, nuihwest winds, "civ,.... ...... .ith intermittent rain. clouds . 4 hrpukin" occasionally over the ' PRINCE RUPERT, I? C., THURSDAY, NOVEABKR 20JL941. - - --- price: ftvb'cknto ------- Queen cnariouc xaiauua i t1TxX N NO. 271 27L British mr. PUSH DV 1J A 7IC Russians Claim to He Holding Enemy All Along Line and rushinff Them Hack at Some Points. HESIST NEW DUIVE LONDON. Nov. 20: O) The Russians today were resisting a ' ..... i.,rmm offensive asainst new wi- Moscow with especially heavy fishting under way at Volokolamsk. 65 miles west and sllghl-lj norlh of Moscow, at Kalinin, 95 miles northwest of the capital, and at Tula, 100 miles to the south. MOSCOW Nov. 20: Soviet for- of the new lt c -fciicd pressure jiia dmt- and at some points are WotIs hrrk. This is " - tt Mrw report. Moscow, how- c:,' r;.ut aamuiea me iau ci it Bl-::K Sea port of Kerch. A Bcr.... i-.aiement iasi nigni ii3 '.;jti mprovea wcamer wua i ne Germans to make :ixj i! advancing their gen-,. i)!vc against Russia, par-.:r . f.he Leningrad area. ii . .sb irom nunareas oi (I'.mhmn nlanps air. hp- a ...:t at . uc point in the ::j c .:-.uit is being directed The Nazi drive is f-sfrri hnrn nv mr nnn i lEYGAND'S POSITION special Communique From Vichy Tuda) Announces Retirement RETIREMENT ANNOUNCED VICHY Nov. 20: Retire ment of General Maxime Wey-(and as delegate-general and commander In-chief In North Alrica was announced by the TeUin government tonight. The Pt of delegate-general is abolished with a permanent sccre-kriat general to replace it. Central Alfone Juin, released 'rm a German piison camp, Is named commander-in-chief of 'be untested French North Af rica forces and General Bairau made commander in French 'est Africa where strategic Da-l i ts situated. VICHY Nov. 20: A special ;..ui.:ciue 'n regard to the 'a 01 General Mixlme Wev-' m ; tt ,xpe,ted to be published ' YVK-.-ana, wno nas Decn inj mand n the French colonial' irn... .. . ... . I m wortn Arrlca, is beiievea 1 hjV(. -in... n II,. ....Iln.. fny wni) the "Men of Vichy." 1 ffezi th Frpp PrennVi nr tn rnn. f-t w nu ollaboratlon with the Ills. f'l'Sand 'eft Vichy for "somc- 'f it :nuthern France" todav C"J undf tued rennrts that he 'ffsigned as pro-consul and L.-4rv nmmander in North Af- Vlogy Made. To Litvinoffsi ' I'ussian Ambassador to Unit-Slates and Wife Were Stood l'l by British Plane. iERAN NOV. 2n!Th rtrlt. -' , Wnlstev at Teheran has anol- Boviet Maxlm L1tvinoff, new State' mbassador to the United W.. 'he actlon f a British Cairo without 'lt. 0 .ane ln leavlnK or Mr. and Mrs. Lit- 1 made reservations. ai&aa " ) Troops : ArK yai Attacker I Now Sunk I LONDON, Nov. 20: The Admiralty announced tonight that a O e r m a n submarine which it was practically cer- tain had been Involved in the sinking of the aircraft car- rler Ark Royal, has been de- stroyed In the Mediterranean. T h e announcement credited the British corvette Marigold with destroying the subma- rlne two days after the Ark Royal had been torpedoed. OLD MAN IS FOUND DEAD .'iaric Luther of Port Simpson Succumbed on Island Close to Village. After he had been missing for day, the body of Mark Luther, 70-year-old native of Port Simpson, was found on Burnab? Island, about four miles from Port Simpson, by searchers late last night. Luther had pone out tn Fin- Jayscn Island rowboat to a . . . .... n i."L.5i.1ii-..( :tf f aauuie Tn u"lauJ BurnV and He PATTULLO STAYS ON Minister of Agriculture Is Latest to Submit Resignation From Provincial Government. VICTORIA, Nov. 20: 0 Premier T. D. Pattullo, in a statement today, declared "in the present political situation I am going to carry on and meet the house on December 4." The premier said that he was carrying on a Liberal administration "because I think it the right thing to do and, whatever the immediate results may be, I feel assured that time will again vindicate my action." Mr. Pattullo also disclosed the resignation of Hon. Dr. K. C. MacDonald, minister of agriculture, who favors coalition, had been submitted but said "Dr. MacDonald is staying with us." The premier also said he had not yet accepted the resignation - submitted yesterday by Norman Whittaker as attorney general. MEETING ON WAR EFFORT Canadian Legion Is Asking Citizens Of Trincc Rupert To Go "All Out" The Prince Rupert branch ot the fSarta'rtfftn Tw!rin nf the "Rrl 3h Empire Service League, in . . .. ....... ,7pnprfl TYiPAr nir lasr. nion: Tvpn : inln executive of the Canadian Legion for an all out war effort. As a result a public mass meet- ...111 U 1 1 J I 1 T ! lu win ue iiciu in me