If AOS TWO i THE RIGHT PLACE To Buy THE RIGHT SHOES Onyx, Plio-Pedic and Tango Pumps, Miss Atlanta and Vanity Maid For Women - "i . Hartt, Scott & McHales, Grebb and Cainpa'cs For Mien Jack & Jill, Hewestons, Sismans For Misses, and Children PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue If. F. PULLBN Manoging-BditoB SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in, City Per. year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion . Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion ; Advertising, and Circulation. Telephone . 98 Member ot Audit Bureau ov Circulations .25 .02 MEMBER OF; TJI6 CANADIAN 1'KESS The Canadian Press la exclusively entltdeU to use Tor republication of Ml new despatches credited to tt or to the Afeoclated Frees In. tola paper and also the local iewa published thereto. All rights at republication, of. special desoatches therein ere also reserved DAILY EDITION Tuesday, July 29, 1941. Co-Operation With Ottawa Now that there is an election campaign starting an ; attempt is being made to show that the'British Columbia government refused to co-operate with the Federal gov-' ernment in the war effort This of course is wholly in-! correct. What Premier Pattullo refused to do was to agree to the adoption, of, the Sirois report. Inithat he has j been consistent throughout.. It was admitted that there ' was in the Sirois report very much, that was good. The j difference between the two, governments was that the Federal government insisted that the conference was called to consider the report and nothing else. Mr. Pattullo refused to allow the province to be tied and bound by it for all time to come. He always promised full co-operation in wur wuik aim 1111s ne nas given. Independent Opinion - - - Here is an independent opinion, in regard to. whether the Pattullo government is doing the right thing or not just now in appealing to. the pepple for endorsation of its position on all counts. The Vancouver News Herald says: "The announcement from Victoria that the provincial election will! be held in October-has hadia peculiar effect upon some of the selfAappointed critics of the government. In one breath they tell us that the government's record in office is 'indefensible' in the next breath they declare that there is no need' for an election at all. The only cer- ult of an election they say, will be the disruption of B.C.'s war effort. "The role of the opposition, press is a difficult one in war time, but we had never realized that it was as tortuous as all that. Surely, if the record of the government is as bad as its political opponents would have us believe, there is eveiy gopd and patriotic reason for an election! Actually, politically biased critics aside, the decision to hold an election this Fall simply conforms to a well established precedent. Far front harming the war effort a ,,.,.,..v. uioiuaaiuii ui wiiau d. u. is uomg in tne war should be beneficial. "The suggestion that the province is incapable of performing a democratic function, at this time without harm to the war effort is scarcely complimentary to the public's intelligence. When Vou Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni ikir Service 24 Dour Service at Recular Bates If you have something to sell, a classified advertise- ment m this: paper, willi soon ' let you know if there is a buyer in the cityi DRY DOCK IS WINNER Takes City Senior Football Cham. plonship To Arrange Competi- ' tion For Gtlhuly Cup Dry Dock defeated Composites Services by a score of two to one, on Saturday afternoon to win thtv Mobley- Cup, emblematic of cify senior football championship. Half-.time score was one to nothing', for. lUift Dry Dcjck. R. B. SUnneii' refV ereea. Competition! for. the Qllhuly Cup. fourth trophy of the season, has yet to be played, and a. meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association is called (on Wednesday night to arrange for this, i Independent won, the Stuart Benefit Shield while the Composite Services team, took the Dominion Day Cup. f , Steamship Sailings , For, Vancouvei 1 Mondayr 3.S; Prince. , George, 4. p.m.' Tuesday Catala, 1:30 p.m , Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S.S; Prince Rupert 5 p.m. S.S: Princess Tjoulse 6pm. From Vancouver-Monday S.S. Princess Alice. aim Sunday ss catala pjn.j wed. s.s. Pr. Rupert ll a.m. Frl. S.S. pr, Rupert 11 a.m. S.S. Prin. Adelaide a.m. SJS. Cardena p.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. catala 8 p.m Friday Sis. Prince Rupert i p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday, ss. Catala .1 1 : 30 a.m. Saturday S.S.Prlnce Rupert 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson S3. Catala p.m. Ottawa.' July. 29, 1941: SPORT CHAT Saturday S.S. Prince Rupert .'