U-BOATS SIv cj JUT LONDON Authoritative cin. ' , . today that waters near the coast of North America will . ; .bly become a battleground In the campaign against U-boa"U. They said it Is believed German undersea raiders are operating much further cst I" tne Atlantic than a few weeks ago. NEUTRALS ARE WOUNDED VICHY Two Americans and one Egyptian were wounded hen a German raider shelled the Egyptian motorship Zanuam on April 17 In the South Atlantic It was reported tonight from Itordcaux. AXIS SHIPS DESTROYED LONDON -British submafines have torpedoed and sunk a inc thousand ton troopship and a seven thousand ton tanker Irving l reach Axis forces in Libya, the Admiralty announced today and probably sank an Italian destroyer. In addition, a large schooner of the type u cd by the Axis for carrying ammunition was sunk and a smaller schooner hit several times by shells. DOES NOT WANT FRENCH FLEET VicilY Vice-Premier Darlan in a broadcast today said that Chancellor Hitler had not asked for the Trench fleet or , colonial concessions and' declared: "Germany began the war alone and Judges herself, able to end it alone ajainst any coalition." GERMANS CLAIM PRIZE BERLIN Germans claimed today that the ll.000.ton ranadiaii oil tanker Canadolitc had been captured by the Gcr-nin (London advices yesterday said it was navy as a prize. eared the tanker had sunk off the west coast of Afnca.) ANOTHER QUIET NIGHT IOSDON lioth the Koyal Air Torre and the Nati Luftwaffe ucrc grounded bv bad weather last night and there was no air bombing on cither siuc. GREAT CONVOY ARRIVES yet to cross the Atlantic lONDON-Thc greatest convoy h,s arS in Great Britain. .1 included Ully ships and brouChl quantity of war supplies. all enormous TURKEY DISTRUSTFUL ISTANIIUli-A Turkish newspaper distrusts Germany s urand th TwT will not be carried to Turkey and suggests TuJU a protectorate. .w Uk overyriajnuler SANK ROYAL OAK ....... commander who went imp isThc submarine SI and Ilnk'lhe British aircraft carrier Itoya. Oak Sly dovv,, with his U-Boat. in the war has gone THING OVER TO FREE FRENCH ,.u!l-Many Trench officers and so.diers in are going over to the Tree Trench side. Crave Responsibility- SUMMONS EMPIRE TO NEW lWI7 EFFORTS IN WORLD GOOD New World had dav displaying those Day Rt one ter '.ht- mAcsn no ousia.. , vis(.ount Bledisloe, Viscounv Diiui" UltOJt.hW. ti,.M oir rharlcs Bathnur-si of Britain's most prominent !.. lortnrs is also a oarns- DDMi-impntarv secreiary vo M ''-- . , M niK TV Ul. L WUk " First Qrcat War and governo;- gen oral of New Zealand, 1930-35. The Viscount's Empire Day mes- . . tuie vrva r fnllnwar 'Let US Ua J vw rnUo V7mntr VlCYV aS nCVCf DC ii TitnLu vmnlrc. alciecl iuiu iui wic uinia " . . by her valiant Allies and buttressed .( by the practical sympathy oi in. United States of America, is ctrnnihold' of hum mo nt o- Ko UUW UJ WV vj v. ji - anitv nirninst cruelty. Injustice irnnnmir onH falsehood an im- Wf"tn!Kln rnrtrnw hilKpd 110t UPOII nmbitloii but "ttUlU 4X1 1U. tinnn ea - 1 1 r nnrl rrhLCOUSnCSS wpvji tiuuiUlllbJ v r "T o nn-ntn:t MlP POWCrS Of IbrU,i n-,ol rn. nro fidltlng, 3110 tlm fait, nf Mip Emnlrc. and with it ihm .,r niviiixniinii. arc at stake. W. inn.t nil w.nrntTMlHSlV l)lay OUr pa i Hi-jwevcr humble, In achieving victory, lest freedom should perish trom thp pnrth. Tliose who planned the downfall of Jir HrHich Rmnlrc recked not of Uic unquenchable spirit of the UrUish race, the staunch loyalty ot rpm.ioo n,,r riiffprprtt races and ' I VJ . Colnru mnlniT nttonlnnnrp to the Brl tisii cmwii -mrf ihc unshakeable i,Dlltiaiit r,r hc iiriUsh Empire. It is above all Hi I) unity of the Brl-"sh copies In the hour of crisis wlilch has brouRht confident hope to all lovers of freedom and growing rllsm nv in nnr pnomles. vor with nride 'he great exploits of our seamen, 'oid'ers nnH nlrmen drawn irom every part of the British Com Continued. on PAGE FOUR TO BUILD HIGHWAY International Commission Itecommcnds .Binnim? i Alaska Koad at Once ....ciiivf'.TdV. n.c My o-. ti.. intprnalionai ins- ..." . r..mmissIon yesterday recommended to Secretary of B State Cordcll Hull 'm,,,lu' "; . f th. sr.ono,ooo consirucii"" ; . Iumbla and the uk. . cct Hie United Siai" TIlC i,iiiiii Iti,. Alaska is "ilaiiRrnius., - v,TL , of We road ..,i.,r ruirbanks lo six- ... , . -l.l.lfPIl lO BKKAK IS IMAUNKN1 Vol. XXX . No. 121. LONIOtfrcat BriUin seized Lnkfr Sheheraiwlo the French