il III III IH ? r I '!.. . FA OS 6Dt THE DATLT HEW FT Expert Optical Service hfYI Hospital Will Be Built Soon Following removal of the old Prince Rupert General Hospital building, demolition of which L. C Eby is now carrying out, it is expected no delay will take place in starting construction of a military hospital on the site. The plan is that this military hospital shall to; Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Cluck, Jewelry Kcpairin Hand Engraving VISIT OUR 1MSEMUNT STOKE' Fur Fine China, Dinnerware, (Masses, Uaggagc and Novelties Max Heilbroner .IEWM.HK DlAAlONI) MKUCHANT of similar design and size to the new Prince Rupert General Hos--pital into which it may later be incorporated. At last night's meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hcpital a letter from Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston M. C, V.D., area commandant, cffiV cially notified the board that the' :ld hospital building which had" been used temporarily as a mill tary hospital, had been vacated. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Greatest Spring Sale Now in Progress A FEW OF THE UNUSUAL BARGAINS Dresses Buy One and get One FREE Sweaters $1.50 arid $2 values Brassicrs First quality. All widths 29c Slips $1 and $1.50 values 7C Slimmer Gloves Reg. to $1 Qq Oil Skin Umbrellas Reg. $3 $1,99 Spring Coats Values to $20 $9,95 Boys' Wash Suits Reg. to 75c 29c Baby Blankets Reg to $1 59c AND DOZENS OF OTHER BARGAINS Mall Orders Promptly, rilled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to lleilbroncr's Phone P.LUL 907 I RAILWAY I LINES PjK wMtitr We ain't mad at Nobody Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT S.U. "PRINCESS NORAIP April 7th, 17th. 20lh, May Uth, 20lh To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway April 3rd, 13th, 24th, May 4th, 15th, 28th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. I COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, H.C. jFLIRTING AS HOBBY Belgian IUvjiess XrU Of Her Own j Technique-In' totting Her Men By ADELAIDE KERR NEW YORK. April 19: (C P The Baronc8 dc Kuffncr's hobby! bs flirting and she says the art' can be lea mod. I "Never say y' and never savi IK no' that's the most hrmortant I :. 'm Waterfront Whiffs Il.-ililmi Lnnilimrs Here Duriiti? Week (hiitc Substantial Although Itch in (I Last Year Limited Amounts of Salmon your face? Is it the powder?" I drawing of this lucky ticket was by said 'Qui. chcri. It's the powder.' Miss MlIaret Campbell He loved it!. I Just never told him it was dyed, at all." Here's The Baron jj Just then the bluc-cyed, gray-. haired baron came into the room .(and bent to kiss her hand. it for my collection," said the baron. "I wrote her after that . . . and, well, now we've been married seven years." "But I stiff flirt with him." the Where did their romance bpHn? a ihi fni i i When I saw one of her pictures the home fires burning. And be-1 in a Paris exhibition and bought sides, he's still my lavorite flirt."' WINSLEY Bath Soap 35c a Cake or 3 Cakes for a $1.00 Ormes Lid. Z7jm Pioneer Druqg fats Store - Vhciie (1 i II )icn Dailj tn.m R k.m till It p,t,i, miiii Holiday u to 2 p.m. an '' to p.m. This Witlf numerous boats returning to port with their! ial 'trips lI?P8 01 of the "1? season, SClvmn, halibut llHHUUl tail landings imp at it i Prince nncu Itu- thins.- she says, ''Fllrtu.. for wo-iumK" nu-men, u a pleasure, its not quite . I)e, t for-the week ending yesterday bulked heavy at an the snmi n-ifh a .nr. r u- :urrrrnrr;itn nf 8.1A PWl nminrlu lnt i15rl nnr lirinir tllf' f.ntrll knos what the answer will be. J for this year up to as high a mark as was recorded il"r-; m 1!fTlocsn't kecp Wl mind ing the corresponding period in 1010. The total for this J r: . season to date is 1.170.400 pounds ; ,Jr a , ? bf?n"8Ja a Dm D CR0SS TDf.CC a cornered with 1,502.000 Hounds' -x ver Irames. will --- v - appear In a one- man ehnw n n vZX . wcek American landings at Prince TXe 5 !FlncAffalr "t,d -! n Rupert totalled 330.000 pounds and ' at ta . a hi heVNew yS hot?lwlnJ Armory With Music by Rocky Canadian 510.600 pounds. Under 1 , , prices sasged during the week but isomethirie to nalnt Tali qii-, j 1U ri 'Sleek rSLS lnPaiS e JStJSZ; 1 tZlfl at satisfactory level, The Sun-tanned skin ami tnumv wnnj. . ' , w, . "icn price or the week for American e satin housecoa, with fluf StlJS" uTb, the 7f t .-hite marau sleeves. fln oestra of the Rocky Moun- celJedfor aUhl fof 70 UK)k Sjncere tain Rangers being featured. Three ,, rU- nH nf,H. -.H..oi.. , She ordered, mornins coffee and hundred and fifteen persons en- SSi?fES 52 hS L came back to the subject of flirt- red at ths door. As ticket sales "t inV??, L P t i ln. The talkwent like this: amounted to over four hundred, . y b!?- uSSnS I "You must give the man the Red Cro funds will benefit con- 5! feeling he's the only one. Make siderably as a result of the affair. EV"? WM ! ln a number of case. him h.!.