IWh I Aflv fin p ten If9 its V:; Liu' 41 ifflets From inc vtuiuh ,virneer liners in ,y was a busy morning Rupert waterfront. , ,. crowded to capacity First In was the lMi Ernest Sheppard, ,,-d at 5 a.m. and. sailed K !or Stewart and other whence she will re- Tl. hue, '111.'' afternoon soum- Sn n. xt was the Princess Alice, iTU."lV 3 jUMwharlrlnrr here1 rr:; t.3 port for the north. I'l" 1 . 1 . Tfnn f- W-i! arnvea irum " f, . n: Queen Charlotte Is-s c;o - raying over until 10 nt when she will sail L r; south over the same e Tm Prince George, Capt. r fJedaen arrived at 10 a.m. E. McLaren, who nas been at Port ClSmenU superintending: work, on the reconstruction of the Port Cle-menU-Tlell.road fop the,-E. J. Ryan Contracting Co arriVediin the city on the Camosun yesterday morning from, the Queen Charlotte Islands. He Is tq be stationed here in. con nection with new hospital construc tion. Alan Hearst, travelling secretary of the Young Men's Christian. Association, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert last Friday from Vancouver. Ha Inhere to.supervlse moving of local Y.M.CA. headquart ers! from the present location, in the Stork Block, on Second Avenue 0!U1 waiiams, wnic airivcUjt0stne Moose IIaij wWch has been a; id sailed at noon for ta)en over .: ie naa on uuam A party of fpurteen employees of the American Express Co, from Seattle, headed by Mr. and Mrs, Lynn.Russell, was In the city aboard the, Catala yesterday going north. After making the round trip, to Stewart, they will disembark here on the arrival of the Catala this afternoon from the north and will return home via the Queen Char lotte Islands on the Camosun leav id)-.:", inree ior rnncc uig' h6i. v. s-:cl sailing at 4 pjn. j . , . , ,;r. Ocean Falls and -After discharging fish from Ketchl- i. R "k jkan, for transshipment East over i .. . 'Canadian National Railways, the Transportation Oo.n nil. 'r'.- ::a ' ... vAceat will mU thlo Minninor m.mn. today from Alaska. , tlnuatlon of her voyage to Seattle. . . Titu Ktas.Hl J 13 k: U Hi li IXK U l.i K 1 Bathing Beauties! p Third Avenue And Belles of the Beaches! Why Not C0.MPKTE IN CARNIVAL CQNTEST AUC.UST 20th? Se Your Ladies Wear Shop or. Beauty Parlor for Entry Forms A riVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL FEATURE i b , a :: at bib is i bxb i bkb i.axBi.r.iB;BB i-'BOfcia n. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A fiOOD PLACE TO BUY LAMPS tn a new assortment of Bedroom and Table Lamps, are all Genuine Aceetate, washable and non-inflam-utest colors and shapes. " 2 QQ . (mished In modern silver and gold. With ..: .iiudes. Priced from JUST RECEIVED rrnow: Window Shades, Etc: fOOSR Phone 715 From the Manufacturers A Shipment of. the Following Furniture 9;mmu:L Beds. Rnrinp Fillp-d Mattresses and Springs in an nes, f'udio Laimges, Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dinette Suites all .-namelled Ranees. Convertible Carriages, Wagons, Trl- Ch'id Cribs, Baby Swings, Seamless Axmlnster Carpets, tinoleum Rurrs, Jaspe Rugs, Congoleum Rugs, Inlaid Linoleums, frlmea Linoleums, Feltol, Rexoleums, One Ball all wool Blankets, Elio's Furniture Store Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. KlllLDING THIRD AYENUB, Canadian National Railways ! Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell Klyer Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. P.SX Also l ast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. T.S.T. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining; Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Thone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines. interesting to know when readincr the Daily News ui nmwiioiG.aisinct are uiuuy iac oamv. The Rotary luncheon this week Is cancelled and In. Its place will be a dinner. Friday, at 6:30 pjn. when District Governor Dick Dowrey will be the guest of honor. (176) The Japanese Women's Society of Sunnyslde has donated $20 to the Red Cross for European refugees In Canada. Tonight's train, due from the East at midnight daylight saving time, was reported this morning to be on time. The Misses Frances and Joan Cross, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to. the