of Snips nct vni'n and Italv have j.j Ik.l !- ITnilcri Slat n r ii iiiai i v ..-.. . w Axis ships which were into protective custody the week and also that r 1 1 1 t w. - - reliably today. The de-vtit made In protest lodjfd by the Axis em yesterday. ... .1 ..I..... U.. h ITr.lt 1,1 ... AnlHlUl K lift v - ist night by the diplomatic La LI V t Ul UViMilUIIJ Uttvl neir rjiiicnus wt-ie uul re- nrP III LlIIJlUIIlilLIU ICldblUlU although Germany is claim that, the action con- Illegal seizure of German property M The Italian note i . t i i 1 1 in nr rvium Jirnf I mill that the action or tne un- 1.. JU nw 7h I'n' :ei S' veslwd t ta IP17R t n vppn in v pw ma uauan snms ivuik in vl flf(vi-W Ttnllin l&p1! Amprlenn 'nnrrs "i.- BLOCKADE Britain Not Permitting ce to Send Supplies to North Africa i wa , m w - - , Intention of tightening the de to prevent French mcr-shlps rom carrying supplies to North Africa is aunounc- may develop Into another ' btween the old Allies of two 1 m 1 t n w l In Nnnlli i John France, Formerly Of -rw. iiim OI1IIUII.19, Passts At Medford "up?rt and Smithcrs butcher mocr of Tslmpsaan Lodge, wra Oregon, where he has FINAL BULLETINS MEXICO FOLLOWS SUIT MEXICO CITY Responsible sources at the Mexican naval ministry said today that orders had been issued to marines and customs guards at Vera Cruz and Tampico to place twelve German and Italian ships in protective custody, A short time previous it had been said that nine Italian ships were making: preparations for a desperate dash from Tampico for home. EDEN IN BELGRADE BELGRADE British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and General Sir John Dill, British chief of staff, were reported to have arrived in Belgrade today from Athens. BRITISH SHIP SUNK BERLIN German sources claimed today that the 4876 ton British freighter War Lady had recently been sunk in overseas waters by a German warship. SEA LOSS IS LOWER During Week Ending March 23 Des tructlon of Our Shipping W as " 59,111 Tons Germans ' Lie Again Devastating Results BATLE OF IONIAN SEA ALEXANDRIA Three British battleships, one aircraft carrier, four cruisers and a number of destroyers, on the one side, and three Italian battleships, eleven cruisers and fourteen destroyers, on the other, were .stated to have taken part at the end of the week in the Battle of the Ionian Sea in which the British scored such a decisive victory. ITALIANS SEEKING PEACE LONDON The Evening Standard said today that Italy was sending out peace feelers through Madrid. Apparently doomed now to complete Nazi subjugation, reports are that the Italian people are becomjng very restless with the Mussolini regime. ROOSEVELT HOME WASHINGTON, D. C Presi. dent Franklin D. Roosevelt returned to Washington today following his fishing cruise to Florida and Caribbean waters. CREWS ARE IMPRISONED Axis Ships at Costa Rfca.Are Completely Destroyed by Fire PUNT AS ARENAS, April 1. The Costa Rlcan government has im t omdon. Anril ti (CP)-i-BritLsh. prhoned the crews of th; German AliiprfUhd neutral, incrchaWt sliiB freighter Eisenach and the Italian :j-Iive hundred to three plng losses foi'thV week entffng Vessel Fella which were scuttled by amen are IrriDrlsorcd on March za, were seventeen snip urarc w Uv.ub ip.s or otherwise held fol- totalling sa.m ions, me uunuany mcie ec n uuku uH w.lc the United States" seizures, announced today. The total was man snip ana uuy-eigni on me in . .ui oc ici intin niinnf iraunn i mn in i:irir rT 1 1 rp i u' ri i. luprooaDiy oe taKcn 10 ue- eievtn oiup auu du 10 . - m tn rpvispn iizure ior me urcviuus 'ins vuuiuutcub vwi .wvm umtu Ignore the protests, It Is be- sels of tonnage totalling six Allied vessels of 27,528 tons and SWASTIKAS v-,7777, NO MORE i- i. n ,w.i,m1 nt fi573 tnns. ! RATON. N. M., April l: (CP) By Royal Air Force In Attack on Emden British Pounding of Reich Territory More Widespread and Damaging Than Evcr-London Has LONDON, A plosive bomb prod a raid on hmuen Eleventh uommess iMgni Spokane Wins First Game In Puck Play Offs trAKvrmvirn Anrll 1 ivii 1 ; rCPi A new tvne ot Inch ex Jin - - w. . uced apparently