hursday June 5, lMt. THE DJIE7 KE7S IVien fio firjf mouthful makes you shout , . . you know that you're tasting genuine Kellogg' s Corn flakes.1 Dip your spoon into a bowl of Kellogg'i Corn Flakes ; . . let their criip dtlicioujness melt in your mouth; Never again will you be in doubt as to why 4 out of 5 Canadian women voted Kellogg't "tops" for flavour. Why, too, taste exptrti unhesitatingly en dorse this opinion. Kellogg'' flavour gives you the kind of appetite that helps digestion. They're splendidly lustaitung, too. An average serving with milk and sugar gives you needed tvtrsyi Get Kellogg's Corn Flakes tomorrow. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. 1 V1 SPORT CHAT Tkiiliyl A meal for ihe whole family com only few pennies. htte ihe "30-second hreakfaM loniorrow. lnlwocunvenitnitizea. --t-r t, 7 Buy Victory Bonds And Weir n VICTORY BOND TORCH Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Mnre Rupert Co. Ltd. NBBVBBnBaBaBU " i i i LINKS j "Kellogg's FIRST for flavour" say A out of S.Canadian families. During the last three years 5,000 women have been asked: "What is your family's favourite cereal?" Each year Kellogg's Cornflakes have won by a large majority. Last year, wheu housewives were asked specifically: "Which brand of cornflake do you think tastes best, 84, or 4 out of 3, said "Kellogg's." Your family, too, will enjoy Kellogg's Corn Flakes. When you eat out, ask for the triple -wrapped individual package. with any of them. Koy may fill real at around the waiver price. Vi nHvers cost more British ColumniB Canadian Pacific Tmnscontincntal . Trans-Atlantic Transpacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. ''Princess Adelaide- every Friday iu p . TO VANCOUVER' DIRECT June 11th, 14th, 21st, 28th, July 5th, 12th. 16th. 10th To Ketchikan, WrMiiell, Juneau ami June 6th, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, July 7th, 11, 14th Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. coat,,c r..,.rni Aetnt. Vrinc Rupert, B.C. . . nnn nil. the fittings. Just like new at very low prices. Phone Black 324. n. C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE Buttermald Delicatessen See owners. tf FOR SALE 3 -room suite furniture. Sell complete or separate. Phone Blue 898. (135) FOR KEN! FOR RENT Heated flat, newly renovated, fully modern. Apply, P.O. Box 70. (131) WANTED WAITED To rent. 5 or C roomed house. Phone Black 561. (133) WANTED Man to drive car and dairy work. Valentin Dairy. tf WANTED Model K35 Johnson outboard motor for repairs. Crankshaft and cylinders must be In good shape. White A. Hanson, Nlthl River. B. C. (132) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and Boarders in private THRILLING BASEBALL City Locals WU In Cls Cm from Compusite Military Team I Last vening at Acropolis Park, the Composite team wade H de but In the City Baseball Leaiuv by losing to the City Laeals to th Ulc Dili. Jlcica uic wjf -vjf it.u.c w w.. j w.w , . n. - n..... rv .y.b. To ifnnn t.tnl thp RMs have ou- ok a ilQ6U Mi Vile wcwrw vw biia.i iuv tv . " - tiwiiiiiui. aw - bought for $15,000, but he didn't paid or will before they locate the steritt cf. ....-...5 last long. Lee Gamble came up right guy will add up to more than Bowden p. 4 . ... J .nrl nnth. Trim V-l;kpV nnlH Clark Griffith Miirrou If 9 r irom vne ncu s iu.ih wu '"" . j cincinnau ucus, iiu worm ,ng Nino Bonglovannl was drafted tor joe uronin. lomgave up BU1 rI ITte -mnit NaUonal League champ- r, 7irn nnri Prpnohv Bordacaray 000 and Lyn Lary, a player then schroeder rf . ..3 i - r.r ir ,1,111 will hriVA have thp the most most ' ' i.i. uu u- Vnnkees) nma came in n n a vnlnprl valued at nt about about $35,000. $35,000. 'Ppir-P Price If If m r,vp ., , ?:.