FAGI FOUR Expert Optical Service WHAT'S IN A NAME km Just Completed! Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT ICE WINE FOR- WHISKY NEW YORK, April 7: (CP) SYDNEY, NJS.W., April 7: (CP) "George- thinks It's silly," said Australians should substitute Grade AHen of the radio, provld-; Australian light wines for whiskey, tag herself with an "Allen" coat of , and pineapple juice for tea, to help arms in a Fifth Avenue I tore. Af-; conserve exchange and shipping, ter all, George was born "Bern- said Commerce Minister Sir Earle stein." iPage.. I Suiting The Spring Mood FOR EASTER There's M4GIC In Those New Spring Suits Just Arrived At The Peoples Store OUTSTANDING FEATURES Expert Hand Tailoring New Longer Length Jackets New Softly Rounded Shoulders New Slim Skirts Does your preference lean toward those mannish tailored styles or" perhaps you've decided on the new figure-mold type or a sport tweed model. Whatever your choice might be, you'll find the largest selection in town right here. Fashioned in worsteds, tricotencs. herringbones, tweeds and two-tone wools. Sec the latest styling brought to you direct from Montreal. ALL SIZE RANGES. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE f "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone ELIir. 907 $ This is the Time of Year When 2 QUALITY it COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort I Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace ! Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. nQNE I16 j ,.IJONfe m ; New Ice Storage Method Ensuring "Iy low temperature ice throughout the' fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our ' 1 f Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage : PTiiice Rupert fyK (j llrUish uiumni. Whifflets From The Waterfront d Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Shcppard, arrived It port at 10 o'clock last nlgrht from the south and sailed at midnight for Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here to-1 morrow morning southbound. j C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, CP'-. Willlum Palmer, is due in port at 3:45 this afternoon from Skagway and ether northern points and will sail at 5 pin. for RITZ BROS. AND BURNS "Argentine Nights' and "Alias the ' Deacon" in Entertaining Double Bill at Capitol "Argentine Nights," another uproarious Rits Brothers comedy, with plenty of music and dancing, Is an entertalng feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre tonight and tomorrow. It ds the latest picture of this mad merrymaking trio and is said to be quite" as ludicrous and mirth-provoking a, any that have gone before. Incidentally, it is to be noted- that the first or the week .program this week is for only two nights, making way for a four-night showing of the great feature "Royal Canadian Mounted Police" which opens Wednesday night and will continue through until the1 .end of the week. Double-billed with "Argentine nights" Is "Alsias the Deason" with the homssoun, Bob Bums in the ' leading role. The story, said to be perfectly suited to Bums' person-Kilty. dcas with a kindly card eharper who uses his wits and skill to aid -worthy but unfortunate .friends. The rclc calls for Bums to masquerad"! as a deacon while Bcrformirjz his "good deeds." Mis-cha Aurjr fills an Important comedy role And Vhc rvrporttng cst Includes sunh favorites as Dennis OTCcefe. Pergy Moran and Guinn Williams. RIG WOOL YIELD BUTTE-. Arirll 7: (CP) The es- 'matcd v?'w rif wool nroduced in Montana In 1940 was $8,084,000. MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H.. Linzey Local "Representative Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN 44G NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarrill Froprletoi "A IIOML AWAV FROM Hoviir Kt J5 at. i0 Uwmm Hot As Cold WHei Prl'ic Rupert. B.C. fhn rxi r (i not it YES! We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Cb'unneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE I'lmne BLACK 735 I Just Arrived KNIVES FOR EVERY PURPOSE Ur6ad Knives, Cake Knlvc3, Slicing Knives, Butcher 1 Knives, paring Knives. At the 1 VARIETY STORE 'Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" P.O. Box 757 Phone Red 120 TBI DAILY KW $1.00 sends 300 SWEET CAPORAL or WINCHESTER cigarette! or St. 00 will tend either 1 