- paqxttto THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - EEITISn COLUMBIA Plashed erj Afternoon nT News. L H. F PXTLLSS Zx&tTs; Secday. by Prince Raptct Tiii.il Armse . . . If m ring -Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES SmtazteOaa Rates in Ci: Per year. JijSsr, Hall Tear. St; One Monih. 56c; One Week. Me. Oai of Town Ssiacribers by Mail, sun a Year AdTtrthiaj xnd CtreolatJoa XeJepnone M Local P.ram, pr tee, per insertion J5 CusQed Adfsrtisexaents, per wsrd, per tesertion Member cl A adit Eomii i ClrruliUns MrwBf k or TH ixuli rus T Os-s.-fra fteu miairrt) eLf-tae to ttse tar repaatmacc iB r-r-i Cer3Tebe turned to K cr to tfc AaHOCixod Pros :- zmita mil -fcr kjc; re sususfeee thereto. AC titkU at rtcacka of xi: Oeaoucfcea irta .- jo f.wri! daily mmox EDITORIAL Taesday. May 36. mi. An Immortal Paragraph The immortal Tom Paine, a man who was branded periodically as an athiest, a patriot, a crank and a traitor by different groups of people at different tiroes, fought for the independence of the United States and, durir.g a period when everything looked blue for WahinctonV-forces, he penned the following: "These are the times that try men's souk. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot wifl in this crisis shrink from the sen-ice of their country hut he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. Yet, we have this consolation with us that, the harder the conflkt, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only that gives even thine its value. Heaven knows hnw t n a nmnor r,-i. upon upvn its iu5 goods gwos and ana it it would woum be oe strange stranee indeed indeed if if so so celes- celes- We of the British Empire can todav share the sentiment penned so ably by Tom Paine. We are putting up a great fight for liberty against tyranny., Those who are young and fit are giving their senices in the anr.v. the .navy or the air force. The industrial armv is bulldiug Time To Buy - - Just now aH Who havp mnnev sra VSnr sl-rJ V,... government bonds for the purpose of raising money to carry on our own war for liberty. Local committees have ? we Purpose of trying to enthuse everyone with the idea of buying to the full extent of their ability It is an easy way to help because the government wfll uv three per cent on the bonds whereas the banks pay onl'v half of that amount Also the bonds are just as safea the banks. If the Germans win Canadian money will have SimSvSS n61?er &overnment bonds. The bank wll be rifled and people will be paid in bogus Germar ' money for whatever the invaders wish to takl" i nt(5nite1.e.ffocrt in. the service of the countn- is what m we need on this Empire Day. Those who ean fight are asked to go overseas and take part in the actual fightin t ' Those who cannot fight but can work are asked to cam' ' on with the shipbuilding and munitions prSram fhS' who can pay are asked to do so and do it now Figure no ! how lit e can we get by with, but how much can weirve ! so that the fight for freedom continues. j Clean-Up Paint-Up j 2 Make k Repairs, Build la We can. supply aU the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call in and talk it over Albert & McCafferv. Ltd unnvp it a. u wi aj aav PHO.VE 11? When Ton Want a BeliaWe, ComfortaUe, Deptnda'ble TAXI Service PHONE 13 2t Donr Serrlcfe at Remlar Rates i 1 i J Br.-.-: r.:-vi. 7..' -a torpedo v .a ards Bei..: . estenarwfc .r rjiii or. Orri Klondvke Night tial an article as freedom should not be highly rated." ijs SllCCeSsful khl Is Ours - - - 3Iah Biscer Patraaare Than Expected fr Affair at Sraiihen SatTTHERS. Stay 23 When committee which encaniaed HEALTHFUL! 4th brightens J y oof teeth "9 Mmy dentittt W I rtcommtn d Wrifcley s Spearmint Gum. The chewing feies yonr teeth needed eiercite; helps keep teeth Clean, bright, attractive. Aid digestion, too. r REFRESHING! hlps rfteve fatigue Che in g Wrig-ley's Spearmint Gum belp re-line tension, steady your nerves. Always keep a package handy in your purse or pocket. ""delicIousV a helps sweeten your breath Enjoy Spearmint! long-lasting fresh mint flavor an aid to pleasant breath, which adds to your charm. A wholesome treat your f riendsand family appreciate. 