——— Vi gays | to myself, RY, LEGISL ” b i a new Ie the paper to buy Ws LOTT type » o | ij Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist F yo, 10 NO.14 IL, “NO. 124 Sis PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, May 27, 1912. Price Five Cane ayae "¢ Lbrar r nn _ —— — ° i 1 AMATEUR VAUDEVILLE BAD STRIKE IN LONDON ’ STRIKE FEVE PREADS | FATAL IN HE HE NEW GOLD Saturday — Westholme| Hundred Thousand Men Cease od api ae : | an RAILWAY BO, BOARD Continent in “‘Throes of Labor| Another Summer Victim Claimed Drew Good House. Work in City. Gouin Will Resign Seat in Port- Trouble—Fierce Fighting. | by Burrard. + CANADIAN ge) cee tr — | TO COME WEST | The Saturday ‘for —_—— hiny - badly. @, " ; a night perform- Special t to Daily News. Special to Daily News. Vancouver, ao ance of the amateur vaudevillists Rovidon.(-abae 9 a{ihauah Montreal, May 25,—-It was an- Budapest, May 27. Fierce| Batter was drowned in Burrard es ai 4 geautiful Mintage of Five and cry ane good entertainment! ih. strike of the transport work- pi ale ie 5 ap grin rar lighting has broken oul again in| Inlet today when bis cance upset.|Commissioners Will Investigate ua Ten Dollar Yellow Boys Re- bs * dhe Wad, through the ers has not become general, z Dap ; : This will ] “i the streets of this city today be- A boat was pul off from the Freight Rates, but Western Ra ceived by Banks in Western eee pees CUMeATEInOe of Empire) quietness resembling that of Sun- vee oe yore fy , . ave S'S) tween the strikers and the police,| Princess Alice, but the youn.) Sitting Will Not Be Necessary &4 ‘ cities—Some for Rupert. ay, were unable to be present] 4... prevailed on the atreets of| so. OP* ‘i he kent: es who are aided by a large force of| an sank before the rowers could) for First Part of Investigation. FY on Friday, As, it is imagined,|; \.gon this morning owing tolre ee” Minster OF agriculture.) tpoops. A big.mob of men dis-| Preach him. His body was not re- —_—— j i. rhe first gold coins ever mint- will ge cg ee Lo er its aheedte-cof the: nada! lous sts ae ey obeyed their leaders’ orders to} c:vered, (Canadian Press Despatch. ) a aj by the Dominion are out and Satiteviite ae si oe pre ee lines of trucks and dravs. The u. ee and a RAs henge cb at return to work and began again aE ee at ee ; ere May a ee { a ved 4a tke Wan whit lie ‘shows varie y is the! der to Jav down their tools|S#iled for the south this morning.|/(he wrecking tactics indulged in New Pleasure Boat. Chairman Scott of the ailway 2% 8 have arriy uA ys aim endeavored to be attained.} 9. coq upward of 100,000 men in ae asians yesterday. Mr. A. T. Broderick will soon}Commission today said that the i i having been sds ved DY! The audience can always be as- Central London alone tg stop| Lime Juice at 3c, 50c and 70c be the proud owner of a tine new board would go west in connec- oe he Canadian Bank of Commerce. oe bo a eras are on work: lthe hottie, Seb Stalkor @ Wells. Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. launch on ae on eg 7 ote ner on the investigation of 4” A. shay denominations of five} Plenty of chance to compare ant | | Vancouver. is 2 eet long|freight rates, , 4 an lars each, are yellow|*! ticise. The show this week, it EEE ——— |} w'th 6 foot beam. Equipped with Western sittings would not be 3 i @ ynd ten dollars each, __|is announced, will introduce an a Ferro engine it is capable of} necessary, however, for the pres- 1 ' things of beauty and @ Joy 48) Vjiirely new class of work from 9 making a speed of 15 miles an/ent and the next move would be ; yas they last. The only bad|anything so far attempted, and hour. on the part of the railways who Ay ; feature about them is they are so}will doubtless be supported by e e —_————“-— had been asked to justify the ex- 4 3 the usual bumper house. For row boats and launches} isting rates in the