FAG rmtM 1941- 1 19, EAN UP. PAINT UP and BEAUTIFY l-i 'Bg, 3 s r-tjt 'suitable for prince iojpekt r 'A t 9 1 CXTT'i A T.TTT IT i jl ucina lVfvrisi cool vjjjri i at t.B MP 4 , m V - i r vne v,uai i hiimi i.t the Successor to Kalsomine It is a one coat finish It dries almost instantly It covers stains permanently I shows no brush marks It may be put over new plaster or Gyproc or wall paper or wood It is washable No sizing is required It comes in eight colors and white Exclusive Distributors ordon &nderson Fred Scadden PAINTING & DECORATING ll STREET Rhone GREEN U2 lean Up - Paint Up - Plant Up ;ix Up our ome c j. ! Your Gardening Supplies Painting Supplies-Tools and Hardware for Repair Jobs See Gordons Hardware M.NE 311 AIcKIUDi: STIIF.LT E. HUNT LTD. oaopoapooooooaooooflpoaoocioooaaaooaoo SHIP CHANDLERS FISHERMEN'S SUPPLIES oooaoDooooooooDoaaoootiDmnjoaoooooooo pVATER FRONT LOCATION, Next to Fish Dock Phone 91 Prince Rupert, B.C. - MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY I (Mini!,.!.. I! r I .1....... 1...,,b I SiwiliMIIII RllS. dlol Hugs, Linoleum by the yard, Inlaid Linoleum WATCH FOR ANNUAL FREE KUC. CONTEST I'unie 775 327 3rd Avenue lMii :' This week of very line -weather has given, gardeners a great op portunity to get .their digging done I and some ot-Ahclr planting ahead. Many people have their dahlias , tolahted and a few people- have them shoeing above .ground. The , morning frosts do not J cem to have done any; damage -unless- possibly in Ihe low part of the city bacK toward trie mountain. People- who live'; there; know enough to cover anything (tender that comes , up early. There ire a lew of the" pink' flowering currants in local gardens. .... i !,1t ' Ilouse building is Tsoteinienclng In Prince Rupert and with the surety that the city will make progress, war or no war. those needing homes will be likely to build for themselves. The house shown, herewith Beero, a suitable type for local, conditions.. ; Steep roofs are much less, likely to leak than, flat tools. They are, in line blown now ana. t UJ MUtl make a splendid showing. Thej springs eariy " jseem to be perfectly hardy in ) " ':,, Prince Rupert and will grow -any- !bc sure to tnirrtnem out where. I have two trees, both of probably- bloom,' this fall a-little which are in full bloom, one g; lit-- or--u, - rj'V' tie eailier than the. ether... , i'LZ 'oi wmieiiuijj, witv';'J.M r a, hv vou knnw I have'with biush- or litter, during ,s?yere been. Uying out several or tne- niies. " Last year I had two large stalks of- u 3 ' QUIT FILMS; DONS KHAKI Women From Many 'Walks of Life Join Auxiliary Territorial Service regal lily, one with twenty Howers .""T' - ning in :this part .of 4h& cpuntry on 4he- -stalk. Thb year prey are should be iiotlf led that we are soon coming up very small and spindly., April 19 (CP)Bciore EvldenUy the strain of last year's wv.w hTS Uie war Pat Lang.on -bossed" a blopmlns weakened Uie bulbs. The w.P-. " CI "7(Ealaxy of stars around an English ttlhg happened wlto the 1IU. lot. Now she's in khaki, lium auratum. One almost cd:lUfnS?f-!JS mexter or te .Auk-lluy Terxltor- but the ether three are coming, up P"e ial service's officer cadet training very strong and are growing. Tap--- w ""'S, Jt, unit at a south coast town. j. . . . m.i i iu vonn Tallsnes or rcXl-UCp or vur- . . , ifliy. io De a success uiese umo. . .. - . she chucked ' ner iod as a nun must be planted In very well drain- nlW- Bwcefr peas sometimes ave to executiVe when War n f .top orotccted. .' .. . j . . . uuvu. , war star tea ana jomeu uic n.ij. " . . ' .. ' u'iiw h Along with 50 others She was cho- Those who are intered in rock gfi? sen frcm the ran", for an officers xardenlru shauld take a look $X, . . ,. course. William Inwlir. arrlpn lust Wto V1 KCQU"? " UV . Onlv one member of. the unit , , . 0 c . q rroriv cni'n t.rwp RPPHS. A, " It) AO a UaM VI 4VIAJ -v and aubretia or abo ready tofcWWa "c Sood time to sow seeds for;next France' for two years should be sown carlyr year. Strong young seedlings:, are 7 durlng h. First Grcat War more likely to winter than the ,refuac's Jl- V "I was attached to the Canadian older plants. They tell me Dr. ' ,.., - .--rt,,. Army Service Corps at Etaples," Hankirron has a fine display '11 1 tdi he said. "I was .the only woman spring flowers. 