VM Here it a beer worthy of the 1 , 7gm flH HOl nme in every wty. Try tome jf ' ,f 'llH yourielf and you'll admit that "flf Hlfm) tlmmmu i Wesrminster Brewery Lto. j B This advertisement is pot publisi,ea ci displayed by the Liquor Control Board pr by the Government of British Columbia TODAY'S, STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. JoUnuti Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .04. Bralorne, 9.85. Cariboo Quartz. 2.20. Dentonia, .01. Fairview, .00. Gold Belt-, .22. .': Hedley MrH-ot, 52. , Mlnto, .01 . Ncble Five, .O02 (ask)! ' Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend .Oreille, 1.20. Pioneer, 2.00. Premier, .91. Privateer. .49. Reeves' McDonald, .10. Reno,1 .11. Relief Arlington, .012. : Sheep; Creek, .75 (bid). Oils A. P. Con., .05. Calmont, .14',. C. & E., 1.05. Home,' 1.60. Pacalta; X)2'2. Royal Canadian, .07. Okalta, .50 (ask). Mercury, .03. Prairie Royalties. .05. Toronto Aldermac, .08 '2. ' Beattie, 1.09. Central Pat., 1.65. Cons. Smelters, 32.50. East Malartlc, 2.20. Fernland, .01l2. Francoeur, .38. Gods Lake, 22. Hardrock,..73. Int. Nickel, 30.CO. "'"Kerr Addison, 3.90. Little Long Lac, 1.75. McLeod. Cockshutt, 1.60. MadsVpj Reef Lake, .55. Mckenzie Red Lake, .1.05, Moneta, .40'2. Noranda, 49.03. Pickle Crow, 2.30. Preston East Dome, 2.85. San Antonio, 2.20. Sherrrtt Gordon, .62. Uchi. .033,4. Bou.7:adillac, .02. iORGANIZER I OF TORIES i 'Gordon (iraydon is Given Big" Job of Trying to Put Party Bacjv on its Feet OTTAWA, May 23: (CP) Ap pointment of Gordon Graydon, Conservative member for Peel, to the position of national chairman of the Conversative party of Canada m aiuiuuiiLcu louay ancr a uon : - - . Mrs. S. Hougan entertained the Women of the Moose yesterday afternoon at her home on Fifth Avenue East at the tea hour Th . ... ... . GAS TAX PASSES OTTAWA The House of Commons last njght approved the three per cent gas tax as pro vided for in the budget minister of finance pow proposes 2: a twenty-five per cent tax op soda and aerated beverages. KILLED IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Vancouver had Us twenty-second traffic fatality cr the year last night when Carl Mth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price nr - 50c Ormes Lid. Ufm Pioneer Druqgists The Kezsll Store Phones 81 U l Open Dally from I a.m. till 10 yjn. 8undaj snd OpUdsys from 12 to 2 p.m. in 7 to s.m. MAY BUILD QUARTERS Erection As Hut For Use As Hostess House Is Now Being Considered With a view to the establishment of a hostess house here at which wives and lady relatives and friends of local soldiers may be accomodated while paying visits, the local commltteee is now working along the line of interesting the Young Men's Christian Assq-iation and Young Women's Christian Association in erecting a hut for the purpose of providing the necessary accomodation. Another meeting on the subject of a hostess house was held Inst. night with Capt. R. C. H. Durn-ford. area Dadre. Dresldlne nnd 'others in attendance including the (Weal executive consisting of Mrs. ,Neal M, Carter, Mrs. C. V. Evltt, ,Mrs, D. c. Stuart and Mip. A. E. Dieldal as well as Col. J. E. Wood and Major N. C- Dawson of the Rocky Mountain Rangers. MATIIESON NAMED CITY COMMISSIONER (Continued from Page One) the fclty would again soon bo in the' frying Dan. I hav this matter several timns uHtv. tv Minister of Municipal Affairs and he is of the same opinion. As a matter of fact, unripr th statutes, a mayor and connrii could carry out all the Duroosp; suggested m the Joint resolntJnn Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAR I) EN A EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Service Leave Prince Rupert May 6, 17 and 2710 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 ' 'We need :our co-operation to give you better service. Please put out our milk bottles daily as we need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy rnoNE io SEMIFINAL INJ50CCER Independent Heat lULIL's to Qualify For Dominion Day Cup Final Tho coiftnrl cramp rf n kntvk Out ,W IfbVVtlU t3 series for the Dominion Day foot ball cup was played last nlgnt wnen the Independents met the Rocky Mountain Rangers. By virtue of on July 1 of the Chamhpr nt n. J L : 7' ,:. thp tmwpc tu. rienaea witn tne score twQ all. acivauve caucus, ne win assume :-r ' uouncu DUt with , Th ine game . m in th me second secona nan n.lf wn, was nartv nrfrnnWatinn v,po,f safeguards. Thprp a crw.ti V-4 f A . r. : ..urn w ram- Pponed games ment nt , wa, . '. ' r.""'"