Mi 1 4? 1.00 r 1? k i. iatts & INic "CLEAN-UP, PAINT UP" TIME i t . . f V. 1 4L.I. . . - tie wlu) ui juuhm iiuiiiucr in uicir cuuua wr EATERS Hand-Knitted of Wool Spun by-Hand Made by the Natives on Vancouver Island UNEQUALLED POU-- Comfort . . Warmth Wear . Practically Rain-Proof. All sizes, wide range of patterns. tidier town erson Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. PHONE 313 Eivin John on will been accountant for P. Burns Co. erty on the Prince here. Mrs. Johnson, the former Thursday night lor Mtfs arace Cheater, is a graduate i up ruuire residence, of the Prince Rupert General Hos tile son of Mr, and pltal. Their departure from Prince jn Seventh Av- Rupert will be regretted by many some years has friends, RCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Orsanlst Mrs. E. J. Smith Kev Alex Esler D.D. will Preach Asaiult ." (A study, Iri the Book of Acts.i 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class 12 15 Sunday School Period PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 223 Cth Avenue West (Next to the Armory) PASTOR W. J. FRIESEN !oeunV; .-rii. c..nniu TVi!i vv.r Prills" (Tn neace or in war) ' 30 p.m. "The Worth of the Soul" Get a Line on the True Values Prof it and Loss l.dwin E. Brandt, B.A., 11.11, Minister II. I.iiizey, Sunday School Superintendent SUNDAY llfll llIn..' naa llnlAn MntlM I MD ITPFllr:il I 1 1 . I I I llir JU "-- v iuuii 1 vi w I ttvki rt t aaoDtion Its limitations. To wnai exienicaii u ruiwuru in ine race 01 nans" - f Younir rieoule's meeting assisted by men irom 'wiu nil r UICV. I p m Special .prayer meeting for days like these. the Ken Dakln, who has been for the past few years Identified with the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada here, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver en- route to Courtenay, Vancouver Is land, to which point he has been transferred. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McLachlan and sons will sail Thursday night of next week for Vancouver where; they will take up future residence, Mr. McLachlan having been -transferred south In the service of the Brachman-Ker Milling Co. which Is closing out its branch at Prince Rupert. H0ED0WN SUCCESS Five Hundred Persons Gyro Club Affair In Moose Hall Last Night : Once again a Gyro hoedown has proven a successful and popular affair. Las night another was held in the Moose Hall and it drew out a crowd of close to 500 persons. 'tVio mnct. nf them were of the 'younger element and the party was a iollv and lively one, Dancing was in full swing irom 10 p.m. until 2 am. Music was by Mrs. Jean ae uanos uituwua,! and William Stone, president off the Gyro Club, was master or cere Sumrall, evangeiist. world-traveller, author and. lecturer v.J Refrohments were tO US from tniirlnff Ainsk.i for the last six months. We in UPar Mr CnmpAll am Ur fstllMirfnor HflVS! - " U IU1 ill 1 iji 1 LI irr 1U11U n t j w " ' at n a.m. and 7:30 ,djh. Monday, Apru, to ai o v.- n Ml . o 1 . 1 , . 11 1 n n. o t rv 1 rri 1 1 :i v . ui- o p.m. weunesaay, npiu n, u Mav 1st at 8 n.m. na.s some very Interesting pictures of his travels which he will show on Thursday, May 1st The Salvation Armv Adjutant and Mrs. Ivan Halsey Officers in Charge F&riull O t ..... . . - - w .1. 1.a.r -vs,, ocrvic-rs or Adjutani ana mrs. ian tiij Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 pjn. lrtre Welcome Special Music, 6inclnf and Massaces 7T . m mii m m 1 m mm mm r (w n t n Corner 8th and 9th Aves. East Mvrwnnir 11.1 ... tntm tV Ilinno III k. U. . asinr, itcs. iui i9i nit, m . - "VS. I. P,. ' , . . .. O c C.,n QllWn.W Anril 27th "ne serv c-ps In F.nrl sh. Text: John 10:11-10. ineme Sunlay School. All children and teachers please be present on time, Parents invited wing reopies Luuier xeafue ivm xrre an wcuv... nrnemm f 3 I. '-v , 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 ii. n.Ti.n.a . mi. KupviMa ann nirriniES ... i....vu ftu tw-w. - " The New t i - llllllg A, UIUVV 0I'ENING APRIL ff. IMONDAY, 6 A.3M. '.Ill' ma... . ... . - . .1 C I V 1 1 1 L q-i " "U UUIIUUri-UUID. fiWCiHWUTOilBUIS west Foods In the Mast oeiectaDie Axanuw Third Avenue next Fraser and