! ... i .?J V t 1 . ' 11 v r If I1 PAGE TWO Tjn DAILY HIWI B . i T ii lie! BROKEN LINES CLEARANCE .We are offering exceptional Values in short lines to clean All High Grade DAILY EDITION SHOES and priced to clean them lip in no time. One look at our window will convince you Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue ,H. P.- PULLEN Managing-Editor . ' , SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50di One Week, 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING RATES Readers; per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS vi-S C4""1 P 1 exclusively tatlMeil to us ror rspufclieaticm of U newi All rfchta ot riu6Uctton 6t special deooatches thereto ,we also .reserved Saturday, March 1, 1941. EDITORIAIS Conies To Us Gradually - - - By this time we are all pretty well impressed with the idea that a steady simply of monev will he needpd tn raiw 6n the war Until the power of Hitler is broken. Some people .are critical of the way 'money is being spent by the government but there will always be critics no matter how the money is spent. The mai(i idea is to see that the cash is supplied. We are getting a good deal of the benefit from this expenditure of money in the local shipyard and, if rumors are .correct, the shipyard workers have mside- the poorest .response of any in the city. Possibly this will be rectified soon. At any rate, we cannot expect to be given ship contracts if we are not ready to provide at least some of the money with which to build them. It is gradually seeping through, our thick skulls that we have to give as well as take. We have scr far had a perfectly safe country and hv'6d amid pleasant surroundings. What we have to do is prevent Jiitler ruining our peaceful homes by making it as Afujrte'asarit here as in Holland or Denmark or Norway. Tlie Bills Arrive - - - This is the -time .of the month when the bills arrive. ir. What to do.with them? Why, pay them,- of course. Why -wait? T.hat .is all yery well for the people who have the . ITrOneV VOli Virill Sf.. hut whnt riKnnf fli fird up .and cannot pay? What are we going .to do with thetft? ... AnunPai(1 accounC should not be allowed to run on indefinitely without so much as ayi acknowledgement. So. W mma suggest to our few thousand readers '-who are prpoaDiy just as nam up as ourselves. Pay vour yu ciim, ii yuu can ij leu your creditors you can t you can t meet .the debt- next month. dm ghter bills if you and see We.all .knqw from experience or from .the expeTience .fr.our friends or neighbors that the daughter is the one who bosses the household. If she does not she will leave St as early an age as possible'. Most of our wives were .n$e the eldest daughters or the oldest.Ones at home. They inherited the , dictatorships. Some .daughters have, the art of dictating flown to such an exact science that we do not realize we are the vic-tims'They do it so auietlv and eentlv that it. is livJ painless dentistry. It hurts only for a little time. , The Daily News is a member ,of the Canadian Daily J6wspaper ; Association, of the Canadian ., Press antf of the' A...l.'i. tt : si.-.-.--lj.f - T. t viuuii pureau oi circulations, it is tne only paper north of Vancouver an'd West of Edmonton holding membership inthese. organizations. BILLIARDS GOING ON Two matches In the first round of the city billiard championship, competition were played .off .dluVj row. Jri One .of .the first itjrurjd matches i Nell Cameron eliminated A. M Borland by a score .of :250 4o4188. In the other Private Clarke of Ihe Rocky Mountain Rangers won over J. Fleimlng 250 lo iio.. The matches tomorrow Will be J. Klernan vs. Frank .Zleman. in the afternoon and ft. C. Mutch vs. JEarl Batt In the evening. BOWLING re. SCHEDULE i March 4 Annettes vs. Bluebirds, f Big Sisters vs. fixtox Hotel.' Rangers vs. Savoy .Swingers,- -Lucky Strikes vs. Stylettes. March 11 Big SL;ters vs. Lucky Strikes, Bluebirds vs. Savoy Swingers. Annettes vs. Rangers, Knox Hotel vs. Stylettes. March 18 Big Sisters' vs. Styl ettes, Lucky