'CAMPACS' The finest crepe sole summer shoes s x V, on the market in littlegents, hoys and mens. Priced from i $1.50 T0 $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH" COLUMBIA Published 'Every Afternoon,. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue "H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per year. $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 60c; One Week. 12c Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion . .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion 2 Advertising and Circulation Telephone . 98 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Oaimdlan Press Is exclusively entitled to use Tor republication of aU news dopetcbea credited to It or to the Associated Press in this paper arm also the local sews published therein. All rights -at Ttoubllcaitlon of aoeclal desoatohes therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION Saturday, April 26, 1941. EDITORIAL Bigger And Bigger - - As the importance of Prince Rupert is being realized more jandjmore and its ability to build ships is being recognized, thepbigger and bigger gets the news of what is to be done here. Yesterday's announcement came as a fitting climax tdithe stories previously published in this paper, and in this .paper exclusively, of the plans for future use of the shipvard, The building of ten ships will take some time but the activity in the meantime is bound to make Prince Rupert a busy city and populous. We must all be prepared to meet the situation. Houses Greatest Need The greatest need in Prince Rupert today is houses. It has been suggested that every person in Prince Rupert who can lafford to do so should build at least one house. That would jbelp to relieve the situation. The shipbuilding program will keep the port busy for several years. During that time houses will be badly needed. After that the choice of the people who wish to rent will , be , for the newer houses so that they will be sure to be needed; . ,Jf the many improvements suggested for this port are 'carried out, houses and' more houses will be needed for years to come. Final Word To Residents If there is- unsightly rubbish anywhere in or near your garden or home, try to co-operate with the Junior Chamber of Commerce by having it removed. 'This weekend is the last chance to show that the efforts of theyoung men areannreciated. Alrearlv mnph hna lioon A ' 7 i. i 7 DMtJ UUliVs t f iitl I is asked Is that every home, garden, back lane or vacant lot be made as decent as possible. Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS I We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all -of the natyiral oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE ,651 PHONE 52 Baseball Scores National League New York 7, Philadelphia Boston 0, Brooklyn 5. Chicago 8. Pittsburg 7. Cincinnati 4, St. Louis 8. American Leagne Washington 0, New York 6. Philadelphia 1, Boston 3. Cleveland 5, Chicago 3. St. Louis 11. Detroit 12. QiSSflTJ FOR SALltt FOR "SALE Modern Income prop erty. Chi e in. Green 698. (103) FOR -SALE) 6 cubic foot Leonard Ta t nva rofftttoiritnr Wnur rrn rl i lamps, .-..o, v-wauw, curtains, ten - " volume harbor view. 5th Avenue West,1 not a $3500.00 cash: $4000.00 terms. ibaby." 18-foot Peterborough canoe, flrct class condition. COLLART & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 11 tf Winnipeg. Agents. FOR FOR RENT 5-rooms and bath, newly decorated, hot water heated, fine harbor view, 5th Avenue West, $45.00. COLLART & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 11 tf WANTED WANTED -Walter and porter, Cen-tral Hotel. 1 WANTED Children boarders. Box 94, Dally News. ' '' (100) WANTED Housekeeper. Apply 610 Sixth Ave. West. Suite 4. (tf) WANTED Hotel work or as waitress. Phone 552. (tf) WANTED Truck driver. Phone 13. (98) FOUND FOUND Man's olue hat, size 7V4, Bryant & Co., 3rd and McBride, Wednesday. Dally News. