ttMl fags roux Expert Optical Service Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Cliar;e Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR HASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, liaggugc and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Mrs. Hill Harrington and son v.cre ton Transportation Co. at Wrangell, KAYSER SANSRUNS are J,25 FOR SALE BY Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Ni;ht ICE Just Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensuring -only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage ' Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. flriti&h Col u mow Afll A A ' We ain't mad at Nobody 1 : .GENEROUS RESPONSE Queen's Canadian Fund Air Raid Victims Gets Good Start ... ... a. - t ax a. tt ri Monday. Wednesday, and Friday From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday For Vancouver- Tuesday For for the same object. (The Daily News U receiving sub- scriptions here). .f Mrs. Jack Woods sails tomorrow cently. afternoon on the Catala for Van- ed In I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ,.SLSchdu,p y "In the Heart of Prince Kupert" J THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 a , April 7. 17 and 29 pjn. THE SEAL QUALITY flOLU SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest. Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmon ranninit company with an all Ihf tear round payroll In Trlnr Kaporl NEW ROYAL HOTEL , .a rin froprltuu i IIUMK AH AT FKOM . ' HI1MK , i 1 4Rate lie mf i0 Kijym Hot Sr Cold Water Prlie Rupert, B.C. fh.n 1 r M nnj 111 th daxlt jrsra Monday. Apr., Whifflets From The Waterfront Dr. Laree's New Doat Launehed Whaling Crews Arrive on Ulands Week-End Steamer Movements An cTent of interest on the local . waterfront at the week-end was The firs reactions to the . launehine about midnight Sat- appeal of the Queen's Cana- ; urday from the Suehlro boat yard dlan Fund for Air Raid Vic- Cow Bay of Dr R. q. Lanse's fine Urns Indicate that the public new 50-foot yacht which will be response will be in the Prime the iargest of the Prince Rupert Minister's word, . -a generous Rowtns & yacht Club fleet The and practical expression of vessei took smoothly to the natural the sympathy of the people element and was later towed to a of Canada." berth at the Yacht Ciub foats The early donations range where she was a centre of Intercst- from a cheque from Govern- d inspection. The 175 h.p. Hall- mcnt House to the offer of a Scott engine, with which she ii to quarter-section of land In be equipped. will now be Installed Alberta. The contribution from and the vessel will then have her Government House was sent pilot house and upper worts com- to the chairman of the fund pieted. It Is expected she will be with the following letter from completed and ready for operation Hon. Ariel Baird. lady-ln- hv rlv summer passengers aboard the Princess ana Mrs. smitn and F. ft. sterling, ""s M oyai an- Norah yesterday bound for Wran- f klne Rlvfr Pllot- and M,,s- Sf ' I " Tj' . ! J" J" PCrry h WlU ... Hng were also passengers from Se- "I am desired by Her Royal D of the Naden Harbor station of the gell to spend the summer, joining atUe to Wrangel, on the Prlnce Highness Prtnceri Ahe? to Consolidated Whaling Corporation Capt. Barrtngton, one of the heads Norah yesterday. send you this cheque for $170 this summer, came north to Ihe of the Barrtngton Transportation for the Queen's Canadian Queen Charlotte Islands from Vlc- Co. and well known Stlklne River Fund for Air Raid Victims. torla on the Camosun this trip, ac- uavigator, who is already there. A. Reach ten inuusana people with This money was raised by a companled by some thirty members W. H. smith, agent of the Barring- a "want ad." In the Dally News. '! raffle ' amongst the Govern- 0f the crew. The Camosun t lso 'men House Work Party and brought north the balance of the 11 m I do you sigh for a stocking that will never, never run ? BUY "SANSRUN". KAYSER. creates it with a patented Ixlud knit thit is ibsolorelT guaranteed never to run. And, as if that weren't enough SANS-RUNS are made to look j beer to give your legs that exciting "nude" look. t some, ox their friends for a Rose Harbor crew. For the first tepaz necklace which was giv- time in some years, both Queen en to Her Royal Highness Charlotte Island whaling stations anonymously for this piirpcj . are to be operated this season. "Her Royal Highness has ask- cd me to send the cheque to Making her final voyage of the vou wh her very beat wishes spring season on the Skagway for success in this splendid route. C.PJl. steamer Princess Nor- campaign." an Capt. William Palmer, arrived j T wniie tne appeal is unmar- t in rxrt at 8:45 vesterdav mornlntr J ily operated through news- from Vancouver and sailed at 10 racers, leadhy; citizens in a ajn. in continuation of her voyage numoer w ;ommuniu!i nave t 10 Alaska wnence sne will return formed, committees to forward here Thursday afternoon south the work cf the fund. In some bound. The Princess Norah brought cases. the committees are in 105 passengers of whom ten dls- 5 formed -to -affiliate to the embarked at Prince Rupert, nine Queen's Canadian Fund, ex- embarking on the vessel here for P W'nj funds already collecting the north. Union steamer Catala, Capt Ern est Sheppard. arrived in port 9:45 last night from the south sailing af midnight for Skagway . and other northern points whence Sergeant and Mrs. WllHam Fish- she will return here tomorrow af-cr. who have been hoMdaylng at ternoon southbound. Quecri Charlotte City, returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday The big seiner, the Zenardi. Cap-morning, tain Charles Haan. left Queen the south. Accompanyin couver vi the Queen CharJotts Is- weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru pert Gyro Clnb this Wednesday. If you want something, adver -OOVtKNMCXT LKILOK ,ICT" (Section 281 iLxIBBh i.ems there is a letter in her lands and. after running the ipecial h,nriti-riftn oh.