west. He re- be hard to become possessed of, iy the obverse side of the coin See arty Se yor es telephone 320 green. Davis boat| marked that the board does not if | edallion of the head Take home a quart of ice cream house. observe the legal holidays, but mt? 1 said lips te V. bearing this| When you go. See Keeley. rn will work practically all the sum- ig we ae ot me ices © Dei gra eas et at A. L. McHugh, contractor on|mer months, d : t Ind I On the reverse TITANIC DISASTER the railway work and associated x et the ee 1t of arms of the - eu” ; with Angus Stewart in the Silver Rifle Comoetition. if weep. ee Series of Remarkable Slides Standard mine at Hazelton, is in ey : nt surro det f aple ’ A . "eCe . / irrounded by @ maple ving Now at the Majestic. |Official Notification Recaived: pee Lion: England, of the Ap=|ine civ. competition petwall ale taeaee De border At the top is the Canada” and.at the bottom) 1, iin4 with its general pro pointment of Vice-President and General-Manager E. J. Lot 8, block $)'seetion 5; price| ile Association and Mart Gesy's 1912 el ollars.’ The five a Own Rifles teams he scores M12, Ten Vole ore, ay $1,500; 8700, bal. 6 and 42, Box oe ees a i plsei le 4 RERUNS OCLC hae achavabs wiiti cin Chamberlin to the Position of President of the Grand 20, News Office. o,.’ | Considered: Baliry ys eer ae 2 fie iid, ra g coin in miniature. Thejatre Co. has secured with great account of the gusty winds. The i ? sign is most chaste and the/expense for the Prince Rupert Trunk Pacific and Grand See Railway Systems Sold in pai by quart or pint, oo fa seam in See for the «a ige excellent. public the Titanic slides, which delicious, refreshing hob. weather civilians. e individual scores Neila Special to Daily News. goal of a completed G. T. P.jstruction Company, associated rim Ki ». | follow: Bt for the past month have been i i necessity, ice cream at Keeley’s. % “THE COLLEGE GIRL” dis chy thousands-in:alt i Montreal, May 27 Chairman| transcontinental in 1914, with Farque é Bros., he aa on mk B. itew Earl Grey’s Team. \ sciidkesintalate itnessed Dy thousands In al 1€ x Sanit oft i Irane , his career of suqecessful railway . “die (c i : ae ate Pe the Ablnustn “¢ Alfred W. Smither, of the Grand Mir. Chamberiin’s Career, | & ; of * fe ae y T McMordie (captain) ....... 86 j q To Be Presented by the May) ‘@#re&e ities from: bil anlie Ol Ppunk Pacific, in announcing the SE PEMON CG UN he" 4 OMS! 1€ LOCAL MARINE NO ES PEN) qurermrareity Crore pu yt: 92 * Bi Roberts Ounnre Tonight. | the Pacific, These slides trace} appointment of E. J, Chamberlin Mr. Chamberlin’s career has|G. T. P. as vice president and Brown: 2... 02 6s Coles Beers 89 ¢ 4 -——— the history of the vessel from]as president today added the fol-| been a emere one ae i ae eae ra ed Prince Rupert Sailings. one SSS 2 Siw ee eta ee a 2 zat ea ; 0, : ‘ : Ein tha ‘ owing: lig ‘ rht,| start. e is fat ar W e} 0 » ©, . ays. 8 as ‘ ; : OU 6 SAN SEE oe eee ea If those few unfortunates wh | Oh time she was launched at| lowin William = W aes en Ted fo ab ea coh tard as Ghai Ais CalAbso pani id: Phe following sailed on the] \ rd 718 ia ea having been able to secure Belfast up oa ee of fae i. ae ihe Pre, oH ¥ as z 1 a fatten t - ; Fal pa is ies tit Prince Rupert this morning: Cap-]~° MONT ota tee e See 1% ; i} ca The: ‘ survivors in New ork from the », has been elected first vice; ane as ave PUR SOME a resident’s Personality. ‘ TA . ie “sey : seals al the Empress Theatre t oe steamer Carpathia president; M. M. Reynolds, third} quaintance with pretty nearly Wik ti dui anal th She wiv. on eid sore) ane Pee ee Mota): RL On ' : chi, hear unaeeustomed yell. | f ice ‘esident has been elected| every departnrent of it. | yo ma = QDOTIN, ES. es PANE ee. os Civili ; ait) | The first slide shows the size}, Vice Presiden : ‘ i igri ja man of few words but much] Rooney, CG. Macey, Mr. and Mrs. vilian Team. OF ne range near Dolan land luxury of the imimensé ean| dire Vor and second vice presi-| i Sey ie i ith a ae tthe cE action. His presence beside the] G, Y. Spring, W. R. Little, Dr.