Tlmisday. January 23, 1941. HOSPITAL 'Hi W.A. MEET rs. F. S. Walton Re-eleted Pml (feut 1940 Successful -Year Last 'Tuesday evnlvw the 'Prince Rupert General Hospital Women's Auxilia-, annual neetiiV was held m the beard room. Th main 'bus- mess r -the meeting was the elec- . tion wUiil' resulted is'follows: A break occured in the watermalnj Jlonoraryuegem., mivuh.-moii- Tunning under Shawatlans Passage son- Preittftut. Mrs. F.'U.lWrillph. Fl'M Ve-Pratldenf. Mrs. B. Cx f; ei'.iry. Mrs. J. V tllititon. Tm surer. Mrs. A. ... Beriiet. . M s. J. A. Teng. Rc i'e.sentatlve to tw. c board. S. A.'Kle'bick. It 2os) TUesdav xilsht. Fortunntpiv it. wi 'discovered and the line mended vfore 'there was any serious Interference with service to the cltyj Water 'preasure on the line Hhere -. j. f-vf.-n'Af . Mrs. s. tumen. iiwrs. ' V J I .nf ham, Mr.,c V. EYltttund The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at Its regular weekly luncheon yester,4 0(tftill dav. hMrrl frnm the nrAcfHorit UT ('fV fitftnp wh i hftl!r1aHnrr In thn ' ' """V -w.r . -i mt- year. It Vsis reports that slxWr- a 'luncheon of the Vancouver Club bed tables and iwelve fr spring as well as going across to Nanalmo mattresses were 'presented Uo the to attend the Installation of o:flc- liospUui ers there. He and his wife, mother Final arangements were made for and stepfather are now In 'Call the hiniu) ball which Is to take Xomia and ts due back In a couple pliif" in the near future. of weelcs This adverUsement is not publWied m Ulspiayed by the Liquor Control 'Hoard or bv the Government of British Columbia. "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEN1V COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED GO. Sole Distributors McUod River Hard 'Goal KOSON, NANALMlMvixLINfiTON. ISUliKI.KY VAU.V.V Offlffi and Coal Hunkers TrotleYs 'Dock tyone 58 . . .mMMXMMM Wo bought three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in Thev answer 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars arc painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with'comfort Call us at 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' RUPERTS LARGEST TAXI SERVICE CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the. EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, G p.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves 'PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday. 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River fare!' an.iuun, VANCOUVER WINTER EXCURSION 'to 1941. ;G0 A A Tickets on'sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to 3lst, 1941 Final return limit March ' For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents geritsorrran for Trans-Canada Air Lines '-f '-' ' j- -- - . .. . fc.- UNION STEAMSHIPS Rteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA' EVER V TUES- T.SS. u. vSt ' Hue Vancouver,ay an. queen Charlotte 'lilanus ertlce- "'ffi,,1 3 an 11710 p.m. Rupeft January C and'jO.lFebruary . ... i.c Tickets at Office If Convenient, 'riease ruru.. - -- Ions , d T Tickets MteU , From Reservat Hjm further Information Regarding I'UANK J. KlNNElL Prlnce RuP"t Attnwuuu U you loso any thinir, Advertise forlt. MADt'tN CANADA SEA CADET ACTIVITIES ,M.ocril 'I'taneh of "Navy League Cuniua 'in SeMOii-Cnrps 'Strength Now'EigMy Various matters nertalnlnE to the local Sea Cadet Corps Were dLcuss-j ed last night at a meeting of the . i . 