ill m. uat'7j I'liliiiiii io iitiiiiiLl i - (iathcring Forces in Syria for Uattlc and Allies in i'alcstinc LONDON, June 5: (CP) With bombs officially re-Mirted to have killed more than one hundred persons last I . 11 1 .- it. ! 1 f IL. t). . .. -i. mjrht at Ajexanuna, uik main uuse ui me nnusu .H.katrn fleet, the Axis has delivered the first, of its JieiHlt'I Mediterranean TclHUall mv; ,iaic iico uuiicitu uic m.-'uui no Amman In Transjordania is also ;rlcj to have been bombed by ': Axis in reprisal for a British vnhin- attack on Bewut in fanean isia A heavy artljlery attack has been FIXING OF GAS PRICE Trsch mandated Syria A new V o( bombing plane said to Possibility Of Furl Shortage Ileitis ii been used by the enemy, at I'ett In Canada Soon Is Seen ' wan. -" - - - ' BrttUh observers state that slm- . , . , , , 5:- Hxlng of OTTAWA, June ultane0u: attacks by the Axis on ga-wl nc prices a a wai time meas- Cvpm, Palestine and Alexandria l ... .j- ...i.u ure Is bene considered by the It Is revealed. government forces at the points as well as fpfral in iraa are belnt? hnv v re n fore- 414VV v W Lanrc unit nf t.hf Hnval Navv are ano concentrated oli the Syrian coat! Nazis Moving In The vanguard of Axis forces mov-ia!t into Syria arc being .steadily augmented. It is now evident, with A definite fuel shortage In the Dominion Is in prospect and may be felt even by July 1. Full Report On 'pr increasing numbers or plants, p . ry tank: and general fisthtlPK equip- I rrOTil hntrllll men arriving as well as numerous ! rzsz - - u,c ,,u r of Trade Egypt and Auitralla have Roosevelt c!as-cd Syria as enemy-occupied territory for trading and economic ,lt!I,mrlY1M nr Ilin 6. brkCn ff PoTon' tmmuW irithT! A to cc-nJ rhyr a- onOm c and sc):lal conditions of Ocncral Charles De n Gau'.le. m com- ..., u. ,n uiinaer in-cniei of Free rrencn n ncpvplt bv lorces is " "I'"""-" reported, to -v be In Pales- ,. John G Wlnant, un ted States tommander. In regard to possible , action against the Axis to meet the ; NAZIS DOWN Uis'DEK situation In Syria. i : 111 PTl'Vnt nmno 1 1 Hfn c II ll ! UrtTT I TKimTlM N 7... JU11C 5: king taken against air raids and (CP Eighteen German officers "It" columnist activities. It has and 477 ratings were made pris-keu promised that any bombing oners of war in the capture of a of Cairo will be answered with German supply ship and tanker bombing of Rome. by the New Zealand cruiser Lean- Rome admits that the Royal Air der and the Australian ship Can-Purce has done damage In a bomb- berra. ng attack on the eastern Medlter- J Determination or Extermination -Buy Victory Bonds! VICTORY LOAN Program June 5-Cithen's Parade-Form at 2nd and Mc-Ilride at 7:15 p.m. March off at 7:30 p.m. Dates Not Yet Set Garrison Parade. A.R.P- demonstration. Boat Parade. Radio Programs ANKARA. June 6: . ,. : ; " , (CP) Foreign sources Amman in Transjordmia is Another Target Enemy jn Ankara exchanged stories today indicating that Germans and Rumanians are massing for an attack on Russia that may be expected this month. (These ve- pOllS ATM UIIUIUIJ NWV"- thieatened heavy blows at Suez Canal defences, according out confirmation in any to qualified observers. With captured Crete, 500 miles British circles.) H';unt, beinz evidently U3?d as the - - -- - oruuboard, the attack came as the made by the Axis against British- held Tobruk In Libya. aid Lebanon to be enemy-occupied Therp has been further rioting in territory for the purpose of restrict- Bagdad, the capital of Syiia, with L- commerce with them. martIal law declared by the British T..i niohi"K the heaviest as- authorities in control there. Mean- -undelivered upon Alexandria. whe. the British are continuing "re the war began. The one 1 expeditiously clean up the rfttu-"andred persons killed arc stated to a"on In East Africa with the taking -M been mostly civilian-: Berlin ot 17.882 more Italian prisoners In tr.r.ounncment said that iarge fires Ethiopia. ' in been started and that luel -nKs were among the objectives -it T0DA7S"ST0CKS Vancouver Braloine, 9.85. Cariboo Quaitz, 2.15. Den.unia .01. rauview, .01 (ask). ' Gold iieit, .20. Hcdlcy Mascot. .51. Minto. .01 Vl Nob'.c Five, .00Vfe. Taoific Vickcl, .04. Ptnd Oreille, 1.30. Pioneer, 2.25 (ask). Premier, .87. , Privateer, .4G. Reeves McDonald, .10. Sheep Creek, .78. Oils A. P. Con., .0G. Calmont, .12. C. & E.. L05. Home, 1.65. Pa:alta, .02. Royal Canadian, .07. Okalta, .50 (ask). Mercury, .02. Toronto Aldermac, .09. Beattie, 1.06. Oentrai Pat., 1.72. Cons. Smelters, 32.00. East Malartic, 2.35. Fernland, .01 'ss-'Francoeur, .36. Gods Lake, .20V'2. llaidrock. .67. Int. Nickel, 29.50. Kerr Addison, 4.10. Little Long Lac, 1.71. