PAOE TWO DAILY EDITION MEN Hartt Shoes ... are admittedly the peak of high-grade shoemaking in Canada. The variety of lasts ensure a correct fit for every type of foot, be it narrow or wide. Hartt's Naval, Air Force and Military Officers Shoes Are Here. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING -EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion 25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion .02 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year. MK.MIiKK OP TIIK CANADIAN HIKSS .J?L Can?l?? Pre8S 13 exclusively tltlJ to e tor publication of all news All nghu of wpubltanUon of special denpaAchm therein are aim reserved. Reversion to Savagery . . . The German mprhnrl Sees Crack Coming . . . FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 1941. One of the radio commentators, broadcasting WwlJ nestlay night, expressed the opinion that the Axis powers were beffinnintr to pected in the near future. We hope this is not just wish-lul thinking. It the people of some of the occu p i e d Countries nt Pnvnno finA l,,..v.i t ,i 1 . . ,i rt cuuiuer, stopped to chat a few min auu ict;u un. If you lose anything, advertise for it. -I All Out Aid .. . The Moscow conference has ended vitlvBritain and United States promising substantial aid icRussia and laying plans as to just how this will be done. Naturally the conference is not publishing its findings, but it U evidently quite satisfactory to all will be among the large contributions and arrangements' i.avc tu uc maue lor provision oi ample facilities for landing fields, machine shops, etc., so that there would be no confusion, that might end in catastrophe. AIR FORCE IS LEADING Totals 870 947 875 Seal Cove Crapper (30) 138 153 215 Dupips (30) 176 151 94 Patton ( ) 184 202 160 Wemp ( 5) 223 233 154 Watt (30) 186 128 174 Totals ..... 997 937 887 Scottish No. 2 Stewart (30) 143 154 118 George (30) 129 Pollock (30) 151 Hutchinson ( ) 208 Sheridan (19) 200 Wilson (30) Totals 940 Engineers 3 Medical Corps 2 4 IGlentanna Has New School; To 155 145 155 175 114 162 124 151 228 236 161 926 915 Tully ( 1) 220 145 148 Taylor (30) 146 137 123 jOddy (30) 137 98 126 'Prior (18) 184 124 236 Alsage (30) 162 149 105 Totals :. 9C0 7G2 847 The league standing to date: had nothing whatsoever to do with the crime which their 'Seai cove ? deaths are supposed to expiate, seems like a complete Engineers ...i:."'.'"".' I reversion to savagery. T, o pick up a score of men and Scottish No. 2 4 ShOOt them becailSP snmp nthav mrcnn ulif Sianals 4 does not seem reasonable. But nothing in war is reason- ?ott'sh "- 1 i,.1'.?! ttf bad that'SS Dry Dock :::::::: 3 t x sutdaai enugnienea age we should have to revert in order to defend ourselves. W. L. Pts. 2 7 Be Opened Soon SMITHERS, Oct. 3: A fine new school house "uu a- at Glentanna iKnmiuia. Is is now now , ,- iiim inciiiscives IlUIlgry iniS Winteri and if the Germans are so short of food that thev aro nearlng comPletin a"d win be really uncomfortable, we may expect something Smethmg tn t0 hnn '!ihrlstened next week wlth a blg pen, but not Otherwise, , we think.P nimrL. "f nee to mark the occasion. It is a frame structure of one storey Coffee House Habit ... A number i Prilce Rupert's young business people are nvo developing the coffee house habit. They drop in to the r favorite coffee shop in the middle of the morning o drink a cup of coffee and talk over the news of the day It is the revival of an old habit and makes a break in the morning that is very pleasant. It differs from the beer parlor habit nUhat the habitues are not tempted 1 to drink and again again. A local man tells of how one single group could always be lound in a coffee house in the city of Cardiff The p ace served a coffee that was m u c h better than any other in the city and became well known for this brand of refreshment. Men from all around the country dropped m there occasionally and drank a cup of coffee ana au Giddlnps of Telkwa had the contract for the bulldine. It: Will be occupied