1 m, ,,s?. r0Un3Ced sunshine ahVdV w&thfer. on y Job. dealing out tne mens that way soon and give it .thp once fh,v nn a MIIih' sloDe rations." ... .. over. . - - 'vl T,; ' f,n Mrs"."E. A, Baring-Ooula, anotner I r-r- "CTHr h& ,ra cadet with a war record, wears two A -number of peoplc have men- JS?JS g5S unfamlUar HbbnS n Ct mh .h m,p- Wet mm, -f j0Cks' IV16' r aif' - 7 she blue, black and whits of the ., simiiar piania oui .ub4hum w pansles or viola last winter. . . I .suUy ccssful. f; ed noticed the same thln in my own . anj ange, garden. I had some rather. . good 'Tn-rorir;iiisinn r surest "that cood inuanian uea y- uLbou-ppsjai cu. uuy umiui - i. ,or Ti-eli advanced for we ieties seem to have come through- j . . t wiU working nmong peasants In Es- afely. hh n-hnsp Those win wh, want want strnn, ?CTir tonla and Lithuania. Later she pary plants to winter, for. TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For J'irst Class Sertlc'' on Iticyclei. ItubbcrF-are, Tires. Tubes, etc.. Vulranized filh St. opp. OK Itiirher Shop CILUX ENAMEL HALE Reg. 35c Tins , Special Offer , 15c : i i Fjr Any Color Wallpapers, Pictures, Paints, Etc. All ltcdiked During This Sale April 10 to 19 Siiversides Bros. Canadian Agents Industries Faints Limited Hospital Activity Ditrinu Last Month Statistical Data Presented to Hoard Last night by Miss Jamlcson, Lady Superintendent During the month of Marci. ac cording to statistics presented ! to yie hoard, of directors pth Prlpce, " Cross of Estonia and the or green and Vdlow of the Li- S fTvtS St ' to Venezuela with her n?-.erate pert-week In cleaning up the w Is pledged to do.its part. TRY INDIAN sfEKL. Bombay. Xbrii 19 IT - '. (CP) Tn nroblem of manufacturing surgical Man in the Moon instruments from Indian steel is under investigation by the Metal- Clean-up week is with ir again, lurgleal, Committee of the Board of Who Is -fio jig .to be f irst in the Scientific Industrial Research. race ta c;ean up their premises? " "Jake says he hates this period. ; ; It means that he has to clean liis kitchen. 1 Buy a broom, 'buy a shovql anfl theh get busy and make the city spick and bpan.. If you don't want a visit, of Inspection from the juniors, you had better look vour dace over and do jVUiitCUt ' A. I IK, jii yw..M ivi I 1 ' MaW&idmpaTed wlth . Mtt. hx,;th.e !rPPths."' ..t! . it U v .same jnoHin in v-tv, m, ui rfl and 105 in 1938. There were fourteen births during fViP mnnt.h KPvpn beine bovs and "Can I kiss you?" "What am I, a mind reader?" seven girls. Deaths In the Hospital ! Teacher: Jimmy, you are looking for the month numbered tAreev very pale this morning. Are you 111? In the pathological laboratory) Jimmy: No, Miss, mother wahed operated by Dr. R. E. Coleman my face herself this morning. there had beep 577 examinations during the month, 359 civilian anlj Frjend Jones, you were quite a 218 military. ava iruixession that radio quiz pro The x-ray-epariWthlihind-?gram-Jast night?' led 25 In patients, 109 out patients Jones Oh, the questions were and sixteen pneumothorax cases simple you see I'm the father of during the month. ... j?:-. j,, )fhe small boys. I ' fcS Measured Value 3 in Exceptional Quality i ' CLEANING I lng. by any standard money much more. CB-n I ! 3 Here's cleaning that l7HMmM I 71 iai-MHr I I Knt rinps it. so centlv I! MWmK vouf clothes stay U clean longer last BHfl Men's & Women's BBBjjK j 3 Suits & Dresses -. j 1 IDEAL CLEANERS M- i ! McBride and 5th Fhoiic 838 l i . i it quick. They may have to do It J for you. jj If vou.haDDcn to ha one. of. those , ! Rupert General Hospital at the cu, sed .kind who refuses to co-op-1 regular monthly meeting Msilght rerate with 'decent citizens', it J 'by Miss Margaret jamiesoa n.wH' " aubbcorcu uj ua. -.w. lady superintendent, In her kmonth- renegades tht you, go and bury ly report, 109' patients were amit- yourself. ted to the hospital and'3e dts-'j ' -' 'c)argccl. Of he patients aidnit,ted 1 "If this isan all wool rug why during the month 87 were men" and Is It labelled cotton?" . 11'nL.ji.a ti' mliclnnilf f tVile t ' "That ' niadArrt. Is'" to' fool ' the A GOOD CAR . . . At The Right Price The one who buys a used car wants to save money. Any used car is a bargain as far as price rocs. The inlelllcent used car buyer wants quality at used car prices. He gets it only from a dealer who thinks of quality before he thinks of price. You inay find cheaper cars but you won't find better cars per dollar of price than those we arc now showing. MO Ford DcLuxc Fordor '37 Ford DeLuxe Fordor '39 Mercury Town Sedan '37 Oldsmobilc Sedan And Several Commercial Cars and Trucks S. E. PARKER LIMITED Phone 83 "The Home of Friendly Service" This is the Time of Year When 170 East 3rd Ave. QUALITY ! COAL J Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with.'us as to the best kind to use for your ; Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ill! Iklll.1 . . .. II ... ir vmi want somctnuui, aaver Use for it 'Hundreds pf .people get what thylwarit't-iitjy...' PAINTING Decorative Kalsomlning LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 46 A. l ltONK 111 ruuN in t " YES . , We Repair Water I'ipcs, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN IIOME SERVICE rhone BLACK 735 t i - i i