of a imminence .because of the definite break In relation, between Orcat Britain and ichy, in Economic Ministry spokes-man said today. Tide Such lips, grim-tit, lh Trara Doom ponena . . . We Shall Go On To The Endl WeShallSot FalterOrFail ... lei Ihoti who follow after led lha lal Of how, for all maa't Freedom, Ira me fought, Selling Ihelr lives and liberties al aaughl-Deemiag thai Freedom all elsa nasi Irincend . . . Tf e Shall Co On To The End! T bfG.LCREID, R.CJ).F. We Shall Sot Falter Or Fail... Thougk all iU Powert o! Hid n Earik aiuil ... Thong from oaea Mandlj iklu iwifl-wligid Daaft Spew uimlnt Horror with aaca fiarf kraal . , . Tbongh Blood and Taara U ill wi km I P-We Shall Go On To The Endl We Shall Sot Falter Or Fail... Thoorh lerror-fWaa haarli irood it quail At Ell, monttroit, tliakii with iroi triad Oar ancient Laadmarkt, tktll'ruig Hoaaura DUI Wbott vem dutl eommandt it lo dtfaad . . . We Shall Co On To The End! We Shall Sot Falter Or F ail . . . Though, to all apt but aura, Ik Rolf Grail Of Freedom be k j bopelettneti obuired . . Ourt it lha Vitioa-aor maj wt ba lured From this, oar Birtnrient. easier pans it wan. We Shall Go On To The End! We Shall Sot Falter Or Fail ... Though all our tlrggglet teem wilhoil iail . . . Thoogh all our treasure go lo pi Ike Price, . leaving but Life ittetf la sacrifice ... Though from as all but Faith lha loa maj reed-We Shall Go On To The Endl . WeShall Sot Falter Or Fail ... Though hearts bereft shall acha ...Ihoigk Hps grew pH Thai murmured with a twisted tmile, "Farewelir .. . Such hearts shall still hold Fraadom'i Citadel- PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRILMAY 23. 1941. Commissioner; Premier Pattullo Gives Views In a Premier T r 1 , in HMct vonr einpp r ip reLireiiiuiiu ui June i. -i ul -ui; i'"0" j v-i --- . Alder as commissioner, Mr. Matheson has been actinu city commissioner tirst to. C. b. S denailmeni . 1 of municipal affairs at Victoria. Mr. j Pattullo In his statement, clearly I sets forth hLs views In regard to the . ' local municipal situation. : Premier Pattullo"s statement ui rrcard to municipal situation here I is as follows: I "May I through your paper out- 'line the situation with regard to ... ilhe government of the City of BATAVIA, May 23: ICP-A Prince Rupert. oa" . - - XI 11. . l.r. t.,b-on fnr newly launched Japanese pi cm ( -i uuns i, mu.jf uC campaign bristling witn eranted by everyDoay inai un uiiw threats and pointed warnings '(the provincial goveniment deslro. . . t rro v,o Mpihprlands ic ihK wpifare of the City of Prince - - -- --- -- - Will HUI- iu.w East Indies from a nrm sianu t Upert. An lacin in commercial relations with cussed with dinerenc mxnes wio ... ,.. ifnrmrrt nnaiters said situation existing tliere. No one . - "!- m i today. Weather Forecast 4 and mild with light showers tQueen Charlotte Islands. - ppmert to favor return to mayor and council. j T is discussed Hie matter of City Managerslilp and said that Ij ,.M innk Into It which I have 'been doing. It Is my opinion that. K legislation were pajea iouuw- Prlnce Rupert and Queen Char- j lhe terms of the joint resolu- . - i - rintit Ir. mnHprnte .. . , runun f rtnmmcrpft toue lsmuus ui5"i iion oi mc south or southwest winds, cloudy and Trades and Labor Council, .. . in. i i w. I -Umi.Afa rt; over 0 r Continued on PAGE FOUR Fo fKSKtKXSS CityHED AS but never h CAPTIVES riffi.ial Announcement in to Members of Crew of Canadian Tanker OTTAWA, May 22: (CP)- The .4A Cvtornnl Affnlr.Q an. Suggests 4 . 1 Ti,.,! hat Cit r;tv M MMivurorxhin ana serslup fould be-Accomplished accoi i nounced late yesterday Internation. receipt of iTnilnr Rxistintr Statutes (jovcrning uits , mmittp at rneva " - " 'ill ftCU WUU1UUV W rTr,- t:i.. m.. , that German authorities have an- cfntnmpnr. statement conveyed onnveveQ to lo the ine uuny Daily Bulletins BLACK-OUT SUCCEEDS VANCOUVER The lower mainland and lower Vancouver Island were blacked out last night in the first such test for, a district embracing five hundred square miles and more than 400,-000 population. Officials described it as 93 to 98 per cent successful and predicted that tliere ....... 1.1 i. ntiipr tpsts covering an WLltll II VJ ... even more extensive area. It was a clear starlit night and visibility was excellent. Everything went off according to schedule and there was no serious crime or traffic mishaps. .The time of the black-out was 10 to 10:15 p.m. LORD AUSTIN DIES LONDON Lord Austin, head of the car manufacturing firm bearing lib name, Is dead at age of seventy-five. 