k For the East Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Just Completed! 'Kodaks rfom.'.V.- Sun Glasses From Sun Tan Oils At Sunburn Jelly At' ..5 p in From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 12 For Vancouver-Monday 3 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 nooni Friday 9:30 p.m ' Saturday 1 p.m ICE Expert Optical Service Chas. Dodimead Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Mail Schedule From Stewart and Premier Tuesday 11:30 'jU1 uabuiuaj - For Alice Arm, Naas River and '' Fort Simpson Sunday ...... 7 pj)i' From Alice Arm, Naai Iliter ' ' j and Fort Simpson ' Tuesday 11:30 a'in. for Oucen Charlotte Islands M ! Tuesday ir p.m; Tuesday p.m. j Wednesday S.S. Prince ' . 1 Rupert 3 p.rai From Vancouver rom Alaska . ' "Sunday 1 p.m. i Monday S.S. Prince Monday am.1 George 10 a.m. Wednesday 11a.m. Saturday S.S. Princes3 ' ': Friday n a.m. Louise ..' p.m'i tor htewart and Premier From Alaska Sunday 7 p.m. Friday i p.m, New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our . Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperaf urc Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage . r t i P?lnc Rupert U). Uf. nritish Columbia I Summer Outing Aids Films AH Sizes Brownies (g-f to From V.Liw $4.65 6.00 t0 $24.00 25c t0 $2.00 40cand50c 50c First Aid Supplies First Aid Kits And up, 35c Ormes Lid. Pioneer Driu&tets Thf Retail Store Thonei II 1 Open Dally from I a.m. till II p.m. Runday and Holiday from 12 to 2 p.m. an 7 to I ).m. v;If;you lose anything, advertise ior it. WINNERS IN SHOW Flower Show Had Several Outstanding 'Feainres But Attendance Not Very Large ; The Judge at the flower show decided yesterday that the out standing exhibit and -winner of the Dally News prize for the most outstanding exhibit at the show was a vase of hybrid dwarf dahlias of his own origination shown by Charles Balagno. Theye were of a dark maroon color and peculiar form. During the . day these dahlias were the. subject of appreciative remarks by visitors and especially by a professional florist from Delaware who1 was passing through the city and who asked that a tuber of thls vaheV-be Sent him in thel ' fall.1 " V ' Another outstanding exhibit was the' cactus group shown hy Mrs. R. ), Keren, one "of which was thirty years old arid was about to flower. This group attracted much attention from" those who' like the unique and grotesque. The exhibit by the Prince Rup ert Fire Department was in charge ojitc. ..was not auiie. as larse as 1 rose fnst.iH. F. Pullen: second .0. Pj Balagno. Best' rose. .Jn showfirst,, H. F. Pullen; second.- -Mrs.' A. Barra-clough. Sweet Peas 5 named . varietlcs-i-f Irst, Mrs. J. Lee; second Mrs. George Scott. 18 spikes rirst, Mrs. George Ecott; second; -Mrs: J. Lee. I, i tpcs win, uick Long; sec ond, Airs. .George Scott. Dahlias 3. Pornpon-Mrs. T. C. Miller. 3 caqtus Mrs. T: Priest. j 3 decoratlveMi.s'. P, C. Miller, i i o Daoy royal first, Mrs. J. Lee;J vbccuua, u. I,, crlpps. . 6 Collness; 1 color first, c. P. Balagna; second, Mrs. J. Lee. j f oltness. .mixed first, C. P. Balagno; second, Mrs. O. C. Young, r 6 dwarf hybrids first. C. P. Bal agno; second, H. F. Pullen. Annuals 6 dalendula, lemon Mrs. Jarvbrl 'McLcod. J ( a calendula', orange Mrs. Jarvis McLcod. 6 calendula, mixed C. P. Balagno. 3 annuals first, H. F. Pullen; second C. g; Ham. ' Schiianthus .3 pansies first, Mrs. George, ptvu-i sccona j. rulicr. 3 Sweet William? flrct tr ..ri . f ww tuiOi v, JriNorrlngton; second, F. J. Fuller. j iuiuoes ispirca) first. Mrs. T .Prle&t; ' second, Bobby Mltchpli U? Jff'phlums-first, F. J. Fuller; ovwim Mrs. -i , wriest. 1 Phlox first. C. P. Balagno; second, Mrs. J. Lee, 3 perennials first, H. F. Pullen; second, Mrs. N. Carter. House Hants , Begonia, foliage type Mrs. P. C. Miller: V Fuschla-iMrs.. R. Couture. Cactus first, Mr. R. J. Keron: jsocond, Mrs. P. C. Miller. Flowering plant first. Mrs. n. J Kcron; second, Mrs. C. J. Toombs. Foliage. plants-Mrs. P. C. Miller. Miscellaneous Miniature rock- garden DoroLhv Kerjln. " Bouquet of flowers, arranired as centre rirst, Dl:k Long; second. Q. L. Crlpps.' , f Flowers', or berries in uniaue ar rangement-first, Charlotte Balag-n6; second. Mrs. T, Priest. Corsage, bouquet first. Mrs. J. '"'! sr-frid.'