iJtrgiuu zooms next Wednesday evening at which the endorsatlon of a "total war elfort will be asxed from tne organization and citizens of Prince Rupert. An interesting and" Interested visitor to the meeting was Major us.O. for the generous, enter tainmen); provided for him dur ing his visit to tne city. Tne op- portunlty to meet his old com- rades and fellow citizens was one that Col. Peck had appreciated very much. Major MacGregor also voiced his own appreciation of the hospitality of the Legion and add- a word on behalf of the Cana- man ocuwiau Dabuiuuii. uc ic- caned now, wnen in uxnaon m 1929 on the occasion of .the visit 0f the holders of the Victoria Cross, he had been erected bv Bob Lelghton, a former Prince Rupert resident and veteran who had run out from the London police cordon to shake hands with him and a'sk him to convey his greeitings to Prince Rupert and his old comrades. Major MacGregor's talk was of Intense interest to the members. ! Six applications for regular (membership and four for social club membership were approved. "u,cu' President Jack Preece was in the chair and, following adjournment, the members visited the bazaar Driving Into Africa AXIS SHIPS IN SHELTER Ten in Kobe Alone With Others Elsewhere in Japanese Ports. AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Nov. Larger annual poundage quota, 20: Ten Axis ralderjs and supply merging of fishing areas and later ships are reported here to be shel- opening of the season were among tered In the Japanese port of Kobe the requests made by rcpresenta-wlth others elsewhere. tlves of the Prince Rupert hall- Among the German vessels in but fleet boat owners and iish- naa w up me u.c uracil a a 11 u, u. -"" ' " o ...0.., ...... Zealand and Cnlna M bclnS d1' and died. on decora as .tnrowins in, ifc its full tun apparently, collapsed intPresteH ted in in the the AmerlCan American-Sighting of deceased's boat on weight behind the campaign togo ahead with the of Dora- Japanese issue. the heneh led the searchers to his plan the i 11. 1 . i l . i i i body It Is considered possible that his boat had been drifting in .inrf m!,winr it difficult for . w.v. o - him to return home. Death was evidently due to nat ural causes. POLICEMAN IC VIlTimj0hn lac0reeor v-c- MC- Dc- SEATTLE, Nov. 20: (CP) A coast-1 IV 1 L Li JLl D M- wh0 c0"6"1 to the meeting guard cuUer today pulled the the thanks of Col. C. W. Peck V.C., Hner CordoVa free from an Alas- Constable Frank Clark and Felix Cooke Lose Lives Near Vic toria When Patrol Car Hits Bus, Highway. VICTORIA. Nov. 20: M-Provln- cial Constable Frank Clark, aged 128. and Felix Cooke, 28, Victoria wholesale feed company employee, were killed iasi mgiii " highway patrol car t;iaiK wus drivulg crashed Into a bus on the Islnd Highway near here. No - i he crowded bus lnJurcd TODAY'S STOCKS (OourUey 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver nrandulnw 16 Vb TrWn -10-50 I Cariboo Quartz ! .45 A Hedley Mascot Pend Oreille 1.65 2.10 Pioneer .68 Premier - .47 Privateer - .12 Reno : Sheep Creek . .88 Oils .18 Calmont 1.30 C. & E - - TInmfl 2.60 Royal Canadian 04 Toronto .. 1.02 Beattle - .. 1.45 Pat Central - ..38.50 Cons. Smelters .. .66 Hardrock .. 4.45 Kerr Addison .. 1.65 Lai3 Little Long McLeod Cockshutt ... .. 2.05 Madscn Red Lake ... .. .55 McKenzlc Red Lake .. 1.05 .. .30 Moneta - - ' .. 2.61 Pickle Crow Preston Bast. Dome .. 3.15 AvlAnln .. 2.20 OnM - oau n Shcrrltt Gordon yz lie NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER which the Women's Auxiliary Wasi " . . . t.a them' !aPplled agalnst holding. All .the proceeds this year are being used by the auxiliary for j war work and the display ;play of of work work , at the bazaar was indicative of the high standard of work done. by the women of the auxiliary. Weather Forecast General Synopsis A disturbance nassine over the north coast has given light to moderate rains' there. It Is cloudy on the central coast and partly cloudy in the south. West Coast of Vancouver Island Moderate to occasional southeast winds, cloudy in the north portion with a little light rain towards night, mostly fair In the southern portion. japanese ports are me lormer liners Schamhorst and Kumer land. PARLEY AT STANDSTILL to Nothing Accomplished. Yet at Con ference in Washington Between U.S. and Japan. WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 20:- Neeotiatlon's btweentUnlted State . t sTaSill here have come to a totonJZ tlw JanS ce1!ed iew from has in- Stion? Sve-riment from h 1 s ElvlS Jeach hhn a month to an aSeeLewlthTeStS; . It