devastating results in nst nicht. the Air Ministry announced. Bremen was also heavily hit with shipbuilding yards the nvlnpiml tarrret uu but the Ministry mencioneu . mat . . ine new puntiptti bombs bs were used only In the raid rald (CD- on Emden where "masses of debris flying through the air were outlined against the glow ot fires.' The attacks pjtl Emderi and Bremen have been almost continuous day and night during the past twenty-four hours. The Blenheim bombers delivered missies of particularly heavy calibre. Supply Spokane Bombc'rs scored their first; depots, troop concentrations, gun Vll 'he Pacific Coast , Hockej Wwt few years as victory in the ' vl "Cart 1rr,0. tm,. li'T nnixio' lov-nffS ia5t lUKilK rance is ,m ,."T'V- 7 ZTZ , t.ions four to Min- ?.and ne dauKiiUvonc. Tho T-.. w" two ..ine. A xl. i emplacements, oocks, railway nnes, warships and . many other objectives were attacked. Numerous buildings were seeri, to have" been PKOVI C LIBRARY 1 " DEATH . Tomorrows Tides mm Lleht. occasional High . 4:10 aan. 19.2 ft. 17:00 pin. 16.9 ft. oHnd. ciouay ana mua IHCJ " ' Low 10:55 am. 6.0 ft. . Mis .... l ent rain. n 22:51 pjn. 8.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No. 77 fo PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRtk 1, 1941. PRICE: 5 CENTS. A A. 1 ew BY AXIS States Hears From Germany n - J 4 CI-.... lance Is Now ACCIDENT VICTORY vestlgated fatal injuries received the capture of Dlredawa, key rail by Melvln Preston of Vancouver way point in Ethiopia, and the at the Surf Inlet Consolidated, Gold capture by the British of Massawa Mines Ltd. mine at Surf Inlet last In Eritrea, capitulation of which week.: Preston had been brought capital city was off lclally announc- here by airplane and died in the ed today. Prince Rupert General Hospital not , ; : long after arrival, j He had been hopelessly Injured with & smashed skull. I Preston was the driver of an electric locomotive which shuttled dump cars in and out of the mine. There were seven such, dump cars. Melvin was taking, the dump train back into the mine from the dump and, as usual, had cut oft some of the cars to Jet them coast clown a grade from the end: of the dump train ; ran off the trestle. T -v Preston ------- Peruvian . planes are scouting the , anti-Axis demon waa stm on the locomotive and. on Z V i , u T stratlons. Meantime there Is no Uairyrr thrnim ff foil nn V.l Vorl Ilea laiiaO IUKllU. ret the fatal injuries being thus in- uvlan troops have occupied flicted. It is believed,. had he acted ""ma Air ine airport. in time to save his own life, he could have stepped safely clear. It is thought, however, !that he might have been endeavouring to keep the locomotive from following the" rest of the train off the bridge. The inquest was conducted bj Deputy Coroner A. J. Lancastei with M. M. Stephens as foreman oi the jury. Chief witnesses were Oharles Graham, inspector ol mlnei, and Provincial Constable F. li. Brooksbank Vho visited Surf Inlet at the end of the week to investigate the circumstances of the accident. SWEDEN'S MOBILIZATION STOCKHOLM, April 1: (CP) I Explaining why many conscripts otuiauun Jiaa auw uiucu . , . .. , . i ... T , nether or not the United During this period the Germans nameo auer an suwawn, xuaiajwere recanea to moDiazation cen- may take similar action in had made particularly exirava- symooi, muai, owuluu -huu, ues at. snon, nauce, xne govern-t mni.t..H ,rv.in. erant . hnasts of nrltlsh ship des- streets, trade names and so on ln'tnent said "we must naturally In American ports lnclud- tructlon, claiming some 400.000 tons this area have made way for make sure that Sweden has the. .1. ii. - v, ,ot onrt wi nnn In a smele names not associated wun uer- most efficient neutrality mmrA rti. of m., vri, rif!v mans ana uenuaujr. pussioie. New Bombs Wreak Havoc TIGHTEN destroyed, some of them seeming to: fly right into the air. Shipbuilding yards at Bremen and an important industrial ob jective at Emden were particularly heavily hit. There were lighter attacks on Bremerhaven, Oldenburg and Rot-' terdam. I Invasion bases on