'W t aoooooooaaaaooaaao moaoocKJOoaaoQoaooooacKiaooQooooa Tomorrow's Tides itfX. 1 W High ...-V ":38 pa. 18J) ft. t . ' fi-M am 4.2 ft. northern and central British Columbia's newspaper liUW " r 18:35 pjn. 7.5 ft. I PATTULLO No announcement has yet Deen PRICE: 5 CENTS. British Tide Turns In Favor Of Crete Defenders; Boat Landings Fail Airborne Detachments Have Been Accounted For and Situation is More Satisfactory man u was Yesterday DEFENDERS IN CONTROL CAIRO, May 24: (CP) At least sixteen Junkers troop transports were shot down by Bri-ish anti-aircraft gunners in the first three days ot airborne invasion of Crete, British sources reported tonight. Allied defenders of Crete gained military control tonight of all but one German air invasion point on the northern coastal plain ot the island of Crete and returned tanks and field guns inlo violently renewed assault on the Nazi-held airdrome of Malemi. LONDON, May 23: (CP) A turn in Britain's favor in a furious battle to wipe out the Nazi aerial invasion ot mins were shattering attempts SIVlt; Willie AJiiuion ft ;-- - - j 1- 1 to get seaborne reinforcements to the invaders was lmh-ieated today in advices reaching London. A report trom Cairo said that Uerman airuorne uemcji hbu uum fiu 'NOMINATE wiiuiaa vw..v counted for in fierce fighting and the situation is now satisfactory at both places more satisfactiry than twenty-four hours ago. An autn- nrlfoHvo cniiroo cnlrt that .in lone . b . ib nm """"" " I a a ,. nri,isVl mow ran ard 61f threatened invasion by sea there Is IJbeial Convention Called For June every reasoi to believe thathe -1? -WithNo;One--Else : In.-SIshl airborne1 attaiel'nttist 7aif. Other Parties Silent The battle has been largely one1 of , every man for himself the fighting being of fierce guerrilla type Even junn 17 has been set as the date fof the LberafSovlncial nomln- women, wielding murderous twelve at;ng convention in Prince Rupert Inch kntVes have been engaged in riding, the seat of Premier T. D. eeking out the Nazi parachutists Pattullo. There is every reason to and kimhg them, suppose that the Premier will be Near Maleml a large of Ger. S ZSJZm tZfS- - - - ency which he has represented been trapped. without a break since 1910. The casualties are, estimated at 4000 Premier is expected to be in the city kined an(i WOunded with 100 Nazi dn the occasion oi iue wxic.fc. ,anes ,destroved. f Boat loads of would-be invaders maue as to u,.,... , .. . ...... nominations will be made. There'have been blaSted to death by Brl nnnpars even to be some doubt as to tlsh naval guns. whether the Conservatives will oppose Mr. Pattullo at all. The C.C.F. Is silent as to Its Intentions but It i pvnprted it will be in the field llc;ard ,, if it Is . npppssnrv necessary to to, even Import, a candidate. BIG FIRES IN CANADA iMews loaaj, nounced forty members of the crew I)amaginE r D. Pattullo .-. n announces iUn the appointment itMtnmrmnnT Oi L-lty oI the Canadian tanker Canadollte Irt (luebcCt D. u. J. o, Matheson muuiwuu as City Commissioner -- effective have been captured. ( W .1 -' I rrrTi Tnnnurn nxnT lTCaSUrur Dutch East Indies Will Stand Firm Forest Conflagrations Ontario And Prairies Mav 23: It Is esti mated that damage amounting to $4 000,000 or $5,000,000 has been done by forest fires raging through timberlands of northern Quebec. In the Nipigon Lake district of Ontario one large fire has done extensive damage. An Internment camp lies in its path. A sudden f wind saved the town of NlDlBon. There are also large and H.T,maslne tires in oaiR.uw-noin," and Alberta. Halibut Sales Summary American 48,000 pounds, in lc and 8c. 9.9c I Canadian 5300 pounds, 10c and 8c to 10.4c and Sc. i American 1 n , rt nnnn .smraee. w.wu excel "-i ... .o . J Yukon- 25,000, Storage, iu.iu 8c. Canadian Lois N t 36,000, Storage, 10.3c and Parma. 15,000, Pacific, 10c and 8c. ... , . Bug, 200, AUln, 10.4c ana oc. Despite mass drownings in their sinking boats, the Germans have kept coming recklessly on. German dive bombers continued to attack the British fleet. Victory Loan 1941 ! TORCH DAY CEREMONY Sunday May 25 3 F.M. COURT HOUSE Parade Starts 2:30 p.m. From Armory (In event of rain ceremony will be held In Capitol Theatre) 'lit!, : Ll mm is 1 s 4 : -l if 1 ' 'IT: 'i , , I. i