i nr.i: LONDON IS CONCERNED LONDON Increasing concern is felt in London over the 11 M k ft I 1 - I ive-bombing attacks which are being carried out on a "rounu - - - IC IIWvpi AIR FORCE ACTIVE CA1UO The Koyal Air Force and the Royal Australian lir Force arc coiuinuin? eiiecuvc raius on enemy psmin Till rifll llll auia iwaa mm rail --w . iumvj j- . ,y . A I .1H.I4-.I. t -.1 WHAT HALIFAX THINKS WASHINGTON Viscount Halifax, British Ambassador to r lilllllU 4J.J. vw... www w - - w- ..... a a f At t !.l iU.i nmeil IIUII Ull fcllC liuiu jiiiii.mii tvri sim'"m, oau i us 1 1 ii n Litcrr iiau ucluiiic bmuiiuiu. iuai iiuiui ii,iii.tiii PARLIAMENT HOUSES DAMAGE!)" Mi.SnON Roth Houses ol 'Parliament were damaged in re- i i niii. i ! i. ROAT CUT 'Improvements LAST NIGHT At HosPital to llosnilal Wife in Jail Five Axis t t Ships Lost LONDON. Anrll ID- (CP Covenant, 20.000, and 7c. 1 Ingrld II., 12,000, and 7c. j. Flnella. 12.000, Atltn, PniiH i.i . ... a i rr. i Recommendations of House jiiillcc Approved by Hoard at V Meeting last Night i Tlic hospital board, on rccom vmh Wnrn wont in t PrmSP v.nrto4lrn rxf Vin Imntr mmmlt.lfr .k 4.1. 8.3c. in Canada. and B.7c. Storage, 8.4c. Storage, 8.6c. 8.2c. and 7 c. ... Cape Spencer, 14,000, Pacmc, o.- a escort vessel were set afire B.C.T., 10,000, Edmunds & Walker Or Ipft i iu. J. R In nnri In ouiiuiiir yesicruuy. mc -r u.tv.. .. .... i Mr . - - . . n - lAUnn AIJ ll. MCHUU mmiSiry announced in a vnpc oikm, . communique saying that eight (7.3c, "tlsh planes wexe missing ""n the day's operations over "orln Sea. .Bad weather res-'"ctQ air operations on both i me Channel last night. Ing. The possibility of still further expansion is under consideration. The test class was inaugurated February 17 as part of the general plan adopted by the army to train Its own skilled and scml-skllled workmen rather than tap sources supplying vital war Industries. Facilities in the company's plant were offered to the service by F.M. Mor- "The results attending tile first class in Toronto have been phenomenal," said Lt.-Col. Spencer Ball, whd has charge of the Dominion-wide organization responsible for the training of embryo army craftsmeft. Col. Ball said that for 'the present additional plant schools for the development of Instructors would be confined to the International Harvester Company with "classes td 6c organized irtthc following centres: Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa, London, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Kingston, Saskatoon, Edmon- toil, Calgary, Lethbridge and Vancouver. The Toronto school will also be retained. Gradual Expansion Offers of similar facilities have been received from other Canad-j Ian firms and garages but any expansion. Col. Ball said, would be gradual to avoid the possibility of overlapping. Ten officers from different units making up the Canadian armored al Ho- pltal about 11 Dr. R. O. Large, chairman, decided division, now in raining at Camp .,, fi.V, n ni timt 7-A .-LT:. . - o,n . Borden, were assigned to undeigo hLwlfe landed tn the lock-up oI a $G65.70 program of providing the Jj'JM ! remit of a mclcc in ttie Do- ncw beds and mattresses for hos- VV: " on Rooms on Third Avenue. nttai. nurse'.- home and nursery, """"'b " jr.:'. . :' hinds clutching his throat ,hc first allotment will take care prance ana accouiua, . .w. had been s tudenta while . wo were which blood was streaming. o the nursery and nurses' home, into the very arms ol Constat Further work recommended by 77 1 I ol had prior knowledge D. D. Mclndce and W. J. thC h0USc committee and approved None any ic on patrol duty. He refused by the board Includes the replace- m..nn. a i v nitf iiiA t m i t t n rwin inn n . i r ..M.