visions of 60,000 men have been des out Germany says that three Russian divisions have been wiped out. With both sides making highly favorable claims of successes for themselves, the Russo-German war entered its thirty-eighth day to day The rwss:iaif mgh"C(5mmand betn definitely halted while the tomans clalmd that it was pro- Inflicting of heavy losses on the Germans, particularly west of Moscow and Kiev, was claimed by the Russian high command at Moscow. Positions of the battle from the 1 far roan assault had been thrown back, Keds On Offensive Germany's blltzkrelg has broken flown into an old-fashioned siege along the whole western front, the Russians declared VPstprriav. nridfnfr w me Red Army and air fleet was gradually swinging into the often-' ve A Soviet Bureau of Informa-n communique reported fighting overnight in Nevel Smolensk &1a Zhitomir regions where Nazi avanccs have been held up for aays but said nothing of importance ad OCCUrrPfl In nlhor rpu a'rectlons Of Nevel anrt'RmnloncV In the ntral region and Zhitomir ln the Ukraine." Smolensk, it Is said by some, may Prve Hitler's Waterloo. It Is 230 m"C3 from Moscow of which it is !ed the gateway. It prove1 , amy w be t.ho ,. i , . . rw '""Hug point, in ine war. rnl .1.forcea are sald to be cracking in the Ukraine, seriS Gcrman"l8h Command as-atiP ,vcsterday that all Russian trSS 10 prevent destruction of smoSnRed Army forccs ln lhe the h m area had halled and that ce5Sf, 6 was dralnB to a "suc-WMU1 conclusion," aear)edn.fre?0rt Su"day lllght woved 1, utv.,0erman forcCs had had been wn devastating air blows dealt to Moscow. in the evnlng. the Commodore Cafe, about twenty members being present. President jH. T. Lock presided and with him troved and a fifth nartlallv wined t were the other officers of the so clety and most or ine memoers oi the executive. After dinner there was a round table discussion of pruning and dusting for prevention or cure of insect Clark strongly urged aCtk pests. JJVOUJ. Mr. 11. ubl-u For peonies that did not bloom.j Mr. Clark suggested giving tne e Mr. Clark left last evening to 10.5c. Mlddleton, 27,000, Royal, 12c and 10.5c. Nova, 28,000, Booth, 12c and 10.5c. Reliance I., 16,500, Pacific, 12.3c and 10.5c. Canadian Elvln S., 31,000, Booth, 12.2c and 10.5c. Clipper II., 21,000, Pacific, 12.3c and 10.5c. Ispaco, 28,000, Cold Storage, 12.2c and 10.5c. Zapora, 32,000, Atlln, 125c and 10.7c. Toodle, 5,000, Cold Storage, 12.1c and 10.5c. Mrs. E. Svcndsen, who has been sDendlne a couple of months in Vancouver, returned to the city DRY DOCK IS SOUGHT) Early Arrival of Newly Appointed Manager For Plant Urged , Dry Dock administration at Prince Rupert came in for consider- lble criticism at last night's meet ing of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and the desire was ex pressed in emphatic terms that there should be more efficiency and expedition in the handling of ship building and other work at the yard. The president, secretary and 8. E. Parker, were Instructed to send a message to R. C. Vaughan, new-president of the Canadian National Railways. The message;was drafted and forwarded as follows: "The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce in general meeting last night resolved to respectfully urge! negotlate the Al I., n I narthfn.h U tS . u , ariplant3 a mulch of liquid fertilizer AiaSKa " 0111)16 1 71 t "If kra,ne,ere?ubs,tan- at this time of year" The condl- , , - , , !.ir Monday look over the orchards at Terrace jirs. Eunice Smith and Emll llelberg and will return here week. later ln thej Halibut Sales Summary American 151,500 pounds, and 10.5c to 12.4c and 10.5c. Canadlanl 17,000 pounds, and 10.5c to 12.2c and 10.7c 12c 12.1c American T.IKinrfv. 50 000 nnrl Faith II..16.