ft Anti-Strike Legislation A ihtr 'viki ,c oaio of 3 Oc t-neo Ubltea tea leather Forecast Oc program of antl-strlce day cooling off period required before any mmenced, strike ballot) -iken secretly, sympathy 'i strikes would be "a mass picketing pro-1 'Kt nv.i situation in the coal industries continues SUBMARINE RAH) BENGASI AND DERNA CA1IU) The Royal Air Force staged effective raids yesterday on Bengasi and Derna, Italian strongholds in Libya. DIRECTION ASKS HART OF LABOR TO RESIGN Farther Compulsion Will Be Nec-esary For One Hundred Percent War Effort, Says Bevin LONDON. Nov. 17: Rt. Hon. Arthur Bevin, in a speech yester- and a number day, saw rhat greater compulsion :;.(;n the First Great and direction than ever before of a a ranks. Brigadier British labor would be required ujfady seen duty in to obtain a one hundred percent nr present war and war cjfort. He said that age resell injuries sustained ervatlons would have to be re- ''aid. moved. Piime MinWter Wll-i He expected, Bevin said, to see M kenzle King, com- at least a million married women ! die arrival -tf the-wvfktn id ia&9r!etf- and off.'" K ng, saW that K releasing men for other work. Wo-inon of Canada's men must assume a status of uke a stand "in de- tquality with men. I j,arcssion, actual or' "Before long not a man or wo-:riy pa"t of Xh man n Bntaln will not be doing j part of the defence the lob for which he or she is ill enjoj'lng free- best fitted," declared Bevin. i C s in England of th? landing at '.h much interest. . LOOK FOR INVASION Sng..) nd Yuan Provinces Pre paring To Resist Japs ClIHX.Ku.u. Nov. But t ,:es of China are TODAY'S STOCKS (CXjurteoy S. D. JohnAton Co.) Vancouver Grandview 17 Bralorne - 10.60 Cariboo Quartz 2.10 Hedley Mascot 45 Pend Oreille 105 Pioneer - 2.05 Premier Privateer Reno 17:-Kwang8l Sheep Creek an invasion by blow- Calmont s and roads as weHl c- & E pillboxes and other Home Yunan borders on Royal Canadian might be entered In Bcattie . Oils .17 .12 .87 .15 1.21 2.45 ! Central Patricia consolidated Smelters 33.25 lllardrock - 63 Kerr Addison 4?0 Little Long Lac - 16 .McLeod Cockshutt 2.13 Midsen Red Lake 57 mrvv,io Rod T.akft 1.C7 Considered - , Preston East Dome J "ASHiNoTON, D.C., Nov. 17: san Antonio 2-1-Ij United States House sherritt Gordon S1 ;utives members are WAS SUNK Disposed Of Ark U-Boat Which Royal Believed Victim Of Depth Charges tnvmu Nov. 17:- According Ito reports received by the Admir- v ... .u. writuh war ves- irom umu alty sels which were In the vie nl y. it vnopsls A disturbance u believed almost certain uiai ine aPDr:;at:hinff tv, r -.v.- ( ,niHni which launched 18 1; sank the au-' -indi fr, u j j u-hch 1 Qur Ahyjin bliC VV CO t , AV1UU- uu- XJ1C uiC Wil Wllrtuw " . , .1. u r,ert1 ration of the coast, L. i have occurred on the 'craft carrier Ark wy ia J was Itself sunk. epw "-' n rr t.i j f rtM'tl ailr uic " ,1 4 It am ie i-ns. partly cloudy aud Royal was attacKea """"TV succeeded in mattered showers touth evidence that they -lo Sound. binding their mark. Premier Pattullo to Take Finance Portfolio in View of Position of Political Affairs. Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides ,- ,.,," wands-Light moderate ;,ul: t a.si winds. '"A and mild High ..1:19 am. 21.8 ft. nucrmit oTA-ilns this 13:14 pjn. 24.1 ft. th .ft,-:; -cm ant fe. Low .. 7:15 ajn. 5.1 ft. . if 19:51 pin. fl.6 ft. y7 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 1 5. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 194L PRICE: FIVE CENTS tllatl on In Pacific Still Tense rrivp in Orient CANADIANS LANDED AT HONG KONG jps From All Parts Of llom- son. Take Up Stations H(WO KONG. Nov. 17: A large ..p;:r- ol Canadian troops In . ". r.oj arrived here after an -r.T -: .. voyage across the Pa- , not a single enemy ghted during the en-iiirney. They are taking r. . with British regulars c i..::. ccrs and Indian troops t .-.