eather, Forecast rince Rupert and Queen Char- Elands- Moderate to fresh hwr winds, cloud'. d mod- jte'y cold with son q snow Itleet A. indbergh MANIAN 0SITI0N CRITICAL Troublous Balkan Country . . a ran a ft n after many persons had killed, Diplomatic sources . . i i - ...... i : 1 1 i n . I. ....i iu-t II.. nlin viri. Premier and i. i i . .i run laiianis uu iv.xnt-11 , to his followers to cease all L I.. I UAIIICS III 11 1 i vn- belng under way between n(nnrii rnrnmrn( 9 fin ... I A I 11.. I I Ull WUMIU3 V . J Wit- SI- ililLUi W U , . AftlVAb V '6 wiab me siouauuii at uiu communication was cut off. NNOT RF. BOLSTERED! In Albania the fart fhat niffhtppn new Ital- divlslons have been injected as Irolf nnUt, i. tlUnMln nrrnfncf MUVMVIVD lit ill U 4 1 Greeks have failed. In the 1 1 1 1 1 snpiiF nil onrirn n inv v 111 hundred Italian trucks was ' in iront of it and then it was in n I V. tl n AhaM Him. iii mc oaiuc muj, iui- ds Of Ttnll LONDON SK.VF.n price was unchanacd yesterday -1 a, zllvUl4tllUIl VI lllli Haily News 2210 Yur Inspection Is Invllcl We R.A.F. IN GERMANY Attacks on Naziland Are Resumed I in Knit -f tTnr t.1. ti'.-it... v....aiuiauic if tamer LONDON, Jan. 23. In spite ol bad weather, Royal Air Force bombing planes again attacked targets in western Oermany and occupied France last night, with marked suc cess. The industrial city of Dussel-dorf was heavily hit with large explosions and fires as a result of a two and a half hour attack on the Industrial area. Airdromes in occupied France were also attacked Attorney General Of New York May Be New Justice ; WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 23. Attorney General Robert Jackson of New York ls prominently mention- i- ri i 1 enriATf llict f the .QnnrmA Pnnff MILIUM III H.UIIliL.llil. M IlClt: " - "' t--w.-w civil war is said to be in pro-. Vl l"c owiws. 1U1 UUll VJUW1UIMW1 VWWVOttth fo be very complicated. Oni p nann it. is rpnnruu lhile vri- . i i s virtual military dictator- 1- ..i. 1 MOPPING UP AT TOBRUK unr ..:imr. Other retorts ur IJril,sh Forc" Getting Ready to Ad- vance Further West From Newly n , rmu mm. hn imnn nv Iron Guards and imarabifK .JMkCafilWfStrPnshold-,.,., w u. in . it i kii in . utpkl r r vnr t n . ni. k i , - WliibVl V Ull. . ' Jl I -llUdUUl- Ivanla back frcm Hungary lan advance forces penetrated the e organized there to do so. last defences around the harbor and m ! .it tit iifiii u 1 vcatciuav lllUllllilK It 1 1 i . . 1 ... Jt. , . . . na omcr impoiuant esuio- H,h diiDatChPS from the front said. n' in Bucharest are under Th nnfwh a itH h Prpo of the governmeni or the been killed and injured in fighting. Un.ted States minhter to French forces, are r.ow in complete control. Mopping up operations are Jiow proceeding with a view to consolidating for a continuation of the drive westward through Libya and along the coast towards Rcmba and v o....bMw4. pv o uerna, u;e next oojctiivts. Already 14,000 prisoners are counted at Tobruk and the number will Drobiblv reach 20.000 or 30.C00. Quarri lp.irifr. nrr cilrt tn h.ivf m j ,,n..jmiiii ra ... - lllirc LL11.1 lllJ uuu a auiiiiim " "v . - ...... iunuuii me tajjvuitu. """ tour gencrais ana an acunirai are 3nihDnt hA n hid elrrn ffr All.. . . i i n.i.l.l. ..... ranltulated after a 36-hour frontal assault following a slxveen-day . .IHaw siege. The siege was very Mmuai Is r PROVINCIAL 1 1 LIBRARY 1 mum BRITISH COMMANDER IN GREECE Sr Archibald Wavi U, general officer commanding the British army in th? Middle East, is shown wearing field boots) chatting with a British engineer sergeant about the construction of gun emplacements somewhere in Greece. In the background ,is one of the big anti-aircraft guns landed in Greece by the British one of the guns that may explain the surprising inactivity of Italian aircraft on the Greek front. Council Of Lutheran Church Is Authorized To Go Ahead NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER -PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1941. VERY OUIET IN ENGLAND Little Air Activity on Part of Enemy Is Reported Alarm Today But i No Bombs I LONDON, Jan. 