1 1 a it n.l ,Tt... branch of the Navy League of Can-i adaWlthPresidentR.M.lWlnslow In! the chair. The strength of the Ca det Corps Is now just over eighty and its popularity is attested to by a considerable waiting list, of boys At last nlehfs meetlnz Chief l Pettv Officer -DudlevHCiN Was ao j pointed to act as Instructor -for the corps. Arangements are under way ' for the resumption of '-tat get shooting among the corps' activities. The J bugle band is also to be revived and I efforts 'will be made to find a suit able Instructor. The possibility of merging the Prince Rupert Boys' Band with the Cadet Corns wos dis cussed but it -was felt there' might be considerable difficulty in effecting such a scheme. Henceforth recruits of the Cadetj Corps will be required to undergo, medical examination. Dr. L. W Kergln having consented to act as examining officer. . The commandlnir officer. Lieut. Alex 'Mitchell, was authorized to arrange for a church parade by the, corps. Trre'CorDS'ls awaltlns'dcllvery. of new unj form' equipment but therej hibeen ome 'delay in this con- neetlon owing to -war demands. A'vdle df thanks V:as tendered tq A. 'L. Holtby and'R. M. 'Wlnslow for Uielr success Jn.aarivass for funds which had realized tha highly gratifying sum of $650. O. A. Hunter and C. C. Mills were aDDdlrited a committee to prepare Historical data concerning the local Cadet 'Corns for record and for warding to Dominion headquarters of the Navy League. Negotiations are still reported under way for a lease from the federal government of the old'Post Office site on the south .side of. Third Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets. It Is understood that a 'business block is contem-. plated. Announcements Wii oHvPtiMTients in this col- iumn wlU'DenarBea tmonth slt'25c ftword. Ahtrlican Tea. 'Mrs. 'R. iBartlett'4 January 23. BftM hnsket social, January 24, ladles with baskets 'free. ' Btirns banquet and dance 'Janu- nrv 24. Moose utuu, . n . l r ....V. nn. 75c, dance only, wjccjcovch tra. !102nd Auxiliary Dance Armories, January 31. Ms&onic Telephone Bridge, Feb riidry'-4. Orange tea, February 5, Catholic tea, Mrs, February' 6. Hospital Annual Hall, February 7. Mrs. Krikevsky's Cambral Valentine Hall 'February 15. R..'E. Moore'a I Ball, Moose wot.m. tea. "Mrs. S.Haugan's February. 'Proceeds War Relief Presbyterian tea, Mrs. Mitchell's -February 13. George 732 dAILy hCTH .JJPAOB THREJl LOCALS Just say 'Three Two .feleale." Indian Agent 'James 'dlllett left on last evening's train for a 'brief trip to TCltselas on official duties. son. Basket Social and Dance nrtrifpllnws" iHrill 'tomorrow 10 Din. Adm. 50c. 'Ladies 'With 'baskets free. (19) Tonight's 4raln due 'from the East at 11 o'clock was reported this mornlna to be 'running on time. Miss Margaret . MiLaclilan re-: turned to the city on Thursday ; night's train from a holiday visit to 'Edmonton, i Just say "Three Two 'please " J. E: 'Mdlheson, fire Inspector of the local 'Forest Branch, left on' last evening's train for a trip to Toronto. !He Is stopping off at; Smlthers enroute. 1 Olof Hanson. M.P. for Skeena. is; making the round trip to Stew-j art on the Prince Rupert today. He left yesterday afternoon arid will be back this: evening I HOW TO HELP PREVENT MANY COLDS From Developing Qutck -Put o Few Dropi Of Vlcks Va-tro-nOl up your nose at the 'first sniffle, sneeze, or sign of catching cold and let its stimulating action aid Nature's defenses against the cold. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Mllkin Alllsoi.. well known U.k miner, v.i. . has been on a trio to Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Rupert yes terday and proceeded to the interior , by '.he evening. tra'n. ' 1 t 4 "V t rVwVrlll m-oll Itnnum Toll- wa coal mine' operator, who arriv- j ed in the city on Tuesday night's I train from the , Interior, is sailing tonight on the, Prince Rupert fori (a business trip to Vancouver. I i Valerttlne! Basketball -Association iParty February 14. T.ntheran Valentine tea, Metro- pole Hall, February 14. . Tea, Legion aswifc'Bai; FrfdaVFebruar'y 21. ; I 'Due to trouble ion the trans-1 mission line to Falls River, the! city since midnight , last night has been receiving a restricted supply of electrical energy from Shaw- atlans Lake plant During this mortilng service was weak and irregular but, by tonight. It Is hop ed to have normal service restor ed. The Prince Rupert Rotary Club heard an address of unusually inspiring character at Its regular weekly luncheon todiy when Major T. W. Sutherland 'medical officer in charge -for 'the 'oia'; garrison area, spoke on ill? Subifc:...'f 'U:a Manner of Mt n We Are." Dr. Neal ear ner, the president, was in the chair over a good attendance tif members with several guests. 