-..y increased defences :. x.or6 of this import-i i'y were ac.orded a : , m by overjoyed Bri- Chinese residents after -::r:j- landing had been i iipy marched through i banacks, led by two : hey had bten wel-j- Mark Young, gov-H. ..j, Kong, aiuan forces, . under K Lawson, consists nw.Miy from Mani- I War News RUSSO-GERMAN WAR LONDON At the same time as she claimed today that her. forces had captured Kerch, eastern Crimean stepping stone to the oil-rich Caucasus, Germany announced that Alfred Rosenberg, idealogical leader of the Nazis, had been appointed by Chancellor Adclf Miller as governor of eastern occupied regions. The seizure of Kerch, if true, leaves the Germans separated from a side entrance into the Caucasus by only a narrow strait and more than ever the area looms as the next theatre of major action. The Russians report that counter-attacks have forced the Nazis back in the zones of Kalinin and Tikhvin. VICTORIA, Nov. 17: f Premier T. D. Pattullo, in a statement today, announced he "felt it necessary to call for the resignation of John Hart, minister of finance." Mr. Pattullo said the resignation had been asked for because of the "position of political affairs now." .thousand Serbian " guerrilla fight- frontier. IMPORTANT MANPOWER CHIANG CALLS SHOWDOWN CHUNGKING, Nov. 17: 0 General Cniang Kai-Miek declared toUay that "the vital moment" had arrived for a I reckoning with Japan while j Foreign Minister Quo Tai-Chi hinted at the formation of a ' iour-power alliance in opposi- tion to the Axis in the Orient. At a press conference, Chiang I said "alt signs seem to point to : the direction of an ABCD alll-encc'' among America, Britain, China and the Dutch Last - The Premlert remark was not haWnBrt , lm?-enfRement amplified, Mr. Hart, in an interview last Friday, had said that he favored coalition while the premier stated Saturday that "not one of three parties in the house has a mandate from the people .to coalesce." Mr. Pattullo said he would handle the portfolio of finance himself. STRENGTH OF I ITALY DOWN received today by the Japanese parliament wnich is to emergency Over session. The future course of events between Japan and the United States may depend upon the outcome of a conierence being held today at Washington oe- tween the special Japanese envoy Korusu and PresiaetH Roosevelt and Secretary of tfiate Cordeli Hull. Premier Toiji today told the diet in its extraordinary session that Japan's terms tor maintenance oi pew.e n uie Pacific Included, ending oi United Sc&tes-BrUtsn blockade of Japan, of Japan, restoration of trade with Japan and hands off the Japanese campaign in China. A spokesman close to the government says that, if Washington really wishes peace in the Orient, it should recognize Japan's determination to fulfil her aims in East Asia. General Togo, foreign minister, admitted yesterday in a statement that, after four years of fighting, Japan was still far from completing conquest of China. Togo indirectly charged the United States and Great Britain with prolonging Chinese resistance by persisting in sending supplies 1! Ducc's Navy Has Been Greatly to the Chungking government, i Reduced Since Entry Nevertheless, Togo declared, the Into War. strength and spirit of Chungking I had been greatly reduced during i LONDON, Nov. 17: Italy's na- the last year. val strensth has been reduced as Togo reanirmea japans aeier- lers men, women and boys, arej Admiral SWmada, naval mlnls- still resisting the Nazi forces of ter, also gave the diet a lengtny 'occupation in Yugoslavia. They report on the Japanese naval sit-:are fighting in the mountains and'Uatlon, expressing confidence that hills from Belgrade to the coast, the Nipponese navy was in a po- 'sltlon to meet any requirements . which might arise. PnrHnnn i KlVPr I The Japanese are rushing fresh 1 Ul llallU 1V1VC1 troops into Indo-China leading I TJn.T.r Cl J .best Informed observers to believe 111 neaVV rlOOa'that some major development I either against China ,or Thailand , ..Jwlll occur before the end of Nov- corcs ui oquarc muo ember i Inundated As Williainette Hits 1 ' New Mark I C. M. Drage, who has been tell- PORTLAND. Oreaon. Nov. 17: er In the local branch of the Ca- i . . j-a .M.J Excessively heavy rains have.nadian BanK 01 commerce, wucu flooded scores of square miles of .Saturday night on the Prince Ru-land In the Wllllame2 River val-'pert for Vancouver, having been ley. At Eugene the nit river rose four- transferred to . main office . . there OTTAWA, Nov. 17: Q The Co-operative Commonwealth pprfpraf.lnn tnrfnv