|]Cameron (captain) ...... , 88 { : i wating from the theatre and} liner, Pictures of Captain Smith} ent. indahnd atta ae halaie witish: caer ine I re jlate Mr, GC. M. Hays has been! and Mrs, Tremayne, R. E. Barton,| Partington .........+.+++- 91 AG ie ed through the chinks and/and “the ship's crew will be Chis decision was it read a4 he esi if tthe GT. B. He aay! ioticeably a quiet one, yet full! Mr. and Mrs. R. Allison, Mr.| Morrison ...........see++. 92 3 , oa | » 1 “Actors 1e g s or Inning o e ° . . 2 5 . ’ ~ A ces of the closed shutters|shown, also the most recent the directors meeting thi a inte i Rn aeAt fe haMOankAA if strength. Less approachable] Strasberg, J. B. Lambert, CU. C;/Stuart ......-..6.--eeeeee 84 4 4 ok: | vr . ers as aske ge anage 0 Loe at adi r ' > i ind in a roll of sound like the| photos of her distinguished pas-|!"&- Mr. Smithet wa . kee ; : inet a or GRA Aeares, Bip aecteeen, lth: in the lat president, Mr. Cham-|and J. D. Westenhaver, Mr. and| McGowan ............++-. 86 4 Ba ar ) ou » take short ’ | hic 3 it Was ake ; * . . \ g of many waters, let them] sengers. Various slides show-|@¢Uion would by a tana "4 ‘| by u »G. T. P. in 1906 and whe n\ Pe rlin is quietly dignified and|Mrs. Johneox, Miss C, Miller, J,j Greer ....-+.seseeeeeeeee hs afrighted, for it will only|ing the immensity of icebergs|@Ppoint a general manage Raa aca ee te eka 5 the . {possesses the quality of com-|H, Pillsbury. oa ; the G. T. P., the newly eleeted| Mr. Morse retired from the G,} , 1 non , Roberts Company produc-| will be tlashed upon the canvas,}'! ’ f tha tddai til: Bo Mas; Cbsnibaniiesuscaaa vd inanding power to a marked de- aera Lote) = 35.454563 che res - 525 ‘ Bef £ a college play res Ws comparing the ill fated president atinw “nen ae nat i \ n i i I f th | Bree. Ho Ja likely to be @n, tm The passenger list on the § En » ie s ) ) ice yresident f bin s peneri manager oO e| ; aoe . fe . ; y * I's going to be the best thing} ship with many of the huge} POsislon. OFF: vane a na 1 ( Deh Dey C hamberlin -ha yee nsely active president, brook-] Princess Royal, which sailed on Best meal in town at Savoy. uae 5 } ; neral ‘ ger » replies é Ee . ; “' i e as : ; Sa : : ° i the Jaugh line, so buy] buildings and landmarks in New| &* al manager. He 1 * seh Si aici lation from energy|’ no unnecessary delays—a] Sunday night for the south, in- ——_——$—S $$ $< — i ; I ithe mm rr wo we uke up} e ed a eputatio ( e , : ; t ea cheerfully and with-j York. Be wn WW Nee | i} n a i e | Heth nai o-wihhinn (2080 whom it is next door to im-] cluded. M. B., Gaubeau, D. D. Stalker & Wells cater to your fa ite! r, St ers will leave ie POPCE MICICHC) gi ‘ . -essi j j ; ea vers of laugh Many snapshots taken by the], . : an * ath: .paturning Le for the road’s pro-| possible to gain a_ cones 88100, Updegraph, A. L. Hanson, J.| wishes and want to see you. 4 i passengers on the Carpathia| peneeat on «Que: re cre rhe a Aan did en CUES rom in the way of relaxation of) Smith, A, Affleck, Mrs. Reid, H.}Grocers to the people. tf . We | phere of the college! showing thi life boats bein g | in Lhe beginning | Pes le; ec! men , ¢ } time limits, ete. Contractors and} Price, W. Godson, Mrs. Kennedy, a ee eee Se Res di ial iso stated Lhi att ini ‘actor . wr > “ 4 ' ‘ king. Quite with-|lowered to go to the aid of the oo airy ae “th ; ai ‘ with ‘he Training Ground. |s ontractors will deliver the] Mr, De Pate, J. Johnson, R. J. H. Pillsbury sailed on the ie usSSINng ‘ ni e \ } r to AS > ‘he r o ’ ’ > »k f y Ar 7 ue imauahad ini Titanic eurvivovaend. ihe densé ‘ 16 | oe ee eral Associated’ originally: with the