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.55. Madscn Red Lake. .55. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.01. Moncta, .40. Noranda. 50.00. Pickb Crow, 2.44. Preston East Dome, 2.85. San Antonio, 2.20. Shcrrltt Oordon, .63. Uchl, .082. Bouscadlllac. .03. Mosher, ,0434. Oklend, .04. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 21.00. IS CHOSEN MODERATOR Rev. J. B. Skene Of Vancouver Becomes Head Of Presbyterian Church In Canada TORONTO, June 5: Jlev. J. B. Skene, pastor of Central Presby terian Church, Vancouver, was el ected moderator of the Presby terian Church in Canada at the General Assembly here last night. Ills was the only nomination for rio nfrirn In succession to Rev. William Barclay of Hamilton. He was Drooosed by Rev Roulston of New Westminster. MAKE HIDEOUT VILLAGES LONDON. June 5: (CP) Archi tects and builders are working on plans for tUl "hideout "tMWWUV villages" . O in ob scurp munitions workers will be taken home by. motor-coaches to peace and safety. Vi LOAN IS V,CTORlA(BaJ K an 'Tomorrow's I ides She i We:,t Coast of Vancouver iv ' ' High 10:51 am 18.4 It. Moderate lOUCia-T; southeast wind, overcfey w.v.vCT 22:59 pjn. 215 ft. and mild with Intermittent light Low . 4:30 a.m. . 4,4 ft. ra 16:41 pjn. 65 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXX No. 131 PRINCE RUPERTBrc;, THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 1941. PBICR: 5 CENTS. : I, '1 J Axis Now Striking Toward Suez Alexandria Has Heavy Bombing Assault With 1 Over Hundred Dead Attack On Russia Is Talk Now Over One Hundred Thousand GROWING Subscription for Dominion In Three Days Tolal $141.962,400 British Columbia, $11,000,000 OTTAWA. June'5: (CP) National Vietorv Loan 194i headauarters re 4 ported today total subscriptions of $141,962,400 rortnenrst tnrce aays of the campaign, the total for yes-yesterday, the third day being $43,-050. i In British Columbia and the Yukon subscriptions up to last night had exceeded $11,000,000 of the $C0, maior subscrlDtlons in British Co lumbia Include $1,000,000 from the British Columbia Sugar Refinery and similar amount from the Powell River Co. In Vancouver city 1 Rnn AnfV Kna UoAn fkrl TORCH IN TORONTO rarents Receive Message Today From Lieut. Jack McRae Who Is I in Toronto Tonight j Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae received a telegram today from their son, Lieut. Jack McRae R.C.N.V.R.. who Is flying East as Canadian naval representative with the Torch of Freedom of the Victory Loan 1941 which' will be delivered to Prime Minister Winston Churchill in London. The Torch of Freedom plane Is In Toronto tonight ufter three stops in Ontario during the day. 'Last night was spent at London, i Lieut. McRae reports Increasingly I enthusiastic receptions as the flight across Canada progresses. He also reports rainy weather In the East. