llaHHIIV ' r III ROHILL VISITS PLYMOUTH RUINS WITH LADY ASTOR ! C. rat-aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTai la YFSI left after the OTEL H Carl Zarclli, Prop. Lfl'"" 37 P.O. Itox 511 NUSKR STREET Hl'rince Hupcrt ,Rpalr Water Pipes, Koofs, i --"iK, Moves Connected, L. Ktc- f1 Burners Cleannl S1.50 f'Rinevt en ""H B6.au !" ANHY MAN II03IE SKKVICE Phne BLACK ms Qirinnr suMrintendent of the Sunday Sehool, aid Btehop G. A. Hlx. - pledges and appeals were moved and adopted. Then tolowed the general business and resolutions and the re- Brsi .VPjeajdelrs.JI. 4B5oand ' VioePresifl Andrew. 1 Secretary, Mrs. E. Lindseth. Treasurer, Miss Jf. L. Bird. Dorcas Secretary- Mj . J. H. Nor- dan. Girls' Secretary, Mrs. R. Bartlett. Juniors' Secretary, Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton. Uttle Helpers' Secretary, Mrs. G. A. Kelsey. Church Boy's League Secretary, Mrs. Henderson. United Thank Offering Secretary, Mrs. G. P. Tinker. Living Message Secretary, Mrs. J. G. Johns. Educational Secretary, Mrs. J. S. Wilson. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY IMPORTED BRITISH SCATTER RUGS "ew shipment ly Brl i Goods 27X54. PHONE 775 $6.50 Wmston Churchill, accompanied by his wife and Lady Aslor i -,h ate alm to : ; .ion of the areas in Plymouth most damaged by Nazi bombs. Plymouth, a .iiurtest VS. shipping lanes, w - .subjected to an unmerciful air attack, as if in a on U.S. aid. Lady Astor, incidentally, is now Lord Mayor oi Plymouth. Letter Box PAYING roil YVAlt .iys it's a the rich to p government W.A. BOARD : CONCLUDES Miss II. M. Davies 0. II. E. Is Ke elected President Of Diocesan Woman's Auxiliary Canada At War 25 Years Ago , , u.vrsttii tuaiu ui ic aun area, xiuaaiaiw uuupitu Woman'' Auxiliary concluded last dight, Pershia, and British forces, -i ui ev St nl?nt after continuing throughout improved their positions on right m i uid noi meet Thursday. Miss R. M. Davies O. B. bank 0f the River Tigris. C0SM , uJa E.. was re-elected president. t ,:.e reinainoex M 1Q n 1n mornlng ' ' PJPe v" tfcere was Holy Communion service dPducticau from y j B olbsQn aJ ! -v PeoP1 wno celebrant. At this service the Unl-p !u- rich it ap- ted anjj offering was presented- . :son is In the of those iIf(, and the nameg read W at is most like- members who nave been called to xm wage earn- hghw wvice- .nHT1 the member's prayer and ZtZl minutes of the prevlou session cerUfS had bsal read' the VOtlng ' !ir Tr,' "e distributed and further re-.o ota v alright on offlcers read hould remeni- J ,mpetliive and aa" RMih tpn friMii.sari& DeODle itth a ''want ad " in rhe Dally News. FOR SSALfc Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook FOr SALE 0 h p. Caterpillar .. - m..L A Arc tic nrA rrvo H 41A -ppmenUanew At prayers after whlch the which the wage met 3t the Boston Cafe, a;,. ! umwa fof for lunch lunch. jring During the tne lunch mncn hour nour with two drums in first class shape. Reasonable. C. W. Swan-son, Butedale. (122) Frank FOR QUICK SAL Own tear ng informal talks were given by ilHk 1Wav u M Hutrhinson are i of an iroport- ni ics tne com- , . .... ,. MIS. Kix opeiieu uiu aiKinwii sA8itm with Drayer and, after an address by Miss Hdtby, the year's tam 308 7th Ave. West, five room bungalow, two bedrooms, fully modern, on sewer, hard-.wood floors, two lots, flne garden, foundations Just renewed. Vacant June 15, $2,200. H. G. Helgej on, Ltd. 11 FOR SALE Urge dining room table with five extension leaves. Phone Blue 267. 122) ults of the YntUw were ane known Th- following were elwt-d FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be offl. ers for the ccmlns year: received by the undersigned until Officers tiecttd Saturday. May 3lst. for the pur-1 ttnnnrarv Pmsident. Mrt . O. A. cluue of We jjenjamin rurgiwuii Rlx. Honorary Vice-President, Mrs. K. L. Mcintosh President. M.ss A. M. Davies. r,fano fnnr rooms, full base - ' . mpnt. oil furnace and partially furnished, situated on Lots 0 and 10. Block 17, Section 5, Cth Av-i en'ue West. Terms: Strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Official Administrator, Court House, Prince Rupert. tf FOR SALE Bedding out plants, Greenhouse, Alfred Street, see Mr. Wilding. 