the French coasf were also subjected to con tinuous pounding in what seems, to be an "all out' attempt to completely smash them, i Off the Frisian Islands there was a bomb hit on a German destroyer which was seen to turn sharply and list heavily after being struck. Tills . was In addition to two German! tankers believed to have been, sunk off LeHavre yesterday. From all these" operations only two British planes failed to return. J 1 London Bomb-Free London was bomb-free for the eleventh successive night but German bombers caused considerable rlowtnrvrt' Iv. eflViC' oft fl Tlftrfhl!! cf. town. The Nazis got no further j than the East Coast, Looming Up IS NEAR Investigation Into Fatality at Surf Successful Conclusion of British Inlet Mine Last Week j African Campaign at Hand Verdict of accidental death with CAIRO, April 1,The successful no blame, attached, to. any pirsoa end of the British campaign against ' SHIPS ARE SCUTTLED Germans Dispose of Two Vessels in Cbllao Peruvian Government Acts CALLAO, Peru, April 1: CPl Hfl't9pV.H ter Peruvian cruiser thwarted r.n n nn nt tha r i & became derailed and thp whole their attempt to leave the harbor. IDbAY'S STOCKS iqurwv 6 D J;hnjuL cj , , . f Vancouver' --Big Missouri, MV2. Bralorne,, I0.50A. Cariboo Quartz, 2.55. Dentonio, .00 ii. Falrview, .01. Gold Belt, .25. Hcdley Mascot, J55. Mlnto, .01 i. " Noble Five, .00 '2 A.. ; Pacific Nickle .04. : . " : Pend Oreille, 1.45! - , Pioneer, 2.10. . ' Premier, .85, Privateer, .45.- " Reeves MacDonald, .10. Reno, .i0. Relief Arlington, .02V?A. Sheep Creek, .78. Oils a. p. con., my2. Calmont, .18. - C, & E., 1.18. Uome, 1.90. . Pacalta, .03 Vi- Roj al Canadian, .09. Okalta, .53B. RSdcury, .04. Prairie Royalties, fsv. Toronto Alcliimac, .il. Beattle, 11.17. Central Pat., 1.68. Con. Smelters, 34.75. . East Malartlc, 2.65. Fernland, .023A. Francoeur, J9. Gcds Lake, .27. hnrdrock, .7:. Int. Nickel. 34.23. herr Addison 3.80 Little Long Lao, 1.80. 'vLeod'Coc!:vlutt, 1.85. Madsen Red Lak?, .61. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .46V2. Noranda, 54.00. Pickle Crow, 2.60. Preston East Dome, 3.15. San Antonio, 2.50. Sherrltt Gordon, .70. Uchi, .17. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher,- .043i'. Oklend, .04'4. Smelters Gold, .0.1. Domlnlqn Bridge, 25.25. NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, April 1. New York coriDer was .01c lower in early trad- " lng today with May at 11.84c per Last Tliursday Mrs. G. R. Black- pound. . aby entertained ladles of FlrU; Geo, Sinclair. Pouring was Mrs. J. 1 - Armstrong with Mrs. E. E. Brandt, I NEW YORK, April 1. The British Mr3. G. Berg and Mrs. T. Chrlstoft pound sterling was unchanged at serving. Guests were received by $4.03 on the New YorK foreign cx Mrs. Blackaby, j j, , change market today, m ,j YugoSlav Considers Joining Neutral Block With Russia-Turkey was returned yesterday afternoon Italy in East Africa may now be a by the coroner's Jury here which in- matter of only a few days following Premier Simovic Endeavouring to Keen Friendlv With -L 4 1-St 1 1 II . . " Everybody Berlin Says German Patience Has Reached Breaking Point BELGRADE, April 1: (CP) Government circles said today that the YugoSlav government was seriously i considering joining Soviet Russia and Turkey in a neu-i trality declaration. Such a declaration is said to have been , proposed by the Soviet but ignored by Regent Prince Paul who was ousted last week for his activities in endeavour- Iny to tie the nation up with the Axis. Russia and Turkey Issued joint neutrality statements on March 25. It was stated In high official circles today that Premier Dusan Simovic was endeavouring to main tain peace with his neighbors, par- on to a trestle aboui 21 feet above The German merchantmen Leipzig ,,.,, nrm9nv At the same the main track below leading from and'Monserrate were fired by their Ume h(j was stm movlng to heai bunkers to mill. On! back crew ana the sea cocks opened af- ... running the rift between between Croats Croats and and Serbs. 