23. Although Nazi Col. INVINCIBLE: Ralston Canadian Troops In Fine Fettle OTTAWA, Jan. 23'The spirit Island Fortress WTil n Ml' r i joi of the tne people people of or the tne isi With Duilding Lonstraction; declared Hon. J. national de- eJ. r fence, following rils return from "i temporary nature in size and construction, the building -also the naval and airmen. HER DEATH REGRETTED program that has been pending for years is being gradually brought to realization. At the annual meeting last year a-building committee was created, consisting of tha pastor, John Dybhavn, Christ Johnson, Anton Martinson, John Murvold and A. Antonsen. This committee Sirs. J. II; rillsbury Passes Away in has, during the past year, discussed Vancouver Following Collapse plans and finances. Through ef- forts of the pastor, the Norwegian VANCOUVER, Jan. 23: (CP) Lutheran Church of America con-Mrs. Amelia Pillsbury, aged 61, one tributes $3000 to the building fund of Prince Rupert's early pioneer of the local congregation. This women.'passed away here last night money-comes from Minneapolis, following a collapse. She was the Local people have subscribed as lib- . .. altles were less than five hundred. . if f T pnichurv. a Dloneer en- erally as conditions permit. '? Michael and his mother, British headquarters today officl-1 ,M. n. pr,n.- RimP,f harbor and St. Paul's congregation had hadi c Helenc, have attempted to aIly anounced that the capture of I towrislte and now a commissioner a promising year In all activities, he country but we -o unable to Tobruk had been completed last! . .,,.,, rni-nHnn DarticuLirlv in the steady and n transportation. nlght and that more than fourteen BQard su s agQ she moved substantial growth of the Sunday ' thousand nrisoners had been taken. . ' r,,tn vn.niivpr in School. The congregation met all . 1 UUIU I A lilUC IVUJJVi v w w . i The communique said .... that ... the prls- , takg esldence obligations during the year and . loners Included four generals, one! pillsbury survived by her! all subsidiary organizations had a 'corps commander, another division-1 husband four daugriters and one good balance in their treasuries. al commander and an admiral. The , gon ( j Ingvald Feness. was re-elected f 1- Brltlsh casualties were less man (nanciai secretary, ine memocrs oi fivp. hundred. i v fripnri in Prince Ru-.he church council, also serving as . , --, , isolated Italian units arc being . particularly those of oloneer board of trustees, are B, Charstad. Reinforcements IM 4 to Put which Christ Johnson, Peter Leland.John d up west 0f Tobruk , lth de regret of the death of Mrs. Pillsbury. Tnere E. Evenson and Hans Antonsen. for the will be general sympathy rn imrmm nnrf hlffhlv esteemed! The board of trustees reported in tactics' to that of Bardla which famlly The daughters are Mrs. H. that the annual even' member can-lasted twenty-five days. II. (Katherine) Keenleyslde, Ottawa: jyas for 1941 had been almost Capture of the port-best hJrt.orjMrs mchard (Lucy) Van Cleeve, 'com,pleted new contribut-between Alexandria "fci Ronald (Alice) Pros- Seattle: Mrs. ta membts were enlisted and u. nrltlcVi forres UllOlSDUlcQ Tr.i ...., .nJ TJnrcInir Rletpr . oot of "ehVniiles of Libyan. rmVrlt the-unfinished canvassshow coastline and an ideal base fromjson ( Rlchard) is jn Vancouver which to continue tne wwiwuiu drive. .. The British were firmly establlsh-tnHnv overlooking the harbor. Two hundred guns ana oi" Materials were captured by the Biltlso In the fall of Tobruk. Weather Forecast General Synopsls-A disturbance Is centred west of Vancouver Island and tho pressure is high over the Northwest Territory n Wp.ither ls moderately cold I throughout British Columbia. I West Coast of Vancouver island-Fresli to strong northwest w nds, 1 n,.t- .irtii(iv nnd milder sniiuns io v. 1 with cc:..sional ralni ... ,,it-f Bulletins TO MEDIATE WAR VICHY -The government announced today it had accepted Japanese offers of mediation In border warfare between French Indo-Chlna and Thailand, LONE RAIDERS TODAY LONDON Two Sast Anglian towns were targets for lone German raiders