city, from the south at the end of the week. Ri Carter-Guest and Norman Terry, Inspectors of civil aviation were passengers aboard the Prince y George yesterday returning to Vancouver after a trip Into the Yukon on official duties. Miss PatNlcholls and Miss Doro thy Dunsmuir, the latter of Victor ia, arrived In the city on Satur day afternoon's train from Lake Kathlyn where they have been Lieut. Robert. V. Lees, well known resident of Powell River, now iden titled with the Sixteenth Canadian Scottish, arrived at Aliford Bay. Queen Charlotte -Islands, on the last trip of the Camosun. On motion of W. M. Watts and J. Ei Boddle, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Us meeting, last night, decided to sent a message of congratulation to R. S. Vaughan on the occasion of his appointment as president of the Canadian National Railways. Communications from the Gov ernment Travel Bureau at Victoria and the Department of Munitions and Supply In regard to the cam paign for the control of gasoline and oil consumption In Canada were received' and filed at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Cham ber of Commerce. Other subjects of correspondence at the meeting included flood, control, public docks and export permit regulations. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Glen A. Hebb and; children wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for expressions of' svmDathy and floral tributes In their recent sad bereavement R.M.R. DANCE ARMOURIES 9 to 1 K.M U. Orchestra July 29 (Sponsored by RLR.'s) Make Out Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction, Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Pbones 18 ti 13 P.O. Box 575 paabiiLv flaws LOCAL. NEWS NOTES A Shrubsall sailed Saturday after noon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver. Douglas Frlzzell returned to the Mrs. Robert W. Service, wife of the famous writer of Yukon verse, andi daughter were passengers aboard the Princess Alice yesterday morning going through from Van- :ouver for a visit to the Yukon. LINZEY AND INGRAM A MARK LTD. OF IDENTITY- It Means Quality Food Low Prices Prompt Delivery 2 PHONES 585 5S6 Graham Wafers 2-lb. wooden box. Contains 12 dozen wafers. Special They're toasted. Plain or salt. Pkt. 34c Peaches Orchard City. Each 15-oz. tins. XJ.V "lip Pork and Beans Royal City. 15-oz. tins. Shredded Wheat- Regular packets McCormick's Soda Sunlight Soap Large bars. Each Five Koses Flour 7-lb. bag Grapefruit Juice Giant 50-oz. tin Lifebuoy Soap Regular bars. 4 for Outdoor Tomatoes Okanagan. Per lb. lie Biscuits Sweet Potatoes New season's. 2 lbs. 23c 5c 33c 21c 25c FRESH TERRACE Vegetables In Large Quantities Freshion Every Train nUNCH CARROTS 300 tender, crisp bunches on sale this week. Qn 2 for BUNCH BEETS 200 bunches Nice size. this week. 2 bunches GREEN CABBAGE 150 All 9c crisp hpads. Cp OK Per lb NEW PEAS 200 lbs. Well filled pods. 90 Special, 3 lbs NEW POTATOES 1000 lbs. No. 1 Terrace. 9!p 10c 25c Seedless Grapes 2l0C M-iUi Announcements All' advertisements In this col-umn will be charged for a full month at 25c at word. Cambral Tea. Legion Hall Angus Macdonildum&i ktyna city on the Princess, Alicel yesterday morning, from Vancouye, having made a,briej;trpjo Vancouver ior the annual competition, of the British Columbia Lawn Bowling As sociation. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ingraham and little daughter arrived in the City on the Catala yesterday from Surf cuy on. me uuu ,( Inlet and are sailing tomorrow night Wig auw iiav.uB mu0 vwH -w..,n nnmfwnn-fnr a visit at Skide me coasi as tat as bukuuw. Sergeant Major Oscar Guelpa of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps returned to. the city on the Catala yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett arrived In the city on the Catala-yesterday morning from Vancouver. Mr. Barrett is identified with the Canadian Fishing Co, gate with Mrs. Ongraham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens. A. Ross, travelling auditor for the Canadian. Pacific Railway, sailed yesterday on the Princess Alice to make the round trip to Skagway on official duties. He had arrived Friday on