-mi n ri m trow pit. room where his wife was found. riers 11V.10 VM on three V v. v floors of w the - hospl r incident Is under further ew Deal For ncnifal Alfl i " communication from the Ar At the end of the six week's course the entire class graduated with a . , . , , . in- tni with new ones of pipe frames high rating in meoreucai rxamui- and wooden shelves designed by atlons and practical work I "The course these men have tak-. Dr. Large, -placing of metal panels on-operating doors to prevent dam- en is actually equivalent to 2 age by carriages and the removal years of norma apprenticeship, .of a basin from the operating room said M. L. II Kain, assistant plant which ha been found to be of no manager of the company. The graduates would return to their use there . .miM was asked units well equipped to serve as In to consider" a proposal of painting structors or specialist on whom Lakes General Hospital Asso- the nurses home outside. -- - ucncral Hospital poara, a'Kca Halibut Sales that the present method of Summary ouubtif 114 w4w- Aiucncan inuiiu. such assistance would be based ' Canadian the service clven to Indigent nnrmnn K.. 14.000. Storage, TIAttt fr., . , Clipper II., 12,000, Booth, and 7o, 8.3c. or uie army's mechanized wing depends. The new plant schools will oe operated on lines similar to those governing the experimental class with 10 officers or N.C.O.'s attending each six weeks' course. Traln- in facllltip.- trxils nnri Instruct- lnst.rnp.t- lonal personnel is racing suppneu oy the company without, cost. Plant Instruction will be in charge of Mr. Kain and Maurice Smith and military supervision will be undertaken by officers in each military district In accordance with plans drawn up by Col, J. K PRO N LiBRAHY ORIA, B.C . r!, i j earner --eoaM 7 Tomorrow's Fides -rincc Rupert . Cfc? High 1- 8:01 axj. 173 It. Islands- Light k?Va. 22:01 pin. VJ-9 It. riablc .it.in winds urinn.; " with wii.ii aumt sonu, VA -cv l yt. . . Low 2!50 a.m. 92 ft. I IMUU. W ft. - I I i '. " j .ncllu fair nnri ml.. v "C '." 15:24 am. 6.7 IK. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No. 92 PRINCE RUPERT, SB.'C, SATURDAY, APIUL 19, 1941. PRICE: 5 CENTS. I jermans Held Back Everywhere .-MKinnnnnnnnnaooooononnimnnnnAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i War News HITLER TO HALKANS IN Chancellor Adolf Hitler is visiting the Balkan lie will spend his fifty-second birthday on Sunday field lieadciuarters "somewhere in southeastern Europe" per- i t a i u:i..:.. i III A II 1 - n - - r - - " - " " rcftc. ARMY'S TRADE SCHOOLS PROVE GREAT SUCCESS Serve in Vital Technical Posts By EDWIN S. JOHNSON Canadian Press Military Correspondent TORONTO. April 18: (CP) An experimental class Heading Off Iraq Thrust t. LONDON, April 19? (CP) Great Britain Is moving to Imperial forces to open lines of communication" through that country which was the scene of a government over- throw fifteen days ago. An of- ficlal announcement said that troops had been landed at Basra at the head ol the Per- slan Gulf. , PRISONERS GET AWAY No Less Than Twenty-Eight Germans Escape from Port Arthur Camp Nineteen Still at Large PORT ARTHUR, April 19: (CP) A vast manhunt by police, soldiers and civilians was spurred today by the capture of nine of twenty-eight Germans prisoners of war who tunneilcd their way out of a northwestern Ontario internment camp during the night. Nineteen of the escaped men remained at large today in rugged bush country where the camp is located but officials expressed belief that they could not get far without encountering patrols. Baseball Scores American League New York 4, Washington 7. Boston 3, Philadelphia '2. Cleveland 2, Detroit 4. St. Louis 3, Chicago 6. National League Philadelphia 2, New York 7. Brooklyn 11, Boston 6. Cincinnati 1, Pittsburg 4. Chicago 6, St. Louis 4. nlacnment of comDonent oarts. GRECIAN PREMIER IS DEAD Sudden Death of Alexandros Kor-his Military Governor Orders Calm established in the local plant of the International Harves- ATiuJNs. April 10. tcp) smi-ter Company for skilled army mechanic instructors has dcn ,iCath of Alexandros Korizis, ' proved SO Successful that the Department Of National de- Premier of Greece for less than ffncp Vina rWiflwl tn nxinnfl tho sohfimfi trt 12 other.centres.. three months, was announced late Friday night in .a broadcast from Athens radio. King George II. is assuming, personal