bv the Glentannn School immediately. Was storno 1 Am rAvs from tfie sunf Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Reasonable Prices Prompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legion) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" THE DAILY NEWS J OCTOBER, BAZAAR IS jMen's First Aid ' VERY FINE' 'ass Commences Scored Clean Sweep Victory in 'Annual Effort Of Catholic Ladies Inter-Services Bowline I Is, As Dsual, Crowned With Last Mght. Success Roval Canadian Air Vnrn went. wim rv.n.i.o n HiUrmn Individual scores we re, as fol- laree mensurp nf n.itronn lows: Mrs. J. L. Blain was in charge Navy t 'of the tea rnnm beine assisted Mrs. G. P. Lyons, Mrs. Frank St. Amniif fn iirtitiAM n i Weekly Instruction Night Tu Be parish. ,ton- No- 10- Changed From Thursday to Monday. The city men's first aid class of - into the leadership . of the Inter- as general , the annual j hSn tSr ivw - - - I w A 111 llll convener, L I1V1 IrtlC Mill U4 Association got under last Services Services Bowline Bowling League League as re- re- h,,,,, bazaar by the ,.,,.. ladies of f the nv. Church way . a. Isult of a three games to nil vie- of the Annunciation was held on IAJI V OVer rMUJLLlNn net. I in OUlPr VVOrinocHnifi Thnrcrfur oftoi. night under the instruction of Angus Macdonald. It is announc that the men's class nl8ht frames Sienals and Scottish No. 2 nnnn h nioled won over Navy and Engineers re- event as uual was a TopWe!to "SffJ 1"teeeadt spectively. snort voiv . . Thursday nignts since the success", drawing the customary Seal Cove class will agree to change from Monday to Tuesday Those so far enrolled in the .D!mens men's class class are are Robert K0Derl Strachan, Strachan, Frlcke (10) 228 184 212 in -h.s, -v, Cymbal 18, 143 196 166 by Mrs. A Dmin Tio. i 8 L1?"1- Noble ( 9) 145 198 166 ter and Mrs. P. Doherty. Presiding ?ha!js Holland T L Davies, S. Cunday (30) 167 148 at the tea tables were Mrs J Fred Cheeseman' Fred Brooksbank, Simpson (30) 148 ! JtSSe Mr lun 5? ,S-J- Hu"ter' ? A: unter. C Micky (30) 183 107 'j. L. McLaren and Mrs. A;thm' I ?r, Victor Houston and Robert Tnt n I.-, nno innn DAi!.it i MOOre. Scottish No. 1 Turner ( ) 171 171 Hodges (22) 134 105 Dow (30) 137 170 Douglas (14) 172 195 Glassford ( ) 184 "" 1UUU ju serviteurs Har- Murray, were Mrs. Slenals rav Ward. Mrs. G. W. Nickerson Hilder (J8) 237 173 175 Hart (30) 147 168 144 Akkerman (30) 127 191 198 Larson (30) 219 103 115 Yelland (29) 186 98 219 Totals 1053 850 988 9-J7 914 ed. Further enrolments are expect miaul Dtixss ana . A aiiss Pulmira Astori. Actlns as " " v" "J i"k cashier was Mrs. James McNulty. i ' . , . t . J j Those in charge of other deDart- . "u""'cu uuai- ments of the bazaar were: ea oy victory circle, won by Mrs.' Fancy Work-Mrs. E. J. Fitz- "lcens. - gerald, convener. Mrs. J. J. Gillis . .gnan' aonated y victory 107 .Mrs. L. Gillies. Mrs. W Whiffin hlrcle' won bv Mrs- J- McNulty.' and Mrs A. Murray. ,No- 230- . j Home Cooking-Mrs. Leo Doiron. Cas.e .f.Milk' donated by Hunt's, Mrs. M. Miller and Mrs. The0 wo" Dy Mrs. J J. Gillis, No. 29. Fortune. ! Box of Candy, donated by Sis Candy Mrs. Fred Riffou Airs. Henry Doiron. and ter Superior, won by Allan Mc Keown, No. 24 Fish Pond-Mrs. Louis Amadio ' usmon- aonated by Mrs. Doir- Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. B. Barrle. ' WOn Dy J' Garofani. N- 80. , Hot Dogs-Mrs. Josenh Garon L,.. p Uie oox' aonaa X Mrs.! Mrs. James Forman, Mrs. Smith ' Wn y a B'ain' No'' and Miss Louise Larsen. ; ... .. 1 White Elephant Mis Tnn:..r"ow b"Ps onatea by Mrs.' Blain and the voun ia nf tv,o.M;:Armur- won Dy Mrs. W. O. Ful Bingo Mrs. Peter DeJong ' , X 01 APPI&S- donated by There were social affairs nn, ..alm5s' won . by Shane Murray, both PVPnlnoc nnH t-i-i. il vivtittiho aiiu ii.i. 