rpiljratpr1 Axis Vessel Flying American Flag WASHINGTON, D.O, Nov. 17: The United States Navy Department last night announced the capture of an Axis merchantman flying the American flag. The vessel was taken by an American cruiser in Atlantic equatorial waters on November 6 at dawn and is being taken into a port with American court jurisdiction. The ship had American flags painted on .both .sides of her hull and on deck Philadelphia as her heme pert. The vessel was severely damaged by her own crew, the announcement said, in attempt at scuttling and it was added, repairs will be required before she is seaworthy again. The American warship became suspicious al the appearance of the vessel and sent lifeboat crews to board her. Then explosions were heard in the evident attempt to scuttle. Salvage crews made temporary repairs. AIR BLOWS EXCHANGED At s Tr. r k,i-tf nar. irpnr. Mr a n iir nuum. Lie- - uci- jvc.. a.-, -.w , . mpniinnpn mentioned a a loss iuaa oi ui uiuij uiuiv v- w.w-.. j-ii British planes failed to return. Canadian-Born R.A.F. Survives Trying Ordeal LONDON, Nov. 17: News been received officially of safety at a Mediterranean port in North Africa of Flying Officer .Tnhn whitp of Younsstown. Alta. YOUNG GIRL IS STABBED Fighting Is Fierce n n T? A 1 ' 1 - T nil 4 Tsiin STATEMENT ; ; . .. ; RESERVOIR m tHAWWi Is Made by Premier in Japane.-e Parliament in Emergent Session. Conscription I China Ready to Supply Tens of Thousands of Men to Democracies. IN RUSS0- NAZI WAR its opposition to conscription , ","uo1NOT- ";-r- wel mg" Ko0' toon' t F F" W'ng Or of Canadian manpower for "linis1ter Set. Pushing nvprsM. kptvVo hpfnrp "thprP u". reauy 10 cjwiicie except had been effective conscrip- urnUn, te ? , thousands of; tion of finance and industry." tr0?Pf fof dnce ?f Burma' This stand was made known Ul.114 Mri a' oul" oc rciiuir- DISGUISED SHIP TAKEN TOKYO, Nov. 17: An important statement Irom Premier Toiji was United States Navy Makes Capture cu- ea. sia. U .i. Ji ri In a stntpmpnt UsuM aftpr a shu'ulu "e a meeting of the national ex ecutive. million men and reserves total- ling twelve million, China Is a "reservoir of manpower" upon which the democracies can draw, Koo says. Koo could not confirm In Crimea KERCH CAPTURED BERLIN, Nov. 17: The German High Command today claimed capture from the Russians of the important Black Sea port of Kerch which has been under siege for some days. a report to the effect but said It LONDON, Nov. 17: There is was not improbable that Gener- little vital change in the situation allssimo Chiang Kai-Shek had al- of the Russo-German war with ready offered large forces of men see-saw battles all the way from to Russia. China, he eald, was not Murmansk to the Caucasus. All forgetful of its obligation to Rus- along the front from north to south heavy fighting continues with the Germans stalled everywhere except in the Crimea. Even the Germans admit the success of the Russian counter-attacks particularly in the Moscow sector at Kalinin and Tula. In the Crimea the Russians are resisting stub bornly although the situation Brutal Slaying of 14-Year-Old there is still admitted to be seri-Dorothy Hammond in West ous with .the Nazis concentrating ' End of Edmonton Sunday on Kerch and Sebastapol, heavily bombing the latter. EDMONTON, Nov. 17: Dorothy A tete report said a new Ger-Hammond, 14-year-old girl, was 111311 assault In Crimea was being found In a west end district yes- hurled back. Many counter-attacks terday brutally stabbed, dylr.g being launched effectively by ths soon after in hospital. She was Russians In the Moscow and Len-the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. ingrad areas are part of a well She showed M' nammona. &ne naa Deen siao- - -" "- .a- btd no less than fifteen times. ",c uie "ivaacrs. me A widespread search for the ned Anty assuming the Inltta-klller has been instituted. tive more and more. Russian winter Is becoming more SAFE AT TEHERAN ana more a lactor in me war. Weather is becoming more wintry along the Russo-German fighting front. Nazi soldiers have been found frozen to death and Ger man tanks frozen into the ground. First snow of the season has fallen Litvinoff, Steinhardt and Monkton Crtaea f proving an to defenders of Seb- . advantage Beach Capital Of Iran astapol and Kerch. It Is 5 above In Crimea with heavy snowfall. 