-it' fiat rotra raa duet hiwi Hi LOCAL NEWS NOTES Kewest ' S. O. N. Meeting Tonight. Anglican Spring; Bale April 17. 1 muuuu? rerori 01 H. T. L(VV c T ti tt . . . . . : ' u. iiuuic ana son arrived , . , .. . b2rd a't ' ' ' hT hQSpiU1 ta Clty on the PrlnArie Se board, at Its meeting Inst niVit ii.ij.. - . that ttu "?r Jk"ua? ram irom Vancou housekeeping conditions at the Prince Rupert General Hospital are being well maintained. Fire alarm systems both in hospital and nurses' home were reported to be in good order. Arrangements for limited improvements to the grounds and gardens of the Prince - ; mm.c Rupert xvupcrt General uenerai, ver u join Capt. Horn who Is adju tant oi ine Kocicy Mountain Rang ers regiment. Miss Jeanette Foster miss Ida Giraud R.N. of the Prince Rupert General Hospital staff sailed last night on the Prinze laide for Vancouver. Miss Foster is " taking "& vacation. .auuu, Miss jvuss Giraud uiraufl Is is to to Hospital are being made, D. G. Bjr-' Jin the staff of Vernon General lBt land, m ii . . iUnlt.l - chairman of the grounds com muiee, reported to the 'jospital board at its regular monthly meeting last night. Mr. Borland, being Indisposed, was not at the meeting but sent his report In. LEFT CAR UNLOCKED LUTON, England, April 19 (CP) Admitting there were Important documents and airplsme parts in the car, Percy ML N-h was fined 1 ($4.45) for falling to immobilize his car when It was left Hospital. Lieut. Grav of Victoria - "IIHCU in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Victoria, acting as escort officer for a rrt of thirty men of the Rocky Moun- wiui rangers nere who have been receiving special training at Victoria. Lieut. Gray sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on his return south. Hundreds of people try a "spot" in the Daily News classified umn and get good results, (tf) EnJoy.WrjjleyVDoublemlnt Gum after every meet. The chewing aids digestion and helps keep your teeth clean and bright, your smile attractTe.The delldous flaw assures a pleasant breath too! AlwayshaveDoublemlntGumori hndJnd,e.ure to share it with the children they love it. Cet se?eral packages today! Get several packages today I Olof Hanson Is taking n of the Easter recess to pay a brief v.n to ms constituents In Skeena electoral district. H h 'rf.u-j-.ii-- . " """""J' ,u wie iiuiKiey Valley and is arriving here this evening to spend ay or two neiore rptumin Mrs. A. Attree. cuy recently from Terrace, sailed last nignt on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria to loin Mr. Atfrp hn recently disposed of his business at lerrace ana is now In the Army service. The regular monthiv moaMnn . J jx the board . of directors of the Prince Rupert. General Hospital was held In the hospital last night. President Frank Dibb was in . the. chair and those in attendance were Dr. R. o nnRer Arnold nate". w W. O. Fulton u ' T? 1? n , Irvine and Mrs. s. A. Klelback, directors; MlSS Marffnrpf t.i lady superintendent, and H. w. ircn, managing secretary. (92) Used furniture bought for cash or sold on commission. Ello's, Moose Building, Third Avenue. (tf ) Remember the fun of the last Gyro hoedown? Be in on the next on Friday, April 25, Moose Hall. R. FitZDatrick will sail tomorrow night bn the Catala for Klncollth on the Naas River. Miss June Jewltt arrived in the city on the' Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to pay a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke McLean, Sixth Avenue West. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Hill sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for the. south, the former going to Esquimau on naval duties and the latter to Vancouver to visit. Annual Football Meeting Mon day. ADril 21. Canadian lP-tnn Clubroomi . at 7:0 nm All thaw in terested In football, please attenll 93 Lleut.Col. J. E. Wood, command ing officer of the Rockv Mountain Rangers, returned to the city on the Prlncegs Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to KamlooDs He was accompanied here by wood. Music iSl Teachers and Pupils TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS Frocticof Jun and July Intbry-Jun. Uth, 13th and 14th Application! ind m mutt tuck lb Csaxmtary tuM Ut tfaaa MAY lt, 1941 135 College Street, Toronto , ..1: . . 