leadership of the nation in possibly the most critical phase in its centuries of Imtory and proclamation by Christos Cavakos said he had assumed duties of vice-Premier and supreme military governor on orders of the war ministry. He urged calm discipline, forbidding vlcp.pnldent and manner of J oward ?ePrl2. In that any who infringed Iral and .has landed strong niartialled. COurt-rriartia rir order woUd bc motor t,P truck sales .nip, In in nanaria Canada arn- the Premier Korizis was slxty-Iivc years of age and a banker. He succeeded his friend General John Metaxas as Premier on IKc death of the latter January 29. Korizis died at his home, the cause not being disclosed. Funeral takes place today. King George II. still worked today to shape a new government In the overnight change necessitated by the death of Premier LoriziSi Flashes 2 p.m. MOUNT OLYMPUS FALLS BERLIN The German High Command announces the capture tonight of Mount Olympus, the. "Home of the Gods" in Greece, as well as the railway centre of Larissa. DEATH DY SUICIDE ATHENS The death of Premier Korizis was by suicide, it was reported tonight. BLITZ ON LONDON LONDON Swarms of Nazi bombers, coming in low from two directions, are subjecting London to another blitz raid tonight. RUMANIA TROUBLE BUDAPEST The internal situation in Rumania has become critical again. Premier Ion An-tonescu announces that a new I terroristic plot against his pro- Nazi government has been tin-' covered. There will be externiin- lor all persons involved regardless Iatlon of their standing. Mass arrests have been made. Ger j many is rapidly beginning to lose I confidence in Antoncscu, it is i said. Operation Of complete dismantling and re-con- Amhlllanrn I n dltlonlng of the various units of a'XllllUUlallWC KJJ motor, brake adjustment and re- lining, piston fitting, adjustment) The possibility of operating the of electrical equipment, carburet- ambulance direct from the hospital tor, clutch, transmission and instead of by outside drivers as at rear-axle repairs and assembly, .present was brought up at lat The final week Is devoted to an (night's meeting ol the hospital oral review of the entire course board. The engineer and one of the followed by written examination; ;. orderlies had epressed willingness "T Hnntt. think anyone who has in take on the Job of ambulance taken this course need have any 'maintenance and operation, It was worries about motor problems that reported. Miss Margaret Jamleson Jack E. Wllklns of London, Ont., , W. Birch, managing secretary, are Elementary Stages member of the graduating, class. following up the lctea. The training syllabus for thc. Others (to graduate uv this first first two weeks takes the men class were: ueuts. ur runer,-ion iTainmg classes iur aruij through the elementary stages ofidon, Ont.; R. H. Harrison, Mont-' in a number of valuable trades are iras engine! , operation of trucks, real; ; D. D. Carmlcnaci, Carmlcnaci, Winnipeg; Winnipeg; n. n. to to De De siariea started immediately immediately aw aw van along with care and maintenance (Hawes, its. of vehicles once they are in ser- real vice. 1 1. Knowles, Oshawa, Ont.; D. M, From there they move on to Irwin, Q hawa and H. W. Oauth-more practical work such as re- ier. must be between nineteen and thirty-five years of age, in Category A or B and anxious to learn a trade. Nazis Hordes To Penetrate Lines; mes; ATHENS, April 19: (CP) British and Greek defenders of the tightened Hellenic line declared today that their front was unbroken and their flanks unturned under tremendous onslaught of Axis armies bolstered by Nazi divisions streaming south from Yugoslavia. A dispatch filed at 2:25 p.m. (4:25 a.m. Pacific Standard Time) said the British forces announced then Bulletins SHIPS REQUISITIONED 'VICHY Fifty-three merchant ships have been requisitioned from the French in recent months, it was reliably learned today. It was not said definitely but, apparently, the ships were requisitioned by the Germans. SPORTSMAN EARL KILLED LONDQN-rThe; Ear pt, Kim beriey, a noted