page roua Work Clothing That is "Tops" in Fit and Wear OVERALLS Q.W.Q. and HeadHjjht. Full weight-Sanforised. Pair Treat 'Em Ruff. 8-ok. Sauforiaed. Hk G.W.G. Sanforized. Button type. Butt JuU aJpper. BuH - ::. (IA REENTERS' 0 VER A LLS .Headlight. Pair - , 4 Cariboo. Pair - ZIPPER OVERALLS New type Sanforteed. Pair WAIST OVERALLS ' G.W.G. Sanforized. Pair '...u. Unahrunk Denim. Pair WORK TROUSERS Iron-Man Famous for wear. Pair Heavy cotton drill Shrunk. ralr W Open Until 10 pjn. Saturdays .MIGHT HAVE BEEN KING SWANAGE, Eng.. June 5-; (CP) Aeneas McDonnell, 21st chief of Glengarry, who once sought to be King of Albania, and produced pictures of a row of kings to. back up his claim, is dead at 66. S3.95 $4.75 $3-50 S2-75 2-65 2.oo S1.50 83.25 $2-75 atts & Nickerson SECJIETS LOST IN TRANSIT LONDON, June 5: (CP) Since the war started on only two occasions were secret or confidential papers involved in official documents lost from vehicles in Britain, the government annonnoed. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. Ltd. Special Afternoon Cruise "Through the Skeena River Saturday, Juno 7 S.S. Tamosun" Leaves ONUS. Dock 2:00 p.m. Return 5:00 p.m. EXCLUSION FARE S1.00 (Plus Tax) CHILDREN HALF TARE Accommodation Comfortably Limited Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5C8 MACHINISTS MEETING Lodge No. 207 International Association of Machinists will Meet in the Carpenters' Hall on THURSDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 O'CLOCK James Somervillc General Vice-President for Canada, who will address the meeting, invites all machinists, union and Non-union Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price - - 50c Ormes lid. tZfiA Pioneer Druq&iaU The Kexall Store rhonei 81 It li Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. mi 7 to jw. , , ;1 'oiffrniiniki T OF SEWING Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary is Keeping Very Active With Mrs. William Rothwell, president, in the chair and a fair attendance of members, the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion held its regular monthly meeting last evening. Routine bus- iness was dealt with and returns from the Battle of Jutland tea and also ihe spring sale were reported satisfactory. Resignation of Mrs. Dan Parent as secretury was ac cepted, Mrs. f Barber beins ap-j pointed in her ead. Mrs II. Oden, the standard bearer, also retired and Miss Dolly Smith succeeded her. Arrangements for the Citizen's Parade were discussed and settled An outstanding feature of the meeting was the announcement of Mrs. William Goodsell, the convenor of the Sewing Club, of two huge cartons of clothing for refugees in bombed areas of Britain having been dispatched to provincial com mand this week. This represented devoted work by the members and! materials and garments supplied by generous donations from outsiders. One in particular from Mrs. Collier of Billmor was especially acceptable. Miss Edith Gandy again made a handsome contribution of children's clothes and knitted gar ments made by herself. Mrs. William Goodsell was succeeded as Airs. r Tame Alison. TRIPLE GOOD LUCK LONDON, June 5: (CP) Head quarters of the Royal Aeronautical Society in London's West End. containing 16,000 books and 5,000 lantern slides on history of aviation, has survived three Nazi air attacks. Dr. Charles Peaker of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will give an ORGAN RECITAL in the Anglican Church TONIGHT, 8:30 Silver Collection will be taken Proceeds for Victory Bonds Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Strawberry Tea. St. Peter's Branch. Mrs. Thomas, June 5. Hill CO Dance, June 6. Parent Teachers' Tea. June 8. United Church Tea Mrs. O. C. Young June 12. Queen Mary tea, Legion Hall, June 14 for 'soldiers' graves. 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Canadian Leg-Ion, June 19. i Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. J. R. Mit chell, June 20. Boy Scout Tea, Mrs. J. Clark, June 21. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evitt's June 26, Strawberry Tea, Lutheran Circle, June 28. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass, June 28. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace, July First. Dominion Day Celebration and Dane at Port Esslngton, July 5. Navy Tea, October 18. IN TIIK SITltEME COI'ItT OF IIKITISII -,. COLf.MIIIA IN I'ltOltATf. Irt'tlif Matter of tlip "Administration Art" And In Hip Matter of thp Estate of Edward Urnsley, Defeased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His tlonor, W. E. Flrfier, mode on the 23 rd day of May, A. D. 1941, I was appointed Administrator or the estate ox Edward Heneley, deceased, with Will annexed. and all parties luring claims agalnat Uie sadd estate are hereby required to furnish tune, properly verified, to me '.on or before the day of June, A. D. 1841, and ell parties Indebted U the estate are required to pay the amount oi uieir inaewedjiess to m forthwIUi. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C . tills 27UJ dayxf U.y, A. D. 1941. HERBERT F OLA8SEY Official Administrator. AUIn, VjC TS3 CaJL7 limit LOCAL NEWS NOTES S. O. N. Meeting Tonight.