-;ve player In baseball nis- tra(Je for cooke. The Reds dug In ta?. Hb name may be Koy. and to tne kmy for $40,000 for Vlnce i ll n i;ain n may not. uui ns wr- DiMagglo and then traded him even OtlSfiDclll vlCOrCS ;via wn:ver winds up as the up for John mzZo vvhen the Reds, j car :fui tory left fielder for RwaDDed Rlzzo to the Phils for Mor-1 tie Reas J nave cost more than . Amovlch they had to cough up ny othet puvn Already the Reds an extra $10,000. ave srpc.i) mere than a quarter of i mllllcn iryv, to find thU field- I.i5-hittln3 st j.t That's the amount baid out for left fielders since Bill lloKcchnif became manager of the P.eds three scisons ago. Al Simmons came at the $7,500 waiver nrice. Wally Berger was obtained from the Giants for Alex I Kampourls. an Infielder who had cost $30,000. The tag on Bud Hafey1 i was $20,000. Dick West was an ex- The late ;t pi.iycr to be bought for pensive $25,000. Mike McCormick trial at mat snot Is Ernie Koy, . nnrnn miir nn tsn - . , - C094. fU,WU UltU Ii. A'v... ' horn the Cardinals let co for $35.- .. , .,i . 000. Jim uieeson came in a ho !. Altc-ether m.- .u the Reds j have , tried . . t , ., Anfl ome 20 players In the left garden min UK uuu: iU1 " ' id so far havn't been satisfied Jim Ripple was bought from Mont- American League Washington 4, St. Louis 7. Chicago 6, Philadelphia 1. ers postponed.) National League St. Louis 2, Boston 4. Others postponed. -...2 j Composite Alt. Engelson, R.C.N., lb 4 Madden, R. C. A., 3b 4 May. R.C.N., C 4 Mll'chel. R.C.N.; ss 4 Vellan, iRCJiSC, 2b. .4 Coomles, R.C.CJS., cf. 4 St. Jean, R.C.C5., If 4 Brown, R.C.A., rf. 4 Carlisle. R.C.CS.. n 4 i house. Apply 644 Thompson St.! Phone Blue 098. (132) FOUND FOUND Black leather brief case with pen and ink drawing ln-.side. Owner will please call at the Dally News and pay for this advertisement. (tf) Spares Randall, R.C.C.S., des, jR.CNi., Green, R.C.A. Score by Innings: Locals 1 2 3 0 0 0 Composites 12 3 0 0 0 II. 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 II. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bowling Played In Fine Weather FOR SALE -7 room nouse. iui MB - , , r.- Ave East. Near both schools and.""" " "" , , nvTj. I Am Pun nfr fin Tiieiliv Anil dry dock. $20D0 cash. Phone Green 922. j34) FOR SALE 3 wing pumps, 2 pipe cutters, 1 lawn mower, odd tools, 1 bath tub, 4 wash basins with all a VUIB III! ll Mfc-mM4 J MIIU Wednesday Evenings Last night's perfect weather enabled the playing of a full list of regular fixtures In the Canadian National , Recreation Association's Lawn Bowling League, results be-' lng as follows: Jack Frew rink, 18; R. M. Wins-low rink, 15. W. H. Wilson-Murray, 17; Frank Vickers, 16. Jack Paul, 28; R. E. Benson, 23. G. P. Tinker, 25; Thomas Mc- iMeekln, 10. ' In postponed games Tuesday I night D. A. MacPhee's rink won over Thomas McMeekln's 24 to 20 with Jack Frew's defeating R. E. Benson's 2! to 14. THE SEAL 01 QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockcye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year, round payroll In Prince Rupert CIGARETTE PAPERS BOWLERS 10 1 VANDERHOOF The Nechako Valley Pionrro' Association has elected offioavs as follows: president. Dr. W. Row Stone, vice-president. H. h. Blajk; secretary-treasurer. W. J. RImM; executive Ji W. H. Day. Mrs. aeuTge O3-ston, Mrs. E Paterson anil Mrs. P. Park; historian, Oeorge Ogston; auditor, Henry Sangebye. narrow margin u o Mrs. A. A. Hutchinson of Vander- It was a lougn one iur uumctMiie :,.. to lose as tney had been leading uV Cub Decides To Assist In hoof has rec . .. .. ... .v. , 1 , ..... ",if tit fhiMmi Bundles to Britain which are oe- live 10 mree unu, u . . . .. . 7ne t to the old Country by the wnen uie iaicw .n .-. last, inning, Tv,htP of th tv, ,V,1 crame Pnr rui th uic toft lawn uiwu BowlUlB w's Association in an - u cAa........vw ... tne wnoie game, . . . St. ot John .,,. , s Arobu-. of part of the game It looked as If effort to she sum of $3030 as under auspices . ..11 ,j u .4 - ...... ..-.. tr ,k nhiMrpn v nt.fcm-0 Association. The examina- with a nl.e hit Into ttie cenlr The deeiaion of tn local ciuo to . field. assist In the ralstfig of a fund fol- did very well. rrui- n . n h. tho nnwsrut'i. 