' , .1 4 FAGZ FGU3 TS3 DILY It7u2 Thli. advt rf.. x.t. u not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Ronald Wylie, who arrived In the city on the Prince George Thursday Eire-Canada nigm irom Ketchixan, leu on last . evenings train for a trip to De- '(.nnHs-RirP troit. I Lieut. James Greer, who has been ; in the Royal Canadian Army Ser-j vice Corp here, left on last even-1 I Trade Betw een Dominion inion. If Free State Mounts vmi want tise for it. Hundreds of neoni PPt lnt0 the second trench. They get what they want that wav. tn meir instructions from another Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c Omies Ltd, Pioneer Driu&ists The Kexall Store Phcnes 81 & Open Daily from 8 .m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to I p.m. II! 81 illBl Mere I This Modern Warfare STOKERS BAYONET FIGHTERS Training Base on East Coast Finds .Many listings Getting Fine Points McRae Bros- By DOUG HOW Canadian Press Staff Writer HALIFAX. May 10: (CP) Lieut, j John B. R. Neilson looked across the : parade grounds at the lunging men in blue and said to a reporter: ("There you see the only bayonet-; fighting stokers in the Canadian And: Navy." f It's a source of pride for this Glasgow Scot that he first started rro training mm n -the jt mam i i i . x men who ,iu labor ,aDor In m the me . ine's triin for Red Dear Albortfl ! DUIJLIN, May 10: (CP)-Imports mgs train for Red Dear, Alberta. u.Vl engine rooms with this knowleritro km, -rn vajxivra I UOC TITUS lull o , tiaily in value during 19M and the use i modern war you never Lieut. Harry Ward of the Second j flow was fairly well maintained ow when you,U Bet into a uSht Searchlight Battery left on last ev-j through the year although there spot here every man should be a enlno-'c train fnr o trin tn toth. tj. ... .. . fighting man" - - " 1 ww juiue Mwerxupiion in airecti . "wubc- nipping service, James Cormack, i Canadian trade commissioner, re HEADACHES Stp MlTVrinit eHiil7 from upliitinc he4-cm. Da toontlm thousands art do-Inr ret FASTER rrtif with BuckW. Cin-amatt4 Ojwalm. THREE inrrrditnU In Ihn eonvrnirnt raptolr rtlitre pain almaul iniUBdy. Mimol.i, .4 refresh, induct a brnrEeial rrUnr; .rf rrrr. NOW RELIEF WITHOI T KEAC710X! IS dow, J5t ported. Export to Canada also in-i creased sharply in value, but their .total value was rougniy wtiy five percent of imports from the Dom- At Stadacona Two. training hasp ror signallers and stokers, there is a trench with the "enemy" nine I dummies in two rows in the mid . die. ..... I KACt An Scot, Colin MacKenzie. who has CLEVELAND (SOFTBALL LOST AGAIN COMING UP Defeated By Lowly St. Browns In Only American League Game Yesterday CLEVELAD. Mav 10: (CP) The (American League lecdinit Cleveland Indians lost another game yester day, this time at the hands of the lowly St. Louis Browns by a score of nine to six. The Browns are now tied with Philadelohia. Ath letic,? for seventh place or the cellar. Other American League games were postponed as were all National League games. The league standings to date: National League W Brooklyn 18 'iSS. iSC. Lou Louis ...15 'Cincfnn 'ork .10 fiinati 9 were Neiison's stokers come " chuMinir .,f - a t. icnicatto 7 ate the enemy with a few deft Jabs and roll on to the climax, a nlunee fought with the Gordon Highland- jJSJ 'ers in India. Chicago 10 Pew naval nftiner-o 1,J L 6 C 9 11 11 11 Pittsburg fi 12 Philadelphia 7 15 American League Cleveland 15 8 New York 14 in Boston "1 . 10 ning the engine rooms of two Can-, Nfl pTR ATT AT adian armed cruisers, six over-age American destroyers and all Canada's corvettes. Navy Specialists Men from every walk of life are constantly coming to the school an exhibition building in peacetime for a six weeks' course tr. learn naval marine engineering, field mg arithmetic to illustrate his point. Adair, last teachinz at Drav- ton, Ont., enlisted as a stoker petty Other Kelvinator Models M00UD1H1 - with ne Stninlrn Stl Cold-Ran, 5 Way Magic Shelf. Vrge-lahle Bin, glan-corrrM tliding Crisfxr and Meat onl'v ($219.50 MODEL MI14 - Gie,t i. "moiat told" rrlrigcra-tion, with cooling coilt in the watla, all tUaa ua miK rrcanenerJl rcaheneroJl um tfieirei. $319.50 r.aee j v iwriLiii ni 9 ....j.IUetr0lt . , l4WIV - 11 11 II lu III Outdo ... . . Neilson in the nride hp h f M,,?.!Uimngton 9 13 men and his school. He and his'ptjS,., " I 13 staff have prepared for duty at SPalPhlladelPhla 7 13 tne ariuicers and stokers now man- mnn- . . . officer but was ouicklv back at hi . . old