the Princess Adelaide Aug. 9, Canadian 102nd. Auxiliary Dance Armouries August 15. Civic Centre Carnival Aug 18-22 Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. from Vancouver and spent the week-end here. Noel Taylor and Malcolm 'McCal- lum of Massett arrived in the- city on the Camosun yesterday morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands Having brought a car with them, they left on last evening's train for Hazelton whence they will motor south. Copies of "Canadian Seaports," an attractive magazine puDiisnea quarterly in Montreal and dealing with Canadian harbor and shipping activities, were distributed last evening at the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Featured In the magazine Is an ar tide descriptive of a cruise to Al aska In the course of which Prince Rupert receives considerable atten tion with some attractive pictures of the port. 10 PER CENT OFF TAILORED The well known House of Hobberlin, even in the war con- ditions, gives every customer the best deal. Order your suit or coat from July 21 to 31 and get 10 off. We serve Ladles and Gents. See Ling the Tailor. l SUITS C0EO TENDERS INVITED FOR SALE Separate sealed tend ers for the purchase of cabin and boat hull owned by the late Jacob Anderson and situate on main land west of small Island across harbor from Dry dock, win De received by the undersigned up until noon of Saturday, August 9, ion Cabin 10'xlO'. Boat hull 36'x 10"x 5V2, on ways. Highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. Terms Cash. . NORMAN A. WATT, Esq Official Administrator. FOR SALIii FOR SALE 1 National Cash Regis ter, lot of household windows in nerfect condition, 50 doors with all the fittings, 1 Crab winch double geared, 6 wash basins at vorv low nrices. Phone BlK. 3J4 i , B.C. Furniture Co. HOUSE for sale In good condition pisht rooms. Phone Red 165 or call at 231 9th East for further Information. tf, FOR SALE 6-room modern house 415 7th Ave. East. 4 bedrooms House five years old. Price $1800 cash. (181) FOR SALE 8-plece Dining uoom suite. $60. Blue 920. (170) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and Board. Phone Red 976 WANTED (176) ELDERLY woman wants nouse- keeplng. Clean and practical Dlaln cooking. Adults preferred. Apply Dally News, Box 128, (178) WANTED Room and board near P. R. General Hospital. Dally News, Box 129. (177) EXPERIENCED woman or girl. Housework. SleeD out. Phone ' B40. (176) FURNISHED House wanted. Phone Red 482. (180) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board-or by the Government of British Columbia. Miss Margaret Beattle R.N., after' To deal with a number of mat- a visit at Queen Charlotte City with ters of varying importance which her father, George D. Beattle, ar- had arisen during the past, two rived in the city, on the Camosun weeks, a general meeting of the yesterday morning to visit with her i Prince Rupert Chamber or corn-mother, Mrs. A. M. Beattle; before meroe was held last evening. Vice- returning to her nursing duties at; President Arnold tiaten was in we Vancouver. icnair in tne aDsence oi rresiaeur W: R; McAfee and otners present- Tctwmtnnmmon leffcon were O. W. Nickerson. W. M. last evening's train for the interior. Watts Peter Lakle. Theo Collart, -tn.jnn wnerrMir pnmmictinnpr t iBoriana, J. W. S. Parsons and Inspector S, II with W. J. J. Little UytU """'' V"" ."v --I ..,. . ,,,, ITT TJ Armour, w. o. ruiion ana ooc- XVI. IViUVUJC Wll Hit w w T1. Smlthers and Prince George In connection with civilian protection Try a Daily News want-Ad. SAVE YOUR PENNIES Victory Bank 1 "Carry on Canada" Writing Pad Pkg. Envelopes to match (Self-seal or Regular) - 1 Victory Bank ALL 3 for Only 29c AH BUILD A r HOME Like This Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of-Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL i Get Prices of Materials From Why not lay In a stock of coal now for the winter J PHONE 116 TllONE 117 J Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand: large stocks of coal to suit every requlrfcment. All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte- Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PnONE 651 PHONG 652 v TNT- 4. r