polo player, was among those who were killed in the great air raid on Britain Wednesday night. NEW COMMANDERS NAMED OTTAWA Lieut. Col. T. J. Rutherford of Owen Sound and Lieut. Col. A. R. Spencer of London, Ontario, have been appointed to command the first and second Canadian army brigades with rank of brigadier. Lieut. Col. F. A Lee R.C.C.S. and Lieut. Col. J. A. Vandenbcrg P.P.C.L.I. are I named second in command res- , pectively. VISITING WASinNGTON WASHINGTON Hon. C. D. Howe, Canadian minister of munitions and supply, and Hon. Angus Macdonald, minister of naval affairs, arc visiting Washington. QUEEN'S AIR RAID FUND The amount credited Mr Mrs. J. T. Mandy yesterday should! . "" i i -Ann I nave oeen o ana nuu t.w u huu i lished. This makes previously sub-. scribed $41.00. Other receipts arc: Mr.;. A. McKcnzie $2.00 Mr,-. E. Weeks ...$1.00 . Ernest Wilding $5.00 Having brought north numerous cannery workers for the Skeena River and elsewhere along the coast. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, arrived in port; at 1 o'clock this afternoon from tne south and sailed a couple of hours later on her return to Va ncouver Lawson, director of mUitary train- Imay -come his way." said Lieut. RX, lady superintendent, and H. I north included Angus Currle, man ager of Claxton Cannery, and Mrs. niter rt r'nrUclo- V. P Unable Defence i enormous Losses Wave After Wave of Mechanized Enemy Forces Mowed Down by Murderous Allied Fire in Mountains of Northern Greece ) front was nowhere penetrated and heavy Nazis attacks by armored , formations and masses of Infantry 'were repulsed with severe losses. Im perial troops are reported in action along the entire front as waves of Oerman infantry tried vainly to force their way up mountains guarding passes in (he face of murderous fire. Many Germans were I taken prisoner and mountain pass-ies were strewn with dead and I wounded Nazis. j "Word from the the north indicated that Allied lines were unchanged -In the past twelve hours despite re lentless Nazi .pressure costing, the attackers tremendous casualties. An Australian detachment, surrounded by a German battalion near Servla, was! reported to have ! fought its way back to the British jlines, taking 150 prisoners. i Provincial Police Officers Transfer Constable Cartwright to Terrace Constable Munkley to Essiug-ton Constable Moore to City A three-way transfer affecting well known district police officers ,is announced today at divisional headquarters of the provincial police Constable A. P. Oariw&giM; goes from city detachment here to Terrace, Constable B. E. Munkley goa; from Terrace to Port Esslng-ton and Constable R- C. Moore comes in Jrom Port Esslngton to the city. Constable and Mrs. Cart-wright, who have been on a vacation trip to the Gulf Islands, are .'returning to the city from the anu ... i. i .. i r . Tourist Bureau Being Revived Officers Elected and Work Already Started by Committee Appointed at Meeting On Thursday evening there was j l r 1oo nrr Van- ' 5 ""U. .rir. ""r, ; '.reau to reorganize after a rather ur:cl,r:r' ;rr :;t;; Uongpenod of inactivity. McMillan iiw-imwmh,ii manager of North Pacific, and Mrs.J; JyL HOOper, II. F. ,T...ir J A of,ocr.r, mon. H. amy. xiic wuij PUPn wns lPftfrt nrpsldent F. in place of W. J. Alder and Acting Citv Commissioner D. J. Matheson mvv......, . . u Tl- J. C. Gilker, Owen Pullen, T. J. Wlll- vmi-,nauu, uuu v. . . afid L M pnthal Calsary; G, J. Gray, Mont-; couver and recruits are now being j age r of Tallheo a Me,srs. Felsenthal and Hooper ; J. L'. Dubreuil, Montreal; L. received at Prince Rupert. Recruits Mrs. Matheson. Also coming north ' ' committee to on tne uarueiia were ricu auuc) - - for Casslar and C. E. Avis for North iook into the possibility of a new Pacific. : Special Clean -Up Week Section - Pages Two and Three direction board at the docks with the possibility ol distribution of stulfers lor use In mail going to United States points explaining how easy it Is lor tourists tig get into and out of Canada.. Thlsvork is starting xUjht away.