1 1 i a DAILY Ml LOADING A FISH OX TORPEDO PLANE Patriotic Demonstration i'-& coii:a: "--"pecc; rr.rrs cave jt-i shipping tbai hogs tfce : ef "Kiondyke JTiehf ior Seiithers first All of the lartnu sid am tor 5cataiia EMPIRE DAY OBSERVED IN SCHOOLS laspiring Addras I ( luded In ftrofram yesterday With the co-opera uon of the uoolfrr, at the in the city, the Qdr. fig rgfr tees of the .iMffil e-bra- of Empire Day yedtesday la .be maraing Mrs J A Tr.g m iriiwl recent, the regen of prfcnary chapters. Mrs J. Bcddi? arj of Munxipa; trie day s and th; Sour stand ard bearers t prese at ihe Boattt Bsnh Sehoal aadtoariuni To; the benef of Junior Bseh. Scho indents. The prta-ipai. if W C OTW, called the pop to a!-tallgn -ataOe H Desry ptaye the safcAe altar which -God SaTe Ae Ksag" was sung and the sahite the Sac -e green. Also "O , CknadA" -sau sun. Mrs. J. A. Tens i L- in a jtert apefc ezsi&ined cwwerro uus project lor raishar raising money were patronaed 1st- with sosl so dead, who neter snips, airplanes, war materials and equipment. Tho4 iuw tTT uroas it n ejected 3eted IT ly by v the who are ae to do so are bming or abTL buy Victory Z sold . - ' 6itiuurcui w cant uii uk ilSiil against the aggressor. It is our fight. We Canadian are carrying on the war under the mos favorable conditions. I - crated and piDaged. We $tUl retaiB liberty of movement and choice of occupation. Cnlv in a small way have we suffered anv disability a a reaiit of the war. We have to pay more'taxes and the cost of hving k a httle mgber. Some have been able to pass the burden oa to someone else but the intention of the government is that each shall bear his own burden, cutting the cost of living to meet the situation. Treat yourself daily to DELICIOUS doors mac opened a: ie tie haH anthems ani d-lith'-i aC wi h-r for the oecason last Kola en- wnderina; of a anrfley of natrtotr- airs. -We- Pratt of Canada" The Smitbext Band nraded the m -Breaanes there a owners of the Kkm- hasaeelf hath aad: This 1 man to and everything sale- an- nattre land, "as ton thm in many years and was zreaUy an- noatis.of Senior and Jantnr nvh preciated and aimtawrfM! br th These refieesMf nui m .v.. er we T satisfactory to the eommittee n:n Hanson Goes To Flying School ntii nauinran awwaa aw iiim Una ... At Capitol Tbeatrre ku, tai: Z7:; zl'z S t ana be given instruction in nasi- .Itll and 'hnruse l th. gation. moelmme, ete. They wtf orjSJ jTh H-lT medjcal eaamination. The coarse nr 3- tarUkinglaaU from four e adr TbV Cant -am K'T r R to six weeks after wfasoh nMMMt wj pw, ney are sent to an elementary nytog school where they are trained to be pilots. BUI says be liked Calvary because of the interesting place, to ris:t the stirroanding country. He loond the people wry friendly and hospitable They were fortunate enough to get a weekend at Banff and another at Turner Vailev where they were greatly intrigued by 'he drilling ar.d oil prodiKUar. THE SEAL QUALITY ib"SH GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PLNKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salraon canning company with an all the year ttmoi, payroll In Prince Rapert CHIROPRACTOR SUnto w. CoiUn. O.OPh.C Wallace Block, Phone Wv J. H. BULGER Optometrist RraJ Bank Bid. Mrs. James Clark Palmistry S1LVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Pbone Green 4I( VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresb'and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLE.VPS ECONOMY STORE ii Phones 18 tc 1J P.O. Box 575 A jation Wide Rebutation H Damford. panolar the 'of the area defence. Abraham Tinrorn 'certain of these. Iraprrianara . . . for over Tivo D. rsiiw r SPRING PIKE IJEALTilRL I.lI(ifli;iTI(i )hi$ aover' semenf s ret pvjbi shed cr o.sp'-yea c Contrci Board Of by the Government of Br t r C padre at Tannin- Dor and t! In his iahaitahat J Tie. Cant. neeartty f keepiBC the day vith'Daroford amued and interested ft tuf yc of pmxnoHsea. a soioihis young avdienae. their teachers by 29ai 2arie Laek "Lards of the and the LODE, members and Air " charm nfjy under td by this words were tafonnaUve and this papular yoonr sinner. aecom-liTupirtnf. with retfemee to the Uvea panied by V&b Prareec Moore. I of great and cood waaw me nauonai men. notably who had the leneoarafetnent oi his good mother n bis eatfr years. "22: T evening, mis ssornpanied by Vflas Moore and athosiaieally apptaaded by the aree croad and. vhea the ose -a mi., w n' --..... k. k'.lt.i roww. e pmee mra zisa Kranoner and Donalda Rix. jon so rapidly that reanlar pfat&s An address by Captain F. H. AU- aor v r on the show were dJs- uwd of Ae Raeky Mi.in Ran. the "ff ndto ,rgyampi 2s proved both hamoroas and i as the eoeatnc ptofressed. maranay. Cant ibrm! 4 tn. Ithem ended the perfocsiance. Booth School Later at Booth ICMMrial School tK the pnpiU nuiM' I times mes dnrtw amine th the Hnh erenmc rathrH enthrahed U. his IMmm u .umce. naat, xanse, etc uwib. several , The old time orchestra provided Daring the program the principal a brand of owt-acs. heard localiy read iw prise-winning poern not a set ponry of Britain bat bad come to her as a natural est-' Uce and Fair P:i: : is as much a pr- ' Law 3. The Empire v. a peaeeful a: It i f 'dowment. The speaker toaehed' on For7 the East cancers that crowded the haj to Kwt jrcEaeosers. They w-r- -Bri- toe 'ntorer 01 M times Drake, capacity. tarn." by Miss Uasgnret lamb of CpC Cwk """T otb Carloads of people iros: patoU as Soaior. and "On Caajd." by MV aKrPtnK at rortoc and ad-far away as Haaenon and Bams Be-e Bastwood of Jirator Hleh Team btood of rhe old V!ttnr Lake attended she shew and the Both west merted wb arv,an ln Britlrh wins. By their financial reanha alter it wsm aU nr. Csaemdter eaereVm m k- -wsws dfawery in the far thanks aiw .w. of of the the earth earth they they had proved tlteserves the real found - rs of the British Emoire They 1M Mt mat t tn ntMH tko rWi- Barij- in the afternoon, the Caoi- Dirt, bat the Banne followed VT' fc"' f D. rhe-n." he declared. Th; Empiw-o Borland, was the soane of a was a confederation of treat and santtar performance, th. onotts of free nations. The five Orems Khar toward. Beefen and Aamm-'Dotnmiorf were as fre- as the swticn Schools takmr nart ph. untKn. kv -r u Z Sl11"'18 rlm i8Dd by ' ' Use BriUt FmiHre: After seren. enjoyable weeks -spent oXvT!0! H! Rm)n 1- It has been b- convstent CalaonTdaJrlrtl ?lJL "f ".fnder and upholder of per- - - i ' .-i 'ii smai iri ! 2. The Empire stands for Jos- these of our la ft tr to .Icons "The White C. : &- MMVr: The tree of Uberv Tba&ks to saanacer Borland, nao- ehanfed ar.d i i , oUal K v: "I am Astoriran tree "I Tnm seen mucr. to for "Bat m a world wr. HMjh "I d not want tc . of nior Haifa ru..i ,w th 'were gathered for a program sfcni- Bmatre Dor. th- lar to that of the morning with U ' - J -1 A. a1 . out and replenished and his intensely patriotic addre!Imperi1 mtio,1, "POri l Secretarr C.N.R. Trains Mondays. Wed .Todays . Frara the Cast Taesdays, Thur!i Saturday NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarehi P: -A U0ME AWAY FECM HOME Rates 73c npp 50 Rooms - Prince Rur E " Pbone 2il P.O. Cct M SAVE yourself some MONEY R.CLA. VirUr fr-tube Buy a Cood Used Radio At a Real Savin? Even McRae Bros. Radio is Guaranteed MANTEL MODELS General Electric 3-tube Victor 8-tube Victor 6-tube . . Zenith AC-TJC. short ware GilfUlan 5-tube Northern Electric 6-tube PhUco 9-tube CONSOLE MODELS Phiko 1910 jJl-wae battery ooerated with batteries Deforest Crosley C-tube all-ware Si t SI m S15.M SUM Sllr5 si;.m Sli SX.M 9J Consult t"s For Radioed Radio Scrttce Tubes Tested rree Guaranteed Senrice on All Makes