7 si A..fc':.Virtf;':. SMI ROBERTSON, who recently scooped the world on tne torpedoing o teveral' vessels in a convoy with which he sailed to Canada. Soon to resumr hit mn London Superintendent. Robertson will move to the (ront as . Wat Cor- respondent shoiild- Hitler attempt in vasion: Thirtu-hve, Robertson is a veteran of 21 years newspaper, work in Canada, tht US. and England. m at War Besides these, The CP London staff includes six other young. nien who share the fortunes of the front line to bring you news of the bomb blitz, the changes war has brought in Britain's way-of life, tne stirring' deeds oif 'her s navy, army and air force and the stories of those who have escaped death . . irum uerman lorpeuoes. They have been bombed in the?r homes, on the way to work and in their former office later destroyed by incendiary bombs. One heard Nazi bombs thud nearby as he lay helpless in hospital. But none has been hurt; all are eager to stay in London for the duration. . fiTHE CANADIAN PRESS CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWS .SERVICE its 1 THE CANADIAN PRESS, Canada's national news service, covers them luuiuugtuy wiwuier mey pairoi tne skies above Euror-stanfl kw M. 7 -Vi 1 the Channel for invasion or fight the Battle of the Atlantic. A band of eight eager young CP men work tirelessly in embattled London, with the Canadian Corps and at sea to send Canadian newspaper readers a true picture . of the glorious part the Dominion's sons are playing in this Second Great War. All Canadians, they sail with Canada's Navy on the Atlantic, live with the troops in England and keep night-long vigils at R.C.A F station to write fast, accurate and intimate reports of the achievements' of Canada' fighting nwn. Here you meet two of them. I - m LP J The hallmark of news integrity. ROSS MUNRO. ZT-uiarold CP War .'Gh.-. who .lives with the Canadian Corps -and miles dailu stories nn ,v Jtiei. IrominvAsion preparations to softball garnet Scion of a distin guished newspaper family, Munro left his Ottawa post on a few hours notice last September tii taf 'on a former UJ. destroyer to EnglsrJ and don W ar L.orrespondenfs uniform. Tonight's train, due from the East at li o clock, was reported., this morning to be on time. Mrs. Robert PrJzzell alledr-iliist night on the PrincssjLAdelalde for a trio to Vancouver- .': t r -, - .. . t - , Lance Styles returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancou ver. USkSS-s. T ft Mm, A m to m- Mlsi Hilda Bond is sailing this afternoon on the Cardena for Bella Bella. Stretcher Drill and roller bnnrf ages for 1st Aid workers of arp for both men and women in TT.H a a- . naii, Monaay, AprU 21, at 8 pjm. sharp. no B. . Bracewtll. city commlssInn.r will arrive in the eltv on th nl tala. tomnrmw nirVt f.nm rri.i i. , 1 jiwu ivwni. Mrs- He wUl be here about, a week, it Is expeciea, on official duties. James Clark, divisional sninprin- tendent of the Canadian National xwiuways, is returning to the city on tonight's train from a trip over I the line on official duties. Peter jLakle, dlvlsionl freight and pas-nger agent. Is also due back tonight from a trip to the interior on official business. Announcements All advertisement In this column will be charged for a fuH' month at 25c a word. h. O. B. A. Spring Sale, April 23. Pop's Dance, Armory, April 23. Presbyterian Sorlne Bale Anrii - " 24. Gyro Hoedown, April 25. Mayday Danoe, Oddfellows' Hall. United Spring Sale May 1. I 102nd. Auxiliary Dance May 2 Wf10411 Evenln Branch Tea,1 "ue5lon. "ds Apartments May 3. r St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. j Eastern Star Tea, jMra. L. W (3. o, O. Hospital Auxilln Home, May 13. Cambrai Chanter T n n Spinsters' Spree Friday, May' 16.' ip nPCS;' ?;W'MC- R.C.A.S.C.! umary Bmpire Tea. Leg ion, May 17. . A. Canadian t "GOVERNMENT LIQUOK ACT- Bth day tf May A D ZT 0,1 the KniTi Board fop i' . s-w at 727 Third riSLKSlJ rJis wcrrw bottle lor coriumSt Ion ?Tk by the iot)ATEDthl828thda3rofMllrch!AD JOHN HOSKINS , Applicant. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialist on SawmlH . and Mining Machinery 'Ail.' Types pi, das iJagtoe eaanajOverhauJed STYLE WE A! hy Back Dack's Shoes are built by oxm Craftsmen Vttet rirxht to piV(, you solid, comfort faultless fit and exceptionally Jong wear. Call in today aifd gee the sprhm samples and,.get . . ypur cony ' 0f Hi.. t i ' V - 19-1L catalogue. SOLE AGENTS Watts & Nickersoj jliiUKOAYE. Successors to Bryant Co. Lid. rnosj CHURCH NOTICI FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organist Mrs. E. J. Smith ' Rev- A,ex 0s,er D D' Treach ll:00a.m.--Olivet to Jernsalcm" APoi E , i! . Th Via. J?1--'' MiC'tr Hand of God' K- 5f? y (25:3U3). "The Lord Y. , c.yr.im wlthnhe Natidns?1 ,u ''T n -v,ii .. specimen of im-Hah - ... .. . . -I -i .. . ' " "lttl,r Anon HHler ;: u "Jr. T w-Pefonuicatton of God on earth This is a Time to Seek the True God. Come to Cbnrth FIPT&APTIST CHURCH Edwin E. Brandt, BJL, BJi, Minister L,"ey Sunday School Superintendent 11:00 ajn. "Silver Shrines for Paean Cods." (A study in the Book of Actsi J'30 P-111 "The Assurance of Grace" . ... ... 1Z;15 Sunday Ct.nnf tv..t n. Monriavd ,w.imuu. niiDie Class lor Aauiu Monday 8 pjn.-Young Peoples' meeting under the i.u-x,u: " ' "a"3T ana AIT T)rce I flc 8,P-pryer meeUng, including Bible . iudyfc . ... .aJct j0f vne empire and humarJ I isiiors Are Always Welcomed XVhtn You Want a Reliable, rnmfnri.),!. rwnrtjfcln ES PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates rncdtniinu OF ENTERTAINMENT MODEL U.T.TT.QTR ATRD . - - - Other Comnliii rnprntnn,.ni $19.50, $'4' SI 09.95, $187.00, $229.00 ' Radios tmm tlftonc rtt t ji..i.mAnfc from 5' V fiVUUia I lit