. .:5 fp.m. From Ocean Falls-Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert Friday ... I S.S.Princess Adelaide 'fa'-:- Pit. f iV Q. C. ISLANDS and Mrs. George Chasteney were in; charge of the arrangements. TT.- 1 Mrs Nicholas Shafer was the s co s- Camosun 10 p.m. hostess at a tea given for members DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR CANADA ments forrthe refugees. One hundred) cards- listing salvage requirements had) been received from Red Cross; headquarters and a number Mrs. B. A. Munro was hostess, re- of were distributed. There cenUy when her guests during the wlll be more meetines until Robert Moses (Lefty Grove reg-jtea hour were Mesdames E. Size, September Tea was served by the istered the three, hundredth pitch- G. Chasteney, O, Hill, Bert Roberts, nostess ing viciory oi nis coioriui Major j. uiumgren ana a. uoraon. in tne League baseball career last Friday evening at two tables of bridge- A interesting recent visitor to when the Boston Red, Sox defeated I 'those playing were Mrs. Roy Mc-' uharloue was Miss WJnnl- the Cleveland Indians by a score of .Kenzie, Mrs. A. Gordon, Mr. and J who l Boughton ot Winnipeg 10 to 6. The New York Yankees ;Mrs. G. Chasteney. Constable and ttae a "the Premier further tightened Uieir Iron grasp Mrs. a Kamsay, Mrs. Bert Bo .J XermJZuJr on the American League pennant byand Mrs. E. Size. . Qn Islandg. wller blanking the Chfcaga Vhlte Soxlr Expressed her delight ab the-' local eight to nothing j The YankeesP Mrs, George-Blomgren entertain- and the gloripua. climate, were then elevenif ull games ahead "ed recentty when her guests in- "' ' of th Indians. . eluded Mesdames J. Carstalrs.l Passengers on the southbound .' George, Fife, W. Nybloom, Audrey, laat week were Mrs. S. In th National League both pace- IIajnes, Roy McKenzie, W. Barry, pm. Turner and daughter. Helen; making tearrf suffered: reverses! Ai Munro, K. Size, a Wilcox. O. Mr5 Franfe anf daughters, Friday. The'ieadlng St. Louis Car-,"'. L. Longacre and O; Overinz-1 Corflne and, Zoiuu u& Tnrhen dlnals were blanked eight to noth-jton and ths ; Misses Wlnnifred was m .charg(H)I, twp.accldent. vicing, by. the Boston Bees and the sec- lW8nton of Winnipeg, Pat Cpyle tlms going loz iUrher hos-bnd place Brooklyn Dodgers , suf- Vancouver and Pearl; Gilder- PHallzaUori. whil& Mrs. Gale ls.Uk-fered double defeat at the hands ,eve 01 "Wers Inlet. A feature of,,ng a her daughters to, the dty for m tea ws the exchange of fav- of Pittsburg Pirates. The Cardinals' dental treatment margin; of supremacy over the oritet P68- vicious refresh- 'ere served durlnS the af-1 Dodgers is one full game. The Master Freddlfl. Jlmmle double victory allowed the Pirates rno.on- (Roberts, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bert to slip up into third place ahead ! Roberts, pycled up to the ranch of the Cinclnnatti Reds who were ' A ion? dance was held In Miller's of Mrs. Sybil De Bucy, at Lawn, Hill losing to the Phillies and the New "alJ ,wh" the -uccn Charlotte ' arid Wlll' spend, a week's vacation York Giants although the latter club Put 011 lts reEular Uiere. uutur. music was suppnea ny tne won over Chicago Cubs. 1 R. C. A. F. orchestra. There was a From Alice Arm, Nans Hiver and Port Simpson For Monday S.S. Prince good crowd ln attendance. Admis sion tags were in the form of nov- Tuesday-ss. Catala ... 11:30 a.m. 'iV ' , Ocean i?nc Falls doubt, will be prized a as souvenirs. I A "broom" dance; using a life TERRACE C. J. Norrington arrived by Fri day's train to spend' ax week-end r.pnr .i nm sized PaPer do11' was an innovation. at Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Norrine Fri.S.S.Prin;Adelaide'Z 1 fV th6 ?f bX ton are bulldlng' a rldence on) restaurants. Mrs. Duncan McColl Pnrt AvomiA ... ...vuHy. L. K. Joe, the diminutive China man who has operated, the-Mont- .ml Mrs- arry R. B?aven and Mrs. real Cafe In Terrace (pr several ( uoraon joiuiie are spending thelr.years, left- on last Monday's train mmaays ai aanaspit. -mis dellght- ... a.m. fill form Innmtminltv nrMV Ho cnn4., SS, Prince Rupert 11 a.m. beaches Is a favorite vacation spot Cardena p.m. for the local folk. ror uueen unarioue islands to seek fresh fortune elsewhere. Mrs. Sherwood and Miss Barbara Sherwood returned- Friday after spending a short holiday in the south. TriMdav- 't . 