'w the rwi tt nf a letter from of a pltcner's battle. Bowdt.i W. Kenmuir, president, 0! tne Bri- Douglas. Lodge, popular resort on chucking fine ball for the locals tish Columbia Lawn Bowling As- Stuart Lake near Fort St. James, In the first four lnnlnr.s; ueins re- station, wlih as as follows: has been re-opened for the season, nirf in fho fifth hvlarRbip. who "Another season for lawn bowl-'Mrs. E. G. Baynes having recently finished the game in fine style, lng has aa.n arrived and we are Carlisle carried the whole game indeed foituaate to be able to en himself. The bang hit of the eve- Jcy the grand old game, ning came when the the sixth Ken ' If we stop for a moment and ,imnrvvi nut. a home run with VVIWIUWI consider the "V unreat --- and turmou C Vi fri nH sn hnrn arrived staff. Rev. J. Miller McCormick toiiiucuci uii uao s,4 - i - , I This game was sparked with day, esptUally m foreign lands, iFralriedale and Fort St. James. manv fine nlavs. the boys really and fully realize the difficulties from Vancouver with her "PAOZ FTV3 Be sure fo get 1 E Quaker Puffed Whtfat and 1 B Cooker Puffed Rice sum of three thousand dollars dPrht)3f from Nelson to take ever Legion Hall here last night. 0 which Is to go to a lund to help 1 0 the children Qf Oieat Britain. Wei ..... A... . . ! 1 .1 , .... I all Know now ine ennuren ..uvc 0 bten deprived of their homes and 0 loved ones due to the rude tactics 1 0 of war. 2 "We trust the various Lawn 0 Bowling Clubs in British' Columbia! It. will in some small way be able to1 1 contrlb"ute towards this fund and 1 help us to reach our objective.' 2' : : I 0 GO.VF WITH THE GLASS I 01 LONDON, June 5: (CP) Bomb 1 'shocks have taken a heavy toll In 0 wine glasses and tablets In pub-0 lie houses, virtually irreplaceable, 0 and Eom? uubs have tlosed on ac-i Gcd- count of it. mm T- M) VI I II I .1 I I'll Fm h flu. idvcrtiitmcnt ll net publifticd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tj Govcrnmcnt'of Biiliil Columbia Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton. D.CJPb.C. Wallace Block, Phone Cl NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A IIOIUE AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bo 190 Buutllul coloured pictures 'mwttruilflriink Britain's Fighting Planesand Warships of the British Navy. Th "SPITFIRE,,t "HURRICANt", DEFIANT" nd BOMBING PLANES. I.M.S. HOOD . . H.M.S. RODNEY . . SUBMARINE. AND OTHERS. Send two bo top from packaitrs of requetd. writ your name na address on one of tne box topa. with the name 01 the dMired piclure then mail them to ine uonaua Starch Company P.O. Bo 137, Vancouver . Thomas Embley has left for Van- the Composites woum De victorious, a unci iuna it me umuitn . .,., . rmhlev w .ras sr .-ays SSS V them when th Locals too tne r. 01 spec, ... , - - - - - n( 4 runs. LambJe knoMcin m we,' ruture. t '".x ... " -.ij4 Mrs. N. Trinkes left last week for a visit in Edmonton. ThP QUlesnle Grain Co. haji ship ped a carload of oats from here to James wps taken to the Prince George General Hospital at the held latter part of last week for treat- Anclican Church services on Sun- ment. that is prevalent in the world to-, day of this week at Vancerhoor,( Kelowna In the Okanagan aisirici. Manuel Rottacker of Fort St. Rev, and Mrs. Hugh Herblson returned to Vanderhoof last week af ter ter attending auenains the me annual uuuuu. British ojhi turning in fine ball. the peapw oi ureal uruain nave, constable riaroict J. Jennings, iur- Downey umpired the game and had to endure we cannot neip Dutmerly of vandernooi, was nere at. uoiumDia uonierence oi u.e- umra Jim Wilson of the Y. M. C. A. feel thankful for the liberty we the end of the week viMtinp the I Church of Canada In Vancouver. kept the score sheet. City Locals All. Lambie ss., sp. ...Jt. 5 Kerr 3b. 5 Currick e. - 5 Morcran lb -.5 enjoy. Masonic Lodge and renewing ac- -. - K.I nhls year at our semi-annual qualntance with many old friends, r. Maltland K.C provincial 2 meeting a motion was paswa tnaij ! Conservative leader, addressed a 2 this tnw Association Asaociaium try and ' raise thej h. H. F. F. Wallace Wallace has nas arrived arrived in in Van-' van- pubtc puDiuc meeting nsreung In in the ine Canadian MEN'S SOLID LEATHER Work In Crepe, Pancp and Oak Tanned Soles. Priced from $2.95 T0 $7.50 Our Stock of SHOE FINDINGS Including Folishes, Laces, Arch Supports, Corn Pads, Shoe. Trees, Etc,, is the Largest in the City SOLE AGENTS FOR JACK AND JILL SHOES Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stoclu of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability, SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE 652 v. ! ; lij'.' it: . ! i-f