'Workmen of 'the city engineer's department started this mornlns on the digging of a trench on the south side of Third Avenue and Fourth Streets where a six inch sewer Is to but 'In. There has been a sap in the main there and, in order to serve n new building which is to be erected 'by James Klllas, It has been necessary to In stall the line. Nursery Stock FREE 40-page catalogue, 32 colored illustrations. Full of Valuable Information. Complete list of plants for the home. Latest plant novelties. SEND FOR YOUR COPVNOW Valuable Free Premiums With Every Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES Sardis, B.C. J. H. BULGER fOptometrist Royal Bank Bldg. FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S . DOCK I GET THIS B EA UTITUL, VLTRA-M ODERN I I SQUARE 'Bods I m mm I mm ibuhm i SPARKLING. CXYSJAL-OIAR. with heavy, solid sauart base and delicately fluted sides! Don mm your chance to get one of these lovely glass tumblers or a whole set while supplies list. Get your first tumbler today at your grocer's! Victor Amadio. who has been seriously 111 with spinal meningitis, is now making splendid progress toward -recovery and,, within a week or so. It is expected he will bo able to leave the Prince Ru pert General Hospital for home. The County Court case of Dr. J. F. Tiiagulre vs. William Goidrjioom has been settled out oi court after having been pending for some time. The action was for "$35. "W. O. Fulton acted lor plaintiff and T. W- Brown for defendant FOR SALE FOR SALE Shelving, glass doors, 3 -way mirror, tables and drapers. Watts St Nickerson. (19) FOR UEN1 tvSt? pf.nt Laree furnished office inHndlnff heat and ngnt. uaiiy News. ii vnn RRNT-Room and board.'Suit nhift fnr one or two men. Phone inlarlrfiM. (22) "LOST TRTScotlsh terrier. Answers to Mar." 700 McBride St. Phone Rliip 693. w" FOUND ImtlND Glasses. Owner can hate same by calling at 'juany wews andipaying fon thls ad. tf PttTTND pair 6f nlasses, bladk frame. Mav be obtained by pay lng fof advenisement. Dally New3 WANTED t ' jr'. v v-v Kellogg are FIRST FOR FLAVOUR vote 4 out of 5 Canadian families! During three consecutive Tears, Independent research (tf) I WANTED Woman to cook. Pay eood wager Please apply 610 Cth Ave.(W.; Suite j4. (tf) I WANTED-Glrl for general house work. Supply references If possible. For: Information . applyBox 3, DallyNews. ' 120) workers have questioned over 3000 housewives aoout tneir favourite breakfast cereal. (Each 'cdr Kellogg's won bya large majority. Last year, housewives were asked, "Which brand of corn'flakes tastes best?" 84, or more than 4 out of 5 of all those interviewed said "Kellogg's." TLAVOUR EXPERTS, TOO, vho took part in an fa- . 'partial blindfold taste-test of all four brands of corn Hikes, votcd'Kellogg's Corn Flakes "First for Flavour." Your family, too, will thrill to their delicious taste, Re.. member, three packages (or only two ot the large xamyy size) entitle you to zjrergijtbt these 'beautiful CrySUl-cleai j. tumblers. jl Kellagg'i Corn Flakes comt in two tmvenient 1WH sizes get the size wbicb suits your family best. f. SPECIAL SALE Genuine EASY WASHERS $79.95 Inclutlinj; your .choice fbf- a years supply of Rinso or a Singer Automatic Iron Here is an Opportunity Not to be Missed The Best Washer on the Market at the Lowest Price One Year Guaranteed 'iEASY Perfection Thruout Terms Arranged at Your Convenience ; Act Now This Offer is Limited MacKnzie's Furniture 'A OOOniPLACE TO'BUY 1941 Patterns Linoleum Just Arrived 400 Sq. Yards'IrilafdiLlnoleum "400 Sq Yards Printed Linoleum 300 'Sq. Yards Feltol Sec Us For Your Floor Covering 327 3rd Avenue, 'Prince Rupert B.C. t"i A I