- rds of the communique ln re- 000, Cold Storage, 12c and 10.5c. ported fighting actions by ouri Shirley J.. 25,000, Royal, 12.4c and 'roops throiiB-hnut .,ir,v,i i of Petersburg United A quiet wedding took place Ia'st pvpnlnsr at the Presbvterian Manse ice M. Smith and Emll O. Helber; Was Only Jap Ship In Canada Freighter Florida Marti Had Only Partial Cargo When She Sailed Saturday Night VANCOUVER, July 28: (CP) The Japanese freighter Florida Maru, which was permitted to sail Saturday night with an uncom pleted cargo of hemlock logs, was believed to be the only Japanese, ship in Canadian waters when Ja-. panese assets In Canada were frozen last Thursday. Mrs. Emll Palmer and three child ren travelled from Sewell Inlet to in icuiuiea yci yen ir BY LONDON July.29: (CP) German planes droned, for I wo hours over London, early yesterday, dropping bombs for the-, first time In almost two, months. Some damage was caused and a' number of casualties among raid-lax residents. Unfavorable .weather for a second successive night" restricted British operations although one! small bomber; force attacked Dunkerque docks. THEATRE PROJECT the proposed arrival In Prince Ru-. pert as reported in the press of q . Local Men Express Their Views In A. McMillan as active manager of j Connection With New House the dock and vard be exneditpd so . Here that he will reach here as quickly as possible In order to cope with the . Both William Oarlick and Jack emergency created by the placing Dcane, heading a local syndicate In dry dock of the American Army which Is backing B.' W. Haidcasuie transport Kvichak. there being a new theatre Drbiect for Prince none here who ran aiit.hnritatlvplv dim - .k.u u , I Army representatives now in Prince .& Dprmlt. arp pmnhatio in thpir jlenges any one to go on record stating that he had actually heard I any responsible official of a theatre .or film organization threaten to use Influence to prevent an Inde pendent Prince Rupert theatre from obtaining film product. Mr. Hardcastle says that recent Weather Forecast TomorroWsTides (Pacific Standard Time) PROVINCIAL GOVT 1 Jm, High 5:20 a.m. 18.0 ft. PROVINCIAL LIAS tl f iln. 17:54 p.m. 19.3 ft. P" S6 31 Mini. Low 11:35 p.m. 5.3 ft. PARLIAMENT DUDrjg. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWBPAPE1 Vol XXX., No. 176. PRINCE, RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1941. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Invasion Attempt In September Battle Of Russia BOTH SIDES IN CLAIMS OF VICTORY GIVING AID ACTION AT TO RUSSIA All Possible Immediate Assistance 1 Will Be Provided By United States. Says Hopkins I LONDON, July 29: Harry Hop- I kins, director of the United States n,ds Said to Be Swinging Into of-Pcase-lend" program, visiting Lon- leU unsnc as Blitxkrelg Develops I Russia V1Cdge in her a11 struggle f05 against ald, 10 Into Old-Fashioned Siege jNazl aermanyi london, July 29. claims and Gardeners Meet counter-claims come again today from the Russo-Ocrman war. Hit ler headquarters on the eastern front claim further successes there but only in general terms, referring to fierce fighting in the central and southern sectors. The Russians claim to be holding firm and counter-attacking successfully. j There was another attempted! mass air raid of one hundred Ger- jfj., dark Discusses Pests and Other man planes on Moscow last night Matters With Local but it was a failure. Only a few" Horticulturists machines got through to dropi bombs and no military objectives Yesterday afternoon the Judge of were hit the flower show, O. E. W. Clark of The Russians claim to have cap- Abbotsford was the guest of the cured an island of Importance des ignated as 'K" at the mouth of the Danube River. Russia says that four German di iJUDGE IS GUEST AT LUNCHEON Prince Rupert Horticultural So-jclety at an impromptu luncheon in BOMBS FOR LONDON NOW Nazi Air Force Resuming Attacks On British Capital Although Not , On Large Scale Far East Crisis JAPANESE CONTINUE ACTIVITY Occupation of French .Indo-China Goes On Netherlands East Indies and Nippon Now at Dagger Point DEMAND ON THAILAND LONDON A Reuters dispatch from Bangkok. today said that Japan had demanded that Thailand