libyan coast. Hopping up operations continue in Ethiopia with the remnants of the Italian forces still k'tfplng UP some resistance. GLASGOW HEAVILY HOMKEI) LONDON' The German air attack during last night centred on Glasgow and the Clydeside area where much damage m done. There was also large scale bombing in many other parts of the British Isles, Liverpool and Belfast being subjected l further attack. Seven enemy raiders were reported to have been brought down during the night. The night's raids which extended well into Tuesday morning took in northwest England and the east coast, central and western Scotland and other parts of Northern Ireland In addition to Belfast. The bombings started on a light scale but intensified as the night wore on. During the day yesterday only a few enemy planes came over inchid-lnjsome over Belfast which dropped no bombs, evidently having tome to make a reconnaissance of damage done In the previous night's raid CENTRAL GERMANY HIT LONDON The Royal Air Force during last night engaged in heavy bombing of Mannheim and Frankfort in Germany, dwkj at Boulogne and Cherbourg as well as at St. Nazaire and Stavanger In Norway. Despite the widespread raids, all the British planes returned safely to their bases. TURKISH MEDIATION FAILS LONDON Turkey has failed in its efforts to mediate the difficulty between Great Britain and Iraq. Both sides demand Ibe removal of the forces of the other and neither side will agree. h N " m (CENSUS IS k LOSS 'CASUALTY LIST OUT y, Navy, Air Knicc iien, livii I tans Included Among 'lhoc Lost A I Sea i ol the various branched of U'c some civilians, naval men, Ipyal Air Force men, members of Royal Norwegian Naval Air w ferry nUols and members the United Kingdom and Cana- i inspection board. I There was no announcement p the casualty llat but It was the Wit, was in lonncctlon fwn Wic loss of a ilp at ica an- Vol. XXX., No. 106. Two Hours From Toronto To New York Dorolhy Thompson First Passenger TORONTO, May 6: New York Is now but two hours away from Toronto. The first Trans-Canada Air Lines planes to carry passengers between the two cities have Ju'Jt made ithoir initial High's. Thc honor of being the first. passenger to fly from Toronto " ' to New York " FROV'NCik VrCTOF - J War News She ary of State Cordeli Hull says that no such invitation has yet been received but. If It does come. It -f ill be rejected Any concess'ons to Japan at ni TT1 FvrVlIT! this time would be no differ- A)l IJllWlNentJhanmakW concessions to Germany or Italy. i f CHAMBER HAS BUSY SESSION Number Of Subjects Discussed At Dinner Meeting Last Night The question of housing was Enumerators Will Not SUrl Work jaiuiniu ""w- m - OFFERS NO AMENDMENT Conservatives Will Not Oppose lls-ley Budsct Ncw Democracy Proposes No Interest Financing Krcatly pleased not only at being sclicme and itliis company was giv- ,1'a' Hoiv the the first passenger to make Wic lng It conalderation . ...... .. r. eastbound trip but also at ..6 . .... nmooUincss smoothness of of later than June 2, thc date origin ally set. it was announced here last nielit. Tills is so not to interfere with tlic drive for sale of the new 'AW A, May 0: (CP) The war loan which will start on mav .nwu, of National Defence date. 7 vucd a list of IU pcisons rtcd miLilng. 'flic list included the flight. Massett Girl Is Cut In Escaping .From Home Fire Uie President McAfee told of writing to Olof Hanson drawing altcntiou to an article In an eastcni publication which told wliat was being done idiere In ttohncclion wrilh housing for war work employees. He had received a rcjily from Mr. Hanson saying tliat Uic matter had been laid before the minister and he was writing. I The question of Iconnecting Prince Rupert with the radio network at Jasper had been taken up Previously reiwrted in the Daily wJth Gladstone Murray, ncad of News, the provincial police