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 i r i 3 feature was the drawing in tho'.. as!.of Mllk' ated by Cana raffles which resulted as follows: 7, , Ca won by w- Whlf Raffles resulted as follows- ' m' donated bV p- B"rns Co.. Grand Drawing W0" Mrs- B- Sylvester, No. 113. L 20 oi Salt Cod' dnated First prize. $50 Victory BnnH by on hv by .Tnrt Jack wi., Walshe, xr Airs- bicuro, won by Mrs. McLaren. won No. 1364. Second prize, $25, won George Eales, No. 242. Third prize, $25, won by Diane Srnno Nn lion zell, No. 1010 RivtVi niA Z i . . ....... ij..c. wun oy Mrs. E Edgar, No. 564. C.nftaa Inl... J . . . uunaiea oy Nor- HViorn n r n ........ . . ruwer uo won by inauy jviaireison, No. 130. Pillow Slips, donated by Mrs. L Togas, won by C. P. Balagno, 'o. 16. Bed Spread, donated by M!ss B. Curtin, won by S. Bedard rxmii? Second Searchlights, No. 61. warrie Iron, donated by Oor- dfin J&. A nrlorrnn .. 1 ... l "Mt4juu, wuii uy Allan fMcKeown, Na 55. Drum of Oil, donated by Manager of Standard Oil Co.. wnn hv Miss L. Vaccher, No. 43. Box of Apples, donated by Grocery, won bv Mrs p 1 Doiron. Dolls, donated bv Sisters of St.' Joseph, won by Terry Fitzpat-! rick. No. 3. Pillow SliDS. donated ' j ,; .vicLaren, won bv Mrs. o rni No. 39. ' Knitted Dress, donated by Mrs, COAL! COAL! 3w The frt&test Vctory Mature won- The coal business Isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy it .and you will know good coal when you try it. We buy the oest the mines produce, properly graded before It's it comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd, PIIONE 651 PHONE 652 Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PIIONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" No. 9. y, Quilt, donated by Ladies' Aid, won by Mrs. Starr. ('o. 110. 3 lb. Coffee, donated by Mrs. Fourth prize. S10. Mrs n 7ir- f.ettenuzzo- won by-Bishop Bunoz elli, No. 145. wa 1- Kfth prize. $10. won bv D Friz- J,ousn)on- donated by Mrs. Ama- dio. won by Mrs. Pettenuszo. EsXT. .vs y en yAi3oz. m M 25 OZ. 40 ot I 12.30 $3.50 ky tU Uqo Cwrtrol BttrJ m Ly ik. CirwiMitnt of BfWili Clirnbl. Ladies' and Men's Tailored Clothing Made Locally or Away Price to Suit Any Purse. M. T. LEE, Tailor Box 975 Phone Green 9C0 Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVEIIY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAKDENA EVEIIY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving September 30, October 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - i.lone 5cg . . handy to have when we want to retire . , Mrt. Younger: "We're really asked to do very little when we're asked to lend our money, don't you think?" Mn. Elder: "It is little . . . especially when we consider how others are suffering." Mm. Younger: "And we are able to lend in such small sums when wc buy War Savings Certificates everybody can do it . . . but do you think such, small savings are worth while?" Mrs. Elder: "Indeed they are, when we are all in it I'm not good at arithmetic, but I realize that the individual effort of small investors, added ta gether, can provide hundreds of millions of dollars for war needs. That's a lot of money." Mrs. Younger: "It is worth while, when you figure it up like that, isn't it?" Mrs. Elder: "Yes, it is, and at the end of seven and a half years we get $5.00 back for each $4.00 invest . . . money that will be handy to have when we want to retire." The help of every Canadian ia needed for Victory In thm days of war the thouhtlei, eldh $pender it a traitor torn war effort. A reduction in personal spending it now i titil necessity to relieve the pressure for ioodt, to enable nwi and more labour and materials to be diverted to winmnf ffi war. The all-out effort, which Canada must make den.indi this self-denial of each of, us. SPEND USS- TO 8jy Ml WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES A. " a1 1 iv r. Vftir It's Your Duty to SA VE GAS IT'S OUR DUTY To HELP M . . . either by tuning up your present car at a min imum cost or else by trading in for one that p give you maximum MILEAGE and St R VICE. B1IPFPT MOTORS Distributors of Chrysler Products Phone 566 For Emergency Night Service Call COLIN MILLER, BLUE 805 ssssBHBsssslssWsWsWsssssssMsMsBsMsK f V?li,WWSiT .TgiDlF TttJJT'xii m. , J&L