-M's r.. Nixon. r ' -" -a flowp-s -In 8 varietles-Hyjh Smith. : (.: : - t Many Attended Hebb Funeral Obsequies For Well Known Local Citizen Under Canadian Auspices Many attended at the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers yesterday af j ternoon for the funeral of the late Glen A. Hebb, foreman for Albert As McCaffery, whose death occurred suddenly last week. Rev. Captain R. C, H. Durnford officiated and Mrs. S. A. Klelback presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "Lead, Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me" Interment followed in the return soldiers' plot a,t Fairview Cemetery where "The Last Post" was sounded by Buglers-William Ranee. Pallbearers were W. R. Love, J. M. Walker, J.R. Mitchell, O.C. Mitchell. Alex Barbe and O. B. Casey. Funeral arrangements were charge of the' Canadian Legion. jCd-Ordinating Of Charities In Distillers lf Fine Whiskies since 1857 NEW DEAL IS ASKED Chamber of Commerce Takes Up Cudgels on Behalf of Halibut Fishermen The fisheries committee was instructed by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night to press upon the authorities the necessity of the Canadian halibut fleet getting a longer fishing period than present international treaty restrictions permitted. It was chaj-ged that the American fleet was; receiving undue advantage. The fisheries committee will go into consultation with representatives of boat owners and fishermen. With only 58 to 65 days fishing In the ;year left, the position for the Canadian halibutters had become Almost impossible, declared Capt. W. 'p: Armour who brought the matter up. in faea. No. 2 had ended and the smajl Canadian boats had tiea up, the i.price Jumped from 8c to 13c aridjHc. Something would have to be done unless the halibut fishing was j to wiped off the' mab entirely A suggestion from the Canadian as 35 Prince Rujiert was con-Chamber of Commerce that local cerrred. Soon thera would be nclth-chambers of commerce take the fjeet nor fishing put of here If leadership in community moves to the present condition of affairs cdn-co-ordinate local financial cam- tinud. Now was the tlm to act. nalsns for khp h rhnritips as hoaiui. ! W, O. Fulton agreed that some- medical and hosnltal earn and thing should be done and1 moved" of Mrs. Lock including an air force child, adult family 'and lndisent that! the mateer be referred to the "iauc, iiuwcrs. ine wnpie 'weirare was received at last night's- nsneries commutee. exhibit waf artistic and showed meeting of the Prince Rupert W. M. Watts suggested that there great care arid cleverness of de- Jchamber of Commerce and refer- should be a meeting with halibut sign; red to the city conimLssloner. The boat'rners and fishermen to con- Anew exhibitor who seemed to proposal was first to refer- the sider ; their views and offer co-oper-be rather out of lutk. In the Judg- matter to" the civic committee to atipii. fntT U'a6 Yl T Prlnnp ,,-U I f 1 lr ...t , L ,U. A 1 1 ' ' T DrvHin "w w . j. si ipo, Wiiuau tllU up Willi, uie urKcUllctliUXlS . uigiu ui? auiioauiuiv Mnnrf,,, in f roses was generally admired and concerned but this was amended of the fishermen themselves corn- Saturday ' T)ni"Mwn?5e 'centrepiece was certainly a to refer to the city commissioner ,lne tP an agreement. .'.jwork of. art. ,as being an entirely civic matter. G.;W. Nickerson felt that more - - - The letter from the action could be obtained - T; exhibits, which were gener-' The Canadian by winning ally of. very high quality, were dis- camber gave the Information the support of the federal authori-lappolntlngly few. and the attend- that tne federal Department of ties which would have more lnflu- wauonai War Services had set ence with the International Flsh- 'might have been expected. aslde the Period from September 8 eries Commission. He saw some I i ' ' l XT 1 A 1 . . ... ...... The prize list follows: luu i,,Ue"loer o ior me conaucung merit m suggestions that the two ASK WAR CABINEf rrihee Rupert Chamber of Com merce Also in Favor of General Conscription The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting last night, passed a resolution advocating the formation of a national war cabinet as the first step In th? restoration of public confidence in the Canadian war effort. The resolution, would place the Canadian war program