- was necessary 10 iook into lnjri,. -biov, i . i BASEBALL May 24 ARMY ALISTAUS Vs. CIVILIAN ALL-STARS 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Admission 25c Soldiers 10c PAINTING Decorative Kalsominlng LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 4G ."CARDINALS MOVING UP Again Defeated Brooklyn Dodgers Yesterday Indians And White Sox Win NEW YORK, May 23: (CP) St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Brooklyn Dodgers again yesterday. As a result, the Cardinals are now leading the Dodgers by one game-and-a-hajf In the National League ineir o to a win lasi iiiguw Hpnnrw .nriuanrp into the finals Pennant race. TL-ith thp rnmnositp Services' team n th American League the first piace Cleveland Indians won over In the first half of last night's Washington Senators and the game both teams played well. Ihe funn,neuP Chicago White Sox R.M.R.'s opened the scoring when "fP1 three same behind with a Lawley plaving left wing, beat goal- over th Philadelphia Ath- ip r.us Krause with a fine shot. The letlcs- Detroit Tigers moved from srnrp xm pntmlized bv Holkefitad mth Int third place ahead of of the Independents who converted ew Jork Yankees and Boston o nu tovon h nut. Ked Sox by winnlne over the eron. With the wind and hill in t, ' , , w ana 1,06100 arp their favor the R.M.R.'s had most "V 4V,i 1UUU" iaoc- of the nlav. After twentv-flve mln-. Y(' terday's Big League scores: utes of play Webster captain of the ralr.s, put his team one goal in the lead. The fourth eoal of the game was scored by Henry Dickens. who fluked one over his head. Just lmsiae Inside the penalty Peuy area. area. Tn The half .0 41Viv4utii,cio - somewhat nffpptpn hv mln hut thp "-ii vs. o. PitUbure niisuurg and ana i'n administration, publicity and a pro- coZ!, fT" SSSS Jnt" shTdid nSt s loJ d vs, Chfcago. Uponed Dosed nat on-widp snrvpv upon me council of a munMna 'Py. tw - T Dickie . . . : tvip uo,. j. .... i Women Of Moose !Are Entertained no dopbt that this act would sub stantially carry out the purposes is generauy Known as a """j "pun uie men who are caned upon to carry out administration. I see no rpjisnn -arhv - r"'",! ger and leave',' law. .well administered Is better than a good law badly With regard to the aDDo'nt dependents and Wilson for the R. uame oinciais were: Referee Sid Woodside. y 4y r "ulue- him free to akt lit V f fPe Just as indeoend-1 SS eafUlly decririenty required for iated with summer flowers. Mrs.h.tiHnn r -i-j g u.".: admin-,FurtllPr . 11 "I UICI Sam Haudenschild poured and ltoi'eK Z'Jn 't. Morean and Mrs. A. Marfan.! V? open Pf.n.Upon V16 lotion. were the servlteurs. ' SJSJSf": 1 nave ,f..y w me tuuLiusiuu umi a poor Lawn Bowling Game Postponed Play Arranged For Last Night Is Further Deferred , Detroit American Leasue Detroit 5, New York 1. Cleveland 4, Washington 3. St. Louis 4, Boston 1. Chicago 4, Philadelphia 1. National League St. Louis 7, Brooklyn Cincinnati 6, New York 4. Boston Phlla. 'Xlf,0 a. up Cameon ayw ue standing, to date: to such 7ffkial thPv " ??ht 'or the Independents.' membPrs point by nf a thp three-fourSi I. vote " of u goals ,f and several ,T lovely , tTO crosses. Ilne - w I.UU1 ILil. IJ HrP 1C M1 . . ... scorlne In this half were Holkestad and Billv Gomez for In Philadelphia Boston ....... Philadelphia Washington St. Louis National League American W L PU. -22 9 .710 . 22 12 .647 .17 13 .567 ...14 15 .483 -12 15 .444 ...14 18 .438 .11 19 .367 10 21 .323 igue ..-25 12 .676 .,19 ,.2 .613 17 16 .515 18 18 .500 15 15 .500 14 19 .424 j J4 21 .400 ! 12 21 .3641 TO COMPETE is-,,-: rinnpr. e.uc 11 b: hr:" ."ssjtst ,n tne nadlan National sss: Recrea a i m t w ak l !r"Sr f i"!" Which ln faet Plaved 'last night, were further de- nA flrst ald m "Presenting I . ,e Iinan' ferrpn- In fourth game nlaved . . e ituPert oranch of the St laiaiememoi me uity or Prince 'wednpsvibt j? vt wi' i ' Jonn' taf Jack to provincial government wr pennltttJng, there will I Wyile was killed, his motoric VeSZ & atur-SS:f,:,ihna".a"t0mbiIe 31 ,tod .tt Pessary. In their own in- ' "-" terests, frcm time to tjmq to con sult provincial authority. "It has now been decided tq ap pomt D. J. Matheson ccmmi'iioner and this will be done as from June next." Baseball Season Opening Tomorrow 's Ambulance Assorin t.inn will leave tonight aboard the power vessel F. H. Phippen for Stewart to take part ln first aid competitions to be held there tomorrow. The local team is entering both the senior and novice events. It i captained by Hawthorne Graham and also consists of Gordon Blank, Hugh MacKenzie, Hetbert Wallace! S. A. Cheeseman and N. S. K Brewer. Return to the city is ex- .pcviea w De made on Sunday. The baseball season will open in Also Bln north to attend the Prince Rupert tomorrow with a competitions are James Dickson, pair of all-star games, between Inspector of mines from Vic-army and civilian teams, one in tori, and G. O. Edwardson, pro-the afternoon and pne in the eve- .vlnclal secretary of St. John's Am-nlng. Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston 'bulance Association, who arrived M. V. p., area commandant, thls morning on the Prince George will pitch the opening ball. The frm the fouth and are continuing Army team will be paraded by the to Stewart on the vessel, being Rocky Mountain Rangers Band to Joined here by Charles Graham, the Acropolis IUU grounds and the Inspector of mines. They will be band will be In attendance at the ,oack here cn the Catala next Tues- The army players had a work- out yesterday under direction of Lieut. II. g. Kennedy. The civilians have also been practising. NIPPON" ON I5LACKLIST LOS ANGELES The British consulate, through an advertisement in a shipping newspaper, today warned that "the British government will Impose all disabilities" on eleven large Japanese tankers and elirhtv.nnp , smaller vessels operating In the acme, snipping men interpreted all disabilities to Include possible seizure of vessels and speculated the action was In reprisal for reported refuelling of Nazi raiders In mld-Paclfic by Japanese oil tankers. FLAGS - FLAGS Celebrate Victoria Day with the Union Jack and all the Canadian flags in the small, medium and larger sizes. Toy Pistols and Guns, Fire Crackers, Noise -Making Rattles, Balloons Get them at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 330 3rd Ave. West SUMMONS EMPIRE TO NEW EFFORTS, N WORLD GOOD (Continued Irom Page One) monwealth, as wtlj as the stead-fastnea; and oauraee of the civil ian population in 'Great Britain, the heart of the Empire. False to the gibes of her eqemjes and faithful to her own glorious traditions, she has demonstrated that thp metal of her son and daughters is as true as in days of yore. Fighting For .Mankind "But ihe war is not vet ovpr and unflagging effort, selr-sacrlflce and endurance are tUl demanded of us in repelling the assault upon an tnat makes the life of a free people worth living. 'The British Empire is flchtlne not for aggrandisement or for material gain, but lor Ms own soul and that of mankind. Its strutted will have been In vain, unless we are determined that when vtotorv oom we will to the best of our power strive to remedy those inherent defects and social lnjtutlceu which provoke strife among nations and between their feJlow-dttzens. Thus the people of the world, Jed by those of the Empire, wil enjoy hereafter that tiano'uB- llty and confident security whose only sure foundation Is fair daHng between nation and nation and h. tween man and man. "I appeal especially to the young people of the Empire who. vhn jthe present upheaval U past, will oe caned UDon tn fahinn n nr world. Yours will be the task of! winning the peace. Do your bit. ' be tt great or mall, to ensure thatl the Empire shall ever bp the svm. I bol and example of all that makes for human happiness, peace and' progress. Steel your hearts nnH minds to the brave resolve that never again shall ruthless ambition and the cruel lust of Dower destmv the freedom of mankind, the peace oi aie nome and the hanlnneM and safety of Its children. We have no need to bp jLthami . or tne ftory of the Empire, but Hm greatest chapter has yet to be written, and It Is for the VDllt.h of the Empire, with their bound! opportunities, buoyant hope andj uujuanen iann in uod to write It, for the benefit of the whole hu man race. "Let us remember that it. 1 neither wealth nor might, but 1 i wr Jm f m ' rim I rv ... I if M mm m mrU I I UU character r. ,; the dc deslinv. ... that it, ... all our I.',"" I Books arp ::H ideas and ' jH declared O o c c: mmM Ian address ' : p 'B ;ert-Paren: T "BP Wednesday t '' mm Ject Arf - r i i . . Just Completed! ICE New Ice Storage Method Ensurinff only low temperature ice throughout fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Mo - m A av Prince Rupert Ltd. n.lll.h CO