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A ' GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk,1 Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno.,! etc. Five Dominion-wide exams ; held since the war began. Free ' Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd..! Oldest In Canada. No YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER, garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man, AGENTS WANTED MEN who can sell high quality Men's Tailored Made-to-Measure Suits. Special low Wholesale prices given. Give experience and reference in application. .Samples sent on approval. Apply Tailoring Department, Calgary Knitting Company, Limited, Calgary, Alberta; HOARD AND KOOM REASONABLE Board. Apply Box 90 Daily News. (103) Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 SPORT CHAT Winnipeg Falcons sifted through to a 12-0 win over the Swedish hockey team to capture the Olympic championship at Antwerp 17 years ago tonight. In preliminary games, Canada's sUndard-bearen: walloped Czechoslovakia 15-0 and shut out United (States 2-0. i Baseball Standings National League New York .8 St. Louis 0 Brooklyn 8 Chicago 4 Cincinnati . 5 Boston 4 Pittsburg .3 Philadelphia :.i:.',. 2 American League FOR SALE! 12 by 16 tent, good New York 8 condition. A. Isaacson, Seal Cove. Boston C (98) Cleveland u C Detroit 4 Chicago uaPn 4 tlon. Phorve Blue 902. (100) .. St. Louis 3 FOR SALE Old model Singer Washington 3 sewlng machine. Excellent work ing order. What offers? Apply Reg. Tailor, R. M. R.'s. (It) Mother's Plea FOR SALE Two scales, cash reg- WUon Rika HlPfl ister. 50 vard. inlaid linoleum. " HCI1 JJULfC LICU tvD osi f m. I where the woman .800 .607 .07 .500 .500 304 .007 .000 .000 navy anchor, household furnl- j ture at snap prices. B. C. Furni- LONDON, April 20 (CP) Mrs. ture, Third Ave. Phone Black 324. Daisy Vass, whose 13-day-old bnby tl) died In a public air raid shelter and her cu" aruja iuu" l'""r, Ujr o,,V,f f V, u she had not taken her children to fit place for so young a Tkn tdtcrtiicment It not pufliihJ m dipUyttf by tlw L'quof Control 8oJ or ty tk Gonmnt of Btnnk Columbia NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Dos 19G VEGETABLES in Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. .MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Candies, Candies Gold Medal hand rolled candles, Just arrived. Tastes that will please. From 35c to 40c lb.. Chocolate Bars, all varieties, 6 for 25c. Call and get your week-end supply "at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 3rd Ave. West Phone Red. 120 P.O.Box 757 Slow Burninq CIGARETTE PAPERS HONE FIXER HADE WOMEN IN j WAR BUSY Ilritalu Needs Help In Cans and Canning Don't Stop Knitting "By -GLADYS ARNOLD Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA. April 26: CP When Canadian Homemakers in Saskatchewan looked about for ways of 33 helping the women in England in JU2 tneir Daiue on me nome irom, mc.v wrote to Lady Tweedsmuir In Eng land about it. "I wonder if the Women's Institutes In Canada would like to send rfm one or more canning machines to 500 the Women's Institutes in England," 40q she replied. They would be very useful and take up little shipping onn space.' The Canadian small fruit season Is just around the corner and fur- ther advice from England Is that for shipping reasons all canning for sending to Britain must be done in j uns." jam concentrates more iuou value and will last longer than any other form of preserved, fruit. Women of Tweeds An example of feminine Initiative slx In Britain Is the way In which the women oi me neDriaes nave taicen St",:u:hiln; o'thers ,ndus ing trier suite, ditto miri'iro mirrors, beds, none rtroccorc dressers, 1 4 r tH thn nV.nHnn e l-.ntu - try In- .the absence of their men folk. 1U1K" Those iJlu:e grim B"m Islands iManas oi of the uic u"mc.the countrv under the evirmtlnn M. McLachlan, 801 Summit Ave. tQ eaye hpr huSDand ly more men in the armed forces "We have an Anderson shelter than any other part of the Empire. -e majority being mobilized to FOR SALE jbut our back yard is overrun with NEW 4-room house with bath, con- rats and the house has practically . crete basement, brick lined, air';110 roof because of bombs." Mrs. In their absence the women have taken over the Islands' most fam- nifr..' ous industry and are carrying on mnrfpm fii told that a (nubile) shelter wn almost alone. There are 32,000 of .them engaged in the work and from ThA coronpr rprnrHM n .vorHi.- their earnings they subscribed $26,- of natural death and remarked: 70 hi one week to the Spitfire fund. At Present tills tweed is fashion-children "Here we have a mother with five' still in London-I don't i able ln United states and women think I need make any furlher of the Hebrides are seeing to it that comment " they get all they want. The wool that makes it comes from a nartJ-i cular strain of black-faced sheen,1 i i t . ii is nanaspun ana woven. Tne vegetable dyes-J16 .