17:-Max- TEREHAN, Iran, Nov. lm Litvinoff, new Soviet ambassa lrn a"a. 1. :ineJ"r. and casualties, several persons be- temperature, 35; sea, smooth. pues oiuciucu uy uxuwcu . down in the northeast and two light chop. Bull Harbor High scattered Weather clearing later facllitat- clouds, calm; barometer, 29.38: ed the exchange of bombing blows, temperature, 34; light swell. i Alert Bay High broken clouds, calm; barometer, 29.85; tempera-! ture, 38; sea, smooth. Victoria Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.83; temperature, 43; see, smooth. Estevan Cloudy, northeast wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 29.77; temperature, 43; light swell. has I Vancouver Cloudy, east south-the.east wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 29.89; temperature, 43; light ground fog. Prince George Cloudy, wester- He had been forced down in the ly wind, two miles per hour; bar Mediterranean while on operations with the Royal Air Force. After a long period of drifting lie was ometer, 29.88. O.P.R. teamer Princess Norah, forced to swim ashore and then Capt. William Palmer, Is due In 1 . .1... . of i.-jn thl. aftcrnnnn fr.vii teen feel in twenty-rour nours Maicoi: xvuine na auiycu utie came "i"" 1---- ' . , tktove max!-! from Kelowna to .succeed Mr. a barren coasUlne before, tattled Atoka and will mil at 5:30 for mum high -water. Drage. land torn, he finally reached safety, i Vancouver. i in apue vi airung reuuurce-ments they have been bringing up the Germans ad- fiin.y.owH Tinui states against Moscow, their forces have been thrown Sir and ambassador to Moscow, . . i- - bark bv stmnz Russia cnunteT- waiter wonKion, cniei oi me - ----- British information services at .w. u t in Moscow it Baku' azis ; have given up the Clearing Weather Facilitates Ex- on the Caspian Sea last tje lnS Leningrad until change Of Bombings Between week after having teen missms . i . r- n rtrvimla r1 H T T-C QrrivpH VlPTf Spring. -". . . , . .... i i?f :!, n tngiana anu viermany " wv. ----- r, ia result of war to iour or live oat- iuuuuuu iu act today tlpshlns. three 8-inch eun cruisers new co-prosperity sphere in spite MV and eighteen destroyers, the last of the attitude of United States, JVbe hi TODAY'S WEATHER 1-02 icent. Italy, submarine strength clared that Japan SS Prince Rupert Broken, clouds. Jtt has also been greatly reduced. SERBS ARE RESISTING is believed that m',v ""u "r ". T . . l- irnm nolnt hlank ranr. H l.m-j . ,n u . tiltPn. . Tr n p Tslnnrt Kcatt.prprl rlO'JOS. "" ab reach iSf ?. 5 southeast wind, six miies per hour; cilatory attitude. laicirciemeni 4, . , Tn,r, wrt-nwrrast smith, was threatenins: the very exls-011 " e c?' .Z r ITl' " tral front s WEYGAND idea necc German and Italian forces are being forced back south of Stalino after a twenty-mile retreat. The Soviet claims a smashing OUUUUJCU reiuwi , ... .i.u J folrrr harnmptpr 58 83 (SteadV)l uvwvi .c UlQ WW l0 y H kJVMAAW V4i- W F - ports, some of which were annihi- These machines have tence of the empire and Japanese TXce aUackVd E SSaS 22; t. ; ' RuS" IpreiiiBc mUB"u. den and other targets ta north. lignt swen. 1 Eighty Thousand Guerrillas Fight-, Japan was also ready for anj west Germany wen Boulogne Dead Tree-Point-Broken clouds, ing From Hills Against Germans 'eventually in tne noun, logo dockSi mvlnJ and westerly wind, two miles per hour; said, reierring vo nic uw. straflng factories and con:entrar barometer, 29.88; temperature, LONDON, Nov. a : - wgmy wun Kussia on uic iviauLnuUKu tlons m o:cupled France. Four light sweU. effect by the Russians on the cen- IN VICHY Closer Collaboration Of France With Germany Is Coming Up Again VICHY, Nov. 17: Marshal Max- Ime Weygand, commander-in-chief of French forces in Africa,, has arrived here for consultation with Chief of State Henri Phlllipps Petaln. Prior to Weygand's arrival, Petaln received Otto Abetz, German governor of occupied France who came from Paris. The question of closer collaboration of France with Germany Is coming up again. Use of the French fleet for convoy duty In the Mediterranean is to be t