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The weather has been part cloudy and mllJ on the roast. I Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotte Islands Moderate southeast wind, cloudy and mild with Inter mittent light rain. SAD TALE OF 50 TAILS LONDON, June 5: (CP) Proving a colony of rats lived on olive oil bv absorbing It through their tails Thomas poked Into bottles a rodent-officer Jmlxed poison with the oil and next day found 50 aeaa rats. AUSSIE'S NEWSPRINT MELBOURNE. June 5: (CP) While shortage of newsprint Is re- sultlne in smaller newspapers in j - sdoIs where aircraft and i Australia, production from large mills recently built In Tasmania will as time goes on replace the Imported supplies. : OUTSPOKEN ?KS TO FRANCE mons today. Waterway 000,000 objective. Some of the. authority to proceed with the l,jJf,Jv lift'? u--ti ttauuu. Prlmo Minister William Lyon ' the project, the President esll Mackenzie King has purlhased T matea $7000 of the bonds, BOMBING ACTIVITY Enemy Covered Wide Area But ..Caused nausea I lit J l tie lie Damage nama;c and uuu rcn Few rence Waterway project as in-tegral Dart of Northern can defence. The cost Is estl- mated at $285,000,00,0 and It will take four vears to finish Bulletins WASHINGTON June 6.M31V- lne a solemn warmnz that . there was no reason to expect other than that the European war would continue for three or four years and that an em- ergency state would cervall In this country for that time, President Franklin D. Roose- vlt tiHaw aclrpH fVin(Tr.r;s fnr ' fnnct.riift)nn nt thi St I.iui VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN OTTAWA Canadiaiu on Wednesday subscribed $43,155,050 to the Victory Loan 1911, running the total for the first three days' operations up to $111(02,100, it was announced today. 4 SrY IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER A six .months sentence was Imposed in police court here yesterday on a Nazi spy. He was a 22-year-old mess boy who was found aboard a British freighter flying the Swedish flag. He had been masquerading as a Hungarian, having joined the ship at Los Angeles a year ago. In his possession were complete maps of a British port. Two of his brothers, he admitted, had been killed with the German air force in Poland. FORMER CONSUL DIES VANCOUVER Paul Suzor, former French Consul in Vancouver, is dead. LOSSES IN CRETE GREEKS EXECUTED CAIRO Hundreds of Greeks have been sentenced to death, It is reported here, following a clash with German soldiers. PLANE PLANT TIED UP ENGLEWOOD, New Jersey-Trie big North American Aviation plant here has been tied up by strike. CRUISER DAMAGED CANBERRA The Australian cruiser Perth has been damaged as a result of action in the Baltic and evacuation of Crete during which she was under constant hours of dive bombing attack. The extent of the damage Is not revealed. , ' With Germany "Inimical"' to United States WASHINGTON, D.C., June 6: (CP) Secretary of State Cordell Hull told France today that Franco - German collaboration was "inimical" to the rights of the United States and other nations. In a statement Mr. Hull declared that official reports indicated the Vichy govrrninent had adopted a policy of collaboration with oilier powers 'for the purpose of aggression and : WAR GAMES IN RUPERT Searchlights Play Into Heavens As Tracer Bullets From Machine Guns Shoot Down Target Balloons - I War games on a diminutive Scale were played over Prince Kupert ""-' " ' " - -v. 1 - 4tnM ...IfV. Un irirfn..r Trior. 1Q11I UUU Wll.ll 1.11C wait campaign. It was a perfect night from a weather standpoint and large crowds turned out on various points of vantage Including Totem J Pcle Hill and wharf approaches to see the display. Target Target balloons balloons were were BOND SALE 1 IS $105,000 B-hrt , rnnc , T.lls VIC, T., C.,b.. - paign Ends Prince Rupert's Victory Loan 1941 subscriptions reached the $105,000 mark with the ending of the third day of the campaign last I night. This Is getting well along to 'the one-third mark in the $390,000 objective for the city. Canvassers are getting along with their job although there are many who have not been seen as yet. Some bond purchases are being made at the dug-out on Third Avenue where members of the Women's Service Club are in attendance during the day. Others are buying their bonds lrom the banks. Much of the money so far raised ( came from the business section of the. city and there Is still a quarter of a million dollars to ralte. It has been pointed out that the appeal Is particularly directed to those who have money In the savings banks. They would benefit from the change over to Victory Bonds. LIMITING tMJUklJlA A