HI, JnUuy W. lilt "THE TA S-'r. THE DAILY NEWS WILL BE GREATER IN 1941 IT HAS BEEN IN 1940 .4 ; . . . if is going to demand more effort more s our llVBS md for more change in ALREADY the.pattern and pace of life in Canadahave undergone a profound change. Gaps in employment are rapidly filling up. Some 350,000 Canadians who were unemployed before the outbreak of war are now employed. Another 200,000 are with our armed forces. Factories, which until recently were turning out goods for civilian consumption, have been transformed into humming arsenals, pouring out instruments of war. Night and day shifts 'have become the rule rather than the exception. But the speak of effort is not yet in sight. In 1941 still more factories will switch to war production -. . . new plants will be established, thousands more will be employed. This rising tide of activity must continue until we reach the flood of effort when every Canadian will be employed and working to his Utmost, every possible square inch of plant will be utilized, every wheel will be whirring in the race we are waging against time and the enemy. More men are working . . . working longer hours . .. making more munitions . . . earning more money ... producing more goods . . . putting more money into circu- lation. Most Canadians are sharing in this increased . national wealth have extra dollars in their pockets. The effort the Prime Minister calls for is gaining momen-turn, but many Canadians, as individuals, have not yet felt the real pinch of sacrifice. Canadians of all classes are sharing tax burdens, but it must ! be admitted that up to date the larger part of the money -needed for Canada's war effort has come from business firms and individuals with large incomes. They are paying , high taxes. They have already invested heavily, in War Loan Bonds. n Jtf.'HON. W. 1. MACfffWZE KIWG (NfW YEAR'S ivE, 1MO) This is not enough. The plain truth is that Canada's irapidly expanding production for war purposes will require increasing sums of money. That is why the Prime Minister warned Canadians in his New Year's broadcast that the year ahead demands more effort and more sacrifice. Every man, woman and child is asked to lend. Every dollar you lend will help to put another man in a job . . . making more munitions. Every dollar you lend may save a soldier's life . . . help to shorten the war. Small wage earners must carry their share of the burden, too. ' No one need go without necessities, but you are urged to forego the purchase of unnecessary articles . . . however small the cost ... no matter how well you are able to pay for them . . . which take labour and material away from the, great task of providing goods needed to win the war. This is your war. Everything you have . . . everything you believe in ... is now at stake. This is a message to you . . . a challenge to every Canadian ... a call to the colours ... a call for volunteers. Bej'sure to make provision to pay your Income Tax payment is made easier by the new instalment plan. But be prepared to do more budget your earnings to make sure that you will have money available to buy War Savings Certificates and to subscribe for War Loan Bonds. You will help Canada you will help yourself. Minister of Finance PAW A? I no ma. . .. -"a '- vn j I , .r t i'. u r -' ,v. .. 't '"'f