- tn tv, 5 Din excursion to Port Simpson today. in " possesion of ii will Mll 1ft :si.i. ' 'utun. u-dow. an Eraslan woman which, return south;. .u over .u the same route. lf found WOuW make certaln hcrl 11 P-tn-: convi:tion. Down in the Chinese Rev. Captain R. C. H. Durnford. Qwart'' of Singapore . there is a ' 12:30 noon Dadre 0 th(, in--! .,rricnn mysterious nocturnal transaction Thursday . 10:30 pjn. wm be the speaker at the regular and th; ncrtmlnaUn tetter is no-- Friday Fridatf 9"3fl 9:30 pjn. nm .... " n'Vinm in ho 1.11ml T ik. oke or Application lor a IVrtr I.Kriiv Yung as Mrs. James Clark Pali Imistry SII-VKRKIUtS OMiCK Second St Phvne tiretii 418 YES! We Kcplr Water r J pes.. Roofs, Woodwork, .SioTes Connected, Etc Oil Burner Cleaned iU0 Chlmneyr Swept ... IW0 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone T H LACK 735 ingredients of the drama, i Supporting Mis Davis, the central character, are Herbert Mar-i shall a,- the hushand, Jamea.1 Stephenson, the lawyer, who aori- f Use for it. Hundreds of people get flees his deep personal integrity to i what they want that way. tin save the life of his friend's wire; Gale Sondergaard as the Eurasian woman; Frieda Inescort as the lawyers tfracloiw vnfe. and Sen the smllln but sinister NOTICE m hereby glren that on the Chinese law day ;T Mar. A. D. 1911. the under- UninpSe law ClCTk. sind uiumds to ppiy to th Liquor lflc ttlng as a rubber p)anta TZL'IJZ J!rr .taKJ tlon ln hc heart of the Orient. luiown u the Belmont Hotel, situate at 727 Third Avenue. West, Prince Rupert upoi. the land described u lots Nf 5 tx1 Bloc No. 33. Scotlon 1. 1 Prliicc Rupert TwraMe. Map 923. Prince : Rupert Und RcglrtraUon Dlatrlct. In uie Provmc,, of Bflllsb OolumbU. lor We Ie o beer by the glaa or by the .bottle for onhumptlon on the premises 'or elM-wwherr I9ATED a8U lUrcl1 A --JOHN 1IOSKIN3 Applicant. IKESII Dairy Products We have thirty-six cows in town and can supply you with fresh milk daily. Our barn is located at Eleventh Avenue East. Visitors Welcome. Dominion Dairy rilONK 10 At The VARIETY STORE Our assortment af small- j wares covers all the little things one needs for keeping your kitchen in first class working order. And alfo useful things for every room in your house. Come to the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little , Dollars" -. 1 330 3rd Ave. West Phone Red 120 P.O.Dox 757 Triumph After Triumph ! iicuc mvis in-Hici add another superb pc, IJjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhiIjjjjj UJJJJJJJJJJIHr n i ' ui m mancc to her list " pictures. ITTTfTF .IK mH wish (At 7:2D and O i'.li ADDED A Broadway IlreTity "TAKE THE AIR" Colored Cartoon "SHOP, LOOK AND LISTEN" ?,WIERD AND 4 DRAMATIC In a strange and dramatic story "The Letter," fascinating, dyna- mil R0U Tlavis Mm' t n tno.4r Charlotte City for Vancouver re- .......... i tu.m u The vessel will be overhaul for the first half of this week. Miss Davis plays the part of , couvcr whence she will proceed on capt. Haan were Mr. and Mrs. Clus and red wtinan who ?lJlPa treah7 fog. Miw Beth Rudge. Frank Gale murder4 a 1, and ? bC Li l I eXPCCtS 10 mUnd 8tCYen blood by pumping his body W?axwU , full of as many bU as her hus- . v-j,"lU5U"' bands gun contains. She tells her james r watt, arrived in port at 9 husband Bnd her lawyer that she ociocK Sunday morning from Van- dld it ti"i rfpfpnrt hr Virvnm- Kilt It I IULM) v;u I WAS SOKKY.. THE LETTER ir. SOMERSET UAVGHAMS SVPREUl DRAMATIC SLCCtli HERBERT MARSHALL JAMES STEPHENSON HILDA INlltOIT CAll tUM0llC4AtO Coming Thtirs. FrL 'RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" In Technicolor! This is the Time of Year When a 1 TONIGHT - TITSDA, AND WEDNESDAY 2 Shows Nishtlj 1:09 ir.l I & QUALIu Makcs a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to Uf ' fi r It HONK 118 Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaf fery, Lti TVIfVli""""""ll"WRlTllf If f tltffff Donnacona Insulating mont WALLBOARDS ruusii mii f 1 - - . his i . Board We have on hand large stock.? of coal to suit cvry rq'J-T t" All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared Ai d c08 line of lumber for every type of building. Our st-nsLJ V' 11 the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not klia drlrd w all of the natural oils so necessary to long Iif ' iiTim SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd, I'HONi; C51 Trains leave PKINCF. RUrEKT for Ibe EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, ( p.m. Air Conditioned Bleeping and Dining Can Steamer leaves PltlNUE ItUPEKI for VANCOUVER Thursday. 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and roweUB"" For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 5ZS 3rd Ato Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines I ""r"- c . . .. i ir.'nl arlv it you nave something to, sell, a ciaaa- in this paper will soon let ou know if w hnvpf in Vift p?iv