PAGE TWO ;i It And Western Musical are Features For Tonight on Capitol Theatre Screen SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Ca Lid. City Commissioner PHONE C51 PHONE 658 Far the East-. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays , 1 6 pjn. From the East- Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday . Get into the s wine: of it I Swing a broom, a paint brush, , a mop, a chamois and parUcipate in the greatest "'lean lip and Paint Up drive in Prince Itupert?t5 iii4prv' JVince Rupert citizens want to set a record in the ckanliness and attractiveness for thfe city we're all so proud of. Young and old school duld-fen, club members, business men, church groups everybody! one and aU are urged to do their bit. Prince Rupert will gleam and that's worth a lot to all of us! Help Keep Prince Rupert , Clean! B. C. Bracewell 11 p.m. 1 which weird trick photography Is 'employed, Is the eerie tale of a !" man who Js condemned to die for "The Invisible Man Returns' a the murded of his brother. He is unique mystery picture, and "Ride, made Invisible and thereby es-Tenderfooti Ride," a musical west-J capes the death cell, being Xree to ern, comprised the double bill prd-juse the power of his invisibility to gram being; presented tonight at ' baffle and finally trap the crlmln-the Capitol Theatre here tonight, als who were really responsible for "The Invisible Man Returns," in the murder. Prince Rupert Will Profit and So WitiY ou Lots of Hun and Lot to Do! y.l ft M. i 1 Saturday Ar- CLEAN UP, PAINT UP -and BEAUTIFY The Greatest Achievement in Modern RADIO The Radio You Have Long Waited For SEE AND HEAR These Mantel and Console Models BEFORE YOU BUY There is No Carrying Charge at Edward Lipsett Ltd. Dibb Printing Co, Printing, Stationery Office Supplies ,. Besner Block Phone 234 1 All You Need to Know About PAINT Is-Oitr Phone Number 3 Kaien Hardware The Choicest of Meats at Bulkley Market Boat Orders Receive Careful Attention. Phone m Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are front the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and hate all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. The Whole City is Asked to Join the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Horticultural Society in Their Campaign to Improve the Appearance and JHealth of Prince Rupert , j Prepare For Tourists I . rvr ii(f t i , importance ui maKins: mis "City Beautiful'' Is; Urp By Junior Conimerce Body ! Dietitian For Hospital Under Advisement Now The Question of adum a dletl- From April ID to 26 the Junior Chamber of Commerce Rupert General Hospital was dis-of Canada is organizing across Canada a campaign to eussed at the regular monthly "Clean Up, Paint Up, Beautify Your City-and Prepare-for-flrteting of the beard last num. Tourists." In Prince Rupert, the Junior Chamber of Com-1 iton " J merce is glad to co-operate in the campaign with the Hor- Jg JJTXS ticulturaJ boclety because it believes thajt the movement against the co.t and the ability of has a special significance - far the community. In the first place i the campaign Is good business. An attractive, well-kept city encourages tourUts passing through in the summer months to spend ashore more of their limited time In prt also, it encourages to spend longer vacations here those visitors who are staying with their friends and relatives. All this It Is needless to say, Is a direct . . 2 , the' institution to stand any fur- txterior or buimmes snouid re re- tner overhead expenditure than at paired or repainted wnere neces- resent. There would be no add! sary, gardens dug. where there are tjjnal direct revenue, it was point none and Improved when; tney d oUt( but there wouid b, benefits have, been started, garbage remov- , . lne way of improved service and ea ana vaani 101s ciearea oi ur- tetfer satisfied patients, tt was felt oris, roofs -reshlngied and fences M1 Margaret Jamleson the fixed up where.they have fallen lnr lady superintendent, and Dr. R.O to dlsrepalrt The jobs to be done Large were strongly In favor of are limitless; . Hnvinsr a dietitian. With the accomplishment or samole aoollcatlon for the stimulus In Prince Rupert to the 1 these things oof all at -once but position of dietltlcian was. read, business of our local merchants. , little by little, -in keeping, with a jt "was from Ml; s Kathleen Car-And there are lew families in Prince. .growtag'public consciousness, of vhe of Salmon Arm, a graduate of Rupert, even where one or more of 'importance of beautifying our city ,McO.Ul University with experience the wage earners is engaged in , In harmony wlththe natural beau- -hi .the Vancouver General Hosoital. fishing or other primary lndustry,ty of our surroundings Prince Rut. Carroll asked a starting sal- who have not some member who Is dependent, directly or indirectly on retail trade for a living. But we believe there is an even more important rearon for this campaign. Prince Rupert . Is .ex tremely isolated. We traverse the same few streets, look at the. same buildings day in and day out from one year's end to another. The next city is hundreds of miles away and our only road extends just a few miles out and ends in the wilderness. We are, therefore, an exceptionally self-contained community and most of us have too few opportunities to see the outside world. It is all the more important, therefore; that uncleahliness, un-tidlnetss and ugliness should be abolished and that our city .should be made as clean, orderly and attractive as possible. How can this be done? To accomplish this everyone must cooperate so far as his property requires and JUS means allows. The pert will become a more and mere iy 0f desirable elty Unlive In and take found. pride In and a more and more at tractive city to be visited and admired. Signed,' f t - PRINCE RUPERT JUNIOR CliAMBERrOPv COMMERCE. UNIQUE MYSTERY $00 per' month with all The matter of a dietitian was referred to. the finance committee for Iurther InvesUgatlon and C.N H, TRAINS Reddy Kilowatt c Save MONEY Save HEALTH Save TIME Save STEPS Low Down Payment and Easy Terras See L'f Xw NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Clean Up, Paint Up And REMODEL YOUR PLUMBING FIXTURES Modern kitchen and bathroom on easy term payments. Streamline copper pipe will insure water supply. outfits ran be install a rlean and ronstinl SMITH AND ELKINS LTD. Phone 174 PLUM 111 Mi and IIKATIM2 We Carry a Full Line of PAINTS, VARNI BRUSHES VJ0.Hnti BAPCO Satin - Glo House Paints Marine Paints Porch Paints " The Steps, Verandah and Porch are subjected to mre vtu any other part of the home. Ue Bapco Porch Painl It kps its luUrt and Is very durable THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. BRIGHTEN THE HOME I SHES We Invite Your Inspection of Our New Meat Department Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-Operative Association