CAMPACS The finesl i'rtfjife solo summer shoe on the market In little gents, Ixiys and niens. . Prleed f rom - , . i $1,50 10 $3.95 iAMlLY SHOE STORE LTD, The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates THE DAILY NEWS. WINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - ManaKlng-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........ i8 jl SUBSCRIPTION BATES . a. . . i ...iaH m Member of Audit Jwea oi Cu-cul&Uonc MEMHEIl OF Tilt I.ASABIAN PBESS UndlAn frtoa la csclualvelf enUtted to ue lor republic Mian or u nrwi Duuiuutva wrrcw .. .. ui rurhu of republication of voriw Mwoan tnemn at uso reeerveq t.ii . n , TTO -A l L Mfllll I IfllIllllJ I 111! Saturday, April .10, 1941. EDITORIAL KThe Junior Chamber of Commerce, assisted by the! - n pjimnmfrn riiiriiJ' ire ween. v:uiiuiic4i-iti rtv wMin nr vinvr iruuu i mi inn i 11.11. i iiiii il w. .r i i: 4-i,nM if ay w. - . i 1 , i. i i izlz nMJ-i Mnoi nonri rT j 1 1 1 i 1 1- iiiiv- i r 1 1 1 ii m r 1 1 u I'fiiiini inn .iiiii vriici ui iiv.aii v- m i A1 ji . j? . i;, ir mrv thnr murhT IIP u ii'ri n nun ici t i m iriimr t iiiiviiii i itiii uiiciiii urn r n tm nTTWiiTii'u iii i' i v i i i i i During the coming summer it is expected that there be a large number of-tourists visiting Prince Rupert. i o 1 - - r - shown in lecture tours andfpeople are told aoout tnem vVMPrp. " .... M. 1 Prince Rupert has made a . good beginning.: lftc nan- r iiiiriM irfifiri Affif-K simrisr i i r iiiir: iiii yiuiit s nf rvio nir r w.varv vPflf kps irrpai. imnruveuicuio. (tv nskinp is tfiat every at tio trmi men ViP aw ntfrat I .nnri Wnrlr - . - Another good work that is going on throughout Can-is thp BiihQf.vih.nir nf mniiov for thR air raid sufferers. Great Britain. Many of them are today homeless. ri AT n Ma n . a Vk ft ffT rn ICI ' I riDT'O "I II" IV1IIUII u (l orphans without any of the eomf oils of life except ""Knout the country are coming in wen. rrrAc ?d this fund as being one' of the most useful funds lor irVi : t.H,? UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; CATALA EVERY XUESDAY, CAHDENA EVERV ,HOAT. 1:30 P-W- ,0:S0 PJn n we Vancouver Tburs. pjm, Dim Vancopver, Monday A - a-ro. Qoeen Charlotte Islands Service (fbrtnfcbtly) Uave PHnee Rupert April 14 nd 26 If r i l in.... ii. Tii-, rim mt OffiCC 'ufther Information Regarding Reservations and, Tickets From A. Phone UI ASSUMES NOTED PULPIT LONDON. Anril 19 CP Rev. "'V -mi' ,. . FOR SALE Dining suite, lamps, tables, beds, dre,sers, Wilton carpet, rugs, odd chairs, garden tools, lawn mower, mirrors and miscellaneous articles M:Lach-lan, 01 Summit Ave. 101) FOR SALE Mechanic's tools, kitchen sinks and wash basins, good used inlaid linoleum, 2 wat- ter tanks, 2 ancho; at snap! prices. B. C. Furniture, Third' Ave. Phone Black 324. tf) FOR SALE 18 room boarding house close to dry dock at a . bargain. $750 cash will handle. Balance like rent. M. M. Steph Lens.-& Co. Ltd. (92) JOK (8ALB-31 foot troller, 14 I horsepower engine, complete with gurdles and trolling gear.) Apply Walter, Central Hotel. FOR SALE 1940 Ford Fordor. Col or Green, less than 5000 miles. FOR SALE 3-piece Chesterfield .Suite with Foot Stool to match and Chair-side modelRadio, all-wave and push buttons, all first class condition. Call or phone E. W. Johnson, Blue 1531 Also 16-foot canoe complete with paddles and cushions, all like new. - tf FOR SALE 'NEW 4-rpom bouse with bath, con- crete basement, brl:k lined, air conditioned fire place, furnace, modern "fixtures, unobstructed $3500.00 cash; $4000JDO ierms 18-foot Peterborough canoe, flf.t class condition. COLLART & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 11 tf FOR RENT FOR RENTOne room and board Dor two men. Phone Green 26. (tf) TOR RENT One room and board for two mehi $35 month. Phone Red 486. T92) FOR, RENT Large front bedroom, well furnished, harbor; view. Mc-Clymont's Real Estate Office. PERSONAL (E2 n a fpW vpnrs Rhnnlrl br nir nermanent results.. WeFOH RENT' 6-ropms ana oatn, --- V , V-V-V. - i--7-T . 