lb. of OLD VIRGINIA pipe tobacco or 1 lb. of SWEET CAPORAL cigarette tobacco (with Vogue papers) to Canadians serving in C.A.S.F. overseas only. Also to Canadians serving in the British Forces in the United Kingdom. $2.50 sends 1,000 cigarettes to an individual or unit. Address "SWEET CAPS" P.O. Box 6000, Montreal, P.O. Children Do Useful Work Group of Knitters Meet Once a Week and Make Quilts for Refugees Mrs. Charles Anderson, formerly Miss Nellie Lawrence, and Mrs. J. H. Macey have been carrying on a quiet work among the younger children who live in the neighborhood. The young folks meet each Friday evening to knit for the refugees. They make quilts and slippers, the quilts being knitted In squares and then sew together. About 25 of the children have been engaged in the work for a number of months and so far about eight quilts have been made as well as some slippers. Mrs. Andcram left Friday on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver for a lew weeks and in the meantime the children will meet as usual in charge of Mrs. Macey, excepting only Good Friday which is a public holiday. On Friday a cushion was raffled to provide money with which to purchase wool in order to carry on the work. The winner of the cushion was Mrs. C. O. Ham. WOMEN OF DISCRETION LONDON. April 7: (CP) It is pointed out "discretion" is the first qualification of the Women's Auxiliary Sorve. as many of them have to drive "high army official; and hear a great deal of a secret character." If you want someirmu;. advertise for it. Hundreds of people get what they want that way. (tf) Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 THE ; SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockcye PINlFsEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only talmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert ANOTHER WAR STARTS (Continued ironi Page One) casualties upon the Germans In Macedonia and Thrace the eastern front. There were German bodies in great piles. There were no early reports of actual land fighting in Yugoslavia although Belgrade was .'hrlr.e bombed heavily. A pontoon bridge was destroyed and supply depots were also hit In addition to the widespread fires causing death and dcstrucUon in the city. , The Belgrade radio station went quiet early Sunday morning end there had since been no reports direct from the Yugoslav capital. Germany officially admitted stubborn resistance by the Greeks. All resources and organizing ability were being used to meet adversities Berlin said. The Germans were warned by their government that the Balkan campaign would be no walkover. Berlin, however, threatened that, for every German killed, ten Serbians would be slain. Secretary of State Cordell Hull of the United States, speaking on behalf of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, described as "Barbaric" the German invasion and attempt at annihilation of Yugoslavia. It was Just another attempt to overrun a small nation by brute force another chapter In the ruthless campaign to attain world conquest and domination. Hull pledged fullest possible aid would be speeded by United States to Yugoslavia. "We shall resist and conquer again as we have already done once an aggressor possessing superior strength," declared the Commander-in-Chief of Greek armies. King George and Premier Korltsas received a great reception as they drove through the streets of Athens. With mighty British aid they 'predlced success and victory for Greek arms. "The struggle may be long and inexorable." said the King "but, with the help of God nd the Madonna, we shall win." In Moscow Soviet newspapers praised efforts of Yugoslavia to Preserve peace and prominently displayed announcements of the treaty between Russia and Yugoslavia, pledging each to respect the other's independence and tp mutual assistance In the tvent of attack by a third party. Another cabinet crisis in Yugoslavia Saturday night It was thought might defer temporarily the German attack on Yugoslavia and general war In the Balkans. Dr. Vladimar Macek, Croat leader and Vice-Premier, had, it was said, struck a conciliatory attitude as opposed to the firm stand of the ministers of interior and war, strong Serb members of the Slmo-vic government. The cabinet was In emergent session after which it was reported