- Used Furniture bought for cash or sold on commission. Ello's, Moose Building, Third Avenue. (tt) The winner of $6. raffled by the local naval women's auxiliary, was Mrs. Al Demer with No. 280. VS p ALVHj CANADA Missionary Tea Successful Event Affair Held By Presbyterian Women at Home of Mrs. I). C. McRae A a..HAnr..i 1. , , . . Those pouring were Mrs. J A team consisting of T..W. Brown. G. A. Hunter. W. J. Scott and H. s. Meadows was named to represent the Gyro Club against the Rotarv Club in a crfallenee auiz contest to night in connection with, the Vic tory Loan campaign program. Never Say Die Say Buy Bonds! FOOTBALL TONIGHT 6:45 F.M.. CSX vs. INDEPENDENTS IN THE KITKEME rOl UT OF IIKITISII COI.I.MUIA IN l'KOIIATF. Ill the Matter of the "Administration Act" And In the Matter of the Estate of Robert Emanuel Johnson Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor, W. E.Flnlwr made on the 15th day of May A. D. 1941, I was appointed Executor of th Estate of Robert Eman-1 uel Johnson, deonuvd, end all parties having claims against the said estate i are hereby required to furnish same. properly verified, to me on -or before tlie 27tti day of June, A: V. 1941, and all parties tndtibtm to the estate ere required to pny the amount of their inoeouxinea to me roruiwiin. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C this 27Ui day or May A. D. 1B41. OLOF HANSON Prince Rupert, B. C. PAINTING Decorative Kalsomlnlng LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 4G Tonight's train, due from the east I at -11 o'clock, was reported1 this morning to be on time. Mrs. R. II. Macaulay of Vancouver is here for a month's visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Macauky, Fifth Avenue East. A Billet Doux for the Boche! Capt. (Rev.) R. C. II. Durnford, padre for the local garrison area, was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. President Neal M. Carter was in the chair over a fair attendance of members with a few guests. A Man who won't Lend Is Hitler's Friend 1 Owing to failure to make arrangements for aerial transportation of the regnatat to Vancouver, the funeral of the late Garnet C. Watt, who died on tfee trail near Mayo at the.flrat of this week, will take place instead at Mayo. according -to advlae received today by deceased's brother, Norman A. Watt of this city. An Interesting program of rec ordings featured the program at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yester day, these being played by E. G. Southby. President W. F. Stone was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. F. G. Skinner of Vancouver was a guest. The luncheon raffle was won by Dr. Jens Muhthe. Ally our Forces over her Visin lour Allied Forces over there! hnmp of m n n m.ti,. i va"us committees reported afternoon by the Women Mission- S?1!" It ' " ary Society of First Presbyterian 1 on ?t ? Church. The rooms were beauuJfi' 'enn ChaPteur-fully decorated with spring flowers.P"ehr' Daughters of the The guests were recelVed by MrJ?P; " SL .. W. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, the regent, was McKinley, J. Clark, H. N. Brcckles-1" , I . a 8a by and E J. Smith.' Serviteurs were fi" "L? cashier was Mrs. J. M. Walker. ' a..- , Mrs. John Bremner and Mrs.i I N K I rrVTlft of the homccooking table. Gyro Club Buys Victory Bonds Local Service Club Invests $700 of its Funds in Federal Securilfcs The Prince Runert Gvro Club, at its regular weekly luncheon yester day, decided to invest $700 of its funds in Victory Loan 1941 bonds. Last year the Gyro Club invested $2500 in the war loan. For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and days e From the East-Tuesdays. Thursday's and Saturday r UNIFORM Daily tesu in every Carnation condenser? ensure controlled quality. Always the same, wherever and whenever you buy it . . . always the same double-rich, creamy smooth milk,"re! Contmted Cows". A CANADIAN PRODUCT FORSUNSHINEVITANIN D 11 p.m. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Bdg. We need your co-operation to cive you better service. Please put, out our milk bottles daily as we need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 Grinding, honing onj tt topping ttu GilUltn Blad$ on giant prtciiion mack'un od'uifaiU 110,000 of itch. EDITORIAL ON HANSON Vancouver Province Commend Skeena Member in Comment Upon Question of Domicile "On the question of domicile, when it came up in the House at Ottawa in some obscure connection with death duties, Olof Hanson, Liberal member for Skeena, professed himself a little bit Impatient at the intrusion of what he thought was something rather irrelevantand unimportant at a time like this," says the Vancouver Province in an editorial. T-..-.L. I. i "Mr. Hanson In effect made a sound argument on the general thesis that domicile Is as domicile does when the country where you 4 live and make your home and your friends is in danger. He cited his own case, which seems to be. relevant here. "He said he was Swedish-born and he was proud of that. But he left Sweden 40 years ago as a seaman, coming to North America and becoming for a time a cltlren of the United States, 'but decided that I had not yet found the country where I was readv to establish mv I permanent domicile.' " 'I had read a certain amount about the British tradition of Justice and fair play, and I decided to iwgn Deara comes off Ifo uJ baUS0 Blue Gillene Blades have the keenest, f.mhes..Shaving edges that have ever been produced. Ail your for- MONtY CAN'T BUY AN IASIER-SHAVINO RAZOR BLADE come to Canada I jrj tvi Canada in 1909 end ha tx and one daughic: Myrei: air force. My :ar.,, j. ; army. I myself happen t; bt old ... I do not zy. go into these fine tc-':i about domicile I hav; ; a Canadian ar.d a Brl: O -ll T T . . . . . den and the Unite:) ' have reached a good C - fm , well, it seems to be a r. and a Britisher who u 'c. in Canada. That -i J2.t.. u for anybody more Bonds? n l . Jim n A Nv r. I frl A GOOD PLACE TO HUY 16th ANNIVERSARY FURNITURE SALK 4-Piece Hcd Itoom Suite Bedstead, vanity dre-ser ia :e chiffonier, upholstered bench. S69"" oaie price SEE OUK WINDOW PHONE "75 Clean-Up Paint-Up Make Repairs, Build We can supply all the materials for a new home or lor to the old one. Call in and talk it over Albert & McCaff ery, Ltd., PIIU' mm vi? in HrAir1tir