eccds op time-to Pre ident Cham- Knight, C, C, Bentick, A. W. Ar-]} prince Rupert. if conversation on the! crowds which thronged the White bi a 1d in annou 7 r that the | ‘ entra Vert hh Railway, whieh | #°rlin, nold, F. Baker, R. L, Mormon. ——_—_—_——_—eeeeeeeeeee if . ‘ ¢ just e nnoUre - : r » “¢ | . ner : he George that with) Star offices on Broadway will bey yi id be laid from Moneton| singe became part of the Grand] Confidence in Rupert. Phe Ghelohsin has resumed her| : snemee This week at Sloan ft exceptions nearly every mem-| thrown on the screen, A diagram | Prince Rupert by autumn, | Pronk, Mr. Chamberlin was also 3 a Mt ae ine vahe an & Company, Ltd., knitted silk ties iz bs the company is a graduate} showing how the accident hap-|) 014 an executive on the staf of the} It has long been known to none an o as ap ule ~~ wi ae and washable chamoisuede ee g mn some part of| pened furnished by description of ; Rutland, Ogdensburg « Lake | those who have come in contact PrNe : oH “ene a ‘ a pte tempt gloves, 50c. See our window. By ; orld, ithe lookout in the crows nest at Wine May 265 OMmeial | ! hamplain Railway, He Ravishen with Mr, Chamberlin that he is} *'"° : " ee ae ee a, 2 e ek i) an fait to see the eollegwe!|the time the big liner struck the innipeg, i wd. : the general manager on this line}, anguine regarding the future of now equipped:yyen wirsiess, ’ ght; to miss it will be tol iceberg is another feature of the ouncement has now been} and later became general super-| " " : 7 ‘i te i ae 3 iF f the swim. | remarkable spectacles that Mr. BE. J. Chamberlin,|intendent himself of the Ogdens- | Prince Rupert, He believes in ie The City of Seattle will call FREE! FREE! FREE! 7 | Be nent s this unique series of vic ice president and general man-| burg and Lake Champlain line, | landward and the seaward pueetay nen ey se TOT OTETN 2 pre- sae ics “ogner Por s}the Spokane, southbound, the j j IDOL FELL FOR IT photograph there will be Bir | of the G. T. P. under the} Canada Atlantic. urce if prosperity for. this ced ont A big beautiful 88 ey nwo ‘Kine ma comedies and an ed pee C. M. Hay ind after the Mr. Chamberlin was the builder \« ity, and from the railway point} Fs electric player piano, wort , late ays, ane arte amber as coojespenerajenip : Lovesick Lady Threw Herself at) ditional attraction in the Vietor . Jatter acting presi-| of the Canada Atlantie Line, now}of view is itnensely impressed The Princess May, e “oute pipes rect a a oe Feet of His Horse lsongster, Mr. James Hammock,] death of the latter ac | - { i hidy : ‘ cess ay, en route pool players in the Base- : laccompanied by the gifted pian-]dent of the road, has been duly) embodied in the Grand Trunk.) with the importance of Prince| from Skagway to Vancouver,|3 ment pool room, Empress ;accompante © 68 ‘ i st vid I aa pe pis, a ay é ee \ ; . ¥ , Copenhage ‘ 97 ist, Mrs. Carpente! As a whole,| appointed president of the Grand le re ined ge ral manager of idiupert a the terminal point of called at this port at 4 p. m. yes- Theatre building. . STAC, Pe ee ee th will be the most notable bill} Trunk Paeitie Railway and the| it until the road was sold to the\the G. T. P. With the goal in] terday. ’ = eae etre ths f ' fYered at the Majestic} Grand Trunk Railway Lines, Moi ae TeR, Associating himself} front of him to have the G, T. P. ius far offered » Majes mei ibe. ae — eno ——— —_——_———_ LE “Nalry officer, with whom she ™s secretly in love, Elsa Haser, ‘ Yealthy and beautiful girl, at- “pled suicide by throwing her- = Scene of his horse. She| the policy of the previous regime) so important still on the G. T. P, , Pr hid etry) > apa willl , will be pursued closely with the} As president of the Pacifie Con- ‘cover, for the idol, learning the} There will be a meeting of the | ““use Of her act, hastened to the | Womer n’s Auxiliary of