4 , 11 J .,,. esr. rnnr narenn wnn rn; s l.rn.s in i cuin auuui.wiy vemenr sbniiirl inin in the camnaitm. ' NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Five Domlnlon-wlde exams held since the war' began. Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER, garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care "M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, 'Man"; THE DAILY NET73 Nurses Required Eric stepnen' uoveaay. lormmy o Mi 3t. Peter's, Bristol, was rntiy in-i I (V I llVP. nOllCe. flituted vicar or SC. Martln-ln-lhe ' Field Trafalgar finuare. He sue- ...... it,, lata XioAi Pnf MKHnr fnrtMnnnilpnrv ltll Rpfnr I Jiral V.l CXit V 11 ir imw - - - . i ... . . . .-, . - - ' mik. H)K SAL, Board in Regard to Manwr uf Leaving Employment In regard to the matter of nurses leaving their positions without giving sufficient notice &l impending departure the Prince Rupert General Hoypttal board, at Ms meeting last night, had correspon- dence from the British Columbia! Hospitals' Association, the Rnq;Ht- Itered Nurses' Association of Bri- POR SALE Fine house, Graham t,h coiumbla and the Kslowna Avenue, full concrete basement, General Haspifojl. The B-llish Co-' 6 rooms and bath, Harbor view, imnbia Hcssitflls' AsswHlion sua-! eost $9,000. 12 years aid. Fully ,gestcd that. whn hu'fes lef wWh-rooderh, 2 lots. $5,000 with easyjout dlM! nojicP. they not be paid i irnw of 1700 down and balance ,v, nr,n ,tum, hoH " ' -- l ' 1 ; n k I l VI W.T , M pu' i tpread oyer long term o $2830 ldurins the month. Mlsw Helen Rm-' monthly. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. jdal resjrtrar cf ihe Gradual j 94) Nnreps' A.BS-"'at'ct3. snnrizested that an undertaking be receiysd HOSPITAL NOTES fram nurses on Joining the staff to givel sufficient notice. Th milter would . be taken up with the council cf the Association, Miss Randal said. The Kelowna General Hospital As sociation had no knowledge of nurses having come there without giving due noti:e where they had been leaving. Commissioner Thanked J The board of directors CI " the) Prince Rupert General Hospital! J last night passed a vele oX appre- ,92) ciation to Acting City Commission er v. j. Mansson ror nis ";o-o?- eration in authorizing an expendi ture of $200 in connec tion with the condition as new, snap for quick 'opening of a new road from Fifth sale. 1930 Pierce Arrow seven Avenue on the east side, of the pasenger Sedan, newly over- .holpltal opening up Jnto the lan hauled, 4 new, springs, new tires and palojt and in excellent con dition. Offer. Stewart Motors. Stewart, B. C. W35 Ford Pe Luxe Sedan, first class condition. Phone Red 38. (97) from the rear. A special" committee consisting of D. G. Borland and, Dr. R. G. Large had been ItSlrutnental In making representations to the 'city. a. t Hospital Finances " The financial statement of the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the month of March, presented at the morthly meeting of the hospital board last night by chairman of the committee, Arnold Flaten SPORT CHAT A select team arranged toy Ca y Vink Is to meet the Rocky Mountain Rangers team in soccer this harbor view, 6th Avenue West, Evening, considerable Interest be- ing manifested In the match. The Vink selection is as follows: Krause, F. Gomez, W. Murray, D, Gomez, i G. Ferguson, J. Greer, D. Cameron, G. Baker, H. Dickens, H. Holkestad' and B. Gomez. Vink and Campbell are spares. Eighteen-year-old Johnny Miles of Sydney, NS., won the Boston marathon 15 years ago today, cov ering the diltance in two hours, 35 minutes, 25 2-5 seconds. The youthful Canadian runner won the race again three years later COMPLETE IRAN PLANT J (CP) -Danish interests have com pleted the construction of a large hot water 'heat-Lodern newjy decorated, fish-canning factory near ed, fine harbor vteyr. 