today but there were no casualties and damage was slight. led a substantial increase over last year's contributions. The pastor and the people affiliated with St. Paul's Lutheran Church look for a year of progress At the annual business meeting the pastor, Rev. J. H. ing president of the congregation, conducted the proceedings. Reports covering the past year were presented by the pastor, the recording secretary, B. Charstad, and the financial secretary, I. Feness, who also reported lor the treasurer and auditing committee. There were likewise reports from the Sunday School, the Young People Luther League, and the Ladles' Aid Society and LuUieran Sewing Circles Major General H. D. G. Crerar, chief of the Canadian army staff, returning with Col. Ralston, said the Canadian troops were in great heart and eager to fight." Col. Ralston will submit a report at once to " Prime Minister William Lyon Mac- kenzie King. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johustou Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .04Vi. Bralorne, 10.10, Cariboo Quartz, 2.60. Fairview, .01 ',4. Gold Belt, .28. Hedley Mascot, .52XD. Noble Five, .OOs. Pend Oreille, 1.80. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, .93. Privateer, .52XD. Reeves Macdonald, .15. Reno, ,1034. Relief Arlington, .023,i. Salmon Gold, .02 Vi. Sheep Creek, .82. Cariboo Hudson, .01 A. Oils A. P. Con., .08. Calmont, .23. C. & E., 1.35. Pacalta, .05A. Home, 2.30. Royal Canadian, .12 A. Okalta, .70. Mercury, .06A. , Prairie Royalties, .07 Vi. Toronto Aldermac, .14. Beattie, 1.15. Central Pat, 1.83. Con. Smelters, 38.34. East Malartlc, 2.82. Fernland, .OWfc. Francoeur, .45. Gods Lake, .33. Hardrock, 1.00. Int. Nickel, 35.3,i. Kerr Addison, 3.50. Little Long Lac, 2.00. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.08. Madsen Red Lake, .60. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.19. Moneta, .53. j f t noranaa, dd.i,2-Pickle Crow, 2.85. Preston East Dome, 3.20. San Antonio, 2.45. . . 1 IN CANADA German Fliers and U-Boat Men Landed Sullen and Bothersome Lot TWO MAKE ESCAPE AT AN EAST CANADIAN PORT, Jan. 23: (CP) Two German pris Tomorrows Tides High Low . 10:52 ajn. 21.2 (t. 4:41 a.m. 8.5 ft. 17:44 pjn. 3.5 It. oners escaped after arrival here j favored neither. yesterday from England for internment in prison camps in Canada. One was recaptured a few hours later but the other is still at large. fitted Wick's description. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Before Committee Negotiated Peace Is Preferred By Flier; Invasion Impossible planes were reported roaring over' East Anglia just before midnight Does Not Think Either Side Can Win War Western last night apparently bound for in- Hemisphere is Well Able to Defend Itself, He Believes terior points, no serious raids devel- ' wVnnt? .Jm URdn " WASHINGTON, D.C., January 23: was another quiet night. n. , , T , , , . , ,r . . , dropped. The striking hard at the Dussel-dorf area in the Ruhr Valley during the night followed up on fighter assaults yesterday on objectives in Nazi-ocupied France. Two daylight machine gun raids spattered German aircraft with lead and peppered troops and ground defence BRITAIN IS Britisher Is Shot By Jap t SHANGHAI, January 23 (Ca- nadian Press) W. J. Keswick, British chairman of the Shan ghai municipal council, and two Japanese council officials 4 were slightly wounded today . . . i ii l J U.. A Spirit Cannot Be Beaten. Declares - snoown pru.wuitu ;T Japanese aisaupiovar oi -j. ,y council vote. Y. Hayashl, Jap- t f onfe un'-n official, was tik- en In custody after spectators said he was seen to Jump on the platform at the meeting with a pistol in his hand. : . . The annual meeting of St. Paul's Lutheran Church t visit to the British isles, authorized the church council, building committee and the1"' "eer falter - said col. Rai- DDI C AXjrD Q pastor to undertake the building of a new church as.soon.;??" tructlon and death." The minister as a canvass for the building fund has been completed. As the congregation has a church building that is only of a also had high praise