'IK PAGE TWO SPRING FOOTW EAR Just Arrived, shoes from Julia Arthur, Plio-Pedic, Vanity Maid, Miss Atlanta and Jack and Jills featuring elasticized suede pumps in wine", blue aricl black. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H.F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone , 98 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; -One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per lme, per Insertion .. .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Pms is exclusively entitled to use Tor republication erf all new despatches emitted to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights at republication of special desoatches therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Monday, April, 7, 1941. War In The Balkans It is difficult to commenton the progress of the war today because the situation is ftound to change from hour to hour. All we know at the time of writing is that Germany and Italy are together making vicious attacks on Yugoslavia and. Greece and their progress is'being stoutly resisted. At the timp nf writino thie mnminir W ------ w . uu muiutllg W1W reeks seemed to be holding their lines well while the Yu-j goSlavs seem to be allowing themselves to be nushedi back to. more favorable positions. General Wavell is in supreme command but it does not appear whether the Bri- lihii nave actuauy Deen m action or not. The very fact that the attackers have made so little progress in almost two days of fighting seems to us a very favorable indication. With Abyssinia conquered many of the troops at present there, it is announced, will be moved to the aid in the attack on Libya. The British forces in Libya evidently had been weakened very greatly in order to allow the sending of all the men possible to Greece. Compulsory Service - - - With the nresent active fifrhtinn rrnintr nn if is miiro possible that Canada may be forced to a policy of com-J nillsnrv mJll'tnyv SPrviPO TlTamr vnnnnr man urn ov.rt dp. not enlist because they know that a good many others who should do so will not go overseas. If all were treated alike they would be quite willing and ready to do their part but they say they object to the present system which they think very unfair. While we have no information, vye are inclined to think there will be compulsory military service soon. Bringing Home The Bacon - - - The. editor of the Prince George Citizen has written a rather virulent article objecting to an expression of ours in which we mentioned that Olof Hanson brought home the "bacon." Evidently he does not realize that the usual meaning of the expression is that he attains his object, Whatever it may be. We should not take -the trouble to answer the article only that he says the grain elevator here now stands "empty and useless." We have to inform the writer of the article that the elevator is filled to the brim and is fulfilling a most useful purpose and is paying good dividends during this time when every possible inch of storage space is needed but that once this is cleared un the elevator will continue to serve the people of Canada We are sorry that any Prince George resident should be jealpus of.- Prince Rupert and its member. Possibly the editor of the Citizen would like to have ships built at Prince George. , When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable E PHONE 13 21 nour Service at Regular Rates CANADA'S LEADING AUTHORS OTTAWA. Anrll 7: (CP) J. F. C. Wright, who took a job as nlgnt fireman In an Ottawa oil plant "as a change from writing" has been awarded the Governor-Geneial's Literary Award for 1940, In the general literature section. The award, which Is announced by the Canadian Authors' Association, was on Mr. Wright's prose non-flctlon work "Slava Bohu," an interpretation of the Doukhobors as one of Canada's minority races. The award for fiction goes to Dr. Phlllippe Pannetonof Montreal for his "Thirty Acres," adjudged the best novel by a Canadian to appear in the calendar year 1940. His story deals with a typical habitant of Quebec. DR. PHILIPPE PANNETON j. jr. u. -wngni, wno won me 6 (?en eral literature award, was Wild CUUCUICU 1U tllC IVUUi '-oiiuuia. He worked as a bank clerk, was a stoker on a sea-going vessel, a farmhand and roughed it in con struction canes and in the Alberta oilfields. Joining the staff of the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, he served i there for seven years, meeting, Veregin, the