' -.. y PAGE TORE? 14, 1941. BP 11 Feel Like a New Man m ARRIVALS Lee Kupert W KetUewell. Ser- Rllould, Corp. M. Mum- iRobson, J. Lambeth, , Shaw, 0. IL Hazell, McAfee Corp. H. B. feht Sencant H. Man-1 s. R Donaldson, JLor- In a 1 Port Essington: Mr.1;""' I Krlowna ; R. E. Mc- I'ltoc: B. R. McKenzlf. Mrs A. Attree, Ter- izzard Edmonton: J. , Calgary. News Want-Ad, ALGIA rilf l. K.urlll. n !! N r A8TEK with B.f kl7 . Hwln bMMiu ! tht THKKB ' noliln. Whllt n riMk 1m tkH llmuUU, rwmk N-n.irUI rt4ntlon t Ike thtXIEP WITHOUT RE. otM S( it kll 4mcfbU. HAT See Our Hats by Maker ., . ... by Stetson. Showing of this Famous They include-all. the new Spring shapes and shades in . . ., NCTONSl.OO BROCK. $5.0tt PWYY.IHY STRATOLINER $6.50 MEDALIST $7.00 Also a Range at $2,9") atts & Nickersort AVE. Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. pIIONE 345 Lutheran Ladies Sale and Tea The St Paul's Lutheran Ladies,' Aid held their Easter tea and, sole on. Saturday. The tea tables were a; R, P. Butchart,rc . d narclssu3 daff0 Harris, ueui J- m.(j(1 w,nv loHips rsllpd durinc the A, R St Louis, Vic- Wmoon, js. chriss Johnson. , r r ilovir Sergeant-Mapor IHiinlon, Lyon Llght- iw and H. Cleland, H, Jefferles, Prince president of the Ladles' Aid, wai: convener and Mrs. Myrwang, wife of. th pastor receivM the guests Those In charge were: Kitchen- Mrs. Chfis. Johnson, Mrs. Swen Skog, Mrs. 'John Myr- Fancy Work Mrs. Jack Ivarson. 4Itrme?CooklngMrj? GuwMos- tad. and 'Mrs. M.- Hvedlrig. Cashier Mil. Peter Uen. Servlteurs Miss Mamie John son, Mrs! Thor Solien, Mrs, J. Mrs, Hagbart Johnson, was In charge of raffle of mirror donated by the Sewing Club and won by Sylvia Helland with ticket No. 58. A beautiful cake was donated by Mrs. Ihgvajd Haugen. The closest guesser of beans wa Ruth Myrwang with 475. Mrs. Myrwang entertained with piano selections. sed Furniture Plate Glass 5-14-x 58- .1 U"86" Ivory wooden frame, 18" Gilded frame, 1 13xl7." Ivory irame, i-u ih ame, 112 ft x 27". It complete Bed Outfits, 2" coikllnuous posU; Dining Room, 8-piece Dining Room Suites; 1 Beatty Washing Machine; rning Columbia Range, first class condition; 1 McClary : Range, wood or coal; 1 Northern Electric Radio, 8 tubes; Electric Radio, mantel; I Davenport, opening to a bed;, tub; English Prams; Small Tables. Used Furniture Department. ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. BUILDING THIRD. AVENUE pen You Want a Reliable, Comfortably Dependable PHONE 1 3 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates I CONSOLIDATED JMNING & SR1ELTING nufacturers of EIJEPnANT Brand ChemU I cals and Chemical Fertilizers- onlum Phosphates; Ammonium Sulphate, Superphos- phates, Monocalcjunv Phosphate Nuccrs and Refiners of TADANAC Brand I'wcury, Gold, Silver Lead, Zinc,. Cadmium, Bismuth P"d Antimony. Aho Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur tLice and Works Trail B.C. sr v. Q.CCITY The regular meeting of the local gave a short talk on the subject: I treasurer, announced that his resignation was pending. It was decided to hold a directors' meetinsr in the near future. The meeting adjourned on the motion of N. Sharer, seconded by T- White. Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher and. small daughter of Prince Rupert have been, visiting in Queea Char lotte; the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Falrbalrri, Mrs. Fisher, be fore her marriage last year, was MjVoilfe Falrbalrn. Miss Velma' Fair bairn, who has been visiting In Prince Rupert since the beginning of the New. Year, returned on the samp boat. Canada At War 25 Years Ago April 13, 1916 Three troopships reached Tngland with 8,597 mem bers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Rain and fog slowed up firhtinp around Verdun. Russians repulsed TurHish counter-attacks west of Erzerum In the Caucasus. Announcements All advertisement to this column, will be, charged for a full month at 25c' a word. Cathedral Spring Sale, Thursday, April 17. Red Cross Dance, April 18. Arm ories, R.M.R. Orchestra, L. o. B. A. Spring Bale, April 23. 24. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April Gyro Hoedown, April 25. Mayday Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. United Spring Sale May I. 102nd. Auxiliary Dance, May 2, Armory. Anniiciin Evenlntr Branch Tea.l Mrs. Hueston, Leeds Apartments, May 3. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Eastern Star' Tea, Mrs. L. W. Kerkln's, May 8. W. A.. Canadian Legion Spring Sale, May 2L a "snat- costs ju only half a dollar. Try it in the Dally News, classified column. Ui) U&I Cafe On Waterfront NOW OPEN Forusinesj LOCAL NEWS NOTES braiwh. of the Canadian Red Cross . , . . . crv.ioi.. u.u Tfco furniture bousnr. :or casn v. el wuson ft..v. 01 rrmce uobc .. . . i . founts v.fnACA' 1. u fVi ltw frnm Prinrn MPnrp P ' noma or Mrs. Frank dale. (SKlae- or oia on commission. sate, There were twelve members ullding, Third Avenue.- (tf) ipresent and the president, Mrs. O. ! Pit Turner, wa In the chair. A Ladles First Aid Examinations tettej; of thanks from the Bed will beheld in City Hall April 15, at Cross headquarters in, Vancouver ,7 o'clock sharp. was read, thanking top local branch: tor the cheque for one hundred dollars recently, sent. Re- Mrs. B. Douglas of Skidcgate. ar rived in the city from the Queen garments for refugees. Refresh-J iftni merit- were served by. the hostess EAjC fVtlSCKY at. the close of the meeting. uil tT ai A meeting of the Associated Study Clubs of the Skldegate In-1 let Credit Union was held In the) scooor ai vueen cnanotte on April l. There were ten members pres-i ent with the president. Charles vrvniiv)ww RUB ON CKS WapoRub ing returning to Skagway after i . ... . ... enpnmna no -fintpr in Rpnti.lp ' wny one or tne Chicago Credit Unions Failed." The treasurer's re-. . T L for' Ban Aiex uimoar oi uie pro-, then port u-as given. A drive new members and for borrowers XnCial f0"" ai Qu,!en Ch5lotte was suggested as neceary. The Cit? arrivetd to5 ,n e Ca business the bonding fee of four fsun yesterday, having In his cus-. East dollars to the name of the new , UJ? rnwiitean wiio. naa rtreasurer was dismissed. Charles Defn elncea lW0 monms im- Hartle. ihe nnt rptarv. pnaonmeni at Massett. sergeant Dunbar will return to the Islands on the Camosun tonight LINZEY Butter Sweet Clover, 3 lbs. Corn Del Maiz Nlblets, 2 tins 81.05 25c Coffee Chase and Sanborn, Regular AQf or drip. Lb oK, Peaches Lynn Valley. Regular tins. 25 C Eggs Scotts or Telkwa. Grade "A' large. Dozen .... JIalasses 12 size Ci tins. Each 0.' Apple Juice Large 01 p 50-oz. tins "V Carbolic Soap Jergen's It floats. -J C 4 bars Chocolate Bars Nellscn's Jersey Milk. Large p size. Each Flour 5 Roses, 4i9p 7-lb. bags. Eacft Ilhubarb-i-Fresh on Q OV every boat, 2 lbs. paying a visit with, his son-in-law and 'daughter, Lieut, and,. Mrs. H. G. Kennedy. Fourth Avenue East. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. H, Canty of j Skagway. were passengers aboard j the princess Norah yesterday returning north af ter a trip, to Call-. fornla. Mr. Oanty is a well known urer were giver, a U? 6f nJJJtSa merchant. avallajjle. for making knitted and.'.' T' fc H other garments was read. Many of a ' those oresenfc nromtapri in malt " ' AND INGRAM LTD. QUALITY fOOD AT LOW PRICES. 2. PHONES. 585 5XC New Potatoes White 7S?: : 23c Spinach New IQP B.C. 2 lbs. 3 Deliveries Dairy To All Parts of the City- Free Delivery on Ail Orders b. O. Orlswold, official of, the Al- laska-Juneau Gold Mining Co. of. r Juneau, was a passenger aboard (the Princess North yesterday! I morning returning north after a trip to Seattle and San Francisco. Inspector Ernest Gammon, provincial police,, returned to the city. ;pn the Princess Norah yesterday ! morning from Vancouver where he In spite of the war conditions went to sit as on? of the members Valley, in, the chair. A brief review sucb at; high taxes and qost of of a corporals examining board, of the business transacted at the hvhjg and the need of saving 'for" last meeting was, given. Mr. Valley, various wartime calls, the local Mr. and, Mrs. Nicholson, who have vjhn Vifirt pMunflv ..ftiima r-r. M flrHt. imflrnl1v snlrt mifc thplV ! hppn of Mn.ccpt.t. fnr