Job. jwinsropner nurled for Alpha and SImllarilv. o n wiphim di..!w Bauev received along room LOOK AT THE BEAUTY! LOOK AT THE EXTRAS! LOOK mmmm See how much more Kei vinator elves 'you at thi low price! Big, oversize all-steel cabinet porcelain interior stainless steel high-speed freezer 2 extra-fast freezing shelves space for frozen foods moonstone glass chill tray new non-glare recessed Polar Light quiet Polar sphere Sealed Unit, unsurpassed for dfpendable.economical performance. OnlyKelvinator's new, less expensive way of doing business makes such . . value possible I Come in today! The men are considered "naked" when they come into the school and are issued clothes and.beddlnt? an-1 fours" fnr h AT THE PRICE! Model C12-41 sr DfllttrtJ Ik Tr AH SBSsm I I fruntif PUn. jjM 1 JJ. : 1 r nie leKuiauns cniei stoker is Maurice Walton cf London, England, with the R. C. N. 21 years and the R. N. two. Chief Petty Officer Jack Barber served with the Northumberland Fusiliers four! years in France In the First Great 1 War. Leading Stoker William Clelandl of Montreal was with the Royal: Navy in the Dardanelles in the last' war and now is In charge of the I cloak room. j f Few cf the boys ttiese men train ' have been to sea and that's what I makes Lieut. Neilson prouder than 1 ever because "we never get a kick-' Jback about their ability." Reach ten thousand people with a "want ad." In tfie n.iiiv Man-e Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 CHIROPRACTOR. Stanley W. Colton, D.CTh.C. Wallace Block, Phone C10 Louis 'Active Season In This Line ! Sport Is Also Expected In Prince Rupert 1 Of Softball is also- in the air in ; Prince Rupert and promises to vie with baseball and football thl; year in the interest of a general revival in outdoor sport which a laraer working population has been in strumental in developing locally. With six or seven teams participating, a Uvely senior softball league is expected to be in ooera- tion shortly with play on the Gyro uau u-jc at the comer of Me- ; Bride Street and Sixth Avenue Pte. .where, with the co-operation of th .750 1 military " authorities, War Admiral won the Kentucky Babe Ruth hit his seventh home run of the American Baseball League season at Oh'rano 17 vears ago today, to give him a lead over founrt hfmcpir ct,t ...'"",C1 u;roane was piicner andl " . "-J. """- methods of ' cta.T.tn!.: Tl Arney.!,.- fournter 0, trcoo pitcner, ana Joe Hayakawa catcher 1,u ,larry neumann or J!!??1" ,ab etocome". comprised OammSl'rl iDetrolt. The Babe hit 46 homers aiviiK air ill lv Limp in sin ono na ,w ... w, '-ngiUV- Playing days are each TvlthBt ason, to bring his all-time and Thursday. ' total to 284. When he retired in cordingly. They learn to wash their1 says "the fours are better for us own clothes and bedding, scrub aboard ship." floors, to live as part of a machine.' He has some good men as aides , Sausage Lifeboat jHIs right hand man Is Commission - They are taught to tie up their j ed Engineer William Morrison. Oat-ll e.i tUn ,lnt ?Janky ,,saus-'ineau Mills, Que. Lieut. McComb of age that will keep them afloat 24 Vancouver mstru:ts in diesel en-hours If they ever have to abandon glneerlng. ship at sea. They learn on the par- One of the field training instruc-ade grounds to march in fours. The J tors Stoker Charles Thornby of army has discarded the "form jKamllton, was a militia captain be. jfnr" the war but left the army be- uause lie was coior Diina. tivio ne naa 728 to his credit. YES.' We Kepalr Water Tipcs. Koofs, Woodwork, stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 PAINTING Decorative Kalsomining LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phono JG Collars for your dog .... COc up Leashes in leather 25c up Dog Harness from 95c up Muzzles for your dog .... 93c up Steel dog chains soc Every dog has his day. Olve your dog a chance. Bring him to the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 330 3rd Ave. West Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" OUTLOOK FOR FURS Trappers Read Optimism In All Signs with Steady Market and Firm Demand OTTAWA. May 10: (CP) Good supplies of fur, a steady market and continued demand combine to lend optimism to white and Indian trappers scattered throughout Canada, Ottawa officials report. An important guide to number of wild fur-bearing animals is contained in reports from scattered government agencies and generally they report the 1941 season started with a better outlook than for some years past. "A matter of