join Japan's new order in East . Asia In return for Laos and Cam-. tbodia which are part of Indo-China. LONDON. July 29: (CP) $ was officially announced last night that Japan wtll occupy two points on the coast of French Indo-China and several points in the Interior by agreement with the Vichy government. The inland concessions are lh Annam, coastal region running most of the length of the French colony, and in Cochln-Chlna at the southernmost Up of the peninsula across the Gulf of Slam from Malaya. Japanese troops, It was dis closed, also will have the use of "uJ with .i," .;-.;::, .;::: . ""f-" "'MlndChlna roads arid obssiblv rail. U 1 11 Lit I n 1 c frrtr rarn fr- o rt r trt rittnnrn fn - " - t mvh wvvit iiiuu. w vvana ivJk. roads to move to new bases. Rupert for the purpose of arranging support of a locally owned and op-" Pese troops began -dwern repairs to me vessel." lerated theatre as Mr. Hardcastle iuai,""B " WJU " W. P. Armour, who brought the .says he plans. Indo-China IIIilLLr r 1111. WHS KIlHrlllV f,ni.ir3l nvPr . "'it la stilt riai-1 ra " . c t Iri K rini I i wv japaiicwriciitii i t vv v.uvi as agiecmciil,, ,vuvn., ncU'. ivU't - i . inn nin nrr a Tirjnrn mr wna r Thnca rnr m nvocrmonf ?itirrwcac ne -wo a rrrim oftnAmm nan n a rra mtr ceedlne accordlni to nlan Either a dv se Derris or some omer pyre-1 - "" .v-... , - .. T.v. - afr'n!J Y P'an- wjnw .. romnond jwas a dry dock here that was un- sions arise." J Japan. The Japanese press gener- tadbninfllr In dealing with the slug pest Mr. surpassed anywhere and which was. Mr. Deane's contention is that, ally employed sharper terms In at- great toss of i.htln, eoulnment Clark said there was no one way of nau UCI mor -1"" .rnce. Pert peop e a twiin tintpmpnf HnniarpH thnt cleanhig up the gardens. One im- Leningrad was doomed and that Prtant thln8 w" to clean UP there debrls surrounding the garden such had been notable successes . in the Ukraine and Bessarabia. . as burning up the grass by the use Masses of Russian troops faced ex- f the burner- the use of termination later ln the sPrlng and sum Lenin-meta on the way to work than at present. There seem- support the theatre, it Is only fair ed to be no one here with authority i and Just that the earnings should to do anything. remain In Prince Rupert. The whole situation seemed . Mr; Hardcastle denies rumors to strange to G. W. Nickerson. When the effect jjhat an Independent important business was on hand, it theatre' could not obtain pictures seemed that the manager might be from distributors. He states that a large numocr oi Kussians " , . . . ipvnpcted ex to bp hprp had been uvp.. nrimm f r tn. ' Mr. Clark said he preferred dust- n -i I ? ner!: gether with much equipment. ;he Is ln possession of letters from a . - tro W r 1 c mntlnnAie conPAranMnn belne eenerally o. c.. i-arser agreea aeciaeaiy i"""" "'"""s"0 w"6 Imp t snravine and SettVieJtwV s would appear to be thefendard JJuz mas uie acuon 01 me riemerianasj East Indies in f reezlne Jarjanese as-j Warning Sounded By Prime Minister; Army Poised To Repulse It Churchill Rejects Demands for Appointment of Production and Deplores Careless Criticism of British Industry GUILTY OF COMBINING Fines Totalling $210,000 Imposed on Edmonton Tobacco Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Jobbers sets, following the United States lwA, toon ,iBht ,.0 .n mn f0r.lLnion Men And Soldiers Clash reaching consequences than the! American program. Later It was announced that Japan had frozen A vital blow was struck at the Ja panese fleet yesterday when Director of Economic Affairs H. J. Van Mook Informed the People's Council that an agreement of last year whereby Japan was to receive 1,- 800,000 tons of oil annually froml'vL-' from .unarmed t--l t.j,.. j the Dutch East Indies had been CAR PLANT Hamilton HAMILTON, July 29: The assets of the Netherlands and the.tionaJ ,stfel cfr .Co- Plan the producers; they are forced to,states' wh Praised aid In event stored