-no 'tff.itroy sthe i naturui-ou oi mevoof. . - . Avoid War Names j ' Advice to women about naming! ' ihelr babies comes from a London writer -who. though 'refusing to give his own name, says he was a war victim in that sense at the time cf his own birth. I "Do not saddle the baby with a l.war name," he pleads, saying he Is speaking on behalf of those .who cannot defend themselves. "There are thousands of babies, born and unborn, who are in imminent danger of being chistened Bardia. Libya, (Eritrea, Derna, Dunkerque, Wavell and other such names after battles 'and battleships. It Is even possible that some will be Buqbuq Jones or Solium Smith." Nothing dates a person like bejng given a war name. "I -met a young lady recently whose Christian name was Verdun," he said. "In spHe of 'myself my mind was soon occupied with a very ungallant piece of arithmetic." Giving a baby a war name 13 like printing a date on its forehead. PAINTING Decorative Kalsomining LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 40 -- j THE , SEAL QUALITY 1 . 1 1 ' V5ir!2 'TT0 III GOLD SEAL I Fancy Red Sockeye 1 1 I PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon II I Packed by the only salmon I I canning company with an all I I the jear round payroll ln;j Prince Rupert III Airparfv he savs. there are British noted horsewftm., . . babies named Siren, Slreena, Dim- said once that he neverT A kprnue and one boy has been called proud than th . ! nrmihM- because an nnexploded hdrseshow" in di.-j "v bomb lay In the backyard at the years of age. Duun' tiJr trme of his birth. until March 1940 m- , Knit and Knit . helped to feed cue pfc;: Though summer lies ahead It U XftTuu? ir-V' not the moment to stop fer i ttlng, trave m - 8 word monies from London. Now Uverul duys for ,Z i uie timr k yni""- unroiasU'd heavy knitted gooas ior nexi wmi horses herseli and .iet- er"s campaigns. Among the articles shp coukj listed as most important aTe: sea boot stockings, spiral sea boot stockings, socks, pullovers, steering gloves, Balaclava helmets, scarfs, mufflers, caps, gloves, bed socks. In Scotland 28 canteens and-soc-lal centres have been set up by Po-' llsh women under the leadershlp.of , Zofia Sikorska, daughter or tne Polish Prime Minister and Com mander of the Polish Army. Miss Sikorska. is tajl, dark, 24. roads cart P oniric A I 1 auuuu m flat s 25 Years Ago By Canadian Pre; April 20, 1910- -British too-;, years of age and like her helpers jcupled Liberty Hall ur.j stt wears the uniform of the Polish1 Green, Dublin Frer.m t!'"!. Red Cross. .shelled Avocourt ano Hi.i 304 l ! f-.lt i 111... MTa t.r. In . ' I in t'oianu, mis- aiKKfsnu im vcjuuu u jiicyar-.an it; jil many women of her country was a drive west oi the Meuse Ri.e Capture Springtime Re "On the Spof Outdoors Indoors with a MODERN KODAK Keep the happy intimate scenes of your home, the family with Snapshots. Include a Snapshot -with every lette c r;- . to the Boys ln Service, they'll certainly appreciate tt Kodak, BABY BROWNIF-Only .... Kodak BULLET CAMERA-Only .. Kodak -BPX BROWNIE 020 size Kodak VEST POCKET JIFFY Kodak REFLEX BROWNIE, $15 $?.C0 $1 J.") Kodak "VIGILANTS $11.00 and $12 -;5 Kodak DELUXE V1GILANTS Up ... $l"' Them's a Modern Kodak Jar everv Dlcture renulrem nt Made esneciallv to suit vour nurse, and nurnosiW' Let us show !': n :j you. Load up with KODAK VKIUCIIKO.Mi: ril,!M We hav. stockAlso Moyle Film In black and white or Kodachi -w. oMaSm.M When Yon Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates VALUE STYLE and EFFICIENCY Within ENTERPRISE RANGE We Have Various Models to Choose From. Liberal Trade Allowance for Your Old Stove ELicys Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVEM UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 'GARDEN A EVEIlY rilWM 1:30. p.m. 10:30 p.m. !)ue Vancouver Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a1"-Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) Iave 'rnc Rupert April 14 ami 2C if Convenient, Jlcase Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets iro" FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third XsVimt