bhs General rag, Wh ah off oF mare) HowrHe eoe at 32, | TO TURN THE RICH TRADE oe ——____— Pn ngs, a Pa OF THE NORTH TO RUPERT | Theat and the management is|@hamberlin has accepted the po-| then with construction work, Mr, | {eee igh by 1944, and his repu- ¥ Mg ; - ; } } rl de ‘nse allie for work ¢ , ass for ito be congratulated for its enter- sition and taken up the duties. Chamberlin added immensely toy tat n for work and fonda Be. tor I npign There will be, however, no} His first ficial statement for; his already sound experience in} only the workers in his army, prise. : publication is to the effect that! this department of railway work | President Chamberlin is bound vel there and to get there on advance in prices. THE WEATHER. le Wells. tf Empress Theatre i For ww wi nly tine hours ending Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| An Interesting Letter tc the Editor by Ald. W. Barratt Clayton, Embodying Con- 1a. m., May 27th: Barometer,|Phone 4. structive Ideas for the Upbuilding of the Best Possible Trade Relations 7850; maximum temperature, | en aia Between Prince Rupert and the Rich Regions Northwards a O er S - Minima e ert x ah. P ou i { shoice stea ' eolpitation” i, one mt sf ‘1 al he oo. Cafe. tf |To the Kditor of the Daily News:; Yukon, along with these senti-, proximately five days, so we are Pern eee ORI A : Apropos of the address of pr.| ments is the idea for the thought} five days nearer to the north , Alfred Thompson, delivered be-| ful business man of Prince Rup-|than our nearest competitors. AND HER COMPANY Sree ne, one. eatin the Danadtan (aiih of Prince |ert, of the incomparable advan-| Added to this signal geographi- Wednesday I think| tages that would acerue to this} cal advantage is our. ability to PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO §|furew' on Wednesday, 1 think] aioe in) ve urini of this place. the praduets of the. Pack Prealabtakdede aaah 1 sentiments shared by all who} trade It a trade that a city fic coast on the eastern markets oO s y a times the size of Prince}in less time than our competi- f tb Post oMee of , { office 1s | Il I that tl ys—| Hany ; ‘officials all ¢ inch taller now the pos heard it when I say tha 18 pOs-| ’ ( uptown, 4 Rests sibilities of the great North coun | Rupert might well exhaust every|tors, by reason of our easy grade 66 be 99 , ( ’ ’ , * the . | i means to secure and{jand direet route with the com- e oO e e ‘tizens all wearing the smile that won't come off fol th try were brought home to his} legitimate mi ay the Gan I { f-) “me reason, No more mud-struggling for mail, auditors in a manner that few | fost i pli ce rine ! Mayor taking precautions to prevent repetition of canine had ever before realized, As was pointed out by the}sueh an important factor, and is “Pplause at tonight's council meeting. However entertaining and in-| speaker, the trade is ours if we becoming so much the essence because of our|O!f trade today, that.we have an Joe Merr , bi ee oat a 8 ro r a mega- structive the address was from|/go after it, Just , erryfield§ seen surreptitiously smuggling structiv { incalculable asset in ovr. very Performance starts at 8.30 sharp. ake Phone into the city hall the view point of the man lis-|geographical situation we are : : Merely Mabe} says B, W. should have a medal for the way tening only to learn of the inter-}500 or 600 miles nearer to the position when considered in re- ' he proudly refused that Khatahda deer lest it might be a esting phenomena, the untold}/Yukon than the cities of the/lation to the northern trade, Reserved Seats Now on Sale in Theatre Office \{ 4 bribe form the Hydro Bleetric Go. for the city franchise. wealth, or the number and weal-|south, and the round trip to the $$ : Hy erecccees ‘ th of the navigable rivers of the} south from this port takes ap- { Continued on Page 2.)