ms mornlng. exert every effort to get every dol- 0i" auacK uPn ine wemenanos jwis lar oul of their productions and.1"11163- hnth ff Petersburg Alaska. With the davs of discrimination in re-1 The Japanese press continues Its Rev, A. Ferguson MacSween offici-!ard to exhibiting of pictures aretlrade against President Franklin atlng, After a short holiday in the gone. city, the happy couple will return At the present rate of distribu te their home ln Petersburg. tlon and exhibiting, Mr. Hardcestle says, there are plenty of releases available for Prince Rupert, "We facts," clarify the situation in the minds of Prince Rupert's theatre going Ipublic who may be laboring under a misapprehension. Former Mayor Of Seattle Is Dead Dr. Edwin J. Brown Succumbs Following Heart Attack Seattle, July 29: Dr. Edwin J. Brown, dentist and former mayor of Seattle, died last night at his home a few hours after having been seized downtown ln the after- Tlell on the present trip of th Ca- .noon with a heart attack. He Is from the south at the end of the mosun. They will spend a weeUt j holidaying at Tlell. while survived by a widow and.' three 'sons. D. Roosevelt for freezing Japanese assets ln the United States. Berlin -r - Chief Forester Is Visitor Here At I gaged ln Important war work, was tied up by strike commencing last night when 600 of 2700 employees laid down tools following a steel workers' union meeting at which union recognition was demanded, i Two hundred and fifty soldiers local training establishments, and without orders. marched to the plant and stormed suspended and all monetary and years have brought about marked icket Unes wltn sncmts of .iwhat changes ln Canada's '11m situation with many new Independent en placed on a special permit How would you llke to work f0r r Knclc rT'V- I o nllrn to Knllorn4 r theatres springing up across the country and operating successfully, commercial dealings with Japan art you holding production up for? iao&o. aviuu us umtfvu i day? have been taken in collaboration Wct ePH anrt rnntinned A AO V Kfjlivu v"- on Fourth Avenue East, ln the pres-1 With the European market lost to wlth Qrat H&ln and United durlng th? nlgnt( order belng re ence of a few friends of the contracting parties, between Mrs. Eun and Rome follow suit. . Washington awaits further moves C. D. Orchard in Prince Rupert from Janan before taklne further After Visit to Queen Charlotte simply point out these I steps hi the economic war against Islands says Mr. Hardcastle "to Japan. It is renorted that JaDan is de- C. D. Orchard, chief forester ror mandlng that Thailand (Siam) Jpln British Columbia, is paying a visit the "New Order" ln the Orient, the to Prince Rupert in the course of an aim, of course, being to obtain naval official northern tour. He arrlv-and air bases. The Thai cabinet ed on the Camosun yesterday morn- has been called Into emergency session. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek has offered air bases' in China to Great Britain and the United States. General Douglas McArthur has been placed in command of the United States territorial army of 200,-000 Filipinos in the Phllllplnes. Military authorities ln Tokyo have their heads together considering ways arid means of taking over the international settlement at Shanghai. The International banks there may also be taken over. ing with District Forester R. C. St, Clair after having spent a week in specting logging operations at the large camps on the Queen Charlotte Islands which are in full scale production of Sitka spruce for war time purposes. They had crossed from Ocean Falls to the Islands on a Pacific Mills boat with P. S. Bon-ney, logging superintendent for the Pacific Mills. On the Islands the officials travelled with Ranger J. B. Scott aboard the departmental cruiser Lillian D. It was Mr. Or chard's first visit to the Islands la years. He was formerly district fqrester at Prince George. War LONDON, July 29: (CP) Prime Minister' Winston