for the Canadian military forces "over there," (CP) Col. Early today there was an air raid Charles A. Lindbergh asserted his belief today that a com- alarm In London but no bomb? were ojnauon oi me unuea ouues anu ureat uruain cuuiu jiul win the war "on the present basis" and urged what he called a "negotiated peace." The famous flier told the United States House of Representatives foreign affairs committee that he cuq not peueve M.V.n.. A urn. L war" would win the struggle unless there was collapse behind the lines on one side or the other. Elaborating, Lindbergh said he did not believe Germany could Invade Britain unless there was a "previous .collapse" behind the lines and he thought the same applied to a British Invasion of the continent. Lindbergh said that entrance by United States into any foreign war should be avoided for, regardless cf happenings abroad, United States and the Western Hemisphere were strong enough to protect themselves. The flier advocated the establish ment of a string of air bases by United States, some in Canada, and a first line air force of ten thousand planes. Lindbergh 'told'lHe comlttee'thaf this nation need not fear an air Invasion in "any predictable future." In urging a negotiated peace, he expressed the belief that a com- 'plete victory for eother side would ibring about "economic prostration 'such as has never before been seen." The air base development should Include Newfoundland,, Canada, jWest Indies, MJexlco, Central and Isouth America, the Hawaiian Islands and South America. ' Asked directly which side he fav ored in the war, Lindbergh said he He would prefer to see a "negotiated peace." Long Congressional Course ! Yesterday Senate Majority Leader Albln W. Barkley expressed the belief that it would take no less P"0t the "leaS AT AN EAST COAST CANADIAN ? bill through Congress He PORT. Jan. 23,-Hundreds of Ger- lenf made this prediction after It had man airmen . captured f,.,.rf i in n, the nittw Battle reca,led that tnat gecr-tarv retary of 01 War war of Britain together with a few bxeen reTca"e,? 'Henry L. Stlmson and Secretary 0 members of U-boat crews were dis- the Navy Frank Knox had felt that embarked here yesterday from Eng- Brltain u:d fa a crlsls land and were speedily whisked off within two or three months. by special train for inland intern- chles F. McNaxy. Reduction ment camps there to remain for the sKator, of the war. Most of them Publlcan Jf Jf n the ??e- ,f d were of the usual stolid, sullen ap-'h pearlng type although a few grin- P f "1: ? JUtho1' ined. Their guards described them B" "" 4 ' F Knudseno-ordinatcr am as a bothersome lot, not causing ,wll of national defence produc Ion, said i serious trouble but grumbling con- itlnually. that the alra" manufacturing Special guards were at- for f the defence depart-. tached to their train to ensure program 1 ooinc ,n f ihpm -.nin-. . ment was now three months ahead For those whose own clothing was of sc,hedulf anTd J ful1 d?! mands the United States would not adequate, heavy macklnaws and' , imripra-Par wprp nrovldpd. . oe '" u " ulf Nazi Ace Among lnem A high-ranking Nazi flier- apparently Major Helmuth Wick whose loss was reported by the Germans on December 4 was among the German prisoners. Officials did not name the pilot but It was learned he was one of three credited by the Nazis with highest scores in downed planes. Other details also I CONFERENCE IN BERLIN Hungarian Minister of War and His Staff Consulting With Nazi Authorities 1 JITS, Hungarian minister of war wlthhls HUM ocauuaiu, 11 ,( 10 4V, n.M, a tWllnr they were the bulk or the German tQnfer air force which had been brought',.. iuii ovaii w uii mac nujr -u& down safe y over England up 10 me ,led In up in Hungary evidently time of sailing. Sherrltt Gordon, .85. , Uchl, .35. P,Bouscadlllac, .02. IfMosher, .06. Oklehd, .08. irMf omeuers uoia. .uij. Dominion linage, zda. readiness for new developments In southeast Europe and the Balkan3. NEW YORK COITER Y . NEW YORK. Jan. 23. The New York copper price yestfrday was down .Q3c, May cWslng at 11.40c per .jppund; j.ji,flr"u 1-8