that Macek was prepared to leave for Rome to arrange, if possible, for mediation by Premier Benito Mussolini, in spite of the possibility of an eleventh hour peace move, the country however ,was prepared for war to break and the people were calm and confident in face of the crisis. The gov-ernment, It was said had already made tentative arrangements for leaving Belgrade in the event or i necessity. The city was again In total Blackout Saturday night, CHIROPRACTOR Stanlej W. Col ton, D.C.Fh.C. W'llnre Rlock, Phone 641 TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubbcrwarc, Tires, Tubes, Etc., Vulcanized Klh St. opp. OK Harlier Shop Fhones 18 & ID P.O. Hox 575 Easter Candies and Novelties Now on Display from lc up Also Easter Uox Chocolates MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion I i - ; . : nowcr being cut off Ironi Its source. ,Day and night fighting planes fly over the city. The first formal Intimation of the actual outbreak of the new war In the Balkans came when the Na tional Broadcasting Co, reported from New York Saturday night hearing the Berlin radio announce that Germany had been at war since early Sunday morning Berlin time. The National Broadcasting Co. said the announcement was made to the Oerman army of the East in a special proclamation by Hitler which said: "Soldiers of the east front, your hour has come." The German radio broadcast early Sunday Hitler's orders to the German army to march Into Greece. At the same time it said thai Germany was unable to longer endure the Yugoslav attitude and that Germany was reacting to the mistreatment of "attacks and murdering of Germans in the Serb kingdom." London reported early today that heavy fighting was going on both In Yugoslavia and Greece with the Germans making some progress. British forces were in Greece but it was not stated whether they were as yet in actual combat It was suggested in London that Turkey might have to act quickly if she was not to be outflanked and forced to remain neutral and at the mercy of Germany. Whether or not Turkey would come in now or delay until her position became even more serious appeared uncertain. (The country appeared to be calm and unperturbed. ! Early reports today Indicated that air forces were In constant action with both fighting and bombing. Four Oerman planes were rt-ported brought down. The Germans were reported to have broken through the Yugoslav frontier at a number of points, threatening a number of towns. Nazis were reported pouring through Italy Into Albania to aU ' tack Yugoslavia from that quarter. Athens today reported that tnc Hdlencsc forces were still holding the Nazis everywhere despite tremendous odds and that the Nazis had suffered heavy losses In dead. Berlin said that, under the wings of dive bombers., the Nazi army had driven strong wedges Into Yugoslavia and Greece. Greece, it was admitted, was giving particularly strong resistance. FLYING LORRY LONDON. April 7: .(CP)" You rbuldn't fall 20 feet from n lorry," protested a Royal Air Force doctor examining an arman patient. "You couid from ih!s one. air. it was at the end of a runaway Make w.. ""Uth Am,,; ""'. RITZ BROS, Jn "Argentine Ni4' With l.. WW P PLUS The MerrlfH.1 ,. " '"SIMM ever imajintd: BOB BURNS In "ALIAS THE DEACON" With MISCHA AVER (At 7:00 L 9:2Q) beginning Wednes day for 1 Dayi CECIL IS. I)E MILLE "North West Mounted Police" IN Ti;CHNlCOI.0t Starring GARY COOl'EE MADELEINE CAKKOU CORPSEI.IlvS COFFIN WELLINGTON, N.Z.. April 7: RAISE OE LIMIT CP After a spectacular mystery CANBERRA, Ap; ' -7 uvrx it in ri mriinir nr ri rin tM h . i w tf.M.v mi nu-y UlOV-UTtlUi Ui 4 Vli 3 ill WIT A I 11, ""T l t. 1 M - . . . - . w.c ixuim naa never nad a body Force has been ra;s 1 fro : a "--'-'-'' "" We ain't mad at Nobody Floor Coverings I.lllllllMim Tnnno n..,, , , I .ft ()VCr If0" , uuiiuivuilM anu I'CIIUI ItUfe" Our Previous Sale. Special Offer for This Week OnV 2 Only Jaspc Rugs Size 0x12. Regular $10.50. Special 3 Only Linoleum Rugs Regular $17.50. Special 1 Only Congolcum, Rug 0x12. Regular $11.00. Special .'. 1 Only Congoleum 7'2x0. Rcgulat $7.50. Special ..: 1 Fcllol Rug Size 0x12. Regular $10.0C.' Special MOOSE BUILDING. ELKyS Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m $14.00 S13.O0 $8.75 $5.75 $8.00 -New Furniture DcP THIRD