55, Output Far Ahead Of Last Year An official communique by the Yugoslav government expressed re- A UgVMift V O v V Vf wmw,v indication officially of the Yugo TREMENDOUS ADVANCE IN LOG SCALE Owing To Oncrease Of Spruce Production On Queen Charlotte Islands Timber production in Prince Slav answer to Germany's demand Rupert forestry, district this year that she ratify the signing up with continues to record a tremendous the Reich. The German minister increase over the output in the to. Belgrade left-last night tor Ber- (Corresponding period of last year. t'lln with, it was believed, the answer tie -scale for the first three to Chancellor Adolt HiUer In his months of jthe .present .calendar, ' 'possession." ;year aggregates 22,596,140 board Meanwhile In Berlin a high of- fet which is more than six times ficial spokesman said that the lim- that for fh corresponding period it of German patience with Yugo- of 1940 which was but 3,863.591 Slavla had been reached and there board feet. The scale for March would have to be a showdown be- Ws year was 8,017,677 board feet fore tonight. This spokesman sug- or more than tf'n limes that of gested that Germany may wash her March 1940. The1' Vastly lncreas;d hands of the whole crisis diploma- cutout of airplane spruce on the tlcally and let matters "take some Queen Charlotte Islands is largely ; other course." This, it was sup- res-cnslbl? for the Increase, posed, hinted at military action re- The scale per species this March placing diplomatic. Berlin claim- was as follows: ed that the camDalen of terrorism Fir 853,176 board feet. In Yugoslavia against Germans, ln- eluding murders and numerous as- MATSU0KA ' IN ROME .he a. u' nmP i man IP 1 10 ACt'U'U ""'"v - by war. to Visit States Most Snow This Y$ar In Bulkley If flood conditions develop anywhere on' this line of the Canadian National Railways (this spring it will most likely be in the area to the east of Smlthers where there hase been more snow than anywhere along the line, according to rallwaymen. No particular trouble t antteiDated atom: the lower Spruce 6,054,479 board feet Cedar 297.669 board feet Balsam 21,409 board feet Hemlock .... 588,276 board feet Jackpine .... 202,668 board feet Total 8,017,673 'board feet Forest Products Scaling of forest products piles and piling In the Interior was H-rht this montJi at. SO KM UnAal Italian Capital Rises Out of Gloom feet-35,860 cedar and 3,733 hem- dock as compared with 253,540 I board feet in the same month last year. The count of poles and piling ROME, April 1. Foreign Minister for thl5 year to date ls 5335 Yozuke Matsuoka of Japan arrived ,llneal feet compared, with 660,663 in Rome tonight from Berlin. He imeai feet corresponding was given an enthusiastic welcome perlod of year in' Rome despite the gloom that; f. this March prevails in the tlallan capital at the recent reverses in Africa and at pa and the imminence of the whole nation being absorbed by Reich control. Matsuoka was officially greeted by Foreign Minister Count Ciano representing Premier Mussolini who is keeping much in the background these days. Matsuosa expressed regret that he would not have time to visit the United States. was 180 cords 2053 pieces. 1 and hemlock ties War Service Subscriptions Speaking of the International m- uation generally, Matsuoka express- H. E. JUlon ....$10.00 nntlnns LoulS Arroll O.UU i w.ii ikoi ,i-!irrliit - CU Ul OC11C1 nu to consider w. Brass .... should get together rpstorine Deace. P. Bryklw Japan stood for international peace, Bulkley Market - 10.00 t.M nnrt holiPVPd that more "wuoim. . i could be gained by negotiation than 'Central News Agency 6.00 6.00 ( 10.00 10.00 D. R. S. 10-W Dybhavn & Hanson 50.00 D. Eelio - 10.00 Geo. Franklin 6.00 Geo. Fritz - 6.00 Home Oil Distributors Ltd.... 20.00 W. R. Love 7.50 Mrs. J. Preece - 6.00 Shenton's Sheet Metal Works 12.00 Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Tinker 50.00 Van's Bakery 25.00 Trevor Williams 10.00 F. E. Walton 10.00 CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, April l.- Chicago Skeena where he snowfall has not .wheat was Vc lower in early trad-been excessive. ing today with 3;.jLi,r'&C