-47 4 Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIA3I0MJ MERCHANT Ywl Our Baseaeat Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties Wanted-Raw Furs U xlUM 1U1 PRICES PAID tbt, U1.1L OKMUtm, mat Esptrt. KJC. lUwr&xnlinz HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Thw is the Time of Year When I QUALITY COAL 3Iakes a Difference to Your Comfort Conxnlt with n a to th best kind to nee your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. FJXOJfE 11C ruo.v. 11T I j c p T I HBP HOT WATER BOTTLES Ormes ltd. ZZut Pioneer Drtu&tets Tbe Keaall Store Phonej 81 k 82 , Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holiday from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.nu j . IPbst-Nuptial U-S, BOMBER FLIES Zti MILES EYES EYES TRIPLE TROUBLE FR03I THE TROPICS' Shower Held Hctsre Jtmnie is riorre f a banana nUntatiwi. rat n fc, ,t III!! ite2 bs an Ann at a SfSt-flnttxtd lassie. Sty tie 7 Zone tayntm faftc a nrv nUn . . . and m dvti tit FeB-rw rams tf 3Sr- Ma Erfinr GringtraAC' 1x9. cresset 2. 6&nfiL xtxfxsj wr ub2 o&rrtx psrrr " Expert Optical Smiee, Watch, tiock, Je efcrr Vi Snid si fb beer- -or" Jir znt ! Mr. d Ofeae 1b fewer c Cx-jut llepzirmz. Hznd EBgrarjas wI CHAS DODLMEAD ,lxce Efi T wned geese Mn air tuanac, expend Jx:: WBCnitiiTnTtwnr to lb? mrSpprfi Jmemtt rere vms xjbA the bares ;was tiMrf Wj Jari JOe HetoM Grtnstr?Bf ln T J UsCr-dkeon. lira Jcbr. G-nv.i 2si Ida Sjr Gwrtrs mng die eosrfcr of the f eosEiusBti' MRgl ad x.' -a we tattai za ax 2x bruit and fanes -vmAsA tfcssr -way ixrx z. Tonus? safeest fareweBtd "-bem b - wtsetng "1 Lore Too Traiy " Sell Home And Leaving City lr vad lizi 1 stamzmrh and rasL Uarfct. ar- r? .iar tonizsi on the Prisx Bp-- fee Biraaiy. near Taaerover woere tfeey na 1 bnqt x bees? zed -stt tai p I firms e ft&ieact. T&t& togme oq J atoh Ate West lies Umt saw ior ea in U vttjo of toe Ca-na.laB Tfeb & Cefe! Sterse Co baring -verksd zt &ea Core ? aiaat tor tTartr-SETeo veart a.d ln. BsaaieL vfB s weal ta oi Xbe Boyml Otmaa proceediBz erath later. Son. Taaf -;a,al Votaats v Ramt dibMde ata Cafeia are ranataiss o r tae onrim- oi tn- -rar vtuie Print? Baprrt Man in the Moon ! A capiain axked a nev reerattl iThat the Fhra$e "xtratrgy ox -rar" meant, .ntr if be could grre an in-j The 1 -x.ru U replied, "'tii. ctrate- j ?y rnen you don't let tb; eoeny -wn iit you are act ox am-muclUo:. but keep on fir-c;; " After mMtlnv u . - " I BOCttiCUV outxide the circus, a performer wax "Ken w a doctor. The boa came a Ion? and aalvtd the doctor: "What is acteally wren 1 with the patient?" 1 Th doctor xaid; -lie hax broken' hla humerus." "Vell." taid the bo43. "thafx hard ! lines, ax he wax the best comedian ' 1 erer had." ! Home I headquarters for the i representative. of thr prince of Peace but It Is also headoartr fortheOodsofWar. Acttydirtded a?ainxt itself cannot stand. We wonder how MuetoJini feels about it all today? If he'd kept his coretous eye off Greece he might we occn sjiung pretty instead of trying to explain to hlj people how it all happened. "Thou shalt not covet" and "Thou halt not kill" are two of the oldest commandments if we remember rightly. Mike Colussi .Accordionist and Teacher A.AJV. Certificate PnONE RED 811 Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 41G ( (ttaao and .'r cm. The bmp uc a-r IC noun Seeking To Sell Effects Of Navy Lads In Rupert The bfetoricaj ronunittee of the iU attmbezj are am-rijr oa active xer- at oaTxl bead- quarters oteoBied by the terse bfl-iixrd table -rwjri for other aer. -!Trt "'.if: JEr--If L3StS&f9r COMEDY ROMANCE Alth the settine in the bar a 1, aether -rar xartn, i- of -Dine it c in W an7nnpn eat today tore foe, T Zc X UTTiV'-1 to Ettler. co'tin. L 8tt that te d tfae radio, there olt n, . 