10K11 Bed Cross commlUee- The Women's Service Corps here qq Pa , u,c ulece 01 presiaenii nas ceased' activities for a, short iiondTv ?q''prln';; PJn Mrs-,C-am?ey- the vice-preslden period during these summer weeks Monday-S S. Princess was in the chair. Several members and will resume the drills and in- e a.m. promised to make children's , gar- struction classes in September: The CANADA'S WARTIME. WAGES POLICY PROTECTS: -BOTH EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES Higher wages which buy less and .less, breed debt and discouragement Likewise business that expands on inflated dollars collapses like a pricked; balloon. It is in the interests of all citizens that inflation in Canada be checked and, for that reason the Government is endeavouring to control price increases, rents, and' profits.. Order in Council No. 7440 was designed to assist in effecting this control. It provides for. a ceding on wages and for a cost of living bonus to be paid in addition to basic wages. This bonus rises and falls at the rate of 25 cents per week for every percentage point of rise and fall in the cost of living index, except in the case of juveniled, female, workers, receiving less than fifty cents an hour, for whom the bonus is onepec cent or-their basic wage rate. h Why WOKKKKS Should' Support.. P. C. 7M0 Order in Council 7440 puts a ceiling on basic wage rates at a high point. This ceiling protects you against the loss of real income caused by a runaway race between wages and prices. Corresponding controls on prices of the necessaries of life are already being exercised by the VVartime Prices and Trade Board, which is striving also to, maintain the supply of such necessaries in reasonably normal volume. Canadian workers today have more actual buying power than ever before. Do not be tempted' to sacrifice this solid position for the mirage of wartime wage increases they lead only to debt and discouragement because prices will inevitably keep ahead of wages. Order 7440 checks this race betweeivwages and prices and by putting the bonus on a flat rate basis favours the lower paid workers. Allworkers should support Order 7440. Get a copy of the order and study it. Discuss it with your employer, and with your fellow workers. I . C 7140 When wages reach the ceiling established by the order then no more Increases in basic wage-rates can be granted. This ends the "bidding-up process- that i certain to result in an inflationary spiral. Wars cannot be fought without some risain the prices of the basic necessaries of life. The War-time Prices and Trade Board is endeavouring. to keep these increases within, bounds to prevent unjustifiable increases in the cost of the" family budget. Jhe cost of living bonus provided for in. E. C. 7440 is designed to take care of-such price. rise as cannot be avoided. While the order require wage adjustments In, certain instances, it is believed:that it will hold inflation within much narrower bound than, those of the last war. The order helps to preserve the high morale of workers because they know that all are beini treated equally. This removes a cause of lubour friction. UVfcfffl:ib,Cplan fr WOrker',he cme'V . taxpayer ,hat Workers, and employers are both, called upon, in the interests of Canada's war rder in bo,h,he spirii and -WoiLirt: Issued; voider the authority of N; A. McIIARTY, I.' ,.' Minister, oi-tabo jf.' corps held a picnic Thursday evening to celebrate the holiday About twenty members went tn Anderson Lake on the way to Kai urn uaKe wnich was th s::ene Senior Softball August 1 Orotto vs. stppi workers, Stones vs. Dry Dock. Note Men's Sonior League pam to be played on Mondays and Fn. dayp during second: half. FOOTBALL TONIGHT C:15 P.M. KJI.R; vs. INDEPIiNDCNTS savoy HOT E L Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. lix 541 KRASER STREET' Prince Uupert YES.' We lit iialr Water Pipes, Koofj, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, i:tc. Oil Iturners Cleaned .... $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 (litis and Novelties At The Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. U'. Phone Ited 120 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Kooms Hot Water Steam Ilaths-Dinlnj Koom In Connection Mrs. c. K. niack, l'roprletress Three Weeks Opening Offer FREE! FREE! SK1KT I OU MI)Ii:S TKOUSKKS I'OK GENTS' With Eaca Freedman & (Jahhc Suit From July 21th tn Aug. 15th DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FKOM HOME" f Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 l. o. Hox 196 CHIROPRACTOR, Stanley W. Collon, D.OPn.C. Wallace Illock, Phone 610 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hank Hide