- feel Imnt rr Th Amnn, u. attro.HMv sportsman, pretend you like sport-, corated with flags and bunting and If he Is a business man hp In. dancine was ln full swintr from 9:03 Limited amounts of spring sal- Iterested in stocks and bnnrts n tjn. unUl 2 a m Sitdown mmrr mon are being caught by hand talk much of yourself. Ask ques- was served in the mess hall under trollers around Port Simpson and tions till you learn what he likes, the direction of Mrs. T. J. Boulter wel1 as h gillnetters on the Ttinn 1- V. t j . .. . uu A. n ... . . Maaft nnH Rlronnn T7UrA. tin.., ..v tv uuu uu me laiKing. wua men oi uie itocicy Mountain uw- "You mustn't smile too much or Rangers, under Sergeant Hamil- ever- the QuanUtles of the catches flutter the eyelashes. The e things n, taking charge of the catering. are not yCT? Breat as yet- The Ilsh. are too obvious. You have to put Neal Carter was general con- even tnu?h at luxurious prices. Is men at fhrir mu k vener for t.hp nffair au Tim.Vin popular, as usual, on the local fresh v- m.iu VC O-U CttdC " ... - . yourself. Look sincere straight in ma' r of ceremonies. George ,Un market. Some of the Naas their eyes sometimes and don't Crip and W. D. Vance presided sPrln8s are being brought to cold flutter. Remember the voice. Low at the door- Sergeant Major Bert sUra5e here. " Smooth. Never .hlgi or shrlU." Robinson 6f the Royal Canadian . . . " , ... ., "Do you think clothes make Army Medical Corps was among J!?""1"61 much difference?" those who gave general aistence TtL ?Zt ' f ' ?ut ye, You must always make Alex MltcheU was in charge of Snd SLrtr1: Ocular Booth -interest BV was t.ken in ? i . "ic .. .uiv. . . . and 10'Ac B. C. CllDDer. 2100(1 irtgiii, man not omethlne too Mrc mcu mt. v. i. ui- v- . ,A, I fussy or too much sports for hS tle and Mori, on were ln lf and jc- taste. And you should wear a li ml charge. The dinette suite, donated ? i.SW0"d.Canad!a.n ! (perfume. v Not too heavy "eavy. Not ixoi too too Gordon Anderson, . was won Uc this u ' season, ' the r r Zatxra of " Prlncn hCa"" "And you shouldn't always look ltf3' ine nninC ticicet bcln? 0 " the same. Me I love change. So drawn- by Miss Kay Fortune. Mrs.) p I had my hair dyed soft rose. My GcorKe Person, with No. 338,' . . TT.. 7,10 Seattlc tl t husband didn't rvrn o x,i was winner of the carved chair do- . hallbutter Arctic i he said .'What's diffrront : J nated by W. V. Tattersal. The n. rirst trlP of H "cason m me naimut crounds following an extensive overhaul which Included complete engine reconditioning, new decking, putting in of increased hold capacity, new guards and reinstallation of all deck FRESH SHRIMP ially After 4 p.m. IIOAT W.S.I.. TROTIER'S DOCK The VARIETY STORK Mats! Mats! We have a real variety of them: Grass Mats from 19c t 5!)c Itug Mate 49C t0 8nc Matte Mats, 36xG0 ,-,oc VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 3rd Ave. West Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 THE SEAL oi QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye IMNKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert TONKJIIT ONLY 2 L'OMI'LCTK SHOWS-i nn .... Sir Cedric Harthvicke in 'Invisible ' un " i. , .(At 8:08 and 10:38) Kcluf! Gene Autrey in "Ride Tenderfoot jid. U,de (At 7:00 and 9:30) Begins Monday For 4 Days Will 111 WIND 2 SHOWS DAILV MATINEES 2 p.m. EVENINGS 8 P.M. I II FULL l LEilGll Nom BUT THll PRICE! MATIXER Adults ChuUrrn EVEMN(;s Adults jj No Chliartn tfa At- Etenin; 5h- CAP1TK Used Furniture 0 Dressers 4 I led complete (Drown . mif Dining Room Suites. I 3-pirre Chesterfield Suite. l-Wwd Coal Dumiiig Kllclien Ranges 2 Washing Machines. MISCELLANEOUS 2 Diodes, 2 English Prams, 3 Convcrtable Carriage. '! I Carriages, 1 Tricycle. 2 Radios. 5 Plate Glass Mirrors H'5 2 Clothes Wringers. 3 Suits of Clothes, siic 40, 1 Suite nl t'W size 38, 1 Set Dooks of Knowledge, 1 Singer Sewing Mach; 1 Crib, 2 Pianos, 3 Gramophones, 1 Guitar, 1 Violin, 1 Trunk. MOOSE lUUI.DING ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 m.iii. to 5.30 p.m, TIIIKI) AVF Trains leave PRINCE KUI'KKT for the EAST Monday. Wednesday, I rida), 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leavcs PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER " Thursduy, 11:30 pjn. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell W'r For Full Information and Reservation, etc-Call or Write CIT Y TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines I xlltta. c- "4? NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold ater Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Dov 19C BUY APPLE llv the BOX Ncwtons, Fancy, 150 1'5 ' Newlons, Fancy, . These apples have Jus. ed and will be selling ut low prices until stocK hausted. ,, MUSSALLKJ1 RrnNOMY ST0) i ''' m & i9 po. P" If you lose anything, advertise for it