THURSDAY, NOVEMBER '20, ld. f3) Colds' Coughing Here'i Eaij Timc-Tottd Way To Get Relief Oet after those distressing spells of coughing and ease misery of the cold the widely used Vlckj vy . . Boll some water. Pour It Into a bowL Add a good spoonful cr Vlcks VapoRub. Then breathe in the steaming medicinal vapors. With every breath you lake VapoRub' medication soothes Irritation, quiets coughing, helps clear head and breathing pas- Eflges. FOR ADDED BELIEF... At bedtime rub Vlclcs VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Its poultice-vapor action works to bring you comfort while you sleep. Searchlight W. A. Elects Officers Ai meeting of the Women's au- v of the. Second Search-.. .ii Ba'.tcry held at the Young Mi: Christian Association Hos- t ub yesterday, the election :. ;rfit;ers for the coming year coK piace as follows: Hc:::rary presidents Mrs. A. -Penan and Mrs. W. H. Crocker. Prt nent Mrs. P. Roberts. Vlri- president Mrs. H. S. Ward. Trex-urer Mrs. E. Williams. Se :srury Mrs. M. Forbes. 13 YEAR OLD AIR MIND SYDNEY N.S.W.. Nov. 20: (f Y' jr ::cr inventor to interview the Ai r. :ta Inventions Board office u 3year old schoolboy sub-m .:iea a scheme for sending a C" f small radio-controlled nc on bombing raids over crmv country. Advertise In the Dally- News. ...3 ''r WANTED, MEN keep nace with an Indus- that's going places. . THE WAR PROGRAM '.he Welder the Man of the hour." LEARN WELDING ci-v ne supervision of the most r:cner.;ed instructor in B. C. h 'he very newest equipment; o t j-the-mlnute methods. 0 Graduates Get Jobs. IXDFJtWOOD WELDING INST. LTD. "28 Homer St. MArlne 3339 Vancouver. B.C. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert - Cloudy, southeast wind, sixteen miles per hour; barometer. 30.19; temperature. 45; sea, moderate to rough. Vancouver Cloudy, east southeast wind, five miles per hour; i barometer. 30.40; temperature, 52; Umcky seawards. . Triple Itland Light rain, south west wind, ten mlle per hour; light swell and chop. Langara Island Cloudy, south-vest wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 30.13; temperature, 15; -noderate swell and chop. Dead Tree Point Light rain, southwest wind, two miles per Victoria Fair, northerly wind, ?lx miles per hour; barometer. 30.50; temperature, 35; foggy and smooth. Prince George Cloudy, southerly wind, fifteen mile.; per hour; barometer, 30.28. Canada At War 25 Years Ago November 20, 1916: French retrieved losses on the Somme. Bulgarians defeated near Kenall, Allies drawing closer to Monastlr. Austro-German forces penetrated Torzburg and Vulcan passes. FINISHED JOB I). F. C. LONDON, Nov. 20: O The Dls-Ungu'ihed Flying Cross was awarded to FO. Hillary Duke-Woolley who went back alone to finish a bombing Job at an Aegian Sea port when he heard the attack part had not been a success. K2BPN"jBBYeleH0!MeB day, Nov. 20, 7 pjn. 50c. (271) Rebekah Dance, I. O. O. P. Hall Fri. Nov. 21. DeCarlo Orch. 10 p.m. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the Bast at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. j The monthly meeting of the I Prince Rupert General Hospital Women's Auxiliary Vas held in I the Nurses' Home Tuesday eve-jning. A fair number of members : were present with Mrs. F. S. Wal ton, president, In the chair. A gratifying.; sum was realized from the rummage sale held recently and the auxiliary was able to purchase further comforts for the wards. Arrangements were made to provide Christmas, .cheer for. the hospital. Further activities toward adding to comforts of the hospital were planned and It was hoped that' interest In the hospital would continue in spite of the war. It was felt that the hospital was a permanent need and of great importance to the community. I !yfivorntus$Ie : Yi .Mondays, Wednesdays ' 'fffi ' '"iB and Fridays at 10:13 kSSBSj 'S'W K CFPir 12-10 kc. MM, ii GURV1CH CONTRACTORS Houses Moved To Any Location BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATED AND ERECTED DUMP TRUCKS AND COVERED VANS For Hire By The Day Or By Contract Rock and Soil For Sale When Available OFFICE: EXCHANGES BLOCK PHONE 32 THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Anglican men's supper, Thurs Mrs. Ethel Sunberg sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Ketchikan. George Bryant has left for a two weeks' hunting trip to the will return to Vancouver. Arthur Brooksbank left on last evening's train for a brief busl- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durham " lf,P ? Bf "if11? hour; barometer, 30.18; tempera-and dauhler' Mrs- Richard Ad-," " lure, 47; light swell. ms- arrived In the city from Uskj,"B"u Bull Harbor Cloiidv unnthM.t on Tuesday night's train and are; m!Ttm tom the e of Mr. and Mrs. Albert' Two perfectly good bicycles and UiM- tmpSratUre' Mtw 45, iSS' BtasUiall. Westview. Mr. and Mrs. rst class baby carriage which -rate swell m0dDurham will be leaving in a week have been at the city police sta- Alert Bay-Overcast, southeast'01- 80 t0 spend the wlnter visltin Jfrftl " 'tm Vancouver and vicinity. Mrs. awaiting claimants. wind, 21 miles per hour; barome-1 Adams wUl be rrtumlnS to Usk " ter, 30.40; temperature, 42; sa about a week's time. choppy. Estevan Cloudy, southeast wind, wma, sixteen sixteen miles miles per per hour; hour; ba ba- if I 117 rometer, 30.19; temperature, 45; HOSPltal W 0111611 S moderate to rough sea. . Auxiliary keeps Up Its Activity MADE IN CANADA WGBr Mrs. P. J. Lapeyre, the former t. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert R. G. Boomer. O. .C. Redpath, H. , Whitaker and T. G. Millichamp, ' Vancouver; MaJor A. R. St. Louis, j Victoria: Major .J. R. Gale and Captain W. White, Esqulmalt; Mrs, S. E. Sunbury, Georgetown. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. ( Rebekah Nov. 21. Catholic Tea. Nov. 27. Dance, I.O.O.F. Hall, Mrs. Hanklnson, Orange Bridge, November 27. Masonic Organ Committee Dance Nov. 28. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, Dec. 5. 102nd Auxiliary., Tea, December 6. Legion, Scotch Dance. Nov. 29, Oddfellows' Hall. Admission 35c. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office Fresh Local 'Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 We Also Carry BELMONT CO. Ladies' and Gents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P. O. Box 975 Pjione Gr. 9C0 Quietly Married At Pastor's Home Miss Margery Alafalr Philips Becomes Bride Of William Wardell White The marriage took place quietly yesterday at the Manse of First Ootsa Lake district after which he' United Church, Rev. James A. Donnell officiating, of Miss Mar gery Alafair Philips and William Wardell Whtte, both of Prince Rupert. Witnesses of the ceremony were Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Jennings Walker of 623 Eighth Av enue West. The couple will reside In Prince Rupert, the groom being a steel worker here. AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRY BRISBANE, ryov. 20: V A new munitions plant near here, occupying 140 acres and employing 5,500 peoplp. will be Queensland's tergft industrial enterprise. MALE HELP WANTED CALENDAR and Advertising Spe-I cialty Salesman, full or part ' time, exclusive territory, highest commissions, start immediately, year contract. Apply Box 521, London, Ontario. (274) WANTED WANTED Smart boy with wheel as messenger age 16-17, at least two years high school, wages $55 month, good opportunity for advancement. Apply own handwriting. Box 177 Dally News. WANTED Elderly man for dairy farm, light work. Valentin Dairy. (271) Miss Margaret McLean, is paying WANTEDA Middle-aged lady for a visit Willi iier miuuei, ivirs. n. A. McLean, Green Street. Mrs. Lapeyre resides at Copper housekeeper, ticulars. Phone 741 for WANTED Girl for general house work. Phone 309. (276) FOR SALE FOR SALE SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until noon on Thursday, November 27, for the purchase of the Gasboat "LIEF," 31x8x3 v2; powered with a 15 h.p. Sterling engine recently completely overhauled and including six spool Swan troller gurdlejs, anchor winch, anchors and chains and trolling gear. The boat throughout in good condition. May be seen at McLean's Seal Cove Ways. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Harald K. Svendsen, deceased. IFOR SALE Electric range, Sun- Ray lamp, General Electric radio, short and long wave. Everything like new. Apply 32 Eleventh and Water Street after 1 j.m. FOR SALE 7-room furnished house, and on same lot 3-room furnished shack. Phone Blue 737. Mithf-ran Circles Rizr, Nnv ,FOR SALE-Bargain for cash, i , TIil v, . TT.,;;u . J rtt on ifiimmau ujjijgm, viruiiu riano I t .U..I.V . , . i wiui piayer auacnmeni. aox 170, Oddfellows' Dance, December 5 FOR SALE 1935 Dodge, D. U Sedan. Excellent condition. Cheap. Phone Red 398. (tf) FOR SALE 26 ft. fishing boat with poles and gurdies. Apply Max Marx, New Masset. (275) I KB Ili'B Hi KB KB KB KB KB KB KB.KB1SB FOR YOUR GIFTS and CHRISTMAS SHOPPING go to the VARIETY STORE f mi aa Ba biibh.bxbxbibibs.b3bS DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl Ladies' and Children's Alterations Phone Hlk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing All Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 MEETINGS First and Third Wednesday of Each Month METROPOLE HALL Phone Hlue 113 P.O. Box 577 fllas! my oorrotber All This and More In Dozen Bananas Ranging From Boot Polish to Baby Food. JOHANNESBURG, Nov. 20: At least 17 useful products have beeri made in a back-garden lab oratory from the skin and fruit of the banana which is produced in nany districts of South Africa and ells here at fourpence (seven ents) a dozen. Among these by-products are flour (a Transvaal bakery has made bread from banana flour): lorrldge; yeast cakes; boot pol ish; greases and lubricants; beer; whiskey (bananas contain a high percentage of alcohol); coffee, paper from the skins; starch; fla vorings for ice cream and pud dings; gum; crystalized fruit: motor spirit and baby food. ASK EQUAL PAY MELBOURNE, Nov. 20: ' K? Thirty trade unions have to ap proach ttie Australian Industrial Arbitration Court with a request for equal pay for male and female workers. 41-19H Mrs. Verigin Passes Away South Africa Gets By Products wllow of 0rleina! Leader oi Ca- nadian Doukhobors Dies at Brilliant. BRILLIANT, ' Nov. 20: Mrs. Peter Verigin, widow of the original leader of the Canadian Douk-hobor settlement, died here yes-tefday. She was the grandmother of John Verigin, the present nominal leader. 98. Classified ads. get results. Phone SlCKREUEF FOR COLD Rel ef comes oimo - TT AAYERI Look before ton but! hi tura this Btjer cms Is on every Ublet . . . PEACHES ( 1 Tliesc selected Peaches, in the m m RfiVAI-ClTY can, v ill pruce any meul, B S In nppearaucc, in tastlnrs ami in m M nourishment. Try them foi laking A or salad recipes ... or as tliey S B come from the can. J YARDLEY OF LONDON Once Again Britain Delivers The Goods Yardley's Lavender Water RXn Q9 90 Priced from DDlx to tjU Yardley's Perfume o en qq An Priced from .-. JJLDU and vOiUU (Odors: Freesla, April Violets, Orchis and Fragrance) Yardley's" Bond street Perfume nn 07 six Priced from - JJ U to J v Yardley's Dusting Powder o-f e Priced at V iUtl (Odors: Freesla, April Violets, Lavender) Yardley's Bond Street Dusting Powder m op Priced at V0 Yardley's Bath Salts o-i Prlced at - ?XiO (Odors: Lavender, April Violets and Red Roses) Yardley's Lavcndomeal CI Qcr qq frn Priced from - ,j ij)lOu ancl Yardley Gift Sets Sot Ladies- 04 - n ei n OH Priced from tj-l-l.v to JiVUU Yardley Gift Sets for Men c syc Q7 en Priced from QX4D to ? I 0 Ormes Ltd. UJma Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Uolldays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. it