was suggested that Premier UC11C1CL1 XllUCJkl 1U U 1111U1L1. lildA.C an important statement before the . . E e.H TC" ksneM special , ' on Friday. .Yesterday Secretary-of 'S ta te Cordelf Hull conferred with rep- rpsentn tlves nf " . Australia , ... New STEAMER x ASHORE Alaska Liner Cordova Refloated From Reef and Taken to Ketchikan, kan reef In Chatham Strait, thir ty-five miles from Ketchikan, where she grounded last night enroute south from Juneau to Ketchikan. The Cordova, which beiongs to the Alaska Steamship Co ' and a comDmation passe.n- and frelgnt veSsel, proceeded f v.t.wwn rith enastminrn- es- cort and an army transport which took aboard the passengers. DESIGNATED AS ENEMIES Finland, Bulgaria a nd Rumania Full ...11 n.:it,i. British 1 Now Subject to Naval and Military Action. LONDON, Nov. 20: Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden told par- II a,UrH, that. Flnlnnrt ' ovy , " ". : """! KUmania a"" ."i r'.ZZZ ". ,SUDje" Z rZ., T laZl rnSOIlClo Fail to Escape Tried to Make Get-Away From Kingston Camp by Concealing Themselves In Piano. KINGSTON, Nov. 20: Two Ger - man officers, prisoners of war at a camD near here, failed yester- day In an attempt to escape. They had concealed tnemseives in a piano which was being moved out. Tomorrow sTidet PARLEY ON FISHERIES i Local Operators Ask Larger Quota, Merger of Areas and Later I Opening of Season. ermen ermen wnen wnen in in conference conierence yes yes- LONDON, Nov. 20:-Prime Minister Winston told a cheering House of Commons t.nriav rW Tr.;t terday afternoon with l. w. Pat- :Vi lsn forces f i,,i lad already i i won a marked , , advantage , " in the more, K.c, of victoria, and a. J. new campaign from Egypt into Cirenaica but that all whitmore of Ottawa, Canadian depended on a swift and decisive test of armor air power members of the International and mechanization which COUld be eXPeCteq exnected' tn 10 l0lJw follow Fisheries Commission. If such re- SOon. . Everything would probably quests were met the local opera- be settled within a short time by from nemy. Two German and tors felt that they would be able a large-scale battle of mechanl- one Italian division are believed participate more fairly in the zatlon. The Prime Minister told to stationed between Bardla profits of the Industry. the house that the new assault and Tobk. The members of the Commls- against the enemy along a broad Britain's best forces will be plt-slon assured the local representa- front had cqrnmenced early Tues- ted a&amst the elite of the Ger-tlves that they had every sympa- day after five months of elaborate mns ln thj5 campaign, It is said, thy with their position but point- preparations. For the first time 1x1 taS this major offensive ed out that the interests of all in this war the British were meet- ln a surprise drive against the RAfMnns nf f.hp flshira Inrtnctrv -i .l .... Axis. Rrit.lRh onrrtv now nwi t ; 6 Af-S'?utiinto . cder tl0n in the drawlng UD of the ln- regulations All re- ques WC"ld reCelVe fair and fuU consideratlon' Patmre leaVS by the F.ri.n ?f. " turn w viewna. Mr. wnumore wlll leave tonight on the fisher- f. 1 ..111 A. !r . Vancouver, visaing a numoer oi PU along the coast en- - .v NEW AIR SQUADRON Canadian Torpedo-Bomber Unit to Be Ready Soon for Oper- atlon Overseas. OTTAWA, Nov. 20: P) Organi- zatlon of the first Royal Canadian Air rorce torpeuu-oumocr oquau- i.i. unmiM itook ron overseas was announced to- equally well armed." day. It will be ready for opera- The Prime Minister told Com-tlnn hortlv mons itvug that the vii jbo British this uim time built AXIS SHIPS TAKEN OVER Brazil Already Operating Two In- terned Vessels and Plans to Use Eleven More. RIO DE JANEIRO. Nov. 20: The Brazilian government is al- ready operating two Interned Axis ships and will soon take over eleven more. By the end of the . jrcai uiiuu sav-vwo u ".... lng 252,000 tons of such ships, The idea is to compensate Ger- many and Italy after the war. Lewis RcjCCtS v Proposal Made By President WASHINGTON, iwmu.., D.C, .w Nov. 20: John L. Lewis, president of tne United Mine Workers of America, yesterday rejected a proposal by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that discussion of the Issue of a "closed shop" ln the Captive coal mines be postponed until after the present crisis. The proposal was made by the president ln the effort to bring to an end the pics-ent strike in these mines. Leaders Agree To Meet Again WASHINGTON, D.C, Nov. 20: (Railway union leaders have agreed to a request of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to