1 ff ready at oce.. i-J be MM - ax In SXoST r 1 the b-jyx tettuig orgxnteed after the I state bt Cxs mln.' Tae boyx of the Irixh endraOr' it owr and they return hose, fend -rith OBrL... - ' - .w-.i i - : aaa irnoi ntewir u.4i4 k.. 1 tnttee eaoaettv at H r.-r.-.- . ... . . - Wah ' at for the AJlT. on Exn-' day aftemoon. It Is to b- a real C'.m9nfrr?ba, acordtog u vbat Handrt-a 01 tose try a "spot" we hear. .Jo the DxjIt Ker r!af get good rexalU. tf) er for Cxcney faor is biooAf en Vbuon who plays the part of the discontented wife of another plantation boss. The plot moires about O'Brien - effort to keep Caf-ney in the tropics and to get rd of 1 Size 2 PEAS Women vho know their vitamins choose canned (ea for their extra vegetable. Thee "petit pois" are the finest in size and quality you . can buy. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Buys and Sells Used HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE GREEN 916 MOOSE BUILDING THIItp AVENUE i Kill c- TOMGHT and FEIDAY 2 Sbr, SithUf. ;:Nt J;S reatnre at" :l 3at Shendaa ax well as the lat'er efforu to Carney. The cast also iacMex lromf .Covmu. Aady Debtee, Oforte Ttob- jfaa. Ceoffe Beeves. Victor KUian. Action. ThriBs and Exritenent Pr- J-ilB Rd,T Orady Sattei. Tided by Carney. O'Brien and Sheridan FOR PODXD STERLING MTiV YORKL Jin nTh. t?h. roaxaee, renietr with pound Merlins wx unchained Us and ana exdtetcePi. cxaiciccpt. a MiW't - or. u:. h n-w yr.rj; foreixn , , - w , ' . iinmImm nf itli - - - A radio nues are -r oropriy of the Mfx. Tfce zstac ir imwi mantes - rsiw uacney. pit oat . fimir.jr si T-.i.-k- .-v -.v r - - - 1 wufWiuiBs wuKcvoer u onm ana Ann saerjomn in Tor- rid Zone" at the Cxntto! Theatre here tonight and tomorrov k;---- l PHONE 651 FREE DELIVERT Be TRAPPERS Don't sell your furs on the waterfront Brinr them up town to me. IU make the buyers pay 30 more. I haTe a big contract to filL GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinkTeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnr company with an all ne year round payroll In rince Rupert wocui-s NEWS EVENTS THE SIXf IV , Dt'DE I 'J I 1 r 'i FREE EXTRA PANTS Tfck U the 'opport ur. : . ose of the faasr-.,, DBe of Ilobberlin Sarti and get an extra pa..- 4 xbtoiotelj frt Ling the Tailor Sixth Street rbwe 61 t CHIROPRACTOR bUaie IV, Coltu. D.CTiC. Wallace Blk. rbent tt MAiNUFACTURERS, Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local KrprtvntatiTt Prlnrt Rupert PHOXE CKEEX (IS Central Hotel Central Hold Annex 150 Heated Booms Hot Waler steam Batbi Dininr Room In Connection MtC. E. Black, Proprletrrrt LOOK Bicycles and tt heelroods o( ill inds Repaired. Rubber Fool-wear, Tires, Etc, vulcanized it GUNK'S Variety Repairs 61b. SL opp. OK Barber Shop NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A nosnt AVTAT FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 90 Roorae Hot tt Cold Watt! Prtnct Rupert, B.C. T hone 181 r.O. l Fresh Local Rnw and Pasteurized Milk VALEKTIN DAIRY raoKi M7