interest to all con cerned with the fur industry is the changing trend in export and import business," said one official. in the past It was economical for Canada to export her finest furs to Great Britain and the United States and import cheaper pro-! ducts from across the boundary and elsewhere. "Exchange control, encouragement of muskrat production and the "ie elimination enmmauon 01 of some some sources sources of or , , 1. T . . ; 7 . .714 improvements have lust been pf- i , . ..... fS'SJ: fur continues to find a . Krr - - - T BUU llTUJiUl liTHnHC MUflfi I I . . At . .450 uta .333: nri will l.h, v.' iti.iiB cuun " v. IWWIC I1CW UIIU 1,4m ... V. 1 T n 1 . , I promising talent Organization of softball for the .318 season will get under way at the annual meeting next Thursday .607 night of the Prince Rupert Soft-.583 ball LeaTue. .556; .526 .524 .409 .350 .350 SPORT CHAT "m iu laiKci suuuiies cheaper pelts are being made avail able ror home consumption." A stimulant to the fur market United KInedom purchases have '"S finals LONDON, j. mil 1 ... . ' serin aj n. Played a cat-o ' 4 fir.,, one to one n football r.m 1 . Altm - .. tij meet T Haturrlntj captain'3 la H,nmnJ i .i.-iine but more fur is belne taken bv the . In ?aw due Clarify Rank Of Commnrlftr Special Admiriu. a.j . LONDON Mav r v4 vllur.UQn-B , w - " 1 . . . neaa or t!ie r -v Qi Jguarded toy a rpecj status Holders eft', . I temporarily for rpeci 't has been the Increased employment mJrH,re bc7"-and industrlfll aivttv ,n fjMH.,and below Rear-Ati-.h and the United States. This seas-J Formerly w on's sales have been reported at.,51"- Glve:) r-('e: neariy ju per cent nigher than ... J those for last year and prices have If0-'-? :"io?i Unltrl United Statu. States nv nvor infinnn'ler 01 Jti rwK,p'. ...!. 1 ... , no;derianerthecf . . lanowit nnrnn. m' fm a wiu . rri itr v. .1 uur vti r . wui lit n-, i r r 1 1' nrmci inn HTPU QPUnni a- 0War son. piloted by the oast year. 'na e'CT,( lllUfl UL,rilJl Jl.IChflJ-lev KllrtidnffPr rrwaroH , TiPVplnnm pn t f -,.l.Ml ...:.. UOnS SnJ PVO CX-atpl Cets Under Way This Week With Games On Tuesday And Thursday Afternoons " v-f w IUMiat lailllliU crtrnU j imile and a quarter In the second ha. marlo ln rt.. .!!, .u. x 4UiUU uqs. ...-v. ....u uie ill- .-j )n 1 . 1 f oi test time in the history of the'eouragement of the Dominion JZ f event. event. Owner Owner Samuel Ramiil n PlrtHlp Riddle minp. mines and nnH resources department ,,4.i iH""'er snip W. T 1 rj j j received $52,050. training, naval diamine ,7.' senior Softball League .at' ' ! "TV"'1 . 1fue toms. toms, swimming swimming an and aHth arithmetic!"! . .'100in Memorial High "'.School School in " New York Americans' franchise swung - - uiuo acuon mis week with ramsi t imtjm, afte7 flve yean 0 WlIMam Son likes to Tuesday and Thursday St lf ? noons- The openlns a foreed to relinquish eon- that "wp game on Tu. nel to n Z ZtlZT' was won AlpS orTBU;trol for flnancW reasons, had fan-edPettroffWr 01 7 to 4. Thursday? ito exerdse nls Pt,on to retain The batterv fnr Air,v,o .t-j ever since. vui tCvi "in McDonald. Ditcher, anw Gwyn X.. Holtby, 01t?y' catcher. atcher Geor Georire land provincial authorities. Ouirl- ance and assistance to Indians Is part of the program of rehabilitation which will expand the Dominion's fur resources and help the tribesmen's Income. Sergeant Jack Unwinof the 102nd Battery left on last night's train for Edmonton. J. II. Scott of San Francisco, managing director of the Riverside mine, left on last evening's train for Chicago. He had arrived Thursday night from Hyder artcr an Inspection of the property. MOOSE BUILDING whose part! hrt::- Li l foreseen at the tise of tl modore's appcc-Stfrt To prevent tv :;tation si sure command rerjfcs rands cf the c:!! or chosen, the orlM-.? crii passed J. H. BUM Optometiisl ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m I Vr ft- Just Completed! New Ice Storage If von Iosr nnvrhinrr. .ndvertis Rojal lull Linoleum Week ATELIO'S Linoleum Rurs Size 9x12 Congoleurn RugsSize 9x12 Jaspe' Rujrs Size 9x12 Linoleum Rugs 7x9 Linoleum Rugs Size 7Jx9 Inlaid Linoleum By the yard, 6 ft wide. Per square yard Printed Linoleum 6 ft wide. Per square yard Kexfelt 6 feet wide. Per square yard. Med Ensiirinfr nnlv low fomnnmfurc ICC through01 511 $11' $ .511 .511 $i; 1)4 III to 5:3U P-"- ...A TIIIKl) fl'-T I ire fishing season Fishermen arc Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Stor Prince Rupert (Jq, Ltd. British co for it. 4 ti Ut UK Coif1