have thc Radio Corporation of Canada been advised that the home and and he replied that the cost of contents of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoi- connecting the (local station that land of Massett were completely way would be about $40,000 a year, rtpstroved by fire on Friday night which of. course was out of the OTTAWA May 0: Hon. R. B. April 18. The fire was first noticed question. ... r h mnsArvatlve about 11:45 and was soon out of O. W. Nickcrson thought this imccd by Hon, Angus Macdon- Jd yeatcrday .t his control owing to inadequate water sum was excfislve as an arrange- minister oi naval anau-s, uir"w d offcr no amendment supply but nearby residences were ment coma re maae w strmg a t House of Commons last night ij1" budcct speech of Hon. J. saved except for minor damage, wire on the Canadian National w nc samf seventy -nve oi wc -- mTmxcr of finance. The Mr. and Mrs. Holland's 9-year-oia paies. Tne len-ter was reierrea oacK ilitary personnel" were feared Ilslly'. Mr nan- Hmnrhter. Barbara, was sleeping to the. radio committee. t luonseryauvt. . . Qn motlan of T W. Brown the Induced in today 's. list was Sam son, r m nnancing ln escaping through her bedroom Chamber decided to wire the gov-wrtson of Ottawa, superintend- "a .. the mmmm(,t l0 ex- window, received severe cuts on.ernment at Ottawa asking that gcd tortiie London Bureau Of the nnmnv wherevo: the hand. tiwaan rrcav who naa avcn, - , , nv.v.irilturcs. believed' " M, rwnrxracv! i xiirnnr uiutriuii. - member for Acadia, Alberta, moved I MrUAAA vrtfA mi line l ?ilS fiscal Policy. Partl- .Kc next ox Kin nvc iu iVl mnt.mi 0f credit, nc i,Td. stcs raised speculation " hat moncy should be " - tkUIVKtllVVu .i-tj ,.rintit iri.tinvift for mc Haile Selassie On Throne Again ADDIS ABABA, May 6 -iraiin Selassie, Emperor r0r entered the : of Ethiopia, v... Halibut Sales American 32,500 pounds, and 8c to 10.4c and 8c. Canadian 14,000 pounds, im one boat as It Is thought prob- nnancmg oi f at uv lcast a part of the and 7c to 10.2c and 7c. lMe thev .,m hn t,onina hv wt to the United States and Sam r. .....,, r r v leader. PnUon was known to be enroutc,,,- JJ.. ' of the new Traveller. but agreed and . taxes and tax incre, that every necessary swp ----- land 8c. be taken to crush the menace of dlctatorslups. American 18,000. Storage, (he vacant property on Third Av enue be put up for public sale, as It was now a public nulsaiicc. It Iliad been secured as a site for a post office but since the post 0.7c site 'the government would nmic discussion it was decided to (leave it in the hands of the mittc to again take It up 'With tlie 'city commissioner. 14,500; Storage, 10.4c J President Wendell McAfee drew Canadian Weather Forecast aUcntlon to the fact that a meet-ling of ratepayers was lo be held Sellta, 10,000, Royal, 10.2c. and 7c. hi the near future and he strongly Success, 4,000, Atlln. 9.8c and 7c, urged . every member of the Cham- 1 A . iocr w dc present,, i A. Landells drew attention to NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BR1T1S H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1U41. Special Demonstrations Are Planned In Connection With Launching Of Victory Loan Drive OTTAWA, May 6: In connection with Ihe launching of the Victory Loan campaign in Canada early hi June' a. mettallic torch three feet high will be flown across Canada tory. During his review which opened a full dress debate on the conduct Being of the war, a member interrupted Eden's reference to the United States with "let's do a bit for ourselves," Eden retorted that he was "presupposing the maximum effort of ourselves and the United States." Expressing the firm conviction that Turkey would stand by Tomorrow's Tides High 10:16 a.m. 18.3 ft. 22:41 p.m. 203 ft Low 4:00 ajn. 6.6 ft. 16:19 p.m. 5.6 ft. Its! PRICE: 5 CENTS. War Debate Is Open HAS QUIT