on a parity with that of Great Britain, regardless of political repercussions now or in the future. The cabinets of Great Britain and United States had been reorganized for the prosecution of war and national defence, H. A. Breea said in urging support of the resolution which was presented by a .special committee consisting of O. It. S. Blackaby. II. A. Brecn and Frank As soon as the fishing Skinner. O. w. Nickerson felt the lime had j come for the formation' of a war, cabinet of the best men available in Canada. He admitted that hej knew of. no man In Canada who; could better handle the' Job of head lng a war cabinet than Prim? Mln, Ister Mackenzie King. H?. beljeved ; that best talents should be selected with the xcluslve duty of carrying on the war effort, purelV depart mental activities to be Ittt In the hands of other ministers. .. Quite possibly, Mr. King should go outside of the present administration for new ministers. The situation had got beyond the' stage where a weather eye should be kept out for ' the next election. Don Ritchie Is New Owner Of Bryant Property Near Junction Of Avenues , . .. ..w-. v...,,.5iio. i "": c wuumni, uvsu null DUULS 1 uon KltChle has rmirhasftH .Roses was admitted that it was imnora. sJimilrt h 3 pink roses-first, Mrs. W. Ful- tive to carry on certain civilian tween operating in halibut or sal-'the Junction of Hrst Second and ion; second. L. Crlpps. charitable activities notwithstand- mpn fisheries but not be permitted -Third Avenues and win h ',nll . ' f. 1 T a. n . h ti . . iTlfT f hn HoTYioviric n.n I L . . ... y vanuih u jitiiuw . jusca iir&t, mis. u. u. ui-"""' wn. , lci worK in Doin. Younj; second H. F. Pullen. Second Avenue Home Purchased possession of the property shortly. i ,,7oj. . Seap-atn li.Sons Ltd., Waterloo, Out. . A good companion allows a friend to express himself freely. That is why water is the perfect companion of good whisky. It allows whisky to tell its own story. The Seagram Canadian Whiskies are distilled, aged and hlended to meet the water test. They are of such exquisite flavour that men who know good whiskies refuse to mix with them anything other than plain or sparkling water. It is this delightful and cxrimivA smoothness that lias caused the Seagram whiskies to outsell all others on the American continent. 11 o. '6 OZ1. 25 OZS. 40 OZS. X5 Famus &Mds "V.0." MIGIlM't ...... "KING'S PLATE- "010 RYE" 4.U l in i ;. carjrttm 1 L'-LLLiW,Cj NI7'.. I bralt'ao1 b"Shed f 7a ntr' BMrd r V the Goyernment Tuesday, Juy 29 1ati CAPlTOi m rFmww rmiui IHIATIf TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY Matinee Daily 2 p.m Evenirig Shows at 7; 00 it 9 rs Its the Biggest Laugh on Army Life Since Chaplin1, "Shoulder Arms" "BUCK PRIVATES" With the New Comedy Team ABBOTT and COSTLL10 (At 2:39, 7:39 and 9 41) ADDED "Churchill's Island-Walt Disney Cartoon and Novelty NEW SHOW POLICY! NOW EFFECTIVE Qlatlnees Daily at 2 p.m. Continuous Show On Saturdays From 1 p.m. COMING TIIUK. Fill Carole Lombard, Uobt, .'Mont gomery in "Mr. and Mrs Smith" l..M KI(.TltV WT : notici: R: CcrtUloate of Title N' lit: . Blocks Oue (I), Tlwn 2) T lour (4, Plve (5. BU (8 8. ; . plglt (81, Nine (9). Toil 10 r (11) nd Tnelva 1 12 ). Enbai Pft vf W.jtrrrw b: i a -E," mnd .-O." and Block R ( Prt of water lot In front -i w. : front Blocks "A." "C"' and 'O 117. WHHJIEAS knUf fantotry pn i tt tine above Certificate of T ted In th mirae -r Ni Oi laclflc RatlA-Hy Oompany t , Kled In .h rXflrc, af e -that. I frhall at the ex;i!r o mrnlh rrxn th" ' r 'cm htrecX. U u- t Pi Cert'fl-ite cf TMle In lieu f let Cf rt'.f k1e, nlew in u r.s wHd rbjrotlo'n be nud .in me las. DATED K th. Iftnrl I?- 'r rrUice ruipert, D C. ttn- . ,i July. ,1941; A. THOMPSON Deputy Rels'Mr Df T J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Slaterials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting SUtinn SEAL QUALITY ill! GOLi) SKAL Fancy Red Snckeye PINlTsKAl, Pineat Pink Salmon Tarkerf hj the only MlmoD canning romptny with an H 'h far round parroll In Prlprr Kuprrt Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Hue Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving July 8, 19. 29 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK ). SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Are. . -Phone 568