Doukhobor leader, in the course of his Job andi learning t ' KOH BALK FOR SALE Studio, lounge $25; Congoleum rug $5, good condlt tion. Phone Green 901. (807) FOR' SALE Sacrifice, packer, 43 feet long, 10 .foot beam, 35 horsepower dlecel. Suitable halibut fishing, towing, etc. Phone Blue 610. (85) (FOR' SALE Columbia: gramophone and 25 records $5.00. Guitar $5.00 Men's Morris chair $5.00. Oil .Burner $10.00, 90 gallon oil drum $6.00. China and glassware and 4 dozen realers at give away prices. Phone 672. (82). FOR SALE 1936 General Electric Radio, Good condition. Phone Green 450. (87) FOR SALE Chickens, Phone Red 193. (87) FORREJQ ROOM FOR RENT.' In iprivate home. Suitable for one or two, young men. Red 923. (82) FOR RENT One room and board for iwo men. Phone Green 620, (tf) FOR RENT Board and room. Close in. Phone Black 985, Ctentjeman only. (tf). WANTED WANTED Reliable housekeeper tor man and 3 children. Apply Box 92. Daily News. (80) WANTED Woman. , or girl for housework and "cafe for baby;! Very little work. Phone Black 766. (83) TH1DX3ET H8WI much of the sect and Its objectives. Then he took a post as fireman In J. F. G. WRIGHT Professor E. J. Pratt of Toronto , .f.wiv th Ukrain. an Ottawa oil plant but plans to go I lans, for another book. Dr. Panneton, who writes under the pen-name -"Ringuet," is an eye I specialist in Montreal. He studied in Paris in 1920-25 and returned to .Canada to rjractice. In 1929 he be-'gan his "Thirty Acres" on which he spent ten years. When it was published in Paris, it received the 'Grand Prix du Roman of the French Academy, the Prix du Ro-Iman Regional (Girard), and the .Prix des Vikings. In 1940 the book appeared from Toronto in the English translation of Felix and Dorothea Walter. It has also been translated into German, Dutch and Spanish. 1 The present award Is the second time Professor Pratt has taken the Governor-General's medal for poetry A native of Newfoundland,' ' he has resided in Ontario 34 years and teaches English at Victoria Col- ' lege, University of Toronto. His, first book was Newfoundland Verse (1023) and among his ten volumes' are "Titans." "The Roosevelt ana; receives the poetry award for."Bre- the Antlnoe." "Many Moods," 'The Re?" I tne Canadian Authors' Association. ' k in DOrn H. prit, th nnnsirtlnn Pn3t.rv Mnn. ' Wiltshire, England, brought up on ain a farm nearMinnedosa, Man and, Tne meda,S( carrying thj? Canad. 7c E. J. PRATT r!nt1 rms will Ka rrorvnto1 n I Vi Authors' -convention at Yanpouver , In August. For l939 the awards were: General Literature, Laura ( Goodman Salverson, Winnipeg, "Confessions of an Immigrant's (Daughter;" Fiction.. Franklin Davey ( McDowell, Toronto, "The Champ-lain Road;" Poetry, Arthur S. Bour- lnot, Ottawa, "Under the Sun." Reach ten thousaria people with a "want ad." In the Dallv nw.i Winners Of, , Stanley Cup Holders, of .the Stanley Cup since 'It was donated in 1893 by Lord 'Stanley of Preston, then governor general of Canada, follow: 1893 Montreal A. A. A. i 1894 Montreal A. A. A. 1895 Montreal Victorias. 1896 .Winnipeg "Victorias. 1897 Montreal Victorias. 1898 Montreal Vt:turias. 1899 MonUaul Vtatorlas. 1900 Montreal Shamrocks. 1901 Winnipeg Victorias. 1902 Montreal A. A. A. 1903 Ottawa Silver Seven. 190,4--C Silver Seven. 1905 Ottawa Silver Seven. 1905 Montreal Wanderers. 1907 Montreal Wandere: i 1908 Montreal Wanderers. 1909 Ottawa Senators. 1010 Montreal Wanderers. 1911 Ottawa Senators. , 1912 Quebec Bulldogs. 1913 Quebec Bulldogs. 1914 Toronto. 1915 Vancouver Millionaires.' 1916 Montreal Canadiens. 1917 Ssa'Mle Metropolitans. 1918 Toronto Arena. 1919 Nc winner. 1920 O "awa Senators. 1921 Ottawa Senators. 1922 Toronto Sf. Pate. 1923 Ottawa Senators. 1924 Mirtteal Canadians. 1925 Vlitorta Cougars. 192C Montreal Maroons. 1927 Ottawa Senators. 1928 New York Rangers. 1929 Boston Bruinf. . 1930 Montreal Canadiens. 1931 Montreal Oarrad'ros. 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs. 1933 New York Rangers. 1934 Chicago Black Hawks. 1935 Montreal Maroons; 1936 iDetroit Red Wings. 1937 Detroit Rd Wings. 1938 Chicago Black Hawks. 1939 Buston Bruins. 1940 New York Rangers. 