V , Caiualties HoVal Air Fmxjl .. JROGRESSjpF ENLlSTMITt,Uyhrate ljJ.n)ghtiatervit3r(, o . - . Jf - -Also'ruM Out -'T" orrAWA-A-total of'VeoS inTn as a part o! the program of pub- C4l PAS V PJT have been enlisted In the Can- Hcizing demonstrations In conntc-i Ullli 1iLill 1 LONDON. June 6-- German bombersranged over the Midlands, southeast, northwest England, East Anglia and London district during the night. Casualties were not heavy and damage was not great Bombing seemed to be centred on Birmingham and Chatham. London had its first bombs in twenty-four nights but the attack was light. Three enemy planes were brought down. , The Royal Air Force ranged from Norway to France with Boulogne the principal target. adian army since the start of the present recruiting campaign, Hon. J. E. Ralston, minister of national defence, told the House of Cwn- Fishermen s Naval Reserve. On more u has these as they rose a an regulations' in respect searchlight and several lesser lights despatched to the United played as machine and Bren guns froPm w abroad AIter June caught the range and shot them be aUoQ 'down with tracer bullets The ' ly subject to ce rtam conditions, marksmanship wa, ; cred Ub e vjy unsolicited gifts, wheth-&nd few of the targete escaped . It ned foods Qr was good pmcttw for the S"" myay not, be received from aboard crews participating. t addressed to indl- y " The Searchlights v(ere operated vials- by the Second Searchlight Battery. No Parl may exceed fWe .xmnds Capt. W. H. Crocker, officer com- manding, and the Bren and mach- ftZST ine guns by the Rocky Mountain tw pound' f anL ?i L is No Permit Rangers, Lieut. Col. J. E. Wood, , "cenfe r,e(iuired ,r lit. VnAi In such cases, and all parcels must on the ocean dock and the smaller f i x. solicited where It has been receiv- ,i,,oe rrv, ones on other wharves. The mach- result i, of some ,,r!, com-lne .,,. .M,, ed c" as a prior guns were fired from the docks . sent the recipient it. . i,i,ic munlcations by and nearby hills. I Moreover, the receipt ' Smi ? S V? w.r'o? ' gifts at frequent Intervals can-appreciated that this was tout a b. ..r. tinkling sample of the "symphony . Ve d , . annUinnar of war" which support of the Vic I s ?rnnnlff tL ls for nadlan soldier,,, In the jtory Loan will help to keep, away United Kingdom. fmm PHr, iirt in it. tprrifv- BERLIN German sources lng actuality claim that 8000 British and 4000 Greek prisoners were taken In Crete. Five thousand were buried there in addition to other Allied soldiers drowned. Halibut Sales Summary Canadian 41.500 pounds, 10.4c and 8.3c to 10.9c and 8.2c. Canadian boats selling today: Cony, Clipper II, AtU. Canadian L, j Gony. 14,500, Atlln, 10.4c and j j8.3c. ' I niimipr II. 14.000. Storage. 10.6c, Revised Shipping Regulations Issued by the British Ministry of Food J. R. Morlson, Postmaster, an- . nounces information has been re- released celved BrUlsh Ministry oI from one pf- the vessels of the . . . . n-. .himiin I Guns for our Sons iHuhsl to beat the Fewer Bears; Still Enough ., . Fishing bears which prowl !, Unlrc nf smnll sfxPHtTIS ill WIG Ut""J "4 - - and 8.3c. the Queen Charlotte Islands off Atll, 13,000, Storage, 10.9c and the British Columbia coast are a?n .J. a Wit Vipnrfnrhp tn fisheries of- flclals but there aren't . .. .. manv as there used to uoiiars win win we wai. ""'"v . . will end It sooner. tory Bonds. Invest In Vlc- LANDED AMONG ENEMY as be. Ninety-one of the marauders were shot In 1940, reports to the fisheries department says. Bears are numerous In the is- lands. Officials say that along one small section of pjinn tuna rrpi R.ikprt hv bpaeh 10 of the animals were VtlUVU, M UIIV w N ' I - machine-gun and rifle fire a Royal seen scooping out pawsfui of Air Force pilot lanaea in enemy jt saunon us wie uig iwu ucgan -r took off . ascendlntr creeks to the scawn- V - . safelv with his commanding of fleer lng grounds. . . m . 9 nu ,,tUn Vi 4 Viaah prkimHpH o tiH f.rflT fr fr sneKeis ior Teeaom uronaciucawnu iu i. ...... for Serfs Buy Victory Bonds, j ped on the ground. v ' i V. , t M"