tho na cf nimlp trip to Vancouver, told of visiting large stock 6f flowers at the week-1'of months, Mr. Nicholsonlbelng ih- the ouJces ot the Orltlih Columbia end. iterested In the dev.eiopm.ent of the Credit Union League and the Ex- black sands, returned to. the city tension, Department of the Univer-J . . , ..' from the Queen Charlotte Wands S slty of British Columbia whUe in' fe m f" n ,?i "! on the Camosun, yesterday, Pass and Yukon an the south. Ha reported that he had Route: I I Inquired, Into the Credit Union sys- ."""6 C t T Ulaiu i t i i, . r. r. :. the Princess Norah yesterday morn-, t VVUl, u& tlUUA" ZWCTX: LIU . I A 1 jtV Ilrl V ..... CHURCHES Spite UU TT JLJLV1 Concrtratioos Of, Inclement Conditions. Laree In' Weather bad weather and suitable Easter messages, were given the various congregations. In several churches extra seat; had to be provided) Chairs being placed in. the aisles The critical war situation undoubt edly had, a. good deal, to do with , - . . i uie large abienoance. i LONDON, April H: Thousands! of Londoners who .have been, in the habit of holidaying on Sundays were a.t ;church for the Easter 'services. All places of worship were crowded. Many people 4h different parts of. the country spent a good, ' deal of the day in, their gardens or planting potatoes and, other veg etables in their allotments. tlBTMIirB'EBrBn "Build B.C. Payrolls" Never Fails In Cooking Kb ."Pacific Milk" writes. Mrs. A. T.. "has no superior in cook I Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 573 Easter Candies and Novelties Now on Display from lc up Also Easter Box Chocolates MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Awarded two First Prizes at British Empire Ureuers' Exposition . . . LoikIou, England. 1936. "to Courageous Londoners at Heme from Two Londoners abroad." They live out of town but are evidently with the Londoners In, spirit. The tsum they sent Is $$.00 which will be forwarded to the central office as I soon as all those who wish have had an opportunity to add to the amount. There will be no deductions for postage or exchange. I ing. It never falls. You Just know it's pure. It-makes per fect salad dressings, and there . Is nothing, better for puddings." PACIFIC MILK TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubberware, Tires, Tubes, Etc, Vulcanized 6th St opp. OK Barber Shop Mr- and Mr Olive: Adams ar rived in the cly on the Camosiin, crowded yesterday in spite of the ' yester(Jay mornk l wayJ,, will Inverness cannery where, they spend, the summer. Hundreds ot people try a the Dally News classified column and -get good results, (tt) This adver.tisment is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Queers Air Raid Fund Refuses to Heed Danish Gov't WASHINGTON, D.C., April 14: Yesterday the first cash donation Henrik de Kauffman, Danlsb. the Queen's Canadian Fund forllstec to ths ynlt?;4 plates,. aTdsed air raid victims was received. It is icecreiary oi o;ave uoracu nuu today of his refusal -to recognize the recall order from the -"Copen hagen government for his granting of military defence sites to the United States in Danish Greenland. Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed' PHONE 54T Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" For Meritorious WAR SERVICE In the Canadian Home SINGER SEWING MACHINES Use a Modern Singer to Serve and Save Save $3.00 a month making your own and your family's Clothes, Draperies, Rugs, Pillows and many other necessary household articles. ' Your SINGER will pay for itself Liberal allowance for1 your old machine Let us make you an offer I RAILWAY I SJS. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 pJU. v We Repair Singer Sewing Machines Use Only Genuine Singer Parts Needles and Attachments Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports TO. VANCOUVER DIRECT S.S. "PRINCESS NORAH" April 7th, 17th. 29th, May 9th, 20th f . To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway April 3rd, 13th, 24th, May 4th, 15th, 28th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from YY.lL. COATES, General Agent Prlnpe llupert, B.C.