Churchill warned Great Britain today of he possibility of a German invasion attempt in September. He rejected demands for the appointment of a minister of war production and spoke with regret of the severence of diplo- - matic relations with Nazi-assoclat- ed Finland. "The Invasion season Is at hand," Mr. Churchill said. "All armed forces have been warned to be at concert pitch by September 1 and to maintain utmost vigilance." Mr. Churchill cautioned the nation to guard equally against pessimism and optimism but said: "The British should be heartened by the magnificent strength and courage , , T 1 1 1 1 .Litl 1 - J. 1 Oi nussia ana oy uie uiuiuae oi me EDMONTON, July 29: (CP) United States" but added: "It Is Fines totalling $210,000 were im- madness to suppose Russia of the posed on thirty-three of thirty-six United States is going to win the Canadian tobacco manufacturers; war for us." wholesalers and jobbers yesterday Mr Churchill declared that Par-when Mr. Justice S. J. Shepperd namentary and press demands for sentenced firms and Individ uals;a co-ordina tor or minister of pro- wnicn natt oeen round, gumy on auction would be Ignored and de- lver.prriav In nrrnrrianr uHfh a npnr' Saturday by the Alberta Supreme 1 nlnrpri rarplpxs prUlrtsm of RrttUh w Inrv nn rnmhlnp pharffM . i 4 r i l -ipnnrf i 1 l -tr-t 1 -a Qaj. " " w 0 liiiuuauy lur its ciictw auiuau, pal the lack of co-oneratlon from the lick, to nneratp th pw i"hMlfP.ters ters reported reporieo In in a- a- dispatch aispaicn from iromi The v ""- lnes ran6ed "Bvu from ..y, v- $25.000. f or' tlcularly In the United States and local drv dock In the matter of W nd in th inJir.efc r 'Hanoi. Isome manufacturing corporations Australia." w - " - w. v-w j 7 , Icurlng work- for-tbe yard This hid 'people of s "Prince . Runert as a whole. thatthe Na"l with two or three timesjbeen illustrated in the case of the retaining here the revenue derived copper-lime ated advnce had trpfitra wai me nan aavance naa i salvairprf sh , lhp.Kvrhnr n in nrhih fmm ihti.. if in me season, lnsicaaoi an arcii-i -,-- .. .v, TO . ul. i.UnfiMH for ratjrnillars he would there had been great difficulty in utilized for the welfare of the city in Tokjo the Fbreism Office-con-f , l"1 ' w uie 4,"a '""I trolled Japan Times and Advertiser ) beu Jbbers yesterday described the Unjted States as "hostile" and a leader in tacking Washington's measures. economic Informed circles, howevtr. i sa lid' At 1 A 1 11 i l1 it . 11 I i Appeals are being entered. Three individuals who were from the court will be Thursday. STRIKE IN Bulletins FAVOR CONSCRIPTION The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night approved the principle of a resolution passed last week by the Vancouver Board of Trade favoring conscription of wealth, man power and industry and will draft a resolution along this line to be forwarded to Ottawa. After considerable discussion, the local Chamber took the view that the Vancouver resolution urging mobilization of wealth, manpower er and Industry" was most acceptable and, on motion of D. G. Borland and Peter Lakle, it was decided that its principle be adopted and a similarly couched resolution be forwarded by the local chamber. DUKE IN CANADA OTTAWA The Duke of Kent arrived today to begin on inspection tour of air training establishments and to see other phases of Canada's war effort. OFFICER IS KILLED NEW WESTMINSTER Lieut. W. II. Willoughby, recruiting officer, was killed Monday night near Port Coquitlam when his car was side-swiped by a dairy truck. MAY ENTER PORTS SAN FRANCISCO Japanese ships hovering off the Pacific Coast have been advised that they may enter port without fear of being denied clearances when they desire to leave. PANIC IN TOKYO TOKYO There was a near panic on the Tokyo Stock Exchange yesterday. Collapse was stayed by government advanced funds. DOCK CinEF DIES VICTORIT Capt. O. L. Parker, superintendent 61 the naval dockyard at Esqulmalt, 'died yesterday.