PAOK SIX Expert Optical Service . .-ft,., m.wmmm Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR HASEMtiNT STO.RB For Fine China, Dinnerware, (2 lasses, Haggagc and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER - DIAMOND MERCHANT The Daily News is a member uf liie Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north 5f Vancouver and West of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. MESlpP et into the battle WTUh U'H fiB,i-uii YOU re Supply, .Medical, Or.lm.iui W "j""s ur iu ii )mi imvc brum h ot thi Strwrr. 1 planned 01,r I if,. x.,r Inmic arc tl.rtaliiu.l l.y 5 allai U of the Huns ami;li we U in Jlic facltiries to produie umpnns with wliirh In crush tu,, Uitsc wtapoiiu arc usrltss witlioul .MKN. Canadian Atti Arinyt require- nun for Arlilr),i:iiWiiu-,.n,!5ij;i,,aU,Arinound Cars, TanU, Infantry, Traiiport ami T1IE DAILY NKWB TSMITHERS BAND 'FUN FOR IS TRAVELLING HOLIDAY Touring; Upper Nulkley Valley This Wcck-Eml in Support of SMITIIERS. May 23. The Smith-crs Band will spend the week-end and holiday up the Bulkley Valley in the interests of the forthcoming Dominion War Loan. Arrangements have been made . for the band to play in Burns Lake, Endako and Port Fraser during the two days it will be away and possibly in some of the smaller centres. A band concert will be played in the hall at Burns Lake and the band ,111 then be at the Hay 24 eclebrajtion at Fort Fraser where it k expqeted that there, will be a large attendance from Vandernoof and other nearby places. The orcanization 's ''"lathio: its rcrviccs for the interests of the War Loan' and there will be 20 members t.n'-plline by motor car for this occasion. Bandmaster Grav will be charge- of the band during its short trip. , "Wyoming." comical romantic drama of pioneer days in the west with Wallace Beery In the leading ,role, is the feature picture for the May 24 holiday at the Capitol Theatre. Beery plays the part of a tough man who turns good. In a pioneer town he meets a lady blacksmith, played by Mariorie Main. Then ensues a side-splitting romance including Beery's harmonica serenades. Miss Main's activities in helping him to escape from jail and other drolleries. Beery is seen leading ranchers against raiding cattle rustlers. One sequence shows General Custer routing a ranch attack by Blackfeet Indians. There is a love story amid the thrills between Ann Rutherford and Lee Bowman. Leo Carrillo enacts the oart of Beery'1- nnrman. Paul Kelly plays Onera! Cur'er. Josenh Callcia is hp lmd'r of the lawless element. T ittle Bobs Watson and Henry vers round out an excellent cast. "Wvominp." should make acceptable holiday entertainment. if Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings Light This Week Hut Prices Finn Unfavorable Weather Affects TroIIcrs showed a definite upward trend. For American fish top price of the week was 12.8c and 8c paid the H.T7P1 IT for 17 5nfl nnnnrts urhllo iVa ' against Hitlerism Enlist Now! and oilier I'lu! Army is prtpaml to Iraelt many Irath-H, and to train you to cllicicnlly handle Canada's weapons of war. (Jo In jour iicuMHt District lt ruiliny Odicc. Find out about these Units ; hliw they work, what they do. See just where you'll (it in. See where any particular skill you possess can best he utilized, Then join up for .(CTION. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA ACTIVE SERVICE RATES OF PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day w((h Board, iiodeine Clothing, Medical and Dental care Dro. vided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying fVom 2Sf to 15f per day for skilled tradesmen while employed. (2) Dependent Allow, ances In Cash: $35 to wife, $12 each per month for 2 children only 3 dependents per soldier. Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the week ending yesterday were comparatively light at a total of but 349,500 pounds, bringing aggregate landings for the season to that date up to 4,160,900 pounds as compared with 5,163,769 pounds at a corresponding date last year, the landings for 1941 thus being just about a million pounds less than in 1840. The Am erlcan landings to date are 2,346,-200 pounds compared with last year's 3,101,600 pounds while the low was 10c and 8c received by the Harmony and Pearl for catches of 30.0CO and 8,000 pounds respectively. For Canadian fish the hign price Canadian total is 1.814,700 pounds of lhe wek was 12 n, as against 2.062.169 pounds. The whlch the R w and Blwa rc week s total comprised 2C0.000 celved for Bjm noundj , each case pounds American and 89.500 pounds the ,ow Can'adlan prlce bcintt 101c Canadian fish. With fish offerings and 7J5c wnlcn the Annabelle was gmer, prices aunng me veeK paid for S.500 pounds. Salmon trolling has not oen fo good hi Prince Runert dhtrH lately r .... Mlfc owlll(, umavcrabie weather con- ditlon?. The early season flllp seems to have petered out. However, some fish are still being obtained and an earlv Improvement Is to be anticipated. Changes to be made around the loil dry dcrk in connection with ihj cii'tH warf ti FhJ'bu'1dlu prrvzram being undertaken at thd yard Inr-ludes extension of the premises to the west. The Imperial Oil Co. tennis court, wh'ch for years has been a popular resort, must go and prcna rations arc bcinj made to demolish It. The American charter yacht Prlnclnia. which ha.s been on a two weeks' crulrc In Alaska waters with party on board consisting of Col. J. B. Donnelly. II. Hall. Mrs. n. Lou-cr and Mrs. McOaw-Woodbury. rived in port at 9:30 this mornlns from the north. The party Is sailing on the Princess Adelaide tonight for Vancouver enroutc back to the Unitec1 States. InniiTiirotln" the snrlii" twce-n-we-k ,n'lln7 chrlulc between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. C. P. It. fitramr Prince Oeorie. Cnnt. H. F Ncddcn. arrl'-rd In nort at 9:30 thl rfirnln" frOTi Vane,-,i!ver. Powell rtlvcr anrt Ocwn FIU and u'lll snll at 3 o'clfk this aftornoon fnr Ketchikan nnrt Stewart, whence .'he will return here tomorrow evening southbound. f'.P.Tt. steamer PHnres A'lhlrie. Ont Henrv Anderson, nrrlvfd in port nt ?. ?.o this afternoon fro the smith and will snll at 10 nm nn hr return to Vancouver and wavpolnts. Union steamer Cardena Caot Jrhn Hoden. is d'i n rort 5:30 tomorrow rrornlnnr from th" south ind will be . oiling a coii-1 of hour later on h"r return to Vancouver and wavpolnts". in Tin: MTiuiMi; coritr or iikitisii 'rii.r.MiiiA iv I'ltmim: I hp niy nf ITInre Uiirt. llrKM, 'Urtl "" I,M",n,h,,r ' rurunt to the provisiom ol Sc tlon 28 of Mw Tntt- Act of th Provlnco if BrHIh OolujnbU I hereby elve notice Uvit on Uic 23th day of April 1041 my Bpolrvtment m Executor of u.,E?tatcof thf lat John William MrKlnlev. Deccnwd, v. confirmed by l- . .iviiHie iwum out or th 8un rcme Court nf Rn'.'Uh rvji,mk.. -i. EUlo urc rcoulml to pay the amount or tnHr lndeibtxlnoi to m. forthvilth and all person having clalnu aialnrt Hie a el ertn,e are r-qulred to file them proixTrly verified with mc on or before June 15th 1041 fMUns which dUtrlbu-tlon shall Iv. made havUij; regard only to-clttlms which arc In my hands Dated at Prince Rupert B.C. thin 7th clay of May A. D. 1941. ' CUFTOrtD OILKEIl j Uy his Sollcltora, 1 Brown ti lUrvcy. Bewier Block, Prince Rupert, B. O, LAST Tin..- wure an jj ll'lll. nil ami Mvi-nr, 1 Jiu nnger, T jl II More About Xtnj tomlnr Saturn;,, WAI.LACI 5);,;,.v "WYOMIM, ROTARY LEAD Kiilivrrllm t.'..- . .... lar Urtory Co no A(h Has Im Th: n I559 i: The Pr.n i Pt lt( ,wr ' yes'crd-v fit-Ihou'nnr' '1 KMPfl in P' i.i, Invest, all v,,- brought out : onlv about dollars In tlr tlon was rhii vestment ? t; executive wl!' o duv of purr Visitors ai n 'nc!uded Dr r 'rt JarvK m Wallace ct K Dr. T. W r stoke. Ted K "an. Norton v en H-nie i China. y..,.. urHni th Vlriry h me'h"d naln nnrt v -l' v rPmPv rrnf M'-R ITo m. 'n" nf . fn',tf 'r " ' carried her Mnnt" ens . f...1m- 3STAI paBYEJ I This adrertlsement is not putl or aispiayea dj w Board or by the Gnvnrnmes British Columbia- i Fresh Local Raw ' Pasteurized VALKNTIN DAIK I'llON'i: 57 zn Trains leave Prince Kiipcrt for llic Hast Aiuiiday, Weilnesday, Friday, b p.m. Alr-Condltloiied Slecplnc and Dining Cu Steamers leave P'ririce Kupert for Vancouver Iliursilay and Saturdays 11:30 p.m. talliiiR at Ocean 11,11 Powell River For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call Or IVrltn PITV Tlmrm ri.-r.'lf'l,' ti-il AvrllllC iiinrti r r ri - (i . - iiLrvr.i urriLui " I Hone 2C0 -. Trlnce Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Mr 1 -rWll. .yt. C . ,'0 I. I ill . I' iTlilfl