Strikes vs. Rangers, Wb nil love the show In Prince w tu.t M.riA AJmmi Wt llkHt so miieh that ve j n..n.inin. t ' like to see It melt. Will Take Place Tomorrow Th tikv Mountain Strangers 1. "Little boy, does your know .Uiaf. vou smoke?" !'Ltsle,n, lad. does ,yonrhrtsb3hd Wiow that yoti peak to strahge Daily News Circulation Is Mounting are beginning td fnakt themselves 4 During the first two month at home. of 1941 the city delivery clr- I culatlon of the Prince Rupert ' - , ' j ' -i JflKc Says wai wnni nc ona T uaiiy news iiaaou" toghe.pa .Wd:Mie!tfa bovs marchlne It makes Jiirn want , re&se of fifty-five. This Is ,1ns .i.wo.arfc;heduiea for tornr?lo sUp dn(j m & bS-'t .exclusive of sti stand sales and substantial mall street and news- nettes. Stylettes vs. Bluebirds, Sav- Wnr a mart is rfeetlv saUs. Mmpson- . the regnlar distribution t All Jake can ao is ron out uie t .covering an parts oi me ur- barr'el. He can't march. , rounding district and well Into ' I. it i -1 ITL innl I till . v lilt imcriur. jiic wjuii un.uiu- rhothcr Hon of the Daily Hews yestcr- .l.day .was 2230. 4 4 oy Swingers vs. Knox Hotel. Ran- fied with himself the" undekiker T"fsaaytfs;. clW - 11:30 RJ gers vs. Big Sisters. begins to smile. j or ocean tans- Schedule for thfe last quarter of . . .- .- . I 1 nur&tiay a.s. prince' men. on .the street7" .- she: y dad, thin apart Steamship Sailings to see why they don.t b;." - 7 He: "So what?" She: "yotfd Mt'1'1 EC" WhaWs'avCommurilsl? .OnKwho '.xad yearnings . i Pot equal .diyL46n Of ,uhejuai ! ' earnings. vidler.or 6uhg!e.f of tfoth.-.iie'.ts J i ' filling To' fork out his topjpftr and pocket iuyour jshllllhg. . t is said that Georje Wo1 thing"- LILI1UUE.1I H LULJULU LII il.Il Lfr. . , f-flf .VahcouTei- Tnes,day Catala ,1:30 p ro 'rhufsday S.S. Prince Rupert - ilJSO p.m Friday Ss. Prlri. Adelaide iO p.m Venture 10:30 pjn. Prom Vancouver Sunday ss Catala . p.m. Wed. SS Pt. Rupert 10 a.ia SS Prln. Adelaide 4 p.m. ss. Venture p.m. Princess Norah a.m Annettes vs. Savoy 6wtos. Blue- 'natVd' smoking7 .but- his mothef n 5Warl a"d fP"m,er birds vs Kuox Hnlel. Marcn 25 Knox .Hotel vs. Ran-, (ijmoaernisis, " gers, feavoy Swingers vs. Big Sis- ters, Lucky Strikes vs. Bruebii-ds ' - lExcalibuf ,was a; wonderful sword Stylettes vs. Annettes. rtceived by1 King Arthur from, the" April 1 Rangers vs. Stylet tes.. of .the Lake: Every -War Cef Wednesday SS. Prince Annettes vs. Knox Hotel, Bluebirds tM&te purchased is a wonderfuHf'or A,,,ce Arm' Naas River and vs. Big Sisters, Savoy Swingers vs, sword .;whlch will be' helpful ln!r"ri aimPn Lueky Strikes. bftiting' the .O'ermans. Aprn o L,ucKy ijiriKes vs. An the .Ladiees- Bowling League Ls as. Thb- hm ?uj,ert r pm was follows: i. W- Prhcea AdthldelDpn Hockey Scores Pacific Coast Leagtie Vancouver 4, Seattle 8. CLssjFilO ROOM FOR KENT-M343 '7tli Ave. West. WANTED ROOMS WANTED 2 -Of 3 furnished, to.occrpy by March 5. Young couple. Permanent iot duration, ,Bqx 73, Dally News WOftK WANTED YOUNO girl wanU stenographic or vl clerical work. Box 74, Dairy Hews" 4 Cif' -i w"'"yr W"11" From Ocean Falis- wijch fie saw "ine boots kneel-lng at tone oi the? Irrootn .doors .cleaning a pair .07 ahoes. " vVhat af yoxi do1tig?,', he a?ked; "Tak .the.m down to .the .basemfcfrt and .cieari theft .there' Hnrlrov Si nnrlin rre n a Scot, gentleman Pacific Coast LCafUt Spokane 21 '4 16 ill p& Seattle IS 7 19 149 15i Vancouver .19 5 19 137 128 Portland 19 0 . 24 118 138 inskt; Jhe' ixtm and 1tt's .hahiint on.U;Uie ia&s." 4C Adolf th ioorried says that ,uhl-45 versal tdacatlon1 i$ .the most .cor-' 43 roding and" Integrating pokm 38 that llperalisrrt has ever Invented i. for" its own destruction. There ust " be only one posslbW educaUon for Kmh .cla.si3 and we must, therefore, be consistent and allow th great mass of the lowest. order th bless-inss of llUteracy. V Garage man: 'Shall I.tnstal -r,7T.r77Jiiv- ' 10ua ov a sof.t homrslr?" FOK KKN1 r Motorist: "Jwt one wit with .sriet r. a dirty 1 Warden of iiiyiumi "Did pfck Ur .those five hrnates .escaped) rooms. 