12G) FOR SALE 2 bath tubs, 4 wash basins, just like new, 3 wing pumps, 2 pine vises, 5 crosscut saws, 2 anchors, 1 pipe cutter, 3 peevies at very low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture Co. ttf) PERSONAL YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER- i earten witn our nejp. tjanatuan annual-' Klndeten Institute -. can , m. Delegates to Dominion Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Mrs. A. u. uoit- 'Substitutes-Mrs. Champion, Mrs WANTED J Johns. .WANTED Room and board for lady beginning June 1, vicinity of Seal Cove. Apply Box 103, Dally News. (121) POSITION WANTED DF.K1RES Good Position Have Al references and bonded for last 14 1 years. For further Information J Phone Green 970. (122) LOST LOST Military hat and -pair ot gloves. Apply Bax 104. Dally News. (121) TEZ DXH7 HZ73 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Uash rr Old XJolU. iiuUit-r tt Used FumltuHf UuuiUt dur asl; or old 'on raintart aUiu's.Aluose Building. Ttod tf RuDert Fulton, son of Mr. and For the East Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 5 p m From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 11 p m For Vancouver- Tuesday 12:30 noon. ' Thursday 10:30 pm Friday 9:30 p.m Advertise in the Daily News. a I 14 . CI 1C I 1.1 J I . . . - 40-oz.. . .S3.35 f (IL-Vt. niifCD 3 Lf cn i 177 pi mm IOINI ED 1 I 1 l 1 UNITED DISTILLERS LIMITED VANCOUVER, a. c This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi m British Columbia. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY wanted Woman to cook and wash for one man out or town.,) Interview requested netween 11 and 12 am. Room 7, Pioneer Rooms. !(12Uj Miss E M. Earl Is JeayinK en this evening's train for a, brifef trip to" Haysport i.nfl "Port Essint-ui I Dcuble-hradcr basebjl game. May 84. Afl-Btar Army-M. All btar K'is .NQEma Archie, who 4s leash- Civilians. Ht)U pjn. on(jr6r30 pm Ing flohool at Jlema, arxiea in the Admission 25c city on tort nljfhw irain from tne jnUirier lor a bflaf wisot. Mrs. F. A". Wrumb, wife trf 4he ;reBidentHiaivaerof (Pastfic MHle a-t Ocean Fails. leturoed to Mr? iaper town on the Prince George last night alter a trip to Vancouver. Periodic Distress MtukUj' CiimamaUd CmmuiIc fcrln -r.U--fyl rlif. "Na hot application. nterr -na wl I -aawn- hot drlnki I nor opUtri. Thrto InrrtdU-nti In Hucktar CmIm -Pin KASTEK. " " ,and nfrxh and r-lai taut nowoo. Kw KKUEP WITHOUT KEACTIOM U dow. OSr-at all draccLU. Mrs. Jack Joy, who has bien on a trip south, returnod to the rlty Ircm Vancouver .on the Pfince. Oeerge -this nnornlng. Mrs.,.J A Hunter. -who has been in the south lor the past three 'weeks, is returning to the .city from Vancouver "tomorrow morning. Rev. -W. D. Grant llolllngrorth. , formerly of this city, who Joined the chaplaincy of the Canadian Army some time ago, Is now In England, according lo word recelv-ed by local friends. R. W. Wilson, well known mining ' Major E. F. Allen, dental off icer ' who has Interests -around for Military District No. 11, arrived smlt'hers and elsewhere irttriedls-ln -the city on the Prince George trif. sailed by the Prince "Rupert this morning from the south, being ja,t night on his return to-Vincou- ihere on official dutie. ver .after a business trip north. Campbell of Vaouver Dugald More, United Church representative of the Radian Lin-. otype Co after couple P thlsJBiamlng cf days here on Dunness, i this evening's train for New Haze . . - ; ton Smlthers and oUier interior yer and eed the points on his way back to Vancou- .. , on ver. SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES Announcements All advertisements hi this column will be charged lor a lull month at 25c a word. Lutheran Metropole. Circle Tea, May Queen Mary tea, Legion Hall, June 14 for soldiers' graves. 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Canadian Legion, June 19. United Church Tea .Mrs. Young June 19. Boy Scout Tea, June 21. O. C. Mrs. J. Clark. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evltt's June 20. Central Hotel Central Ilotcl Annex 150 Heated Rooms Dot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress MEN'S SOLID LEATHER Work Boots In Crepe. Panco and Oak Tanned Soles. Priced from $2.95 T0 7.50 Our Stock of SHOE FINDINGS Including Polishes, Laces, Arch Supports, Corn Ja.l, iiboe Tr-eeK, Ettu, k .the L&reKt .in .liwi Ciy soLe AClENTS for JACK AND JILL shoes Family shoe store ltR The Home of Good Shoes CEREMONY OF TORCH i Mr. and Mrs. Max HeGoroner have ! Rev. T. C Colwell, pastor Of Grace Jvictory Loan Campaicn to be In - 'received word of the birth at Ot-, unitea unurcn at ron bimpson, si- ; aucurated sunaay Aiiernoon May 23 1916-Strong German at itawa on May 22 of a son to their rived in the city on the, Prince with -Parade and Service J ' .... i i t T flartroa iVile TnnrrltnfT from Uanprt'U tacks forced French to evacuate . son-m-iaw, uapi. ana ws. A . . It . The meetings of the Caledonia D0uaumont and Cumieres in Ver-; Carson, formerly of this city. Mrs. 