PAOE TWO i Work Boots DEPENDABLE MAKES SUCH AS CHRISTIE'S, VALENTINE, GREB AND TILS ON BERG. Boots Built With Years of Guaranteed Stunliness ... and Priced Up, From New shipment of "Jack and Jills" Family shoe store ltD. DAILY EDITION "The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR MONDAY, NOV. 17, 1941. National Crisis . . . Bruce Hutchison, in a dispatch to western newspapers from Ottawa commenting on the taking over of the leadership of the Conservative party on a policy of forming a National government looks upon it as a national crisis or rather one of a series of crisis. Sir. Jileighen is out for conscription for overseas service vyhereas the policy of the King government is conscription for home service only. Prime Minister King says he is bound not to accept conscription for overseas service because of his solemn pledge to the people of Canada made at the time of the last election but yet he admits that, w hen parliament opens in January, he will make an announcement which may include proposals for larger sacrifices, larger regimentation and larger taxes than had hitherto been dreamed possible. It is expected that before that time Canada will be at war with Japan in which case men may be needed for defence rather than for overseas service. Between now and January the government will have decided exactly how manv men are needed for overs and how many for home service and much will depend upon the actual need as to what action will be taken! Mr. King realizes that the people of the country will be satisfied with nothing less than an all-out war effort but any conscription of manpower must also include conscription of business under the price-fixing policy and conscription of wealth through taxation. He also realizes that, if sufficient men for overseas cannot be secured, something must be done and he will be ready to make recommendations when he meets parliament on Jan. 21. The National Situation . . . The government realizes that the French-Canadians are more than ever onnosed to consenntirm fnr service and, if we have an election on the conscription issue, the country will be split to such extent as to seriously interfere with war preparations. Mr. Meighen will, according to Mr. Hutchison, rally around him all who are opposed to price fixing and will be backed by those opposed to high taxation of big busi-ness; He will be represented as t h e defender of w a r profits, of financial power and the enemy of the workers. According to Liberals his record has shown him to have stated that the war would not be worth fighting if it is produce socialistic ideas. The New Leader . . . The new Cnnsprvntivn loorloi. r,,i:, - - v. n-uMti, accuiuuin lu hi- came authority, has a wonderful mind but it is destructive rather than constructive. He fights with a rapier. He is one oi tne greatest advocates of our time. But what ib iwmeu icuay is a personality that will merge the different forces in the rnnnrrv Mr sentatiye of the extreme toryism of the country, cannot reconcile tnp prmflipfinrr fnnac nf rr,v,.i: i: Ai time he broke wjth French Canada and the breach has never been rpnnirprl. Wovm-Hminoc tvt.. i .,vin.uraj( mi. iuemutin will , . , bring to parliament a real opposition, something it has not had for some time. The government will face in parliament the greatest prosecutor of our time. He takes the position most reluctantly and will, doubtless, advocate most efficiently the policy that he has adopted as his own, the one he thinks would be best for the nation Ul klliO tunc. BROOKLYN MOVES UP Americans Take Two Victories Over Canadiens In National Hockey League CHICAGO, Nov. 17: ? Chicago Black Hawks retained the leadership n the standing of the National Hockey League last night by defeating Detroit Red Wings. Tor onto Maple Leafs, winning over Detroit Saturday night, kept In second place. Brooklyn Americans, I taking a couple of week-end victories over Montreal Canadiens, ! bounded into third place. The week-end scores were as follows: THE DAILY NEWS A 15-year old hunt for Inter-j the Ottawa Rough Riders ended 16 years ago with an 8-3 victory I for Riders over Hamilton Tigers 'at the capital. Chile was a colony of Spain! from 1542 until 1826. I . SATl'KDAY Detroit 1, Toronto 2. Boston 2, Rangers 1. Brooklyn 4, Canadiens 2. SUNDAY Canadif is 2, Brooklyn 3. Rangers 1, Boston 2. Detroit 2, Chicago 3. The league standing to date: ' W D L.F A P Chicago 3 1 0 8 5 7 Toronto 3 0 1 11 7 6 Brooklyn' 2 1 2 11 10 5 Boston 2 0 1 4 4 4 Rangers 2 0 2 9 8 4 Detroit 1 I 3 10 13 3 Canadiens 0 1 4 10 16 1 Public Meeting 1 Canadian Legion At Terrace At Terrace Busy TERRACE, Nov. IT. Canadian Letrion Terrace branch, held a Record Sale Of Toppies Recorded special meeting on Friday to talk over certain urgent communica-. Hons which have been received! from the Dominion Command.! Armistice Day Is Celebrated Duly These were largely in connection TERRACE, Nov. 17: The Cana- with the increasing public demand idian Legion continue Its activities that Canada's war effort should be ( successfully In Terrace. Terrace steeped up to the condition of "all branch sold so many poppies this out." Accordingly, it was decided year thai all previous records to call a publl; meeting or at all; were broken. Some eighty dollars events a meeting of the heads of ! worth were distributed by a troup the various organizations to de-' of young people organized by jcide what Is best to do in order ; President Molse Dubeau during 10 impress upon uie government me weeK prececing uememorance the urgency of this matter. As Day soon as details have been worked in the evening ttie time honored out there Is to be a complete or- 1 celebration was held in the hall ganizatlon of the local veterans where dancing went on until three with a view to furthering this ob- the next morning. There were sev-Jcct. ,eral prizes won on a draw of tick- MONDAY, NOVaiBER Terra ce v. E. Burchan ..... raur at mithers, " "ays m Tprr,.. week to renew acauam Thursday he m-t "is tarn - uuLuui v. ilium k,. - "W1U. Fred Nash n n T tr . .. waJ iron tv p ww wvujt, ASIATIC IMMIGRANT The cheery tre? i. k.A . jbe native of Asia. evefl wx or tiamner, groceries which proved feature. It was won bv SL , p.uuiuUi cavA ( t.. r n i . i - wu ..... - ujr autuon A tv.u. jjjc u.ougnt lourteen do'v when the world is in flames? Hopes, fears, words, opinions aren't worth a hoot. Hitler would like to'liave us go on talking. Hitler would like to have us think we are safe. Hitler would like to have us sleep in this hour of action. . But a grim job fares us. Civilization is rocking. While we live in smug complacency Hitler's engines pf war are Hearing our gates. They Are Nearer Today TJ lan Ever Before. A strip of sea alone separates us from destruction. !They are just hours away. What will stop him! ' YOU CAN. v-, I1. -V You and your dollars. v " i - Dollars forged into tools of destruction, tools'tliat will destroy tjiis "bloodthirsty guttersnipe" and all his ruthless gang of cut throats. But You Must Act. . . ACT TODAY NOW. Buy more War Savings Certificates. All You Can. As Often As You Can. Pledge a substantial part of your income for Victory. The help oj every Canadian is needed for Victory. In these days oj uar the thoughtlcsi, selfish spender is a traitor to our uar effort. A reduction in p-rsonal spending is now a vital necessity to relieve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour anil materials to be diverted to- v tcinning the uar. The all-out effort, uhich Canada must make, demands this self-denial oj each ' "' pf us, Invest in War Saviifgs Certificates the dollars yon don't need to tpeul. After Victory, they come back to you uith interest. Spend less now so that yon can spend jnore then, when labour and materials will be available for the things need. There is you no price too high for freedom. SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY SPEND LESS TO BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Published by the War Savuift Committee, Otlau,