HOT WATER BOTTLES $1.00 $1.50 $1.25 $2.00 Ormes Ltd. K id yju. tUii4,. If, tt to t 44 n to iijm UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. MU.m, MJtvvm ytxHtm kxcvkmos kakk TO VMU'AMVm AXD HKTVKX (lUrfuttd HnMy Put', tt& turn hxif tim to Vtrsmtt tffm itrndlst yAnUi lYn f ' tm. nd utuU- twtftve; Hajf ftt lUUUt un H1e Uttm XwtnA.t itt, IJ1 Ut VtUruzry U, osi u mum tip to March l, Ml libp met r Venn Vrtixt nvfrt hi. Vtncmiet HM. CAT At A Kttry tutMtj J:M p.m. Jhurujif xm. MM. CAMMXA Kwr ftUlzr M pro. MunAty tjiu . , TXtA and JCwmtl?n4 um Vim llupttt At'M ( VHAHK J, HKIHXKU) lUUi Aft, fhnniVt II Otnttnlrni. Vkw. Vunlute Ticket at Offfce The Dally tiewa i a member ot th-c Canadian Dally Newnpaper AnMclaUmf ot the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It 1 the only paper north ot Vancouver and vct of Edmonton holding memberihlp In thew orf,'anlzfltlon& WAR ALARM i EYES EYES lift rocts r IN RUPERT Tca&isr a3 A. X. .T. 1 zctap KfrumH In J jaxrrx 2c" i5 "" BiE CrrTaaaWT w--rJ 9bb4 la Sb Tesa bvj,, "faT " , arPt'--Saiaat r- (Cau. axsn. Ar Sat "He Slaved hhhC'' - ji "'f''MaaMBaBa' "Tafeawavai?f "S I aa asanas 5w tart pnc- Max Heilbroner bu a gmt9 ; tx.. wrajwa ao at - it mL. jr -fct jjnira if r i Wt Bar ajRSC i-rf K 4te jMwc at ; if snt aakury aa aur 3br tuswom CvJiax aK3ae83iER -ew a mk tee aeal aav? .ajic4fc r aut yMBt wr.r ato-ft t " ?T3se Sapm te-mk trttam Oc Tae acar -gBwan -wl sac fc? mm f Sw lajiisWa awcae tS fee e5e sf nftom wsmt Out Hg V4L 71m csatnC aeB arjait Wj t. '-o.o Jgrtatnw Tar? as a . 2ar w acs ti Tzxsc NEWLYWEDS Send Sjmpathr WELCOMED To Lloyd-George JCx. uWI X J-tr fsfit3fea Mms i' kn Sn T wiry hi iu vifh Xmt. J CJfZ Masr ?Ka "TTiaimT wii. ca saw a tost Ttfcciair- rmf er ji C-sa 7ift ukvlS i 2 rJc tfeit -mrmsk tor JStt- tor Ok KffKflMMl 7Mtc her wtrfc fcw tea Charts ZiS2f lue aatui (t? a. Ditty &rwi tmyxx.'. 7iUmr fX r hMnftn i &r :r.. ?.itt JtC 1'jt.tWfa. MS - txt vSXbtT. A. KeOer lsV& Co at CwsMfatYa, U rSttd iritfe har-m? jAot a be: vfueb vu to t '. rc tfee V ktaKr err to yard K wrt to tfce bt&tfe vfaOe iwfc watt, fore, taw &e v bS Uat it toclc It titltm atmte nmaar (afl llvzatw ot prj&t try a "tpt" to the DiDr cUmUlei uA-uann and ret z4 reaoKa, TRAPPERS Uwit iH ror for cm the waUrfrent. Brfnf them up twn t me. III make the buyers pay 21 more. I hare a hit contract to illL G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable JJCVM Tli .ES: j: Copper il 7V '.-tac t-nk rrx b if f f . " arSSar tsrsy -caa Mrs- I T T I 1 1 I 1 ICl J atotatw-ajM. Mn Sawterisai f ; rrn RjaJ3 j TTbg Mctetit Xlt m S& la aCc att b Pst. Bacarr sxst a'?r ajri-; " j , zlzS fnuc 8m TmImOoi &e- aeog asi far nu ite. am . . . aaa tae Mratdd wtts tfc rtaf f c fkclD-! . , u. Cm( w, i- il I C T BaaaA l ..vaj a I A I f r i ES OF THf TtST TEtt JS rauznn a TOttlD I jx CH1ROPR.4J0E iifj W CiMftah, C 'JVC n jitM cawA. ni MANDi ACTURERS Life losnrence Ca P.H. Linzey reave onrv wt date jean jo, to GwernsKcr Doc, Vttnuxul, Muiuapal 'the Basic of Mrx-itrcaJ hat jrca tbca the special ones cf binluog tcrrke ibej retftue. Arj j-ig the peojle anptojed I7 thos Orcrs p-,rnti, are ibouurvh. of ocr cattocaea, trboISp thetr surpiar fundi in our iixizgi iepnxacot, bor row foe penooal or home tnproToaent ccedvoc nuke toe of ou teniccs ia a score of other wars.. Strt in CndUnt and tbtir iuJilutUnt in ntrj ttttitn flbt (immunity, BANK OF MONTR E A L WAR SA VINCS cnrnncATES -a iamc wMcar SKAtt AccouKia aac wttcoMc- Prince Rupert Branch: Stewart Branch: G. R. S. BLACKABY, Manager H. V. LITTLER, Manager MODERN, tXPERlENCED BANKING SERVICE ,lt O.n... . , yW Sutt,al p ' j Central Hotel Ccatnl Hotel Vtac, 1SI Hrilei Xcss Disisc Knit iia Ccrjr: Mn C- t E2aek rrjor- LOOK w. Urcv. Etc. rB'asTwfil Variety Repairs U St. OE BxrVa Sl NEW ROYAL HOTEL "A DOMt AWAI HOME M Rdocu Hoi & oc Prtr Rnptn, BC rsD til r.o. imi ii Fresh Local Raw nd Pasteurized MHk VALENTIN DAlRT rflosr u' THE cr a 1 f rx t A I lTY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by ThTnly cannlnr company the year round par"" Prince Kupe"