l'ayne Store served irom stands and there were the usual carnival features. Tvmratlons featured rustic ad ornments such as bales of hay and harness, wagon wheels etu. mere also Gvro emblems. i Mpmbers of the club assisting In connection with the affair were W.' j Scott, J. H. Bulger, William rn,irkdiank. Frank Dibb, Frank skinner G. A. Hunter, G.L.:Crlpp; .W. M Watts, E. O. Southby, T. W. I . t n T n rrrc T. M A .P I Brown, ur. "b- Tf vnu want sometmng, adver tise for it. Hundreds of people get what they want tnat way. uw Wtrlf WATCH Hit m U wt pUm m.mti,J Ira. ii iM Mil Ih.VWI MTIUaiETOl'KT OK BK1T1MII IV ! THE i'ti I'MllfA IN 1'UOHATE I,i llir Mutter of the "AdraliilstrnMon ... .1.- Mutter nf the Estate of Joe uiM.uin. Deceased Intestnte mtv-v KrmcE iWiat ilw order of KIs lienor W, E. Flfiher, made oil ,tai lUi .... r.rll A. D. 1941. I M P notmtfd Administrator of ,the estate navhiz claims agaHnrt Hhe eaW estate nroitt rly vririt, to me -on or before STsSil day of May. A. V. 1941 aad .., iiulAtnted to -Uve estate are required to jy tilie amount of their i.wi.Mrinal tn HI fOrUl7.1Ul. DATED at ITUK-'e xvnjjrii-. 33rd day erf AprU. A. D. 1941. GORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prloc Rupert, B. O. ""530 DOT! ;PA0E TffiiEB LOCAL NEWS NOTES I Cash for Old Gold, Bulger's, if.. . Mrs. W. O. Pulton sailed last 'night on the Princess Adelaide for ja trip to Vancouver. J. "W. Gibson of the Post Office staff sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a vacation trip to fVanoouver. Bobby Appleyard, after a Mr. and Mrs. Alex Turnbull are sailing tonight on the Camosun for Torflgrrrs train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. Mrs. Robert McCoolc 'left on yesterday morning's train for Remo where she rwlU spend the summer. Bishop O. A. Rlx sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to .Vancouver on ecclesiastical bus brief ' iness. visit to the city, left by lastT.ven-i jngsuain on Ms return to htj home Herman Engelke returned to the ai wruiners. -city on the Princess Adelaide 7es- Herday afternoon 'Irom a brief, bus- Mr. ana Mrs. J. w. Forbes sailed 'mess trip -to Ocean Falls, iasi nigni on tne Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver, Mr.'Forbes being on .furlough from his military duties. Olof Hanson, MP. for Skeena, left Smlthers this morning for Ot tawa to attend the resumed session of Parliament following the Easter recess. Queen Charlotte City. Mr.Tumbull Leonard Hadland of Porcher Is- will visit the Islands In his capacity land, who has been -on a brief trip as Inspector of schools. to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Dan Sharp arrived In the city on Adelaide -yesterday 'afternoon the Princess Adelaide yesterday af- j ternoon from Calgary to spend the) Mrs. M. Rock. 'who has heen em- summer visiting herewith his uncle 'ployed as cook' at the Skidegate In and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foote. let General Hospital, arrived In the 1 city on the Camosun last night ' en Mrs. J. H. Horn, wife of Capt'rout to Vancouver. Mrs. Rock Is Horn, adjutant of the Rocky Moun-iaccompanied by her daughter, tain Rangers, sailed by the Princess Irene. A group of young friends of Adelaide last night on ner return, the latter put on a farewell dan to her home at Kelowna after weeks' visit in the city. for her in Miller's Hall the eve of her departure from Queen Char lotte City. School-Teacher "Antiques" Dolls Started It As Hobby And Now lias About 500 In Her Display STAUNTON, Va., April 8 : fAP) A lot of little girls will wish they were Miss Helen. SeMbpld. Walter Dolls are her business. What used to be her .hobby has become a full-time job for this retired school teacher. Ten years ago Miss Walter start led repairing, reflnlshlng and trad ing period dolls. The only period dolls known then were p-easured antiques or family heirlooms. Bo Miss Walter 'made reDroductlons .of the' dolls verr to- tire rrrnsllns. calico, homespun and silks -of their clothes. Displaying and selling the Attend .dolls and writing about them has proved a lucrative business. She doesn't Jcnow how many dolls she has, probably, several thous and. Her display at home totals 500. A "spot" costs yju only half s dollar. Try It In the Dally News classified column. (tf) Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 23c a word. Mayday Dance, Local No. 4 SteenVorker3' Dance May 9. Moose. Hall. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Home, May 15. Cambrai Chapter I. O. D. E. Spinsters' Spree Friday, May 16. R.C.C.S., R.C.A.M.C., R.CA.S.C R. C. E., Auxiliary Empire Tea. Leg Ion, May 17. W. A. Sale, May 21. Presbyterian Tea,. MacKay. May 22. Mrs. James "The Private Secretary" Capitol I Theatre, May 28. Central Hotel Central Ilotel Annex 150 mated Rooms not Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress - ,ww. For Prices, Terms, Specifications or Demonstration See Spring Dinners Should Be Gay Attractive Tables Will Make Every body Feel Happier NEW YORK, April 28: (CP) The spring dinner can be as gay and modish as your new spring bonnet. A table with prettiest china, glist ening crystal, spring flowers and Oddfellows' Hall, alluring food will shower "Happy Spring" on family and friends. The United Snrlne Sale May 1. Joyous season calls lor lood com- Anglican Evening Branch Tea, Mrs. Hueston, Leeds Apartments. May 3. ' St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Eastern Star Tea, Kergin's, May 8. Mrs. L. W. Dinations wim ine iresnnq-js ana ip2nd.' Auxiliary' baiice, May 2, color of daffodils and violets. Armory. ON.It. TRAINS For tbe East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days . 0 p Jn. From the East- Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday 11 p.m. "GOVERNMENT LIQCOR ACT' (Section 28) Notice of Application for a Beer License NOTICE Is hereoy given tnat on uie n.w .l. A II.. A n 1 QA I tViA 1 1 nlr WnwPAnt I v J i ' I "" Nurses .limed Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor . license in respect of oremlaes belnz part of a bulldlnz Known a tne tseunom nowi, kum it 727 Third Avenue, West, Prince Rup ert, upon the lands described as Lot Nob. S and 6, Block No. 32, Seotlon 1, Prince Rupert Townslte. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer toy the glass or by the battle lor consumption on tne premises or elspwwhere. . r-noillon Talon Cnrino 1 "Aiftu uin mj ajr m wmi. n uj. JOHN HOSKINS Appllo&nt. TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubberrare, Tires, Tubes, Etc., Vulcanized 6th St. opp. OK Barber Shop Smr&K . 1 LOOK WHAT FORD OFFERS Biynessf Cbmfof Economy ! Plus the POWER ANP SMOOTHNESS of a V'S Enqirte Look at the value that's packed into the 1941 Ford! It's the lowest priced car you can buy in Canada. It's the longest inside. It has the greatest total seating width. You get extra knee-room and front head-room. Wider doors! Larger windshield. Longer spring-base! Ford riding comfort this year is a revelation. On the new "slow-motion springs," with improved shock absorbers and new ride stabilizer, you simply glide over the bumps. There's a softness and smoothness new to cars at this price. Only Ford at its price offers you the power and smoothness of a V-8 engine. Eight cylinders for smoothness! Small cylindersfor economy! Extremely low gas and oil consumption as proved in one official contest after another! Long life and reliability. Ford this year is built with greater strength than ever. Frame is twice as rigid. The whole car has a heavier, "Big-car" feel. See a Ford dealer. $35 a month with reasonable down payment buys any Ford V-8 S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealers 4 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Bedding Week 5 SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES 1875 8 RUPERTIA MATTRESSES Spring filled. $2950 4 MAJESTIC MATTRESSES Spring filled. $2400 3 BEAUTY REST MATTRESSES $4250 10 SILVER-SLAT SPRINGS $1250 Each ur&. 6 SLUMBER KING SPRINGS $15,00 6 CABLE SPRINGS $10.50 Mattresses Made by Simmons and Restmor Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue ICE Just Completed I f New Ice Storage Method, Ensurjnff only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season ' Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia If you lose anything, advertise for it. I