5th Avenue West, $45X)0. COLLART. & McCAFFERY LTD. Rhone 11 tf WANTED WANTED Cook or housekeeper. Phone 54G. (92) AGENTS WANTED MEN who can sell high quality len's Tailored Made-to-Measure fiuits. Special low Wholesale prices given. Give experience and ref-proic in application. .Samples isent oh iapproval. Apply Tailoring Departoent, Calgarr TCiitt-Una Company, Limited. Sfrgffi, Alberta. here. Three hundred persons will be employed. BRITISH PEER DIES LONDON. April 19 C O Lord. Napier and Ettrick, who served In thei First Great War as u captain in the King's Royal Rifle. Cor pr and as an R.A.F. equipment officer, is dead. He was 64. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.OPh.C. Wallace Block, Plione 040 Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" f ITSTH With the ft For Prices, Terms, Specifications or Demonstration See J mum Have you seen the Ford ... the big new 1941 Ford, In actual feet and inches its the roomiest car in its price class. Greatest inside length! Greatest total seating width! Extra knee-room and head-room! Wider doors! Larger windshield! A spring-base that's inches longer. It's the big car with the thrifty engine. Only Ford, at this price, is powered with an eight. Eight cylinders for smoothness as in America's highest priced cars. Gasoline economy, that has outstripped all competition in its class, in one official contest after another. Long life and reliability that showed 1668 hospital days "f or the month at a per die imcost of $2.95. Disbursements totalled $4909.05! with capital expenditure of $369.54, NIZAM BUYS TKAWLEIt THI iiutish . i GXUMMA I pisTiuur CO. LTa Tdli tdvtrtiMiMnt U pei pMAti m AiIm Cjby lh Llqmr Conlrcl iomi m if I! U&I Cafe On Waterfront NOW OPEN For Business J.H. BULGER Optometrist , Royal Bank Bid. 1 ' V CAR Snqmef persuades Ford owners to buy one Ford after another. What's more, the 1941 Ford has that big car "feel" that road-hugging stability on the curves or on the straightaway. This year Ford riding qualities, are a revelation a completely new ride made possible by "Slow-Motion Springs," plus improved shock absorbers, new stabilizer, a more rigid frame. Ford prices are still lowest. Get v- y. CRAIGAVON WILL vember, left an estate in England ulster valued $123,150. Most NEW DELHI. India. April 19 (Cjand P) The Nizam of Hyderabad and Berar has purchased a trawler for the coastal defence of India. It and be used as a mine sweeper and In anti-submarine duties. of his property he left to his widow and then to his three children. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress BBBHSftBaSBSS in touch with a Ford dealer and see what an attractive deal he is willing to offer. $35 a month with reasonable down payment buys any Ford V-8 S. E. PARKER LIMITED ICE FRESH Ford Dealers Dairy Products We have thirty-six cows in town and can supply you with fresh milk daily. Our barn Is located at Eleventh Avenue East. Visitors Welcome. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 mi Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDF.S BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 Just Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen arc Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert CO. Ltd. British Column!! i DENNIS COMPT0N WEDS ' LONDON, April 19 (CP) Denis ; Compton, noted Arsenal soccer star BELFAST April 19 (CP) Lord and Middlesex cricketer, was mar- Cralgavon. prime minister of Nor- ried recently at St. John's Weed them Ireland, who died last No-! to Miss Doris Rich.