ASJSISHOP; Wells Resigns as Head of Cariboo Diocese in Order to Devote I Himself to Chaplaincy I Work 1 KAMLOOPS, May 6. Col G. A. j Wells, Bishop of Cariboo, has resigned the bishopric to devote his full time to the work of principal Protestant chaplain to the Canadian army. He announced his resignation here. AIR TIME Roosevelt Is Invited To Nippon . i- j TOKYO', May 6: Foreign V Minister Maisuokuo has in- vited President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Secretary of State CordellvHull to vtit Japan to ascertain, at first hand Japan's' ahns In the Orient. In "Washington Secret- TWO KILLED War LenSth Depends in nr i rii-n Another Bad Day Yesterday For Royal Canadian Air Force Training Planes OTTAWA, May 6. Four members I Leading Aircraftsman J. A. Munro, Ed en in Parliament of the Royal Canadian Air Force: . were killed in two I trashes of training planes yesterday. Foreign Secretary Expresses Faith in Turkish Policy to At uplands, uuawa, riying ui-flcer D. T. Phelan of Toronto and , .t Stand by Great Britain Defends Campaign in Greece of Ottawa were killed. I o-kH00 -,a?i ""B, officer LONDON, May 6: (CP) Foreign Secretary An-nSnWSarS th0"y Ede? toId thc House of Commons today that the England, lost their lives. : TORCH DAY IN CANADA sooner United States war materials reached the battle fields of Asia, Africa and Europe the sooner would the l war end. He expressed faith that Turkey would stand by Great Britain and told the Arab people, including the Iraquls, to beware oi an axu vic K.A.F. In Africa- POUNDING FROM AIR ON ENEMY pledges to Great Britain, Capt. Eden Bengasi, Benina, Barce, Derna And " said u he depended v on TV. the loyal ' El GBazala All istrafed By .. .....I. ....... from Victoria in (lie Ailuills.eottt . . . wa'S given lo miss uoruiy uiwnu- mumwitu ia. uuuir-u uic itriu- , . . friendship or all TurKisn statesmen. son, Amerkii's famed woman col- ar monUuy dlnnfr meeting of Uie i""1 Ihcncc across to Great Britain Qreat Brltam woujd be umnlst and friend of the democra- IiL;e Rupeiv Chamoer of Com- en l w Ibe prrscnted to Prime ever tne basi5 m Turkish for- rhph Eden denounced denounced German German charges charges, Benina Benina British CAIRO. May 6: JCP1 Bengasi nrCCDUrn Jeft Ma,,ou a,rMrt al 10 mcn- Wcldon 0 clgn policy. UmbaI alld ahilrcme M I Ir.r r.l l r.l J o-otock and arrived at La Guardla S. E. Parker, leppiUng on bohalt J- u- J1"; 01 :nailc.c" as well .as- German and Field exactly two hours later. Miss of a conuniUee. ESlid that they had aiwvouified. On On VJhtorla. VJWwla. Buy. in. tKaere aad Deen. differences In Itauart, iamdlng fteldB. at. Bareev a -"--'0il Britain over military strate- Derna and E2 Oazata. all in Libya. not need it for ithat purpose. 0.8c The Seal Cove rood was again mentioned last night and after Loan 1941. 4 Big Bomber Production WASHINGTON, D.C., May 6: (CP) President Franklin D. Roosevelt called in top men from his cabinet and army and navy today to discuss stepping up production of big bombers. It is reported that the goal is Trying To Get Away From Nazi Yoke In France Fort Nelson Air Port Going On Construction at Northern Point Being Proceeded With five hundred bombers month- ly. The aim Is to bring air superiority ln thc war to Great Britain and the United States. o VICHY, May 6: A far-flung conspiracy to get refugees from occupied France Into unoccupied France has been disclosed. Even ,officc had been erected on another to German soldlcrs some cascs have been assisting hi getting the refugees across the frontier. solidarity both In respect to Greece 'by the Royal Air Force, it was an-and the whole war effort. inotihccd today. At least 'five Axis "If we had not gone to the aid of planes were destroyed ait Benina. the Greeks we would not have been . ; able to raise our heads again." de- clared Eden. I is FORT NELSON, May 6.