confer again on J Friday with a view to obviating a general railway strise wnicn Is threatened for December 7. High Low (PARLIAMENT CHURCHILL NEW LIBYA OFFENSIVE So Far No Serious Opposition Has Been Met But Major ac-ssi ui iuecnanizea forces impeded Soon Large-Scale Battle Looms. lug tne oermans on ai leai an , etuay armed basis- The general .. advance had commenced under condltlons of heavy ralnfall on the Mediterranean coast. The Prime Minister was guardedly op- thnistlc of the outcome. Mr. Chus.hais declaration said th,t nrUainv i - o.h ui r,,,h --rn!B vror.n AfriM " "t5 out of the Egyptian da-n iawn two two davs days aco It haA nlrpn1v wnn nnsinnns 0F marked advantage and to The- Premier-.saklv.-It- is-far W owit niuuic in uuy ape -lUia- tiOn all now depends on the bat- tie which follows. It is evident that the next few days wUl see developments which will include imany highly Interesting features." Mr. Churchill said that Britain had planned and massed strength for five months before unleashing the attack to cjestroy the German and Italian armies ln Libya and added: "This Is the first time we had caught their foes by surprise and added that,, "just as in a sea baUle, a desert campaign may .be settled one way or another in the course of a few hours." London military quarters said today that the British offensive was sweeping forward but that a fixed battle icould be expected to be not far off. British, Indian and Anzac troops are being used and, so far, tjiey have met with no serious opposition. General Sir Claude Auchenlach is ln general command with Lieut. General Sir Alan Cunningham personally dir-, ectlng the land operations. The num. cxi,eiiu8 ct uisiancv ii iju miles from the Mediterranean COast Into the desert. British forces are estimated to number 750,000 men.. TODAY'S COMMUNIQUE The Royal Air Force, In a communique from Cairo today, said its planes yesterday bombed "Axis tanks and motor transports moving westward on the road from Salum to Capuzzo" away from the Egyptian border across which British forces have launched a major offensive into Libya. The Royal Air Force communique did not state specifically, however, that this meant the Axis forces were retreating from the frontier. Other Axis concentrations further west along the Libyan coast were also heavily bombed. Meanwhile Informed London quarters said the British smash Into Libya was confronting Axis forces under the German General . VI n 111. 1 1 1 2:52 a.m. 21.5 ft. 14:40 p.m. 23.2 ft. 8:40 a.m. 5.3 ft. 21:22 p.m. 1.0 ft. CHEERS AS ANNOUNCES ' m u co-ordinating th Pwer- For some weeks there has been frlUsh naval activlty ln f Mediterranean against Axis sWpping and It is estimated that f !!L0h? "l nuyea, wning aown mu- ons of dollars worth of goods ntJ I V An h J - A Ml a. I iignung men. The Admiralty announced aimuuncea today toaay ! L had V- MpM, -MeUK The desert land push Is being J7u ' ,"1 I acvy heavy "avaI bomtardment. c imiP ,t , IZTS l X aa ZZ hZ T .. "f" ofp A L",. toe Ryal operating in the fierce air assault. iranspori pianes are also co- rpr.Mny The objects of the campaign are to destroy and drive out the German and Italian armies In North m . - . , , h" ? " "4 raanH and to f11 AxU drlve toward the Suez CanaL RELATIONS TO FRANCE Retirement of Weygand Makes It Necessary for United Stales to Review Whole Matter. WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 20 i ff. rne uepartment of state an- nounced today that the United states was reviewing the entire relationship with France because of the removal of General Maxime Weygand as Vichy pro-consul in French North Africa. The announcement emphasized that Weygand's removal was an ominous development ln growing Franco - German collaboration which might be seriously ' detrimental to American interests. Last Rites of Church Given To Minister MONTREAL, Nov. 20: Last rites of the Roman Catholic, , Church were administered last night to Rt. Hon. Ernest Lapointe, minister bf justice, whose illness was an- M J-Vl. H A uJ V I1I11 Hl...&t. arwin uomrnei wim tnreai 01 en- huuikcu uj puysituui jesuex-velopment ln a vast battle now day to have taken a dangerous taking shape. turn. His wire and daughter and The fifty mile advance claimed, son-in-law are staying close to his up to last night would bring the "bedside. British forces to within thirty miles of besieged Tobruk which jhas been for months under almost u being his seoonri visit within constant artillery and air attack five days. Prime Minister William Lyon Lanolnte last nicht. : if 1