'ver where he attended the recent j . . . -j oi. I i v, -Mice -Mamp Rrltish aui Columbia uujuuiuid conference, tuuiciviiwy, .and Valuu 'Id tile iwiiiit ...t. ...... w i Hellbroner. wj run uuiiijou.i. campaign rrince Kuperi, m cum- i tVaA Hundreas ol people irv 'spot" In the Dally News classified column and get good results. (tf) r y r I In hII W3 Kill SAX6E WREU'S Y0UK MINARD'S 1 mm mon with the rest of Canada, win wiitic II.. . T-.( tr.V. pn1uw.VU nrttV o T Ml 1 V. AJ TUn versity Ul mnmu wuiviiuuia mm rews will nut -uc puuuicu. a lie T1 a Aaffi rlAnrnA Inf lllOOlr 1 u ...aV ......1a- - ..rill nannAM Mai! Scberiuli Monday alternoon. Twenty -Five Years Ago May 23, 1910 4 Ben Self . Charlie Balagno, George Bryant and Hans Berquist had a successful week-end fishing trip to Mile 21. They took a fine , lot oi i . r o.,n n flcW Hlnllpr fnr Opening .ceremony in cuniictuvn truui. xcxi gaic proceeded this afternoon by gasboat tne forthcoming Victory Loan a party of friends. The Anyox baseball game is here Mrs. W. O. Fulton, returned homei no PAPER SATURDAY ,hvp -n imnresslve torch ceremony fnr a holidav series of games com on Wednesday from Vancouver, Saturday, being Victoria uay.nn Rlinrfav afternoon. It will be of mpnHno tnnleht. The Prince Ra Via he o-roclii'ifpH graduated frf.m from ih( the . TTnl- Uni-land UnI -n nivKlU cublic VtfVHHov holiday, the Vm .Daily ToHw ... re it .Va ifiia a a. puw.v j.wamaj, r-Helou! rcuElous nuvure natUre. 'nert line-un will consist of Babe Prior to the ceremony, which will Tortin, Harry Astorl, Bill Manson be held at the Court House srounds Fred Henning, Art Manson, Joe If weather Is favorable and in the Ratchford, Wallace Anderson, Eddie Capitol Theatre if inclement, there Murphy. will be a torch parade starting irom the Armory on Sixth Avenue V.'est i.cad!n? the vw oarade will - be the Mayor M. P. McCaffery. City Treasurer E. D. Johnson and. City tle I r. Rocky Mountain Rangers regimen- ;SoUcitor Fred Peters have been suc- tal band with guard of honor for cessiui m getting jegisjauon put the torch furnished by the local 'through at Victoria which will fa-tod Battery. Following v.111 be I cilitate city financing. cars carrying clergy,. naval, military and. air force officers, city tepre sentatlve and the' members of the Victory .Loan committee. The route of march will be along Sixth Avenue to Fulton Street, down Fulton Street to Third Avenue arid thence to the Court House where the guard will form up with the torch for the ceremony. In the course of the ceremony there will be an explanation of the torch by Norton Youngs, dedicatory prayer by Rt. Rev. G. A. Rlx. Bishop of Caledonia ; torch day address by Squadron Leader C. A. Wlckens, chaplain of the Royal Canadian Air Force, declaration of allegiance led by Very Rev. James B. Gibson D.D. M . V... ntvl. nfl rfVpr 23 .'officials, community singing' The ''.Rocky Mountain Rangers Band will accomnanv the sinslnvr of , r,,tni hymns ' and patriotic aritheyi.s "The Private Secretary" Capitol . . . Theatre, May 28. Catholic tea, Mrs. Blaln's, Mav: 29l Battle of Jutland Tea May 31. Canadian Legion. Bundles to Britain. - Hill CO Dance, June 0. Presbyterian Missionary tea, Mrs. Duncan McRae's, June 4. Strawberry Tea. St. Peter's Eve ning Branch. Mrs. Thomas, June Parent Teachers' Tea. June 8. PRINCE RUPERT- DRY DOCK. SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Enflnrers Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene iyeldlnr Specialists on Sawmill and Alining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Try a Dally Ntws Want-Ad. Ladies' and Children's DRESSMAKING AND REMOOELLING Reasonable price, good work Phone Blue 91C 203 3rd Ave, KIMIKO UYEDE MAIL US YOUR FILMS TOOAY Any size roll developed and printed 25c Special "Decko-Art" prints- -Reprints twelve for 35c STEFFENS-COLMEK PHOTO CO. P.O.Box 220 Vancouver B.Ci Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOOOS" Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from not kiln dried and have the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are all of, the natural oils -so necessary to Jong life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PUONE C51 PHONE G52 ' ? & i.