-fWork Is proceeding on the new airport project here. It Is one of the links .the untidy condition of the lower , the chaln of airports being 'es- end pi MclBrwe &ireet on uie way , tabllshed towards Alaska and the General Synopsis it nas Dcen.w uie ramp ai uie uovennmcnunP.u cloudy ttnd inua on xne coasi wiwi ojock. iito civy wa expocun; . I moderate to heavy rain in the tourists here pretty soon and many j v v : ' . I'KouUiern and central portions and of tliem would get their first tm- JJaVllfifllt INOW 'sliowcrs in the northern portion, presslons of Uie city from that ap-1 capI" wrf WCSl rnnst. UOasi. O1! of Vaiicouvcr ViUUUU Island proacii. proacii. It was decided to ask tlie.D n QovrnH ; T.i.rv w - i . . ... ,. I-. .. ... .iiiniiw iinwrii tal yesterday aiicr nvc jv- rresh modcrate 4xuulwC5t of exile wlillc Ethiopia was "i , , Qnd d mtcr Italian hands. He WJJ J'SttcAt rahis" by 1 Us pcop welcome a great r Quecn and has rcsumca ito.uv. viands Uchit to moderate the Royal paiace south winds, ciouay ana nuia wiui 4-1 showers and becoming part cloudy. civic committee to take tlic matter up with the civic authorities with a view1 to having on improvement there. G. R. S. Blackaby isuggestcd it would be a great convenience to (Continued on Page Four) LONDON, May 6. To make still better use of daylight, England has advanced its time another hour, making two hours of daylight' TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Bralorne Big Missouri. .04. Bralorne, 9.75 (ask). Cariboo Quartz, 2.45. Dentonla, .01 (ask). Fairvlew, .01 (ask). Gold Belt, .23. Hedley Mascot, .52 (ask). Minto, .01V4. Noble Five, .00 '2 (ask). Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend OrieOle, 1.26. Pioneer, 2.05. Premier, .92. Privateer, .44. Reeves McDonald. .10. Reno, .10. Relief Arlington, .02. Sheep Creek, .70. Oils A. P. Con., .01. Calmont, .16. C. & E., 1.10. Home, 1.63. Pacalta, .05 (ask). Royal Canadian, .06. Okalita, .50 (ask). Mercury, .03 Vi-Prairie Royoltlrp, .05. Toronto Aldermac, .082. Beattle. 1.05. Central Pat., 1.66. Cons. Smelters, 32.00. East Malartlc, 2.30. Fcniland, .01. Francoeur, .38. Gods Lake, .25 V2. Hardrock, .71. Int. Nickel, 3050. Kerr Addison, 3.80. Little Long Lac, 1.85. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.56. Madsen Red Lake, .60. MlcKenzIe Red Lake, 1.04 Moneta. .44. INoranda, 50.00. Pickle Crow, 2.30. Preston, East Dome, 2.95. San Antonio, .2.15. Shcrrltt Gordon, .65. Uchl, .07. Bouscadillac, .02. Mosher, .04'. Oklend, .04. Smelters Gold. .01. Dominion Bridge, 21.50. FIGHTING SPREADS Conflict In Iraa Coverine More British Airdrome (Territory Not Much Harmed I CAIRO, May 6: (CP) Fighting .hi Iraq has spread with British planes bombin? Iraqul military positions in Diwaniya and a motor transport at Fulluja, the Boyai Air Force Middle Ea't Command announced today. The communique said tha't the four-day Iraq shelling of the British-held Habbanlyah airdrome had produced only negligible results, the firing being intermittent and Inaccurate. Bulletins BALLOONS DOWNED DOVKR German Messer-schmitts brought down three barrage balloons over Dover today before they were chased off by Spitfires. MENZIES IN OTTAWA OTTAWA Prime Minister R. O. Meniics of Australia arrived In Ottawa today after crossing the Atlantic from England to New York by Clipper PIanc- Men" zies will be here for three days and will then proceed to Washington. He Is a guest at government house. On Wednesday he will address the Canadian Club. HITLER'S DEMAND PARIS Chancellor Adolf Hitler Is demanding a final show down with Marsnai retain on the question of complete cooperation with the Reich. Hitler is reported to have demanded that France give over the navy, naval bases and the railway or suffer their loss by forced selz- ure. Return of Pierre Laval 10 the Vichy government being demanded. is also 5 a 4t ii V, I. 4 ; is tw 2 1 if 1 ' A