1941 Boston Bruins or Detroit beauf and His Brethren," relating Titanic" and "The Fable of the Red Win-rs. the martyrdom of Jesuit "mission Goats," for which he received the 1919 firw.1 series 'between Mont-aries in Huronia. Dr. Pratt won 1937 award. He has also been res" 0widlen' and SeaMle wa; the Governor-General's award f:r(awarded the Lome Pierce Gold hailed by epidemic of Influenza, poetry also in 1937. i Medal for distinguished service to . .Canadian literature. Last year he ... Careers .. iwas Toronto Branch President of HALIBUT SALES American Lorelei, 15,000, Atlin, 12J0c and Ian. coat-of-arms and suitable In- Lenore, 14,000, Booth, 12.30c- and Fremont, 1400, RoyaL 12.50c 7c. 1 Emma, 11,000, Royal, 12J0c and 7c. Lumen, 9,030, Booth, 12.60c and ,7c Canadian I Parma, 18030, Pactric, 12.20c and 7c 1 Oldfield, 10,000. AtUn, 11.10c and 7c Morris H 13,500, Storage, 11c and 7c. Reward, 11,000 Storage, 11c and 7c. Hundreds ot.peopir try a "spot" i In the Dally News classified col umn and get good results. (tf) Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms not Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4 p.m.. t BOAT W.8.L. TROTIER'S DOCK Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on; hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirehent. All pur coal. Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles arc from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are riot kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND. PHONE 631 CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd, PHONE 652 HOME FROM TRIP EAST The .feature of ttve annual meet-1 Ing o( the Canadian Institute of Minim? and Metalhrrsv was a con- . . Turning northward Dr. and Mrs. Mandy left 'for a visit to a number of mines Including 'tihe Bourisma- que, Val d'Or. Noranda and Du-parquet (BeaitieJ areas. They also weft to 'he Klrklind Lake area, vising ith? Lakt'ih-)re. Wriertit Horgreaves, Teck Hughes and To- burn mines ard ths W'1 Interesting developments at Larder Lake on the Kerr Addison property Dr. Mandv was lmnresnd wfh uhe fact 'that ?-rne of the larger mines were devehwi .frrm prr erties wU'b. inslsnlflcant structures which . In mo rlarr m British Ccrumbia would have been parsed over without notice. H? say he !feit he had s-cured information which wou'd v'ove cf r9t value H" the mining interests of British Columbia. Dr. Mindy raM he was struck by the great Interest taken In this province by people in ttrs east Leading mlnmg men expressed themselves as jealous of those who had the privilege of living In British Columbia, He had been able to jj v... M. iir W. Ball Ti1l ao SOme tth.s.Mih:ir strucUve address by of. Edmonton on "Anglo-American Responsibilities." which proved really constructive ana aamirawe according to Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Mandy who have returned from the east, where Dr. Mandy rep resented h? province of British Columbia at the convention. They also vlted a number of mine : m Northern Quttoec "with the Idea pf jtudying mining conditions and methodi for the Department of Mines. After attending the gathering in MtmtreaL Dr. Mandy went to Que bec to take up matters of business & till I NEURITIS yW. iMwtUM thtr oi,,.l.'?'Cil NOW KELIEK WlTHinf''l!?!!?l those likely io .... ince and ui.m, , ancial men u w-.c ... Doctor aiul iu.r keenly a)n n.iilVP tallty of ul! ii. , ., them a greu: dca, v.j; tallty of the i;oc;,:e .th east dun , the countesle- i r: nip lit Olof Hansmi v.ii,, iK1 great deal while u. o: Hi 1 - M :'J 6es SHUT SOILS I 0U ttofs ST. LOUIS Ai with the Dspartment of Mhies andlf1121". 3-0M- l!l In coivnecUon wHth the aeloglcal f1" f1' oun tl ,vr Eurvev and other affairs. From suu ueP;t"V Jherc they -went to Toronto, also m" crots ' mre In connectipn, with mining matter. Try a Dally NeWi V9nt-Ai 1 fcWt-fc - MUM,! - Vy c Liiof CeMfol io-i m I Steamers Leave JTlnre Rupert for Vancouver -1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LI Excursion to Port Simpson Monday, April 14. S.S C-cr-leave 0:30 a.m. returning 6 p.m. Ticket: u' I . 0! " CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, CAKDEXA EVERY FKIDAI, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dye Vancouver Thurs. ii,m. Due Vancouver Mondaj Queen Charlotte Islands. Service (fortnightly) I-mm Rupert April 14 and 2G If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Fras FRANK J.. SKINNER, Prince Rupert AKent. Third Ave. PhontS EASTER NOVELTIES Now On Display Priced From 5c to $3.00 Make Your Selections Early Ormes ltd. Zflie Pioneer Drtuzsists The, Jtall Store, Phonei 81 & 11 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p-m. 8imdji and Upllday? from. 12 to 2 p.m. nd .V to p.m. If you lose anything, advertise for it.