'Goafd: "Five?' I twenty." you who We captured - . . 53vJ U is rumored that when drilling mhwmtv wanted: wm17 7 sdm SALESMEN' (3 ' to' repreierit na'thn- al distributor of new .trad stlmu- latof plafY that guararrteeS ih- creased pusrness -fq all ciasse.i of merchants. Uhusuai earnings onl advanced commission" and repeat business arrangement; Universal sales. 55 York, .Toronto. (65) personal; NOW' IS THE TIME Ttf 6ET A OOVERNMHNT JOB ' al clerjc Postrhari, Customs le'rk,Steh6., etc. Five Domlhion'-wfd exams Jiold since' the war begafiu Free Booklet, -W.C.C. schools Ltd. Winnipeg. .Oldfet' iri Caaiqcda. No Agehte. YQU CAN RU A HOME KINDER- Burden wicn .our neip. uanaaian Kindergarten Institute,- are :M. 0. C, Schools Winnipeg Man. XITEKARV AtrTHORS invited subrhjt MsS fiXl type. (e'specialiy faction iik Poems) tdP.uDli.snifqf ft year' ' standing. , Advice free. Stock w'li, Ltd., 29 Ludgate ltt Lortdort, England. WhO says Prince Ruwrt At not WANTED1 1 or 2 light hpusekeep- '"uny Kmas 0Uier Pe. inal rooms. Box" 76: bailv News. . ": , (56) .-. e. "o?1' Mountain. .Rangers t iem. vj iniruc wince Rupert is a pretxy joiiy piaee, Judgirrsf from' the. wjiney cteoratetj on th?rr arrl Left right ..' , Look Bright '. Do" your" part ' Smart Smartf iN'ow iheji MarcH jike menl 116 ftfgnl What a sightl BlanketyT fliahk Keep your rhk Alj iOgetfter Sp1i6 of iveiOieT", Foul or tssif .Sholikfers- .afuarV, . nW onc jnor Eyes to fore Keeping .time' All thie- 'ttme That' ilhe: .stykf Mi the wWfe. iilst how" serious k fadyV fnjurie were in an .accident which occurred recetttiy; .it; is hr'd Ut teU' because the- paper iSFOlti thjis , Of the mishap: 'Mrf. Wbm, attmpttrig. to get out- Of ,ay 6f. the-.autOV fell to the pavfiment, hiju-ring hwr somewhat." Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert Friday Ss. Pr. Adelaide ,....Q.a.m. 4 p.m. Venture i.'v10.3urrun. For Queen Charlotte Island v-: February 4 and 17. A .SS. Cassiar 10 p.m. From Queeh Charlotte Islands .SS. Casslar ., a.'m. February 18, . For Alaska jebruaiy 9 and .20j-s.s. Princess Hiipert 3 p.m: Norah a.m. from Alaska-February 13 and i ss. Princess Norah p.m. Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday From the East Tuesday, Thursdrfy and Saturday n For Vancouver- S p-.m, pjn, Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 10:30 p.m .."way 0:30 pjn. r.rom Vancouver-Sunday pm Wednesday io a.m "Way ..io,a.m. For r Stewart and Premier "" Sunday 4....:... 7 pjn: Wednesday .: 2 p.mi From Stewart and Premier Tuesday i 11:30 ja' c7nur.Sday 8p.mi For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson ""- ' - ir,-i.. 'THIS TIME WE Are I Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVKRSUII.S BLOCK Second St. Plinne Green 410 WITH Tttfi 'AUSSIES" JN i jnyA Sunday , . .. 7 pjn. For Alaska Froni AHW Arrrt, Naaf Rlvtr Wedncst:,. . and PoH Simeon j February 9 . i "'i Ttiesday. 11:30 a.m. From Alaska ror Queen Charlotte Islands Thursday February 4 and" 17 ltf p.m. February 13 1 2 From Queen Charlotte islands t t February 18 ajri ' Try a Dally Nrw This is the Time of Year When 8 pjn Rupert 3 p.m. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 am Thursday SS. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. ss. Catala p.m; From Alice Arm, Naas River and m . l-t'-f nTri -i I a A nifriilf In lrf rfisr nir Rarrfia Aimtrn" - - . Imperial Arm tit thf NHp nr sliouin Mninc r home after, their Kuccesxful ii&ault on the I in Libya. Below, a long, long trail .of Italian across the desert In the general direction of the eji ' objective Of .the!. Italian drive that went into r.c: flic AfaUes a Difference lo Your Comfort I Consult with us as to the best kind to u:e fo' Stov-e Range or Furnace tr m h m m m u zm m-m w i i t PHONE US f BOS Hot Water Bot Guaranteed Bottles Ormes ltd. JbftUftiU fitor. Phones I " Of en' Dafiy hoin 8 .m. tllljo ,p m. Wndy,n(i holiday!' from 12 to 2 p.m. D 1 to 9 pjn. Wheri Ybtt Wlnt A Reliable. Comfortable, Dependabl n m . . M u mm 24 Hour Service at Ureular Rales